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Name of the Rose
Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night."
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco

One of my all-time favorite books. The most impressive part of this book is the lack of anachronisms. You feel like you're literally in the mind if a 14th century monk with all the worldviews and biases that go with it.
Have Wikipedia and Google translate open unless you're an accomplished polyglot of Indo-European languages. Eco was an erudite scholar of languages, history, and literature, and he doesn't hold back or dumb anything down.

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Day 67.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🌹 4y
Palimpsest I love this book! 😊 4y
Leftcoastzen @Palimpsest I need to read it ! A good friend of mine loves it . 4y
ValerieAndBooks Another one in my TBR 😂! 4y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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So, here it is...
honestly, the story is pretty good: it has its Sherlock Holmes moments, which are pretty great. It's just way too long for the story it is... it could have lasted less than half the pages and still be a good book.
I somehow got the impression that Guglielmo da Baskerville was sort of an alias for Eco himself, showing off how much the author was cultured. I might be wrong, but that's how I felt.

LibrarianRyan Have you seen the movie. 6y
SailorMoon @LibrarianRyan I have! Back in high school so a good 15 years ago 😅 but I remember loving it (probably because it's way shorter that the book LOL). I wanted to read it because there is a new tv series coming on tv next week based on this book, it's supposed to be really good! Did you enjoy the movie/book? 6y
LibrarianRyan @SailorMoon both but I agree the book is long. It‘s echos very proper literary style. I‘ve read a few of this books and all were good but trudges. And I didn‘t know there was going to be a new show so that is exciting. 6y
SailorMoon @LibrarianRyan I haven't read anything else from Eco, so I really can't judge his style... I just felt like most of what he made Guglielmo say was useless to the story and more of a "show off", you know? But I might be wrong! As for the tv series, it's supposed to be amazing!!! John Turturro, Rupert Everett, Michael Emerson... should I go on? ? it's airing in Italy next week, I don't know about other Countries, maybe ut's out already!!! 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Since I have to drive everyday 1h back and forth to get to work, I've decided to give audiobooks another try.
I started reading this book when I was 16 and bailed after a few chapter because Eco is such a complex author with a difficult (and often annoying and boring) style. Maybe listening to the audiobook won't seem such a big effort considering I'll be doing something else meanwhile.
I'll let you know if I get through it all this time! 🌙

Coleen I also, once upon a time, started this and only got a couple chapters in. It‘s still on my shelf. Hoping to try again someday. Good luck with the audio! 6y
Nebklvr Good luck! I started this as a teen too. It was a no go. (edited) 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Finally starting this #santathing gift! #librarything

julesG 😍😍😍 Lovely edition. 6y
Laura317 I remember loving this book - but I couldn‘t tell you a thing about it today. 😂 6y
umbrellagirl @julesG Thank you! 6y
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umbrellagirl @Laura317 I saw the film ages ago but also don‘t remember any of it. Ought to make reading it more of a surprise. 6y
julesG @Laura317 I could tell you a lot about it. I must have read it a dozen times and have watched the film just as often. 6y
julesG The prologue is long and tiresome, but once you are past it, it's smooth sailing. 6y
umbrellagirl Soooo, apparently I was thinking of Brother Cadfael when I said I‘d seen the film. 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I tried to read this many years ago and have meant ever since to give it another strong effort. One of these days. #roses #literarylove

sixgun This is on my mystery book club reader list. It seems so overwhelming. 6y
Rachel_nyc This one was very intimidating. I read it with a book club a couple of years ago. I loved the story itself once it got going but the Latin bits were a bit overwhelming. It‘s one of those books I‘m glad to have read but was not entirely enjoyable. 6y
Gina Have you seen the old movie with Christian Slater and Sean Connery? Humm, umm, ummmm... 6y
Marina_h I tried this one as well some years ago and I also want to give it a go again some day. I just need to find the right time! 6y
deirdrebeecher Second time round it worked for me. It has a lot of dense description which is not my usual preference. But that description is key to the feeling of sacred hysteria which developed over the course of the book. So I just let it wash over me and enjoyed the deep dive into the medieval mindset. 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Thanks to @jhod for this month‘s whodunit and extras. Looking forward to starting it!

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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Lucky find for $1 at the library. I saw the movie years ago, barely remember it but know I liked it. Seems like a good book for this cold snowy week. Also a good fiction to switch back and forth with while reading about the Templars.

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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I‘m starting my first #NewYearWhoDis read today, and it ticks off the #192019 challenge, too!

This book appears on both Boxall‘s and Mustich‘s must-Read lists, so I‘ve got high hopes!

monalyisha Happy New Year! Enjoy! 🙌🏻🎉 6y
merelybookish Yay! I hope you enjoy! I was totally sucked in. 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Eco spends 6 pgs describing a door. I mean, it‘s a fancy door. But I don‘t think any door is a 6-pg door. I struggled thru 57 pgs of this doorstop, & I just cannot any longer. The very brief flashes of humor & the cool Sherlock Holmes-style detective monk just aren‘t worth slogging thru this beast. And also...so much Latin. So much.

Gezemice So a door stopped you from getting through the doorstop? 🤔 Sorry, I couldn‘t resist. 😁😉 6y
Brooke_H @Gezemice 🤣🤣🤣 6y
sixgun This is the book chosen for our next mystery reading group. I must say I'm a little scared. I get bored way too easily. 6y
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Brooke_H @sixgun Maybe you‘ll like it? Tons of people do. Good luck! 6y
sixgun @Brooke_H I need to find it on audio. That's the only way I made it through anything by Dostoyevsky. For some reason the descriptions are easier/better. Of course I have no long car trips planned... 6y
Brooke_H @sixgun Oh man. That‘s gonna be one long audio! 😂 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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A milestone.

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Greetings from the Outer Banks in North Carolina. On vacation with my wife @EricaCurtis11 the next few days reading on the beach and hoping to crank through my long-TBR'd copy of The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. Next up: Joseph Campbell's Hero With a Thousand Faces. Enjoy the remainder of the summer. Remember, the best season is right around the corner.

REPollock Woof, that book is so good. Have a great vacation! 6y
LeahBergen Enjoy! 🍺 6y
MStew 🤓❤ 6y
UwannaPublishme Have fun on your vacation! 🏖🎉📚📚 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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My AirBnB host had a copy in Italian on her shelf!

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Reading in the Bardini Gardens on my last day in Florence-tomorrow I‘m off to Naples (lots of reading time on the train)!

ericas Hope you had a great time in Italy and train is my favourite place for reading. Having nothing else to do and no wherelse to go but wait to arrive and grant yourself with the company of a book. 6y
TheBookkeepersApprentice @ericas I did have a great time in Italy, and I love reading on the train too! 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Doing some reading of The Name of the Rose in the Boboli Gardens 😊🥀🌹🌱📖

JoScho Beautiful ❤️ 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Reading The Name of the Rose in front of the Basilica di Santa Chiara in Assisi. It‘s so fun to read a book set in Italy while in Italy, plus it takes place in a time period I‘m learning so much about on this trip 🤗

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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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That feeling when you‘ve finished your final exam and you just want to read allllllll the books!!! 😃 I‘ve hardly read any novels lately so I‘ve got some serious catching up to do with the #whodunituk and readalong books! Ahhh, it‘s gonna be an awesome wkend!!!

Dulcinella Congratulations on finishing. Enjoy the books! 6y
Crazeedi Have fun! 6y
Caroline2 @Dulcinella thanks!! It‘s such a relief! 😆 6y
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Caroline2 @Crazeedi thanks, now it‘s to choose where to start....😳 6y
Crazeedi That's always the problem! A good one though! (edited) 6y
TrishB How fab! Look at all those choices 😁 6y
Caroline2 @TrishB I‘m halfway thro Knots & Crossed for whodunit but I‘m on holiday with the kids this wk so not getting much reading time! 🙄 I might have to post In the name of the rose without reading it as I‘m running out of time now!!! 😳 6y
TrishB I think it was an either or wasn‘t it? Enjoy your hols xx 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Thank you @Karkar for the generous giveaway - but picking just one favorite is a real challenge! This is one of my all-time favorites. It has an abbey, a library, rare books, travelers, murder, lust, greed, and all the other good stuff 😉 I would love to read The Librarian of Auschwitz. #FictionalLibrarians #Libraries #Librarians #mystery #HistoricalFiction

Karkar This one sounds very interesting! 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Brother William is sent to an Italian abbey with a famous library to investigate a mysterious death. There is also a #lostbook by Aristotle to locate, the key to the mystery.
I loved this book. It's part #crime novel, part medieval library porn, and part philosophical treatise. Satisfying on all fronts!
#maylovesclassics @sarah83 @Bambolina_81 #oldcoolbooks @Linsy

Linsy Oooh, medieval library porn? I might need this! 6y
Ranchan This has been on my TBR forever; can't wait for summer vacation to finally sit down and read it! 6y
TiredLibrarian This is one of my very favorites. So much to it! 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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No #incunabulum lying about so since my current read features monks working in a scriptorium, I went with that.
Still enjoying the tagged book, although monks' ideas about women are not so nice.😒
#oldcoolbooks @Linsy

BookBelle84 Loved this book! 6y
merelybookish @BookBelle84 I'm really enjoying it! 6y
Linsy Love this! 6y
LeahBergen I want to work in a scriptorium (okay, maybe just for one day 😂). 6y
merelybookish @LeahBergen yes! Maybe even just for a few hours. 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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My #fivestack of Umberto Eco's books I've bought before and after reading the Name of the Rose. I loved it so much I want all the series collected. From top to bottom: Foucault's Pendulum, Numero Zero, tagged book itself, The Prague Cemetery and Baudolino. Gorgeous editions for excellent books ❤️ And two more to find at the booksellers.

TrishB They look lovely 💕 6y
Violetta @TrishB Also pages are a shade of beige and a bit rough to the touch, as if it's an old manuscript. Great work of a publisher! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm The spines look gorgeous 6y
Swe_Eva Beautiful editions! 6y
tammysue Lovely!! 💗 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I may need to get a print copy as well.
(I usually don't like super plotty books...but occasionally one gets me and I am obsessed!)

Palimpsest I love, love, love this book! Glad you are enjoying it! 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco

When your husband mentions he wants to read a Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco and then the next day you go to a library book sale and it‘s there so you pick it up for him. #wifeywin

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I guess I‘m really into read books right now? 🤷‍♀️
Get it?! 😀 Read... like red! ❤️
SIGH. It‘s too early 😂

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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1. For tagged book I can't say that it had the biggest impact on my life, but it certainly had a huge impact on my reading life - I realized what it means multilayered writing.
2. I would love to spend a few days with Mitford sisters.
3. Not respecting my personal space.
4. @Dulcinella @ephemeralwaltz @oOArankaOo

Thank you @Moray_Reads for the tag.


julesG Nearly chose this book, too. 6y
Simona @julesG For the same reason? 6y
julesG Yes. I think it was one of the first non-children books I read at the age of 14/15. It certainly left a mark on my brain and heart. 😉 6y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Uh oh! High praise from the literary, philosophical, and artistic capital of the world! 😂

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Kinda like if Chidi from the Good Place wrote the Davinci Code in the 14th century? There is code ciphering and tons of murders (so MANY murders) but mostly there are a lot of beautiful philosophical musings and logic dissection with very long descriptions of 14th century monk life. Super slow but somehow enjoyable.

CatLass007 I read this when it first came out in paperback and thought it was wonderful. It is slow moving, however. 7y
perfectlywinged @CatLass007 this took me over a month to read and I couldn‘t read it before bed if I was really sleepy...some chapters got really into the philosophy. 😴 7y
CatLass007 It took me about a week to read but I was a faster reader then. 7y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Lots of #Secrets are hidden in this monastery, especially its library.

Who hasn't read this book or seen the film and dreamt of visiting this library just once?

BTW, I've imagined the library at Kvothe's university to be similar to the one in Name of the Rose. Heck, even the book titles are similar.

#HeartsAndHardcovers @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

TheAnitaAlvarez Such a great book! 7y
ofbooksandme One of my faves of all time. It's medieval and detectivesque. It's everything I need! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤫🤫🤫 7y
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cornfedwellread I haven't heard of this one, but I'm a medieval history nerd, so I'll have to check it out. 😊 7y
julesG @therealdealbeall whaaaat? You haven't heard of this?! The prologue is a bit boring, but the whole book is good. So please plough through the prologue, when you get to this book. It's great. So is the film. 7y
CherryPie Excellent! 7y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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My #10authorrecommendations is combination of authors writing nonfiction and/or fiction books.

Thank you @batsy for tag and I‘m tagging @Shannon_McKinney @DebbieGrillo @morgan_krahn and @TK421

batsy Great list! Eco, Munro, Tolstoy--authors I definitely need to read more of. 7y
Simona @batsy Tolstoy was my this year summer obsession 🤓 7y
batsy I've only read Anna Karenina and was surprised by how much I loved it! Must read more ✔️ 7y
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Simona @batsy Anna Karenina is for me pure perfection, but I ‘discovered‘ this summer his nonfiction works and I was pleasantly surprised. 7y
merelybookish I love Munro too! Great list. ☺️ 7y
Simona @KVanRead Here it is, my eclectic list 😘 7y
KVanRead @Simona I love it! Anna Karenina is definitely an all time favorite. I need to read more Tolstoy! I can‘t believe I left him off my list! Ten just isn‘t enough.😭 7y
KVanRead Also loved Ivan Desinovich, 6 Wives of Henry the 8th, Secondhand Time, and Alice Munro ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Simona @KVanRead No, ten isn‘t enough ... and if you like Tolstoy‘s fiction works, you should also try with his nonfiction works... he is very interesting thinker🤔 7y
KVanRead Yes, from what I‘ve read about him, I imagine they would be very interesting. That‘s actually what I liked most about Anna Karenina... more than Anna, lol! 7y
Simona @KVanRead When I hear that Anna Karenina is great love story, my reaction is: Really? Well then, you missed the good stuff ... 7y
KVanRead Yes!!!! Agree totally! 7y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Most difficult fiction book I've read in a while, but after the first 100 pages, strangely unputdownable.

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Couldn't decide, who the better #JackOfAllTrades is Kvothe or Brother William of Baskerville?


Minervasbutler Two great books that's for sure! 7y
LibrarianRyan 🤓👍 7y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Starting this one. I think little miss Evie is trying to get on my good side after a 2 1/2 hour chase through our new neighborhood yesterday.

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco

Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry. When we consider a book, we mustn't ask ourselves what it says but what it means...

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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco

I tried to read this before, but I don't think I was ready for it. A decade or two later and I really truly enjoyed this complex, atmospheric and scholarly adventure.

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco

I'd hyped this book up so much that actually reading it was disappointing. I absolutely loved the premise of detective work in the Middle Ages, but I seriously underestimated both the extent and the importance of the theological discussions within the book, which I found difficult to digest. It ultimately felt like slogging through one of my old college courses. If you're down for in-depth analyses of the likelihood that Jesus laughed, try it...?

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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This morning's commute. ✈️

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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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#bookwithinabook and a #library and #murder and ...

Loved this book so much - once I got past the prologue - that I read it several times.


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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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Merry Christmas !:)

Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco

Ok I cannot listen on audio. Seems like it could be a good story it is too involved to listen to in bursts. I'll have to get the book as I'm already too confused and it's only chapter 3. Some books are better read than listened to I think.

Laura317 Definitely better to read. I read this book several years ago. I remember being fascinated with the story. 8y
Simona It's a very good story! 8y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I don't have any books set in bookstores, but for #setinalibrary this seems an obvious choice. Though technically set in a monastery with a library that's off limits, it is definitely all about the library. #SeasonsReadings2016

Hobbinol Perfect!👏🏻 8y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I was so busy this week I forgot all about #historymonth 😨 So to make it up to you, medieval manuscripts! This is why I studied the middle ages. These Illuminated manuscripts are beautiful beyond belief. This is a small catalogue of the collection of a Dutch museum. I was lucky enough to see some illuminated manuscripts in real life and it was amazing! Pair ofc with Umberto Eco's masterpiece and Bischoff's influential work on Latin paleograohy.

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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco
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I love Umberto's fiction and nonfiction books, especially his works about semiotics. In the photo from the bottom to the top: History of Ugliness, The Infinity List, Turning Back the Clock (in Slovenian), The Island of the Day Before, Foucault's Pendalum. In the stack are missing The Name of the Rose, History of Beauty and Baudolino (currently they're with my friend).
#augustphotochallenge #bookstacks

mhillis Love this! 8y
Simona @mhillis Me too! 😉 8y
tricours I was getting slightly embarrassed when I couldn't place your Slavic language, but then I saw a post about Slovenian! (Which I have hardly ever seen in writing) Do you have native fluency? 8y
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Simona @tricours It's my mother-tongue and don't be embarrassed, my language speaks only 2 million people. 8y
tricours I didn't know it was that few. Which other Slavic languages are the easiest for you to read? Southern Slavic? Or Western? 8y
Simona @tricours I can speak and read in Croatian/Serbian language but deeper in the South are languages with different roots. I can recognize some (few) spoken words in Slovak/Czech and Russian language, but about grammar and reading in those languages - I don't have a clue. 8y
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Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco

I love this book! It's wonderfully written, at times a pain to get through, and worth it every time!