Because sometimes it‘s important to have seasonal beers in the fridge 😂 #HalloweenTheme #Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter
Because sometimes it‘s important to have seasonal beers in the fridge 😂 #HalloweenTheme #Scarathlon #TeamSlaughter
This was not as fun as it looks. Mode a bear joint. Only used books and very very few. Less than 500 easily and in no order what so ever. And there were not prices on anything.
It‘s right next to campus and draws a crowd. If I lived closed I‘d probably have a ballast since they do weekly trivia and game nights.
Drinking Cosmic Butterfly. Yes, it‘s purple. The color comes from the Blue Butterfly Pea Flower. Lightly tart ale with hints of tea and citrus. Also pictured is my “finished” stack.
Friday Black
Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart
The Good Detective
Cheers to all my beer loving, book reading friends on this wonderful start to a beer-filled weekend. @britt_brooke if you end up liking creme brulee, this beer pictured is called somoa this-- a coconut, caramel flavored beer. So good as well! 🍺🍻🍺🍻💚🍀
If there was ever a swap that spoke truer to me. My two favorite things: beer and books thanks for this swap! @Jilly6183 #bookishbrew
It‘s here! The first of its kind - a book and beer (or cider or??!!) swap. You know you want to. Check out @Jilly6183 for more info and to sign up!🥂🍷🍻📚#bookishbrewswap
I‘m super excited to share some favorite local brews with a fellow beer-loving Litten. ☺️
Just signed up for my very first book swap! So excited! Thanks @Jilly6183 for hosting!
Just signed up! Love the instructions. 😆👏🏻🍻 If you‘re interested, head over to @Jilly6183 ‘s page for details.
@Jilly6183 is hosting a #bookishbrewswap !! Im super excited to try brews from different parts of the country! Head on over to her page for more info!
At a books and beer event focused on local authors. You get to talk to the authors and buy anything you‘re interested in!
#booksandbeer #local #beer #authors #mpls #twincities
Ok I lied, #currentread 😂😂😂🍺
Grabbed off Twitter. 🍺❤️
Think we have enough beer!? Finally taking an inventory of what we have tonight. Clearly, we need to host a beer party!
Sorry about the non-book related post but this is TOO MUCH 😂.
Just a casual PSA that beer tea is a thing and it‘s amazing
Working today, so it's a great day for the #backtoreading #booksandbrews prompt.
Welcome to my hometown brewery! Getting ready for some live music this afternoon from JJ Thompson (https://www.reverbnation.com/musician/jjthompson)
If you ever find yourself in Port Perry, Ontario, come by Old Flame and I'll pour you a glass 🍻🍻🍻🍻
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck