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Snow Day
Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
11 posts | 2 read | 1 to read
An outsider sheriff struggles to find his place in an isolated, snow-covered town populated by a hard people who are set in their ways and don't take too kindly to strangers. It's a place where folks mind their own business -- however odd it may be -- and do as they please. That is, until the calm, quiet sheriff decides to do his job...
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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We‘re getting hammered in WI. 9 inches so far on top of our 5.5 from Tuesday. I actually tried to drive in to work this am (over an hour commute) and turned around halfway. I‘m glad I don‘t have to burn leave but man this is a reading and tea kind of day!

Rachel.Rencher Glad you made it back safe! We're seeing similar snow in Nebraska. I'm on my 3rd snow day of the week! 8mo
BethM We‘re on our 2nd @Rachel.Rencher (edited) 8mo
JenReadsAlot Omg I can't believe you left your house today! Lol. It's been a week! 8mo
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BethM @JenReadsAlot I was office coverage, you know how that goes in government! 8mo
JenReadsAlot Ugh terrible 8mo
JamieArc It‘s headed our way in Michigan! I start a new job on Monday with an hour commute so fingers crossed that it‘s done and roads are decent by then 🤞🏻. Have a cozy reading day/weekend! 8mo
TheSpineView Yikes!❄️❄️❄️ 8mo
Crazeedi Stay safe!! 8mo
Ladygodiva7 Same here too in southern WI, drove to work and had a power outage, went home 3 hrs later and went into ditch. Husband to the rescue! Fun fun lol 8mo
Gissy Sounds risky to drive😳but from that photo it looks so pretty and perfect to stay home reading with a cup a tea, coffee or hot chocolate with warm comfy socks ❄️ 📚 ☕️ 👌 8mo
AlaMich Here in Chicago it snowed overnight and in the morning, but now it‘s raining and it‘s just a big slushy gross mess. 8mo
Karisimo Mostly rain and just above freezing temps here in Indiana ☹️ 8mo
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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A half a snow day and a book 😊

Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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Ok up to a snow with no snow! But here it comes! Decided to do some #audiocooking

Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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My snow crew today!!! Didn‘t get the expected 3-6 inches but we still had fun in what we got! But I was sure glad to come inside, with a mocha latte, a warm blanket and enjoy the rest of the day warmed up with a book!! Snow days are great book days!!

#SassyBookworm😏 #MyView #SnowDay

Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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Definitely some book reading #weather today! I'm grateful that I can stay safe and warm inside!

#weather #gratitude30

RavenLovelyReads How pretty!!😍❄️❄️ 6y
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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Don‘t mind me but yesterday I had a snow day from work (woohoo) and my cat was super needy. It melted my ❤️ and then today she ruined it by puking all over the couch/blanket/curtains/lamp/floor. 🤮 (she‘s not sick, just has bad hairball issues).

JoScho That is the worst! It‘s like can you please puke on the hard floor? 7y
BookishBlonde12 Oh no!!! 7y
LitsyOwl So pretty tho 🐾😻 7y
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AmyG If my cat pukes...it‘s always on the carpet - couple of inches from the wood floor. 😳 7y
Reviewsbylola Omg I feel your pain. 7y
rubyslippersreads Been there, done that. 🙀 7y
vkois88 Hahaha sounds about right. Cats are the best, but man can they be a-holes!!! Mine used to do the same. Or, look at a drink on a coaster somewhere, saunter up, and hit it as hard as he hard to inflict maximum destruction to it and the surrounding area 7y
blondie Omg. I haven't dealt with that, yet. Not looking forward to this happening to me 😓 7y
vkois88 *as hard as he could... for some reason, my phone just replicated the previous sentence 😑😑😑 7y
TheLibrarian @JoScho @AmyG Right? Like my old place was all hardwood and she‘s puke on the little rug. They are devils sometimes. @Reviewsbylola @rubyslippersreads They are sweet but can be such jerks sometimes. 7y
TheLibrarian @LitsyOwl Thanks!! @blondie Hopefully that doesn‘t happen to you. My old cat wasn‘t nearly as bad as my current cat. 7y
TheLibrarian @vkois88 😂 They really are little a-holes!! Mine will give me this sassy look and then scratch the molding or couch while keeping eye contact. 7y
vkois88 Lol thank goodness they're cute, otherwise we'd have to kill them all 7y
tammysue Oh no! 7y
LeahBergen Nooo! 😂😂 7y
emilyhaldi 🤦🏻‍♀️ 7y
Shixam Aw, but that‘s the face of an angel. 7y
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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It‘s really coming down ❄️❄️❄️❄️

Lindy 😮 7y
Kaye Not again ! 7y
Yeah_I_Read @Kaye @Lindy hopefully this is the grand finale lol 7y
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vkois88 Oh my goodness... we had snow for a few hours yesterday. Absolutely none of it stuck. That's crazy... 7y
Yeah_I_Read @vkois88 we‘re supposed to get around 18” 😂😂 it‘s crazy that we‘ve had more snow in March than the rest of the winter 7y
vkois88 What state are you in, if you don't mind me asking? 7y
SilversReviews Oh my....stay safe. 7y
Yeah_I_Read @vkois88 Massachusetts @SilversReviews thanks 7y
vkois88 Ah, gotcha. 7y
ScorpioBookDreams Stay safe! 💕❄️💕❄️ 7y
jessijames Oh my goodness!!! I don‘t know how I would survive!!! 😳 I live on the Gulf Coast. 7y
JazzFeathers 😱😱😱 7y
Scurvygirl It‘s just too much this month... 7y
ghosthost Yikes! Hopefully, it won‘t stick around long. We‘ve had yo-yo weather here the past couple of weeks. 7y
TheBookStacker I‘ll trade you it was already 80 today I‘m not ready for summer and it‘s 120 in the shade crap. 7y
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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Woke up to this! It started gently snowing yesterday, but picked up overnight, and we awoke to a gorgeous winter wonderland! 😃❄️🌨❄️


riversong153 Beautiful! 7y
ReadingSusan Gorgeous! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ❄️❄️❄️ 7y
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Andrea4 I love when everything seems dusted in powdered sugar- balancing on every branch. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Goodness so pretty! I miss our snow! 7y
ghosthost Wow! That‘s gorgeous. It makes me want to grab a bit of charcoal and start sketching. 💙 7y
Avanders 😍💙😍 7y
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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Is today a snow day where you are? Share your snow day read (or activity) #snowdayreads and tag me!

Lwiesman Thankfully it is not snowing here in Texas! We are finally warming up a little. 7y
mcipher My snow day activity was work! 😕But I did do lunchtime yoga and made myself lovely homemade meals since I wasn‘t stuck in the office. ☺️ 7y
Melissa_J It snowed here today, but it wasn‘t a snow day. In the almost 20 years I‘ve lived here there has never been a snow day. We get lots and lots of snow each winter, but we don‘t tend to get mega amounts all at once like is happening with the big snow storm on the Easy Coast, hence no snow days. Plus I‘m in a winter city so we are better equipped to handle lots of snow. (edited) 7y
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Melissa_J I should add that while I live in a winter city I‘m not a fan of snow and would much rather that the temperatures be freezing than to go through a snow storm! 7y
Alfoster No snow day here! It‘s 80 in San Diego! Didn‘t even feel like Christmas😆! 7y
DebbieGrillo @Lwiesman @Alfoster I'm jealous! Here in NJ we have 5". Where I live on the east coast of Canada they're getting 15-19 inches. 7y
DebbieGrillo @mcipher That sounds nice. We just finished some yummy stuffed mushrooms. 7y
DebbieGrillo @Melissa_J I much prefer the cold to the snow too, unless I can use it as an excuse not to leave the house and read all day. 7y
Alfoster I grew up in Minnesota and loved the snow as a kid! Now as an adult I‘m loving the warm weather but kind of miss the seasons😢! 7y
kezzlou85 Nope no snow here. I live in Norfolk England and have only had a few snow showers nothing that settled. It's been years since we had any real snow here. 7y
Bookwormjillk We had about two inches and that was enough to shut schools down. Unfortunately that means no reading for me- working from home with kids is a challenge! Hoping for a normal day tomorrow! 7y
Hoopiefoot Got about 9” in southern Delaware. DE gets snow every winter but somehow also freaks out every year too. Fingers crossed this means I can get a snow day tomorrow too! 7y
minkyb 16” give or take. Doing a little reading and scrolling through Litsy. God forbid I should do laundry! 7y
FantasyChick I took the day off but I never get snow days. The rest of the town will shut down and my boss is like "so when ya coming to work?" ? Either way, I was cozy in the storm doing a bit of light reading, binge watching a new show and working on my bullet journal!! Everyone needs a snow day now and then ?? 7y
Purrfectpages I saw on the news we got 16 inches. The drifts alone are insane! I cooked, read, drank, and watched some classic TV. Will read again soon! 7y
kspenmoll Snow day today & another called for tomorrow! ❤️❄️❄️ planning on reading current read, Sing, Unburied, Sing 7y
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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Getting a little bit of snow here on Christmas Eve. 😱


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yay!!! 👏🏻☃️❄️ 7y
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Snow Day | Pierre Wazem
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The babies are enjoying the snow from far away #catsoflitsy

Tanzy13 🐱 7y
RohitSawant 😻❄ 7y
the-flashley I was just scrolling and was like aww he looks like Bran.... 🙄🙃 7y
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