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The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl: A Novel | Philippa Gregory
The #1 "New York Times "bestseller from "the queen of royal fiction" ("USA TODAY") Philippa Gregory is a rich, compelling novel of love, sex, ambition, and intrigue surrounding the Tudor court of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, and the infamous Boleyn family. When Mary Boleyn comes to court as an innocent girl of fourteen, she catches the eye of the handsome and charming Henry VIII. Dazzled by the king, Mary falls in love with both her golden prince and her growing role as unofficial queen. However, she soon realizes just how much she is a pawn in her family's ambitious plots as the king's interest begins to wane, and soon she is forced to step aside for her best friend and rival: her sister, Anne. With her own destiny suddenly unknown, Mary realizes that she must defy her family and take fate into her own hands. With more than one million copies in print and adapted for the big screen, " The Other Boleyn Girl" is a riveting historical drama. It brings to light a woman of extraordinary determination and desire who lived at the heart of the most exciting and glamorous court in Europe, and survived a treacherous political landscape by following her heart.
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Saw this amazing musical today… absolutely loved it!!

MatchlessMarie So jealous! 🤩 2y
tpixie Wonderful!!! 2y
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I loved this movie…. And ever since @youneverarrived left her review of this book , I‘ve been dying to read it .. here goes.

batsy Love the photo! 🍇🍷 2y
squirrelbrain I agree with @batsy - perfect photo! The book is great too. 2y
Tamra Yes the photo is alluring! I think I need to see the movie now. (edited) 2y
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erzascarletbookgasm Ah this photo 👌. Cheers 2y
TrishB This photo is gorgeous ♥️ 2y
Ruthiella Enjoy! The book was quite the page turner. 📚 🍷😊 (edited) 2y
LeahBergen It‘s too early here for wine. Stop tempting me! 🤣🤣 And this is such a fun read. (edited) 2y
quietlycuriouskate Oh, I have this on my Kindle! (Unfortunately it didn't come with a glass of wine, though. 😆) 2y
Birdsong28 Not a fan of the movie but love the book. Enjoy! 2y
Cathythoughts @Tamra the movie is good 👍🏻 2y
Cathythoughts @Ruthiella Oh good ! Thanks X 2y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen It was too early for wine here too .. the wine was a prop 😂 ( the lengths we go to for the photo ) which I drank a little later … and enjoyed ! 2y
Cathythoughts @kathedron That‘s not fair ! There should be a glass of wine with the book 👍🏻😁 2y
Cathythoughts @Birdsong28 Thanks Victoria, I‘ve only just started 👍🏻❤️ 2y
LeahBergen 🤣🤣 I understand the need for a good photo! 2y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen Also Leah , your parcel just arrived. You are so good , Thankyou! I‘ll wait till my birthday , but I opened the letter … such a lovely kind letter and poems about tea 👍and a lovely bookmark. I‘m excited to see what the books are. And T D T W 🤔.. you are very good to me. I‘ll post all up near my birthday. Thankyou 😘 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Hi Cathy, a little parcel from BD is on the way to you, for your 🎂. Clue: a three-word title. 🧐 2y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks Jessie ❤️ I also have a BD parcel heading for you for your birthday .. clue , A two word title .. T R ! 2y
youneverarrived Ohh perfect pairing 🍷📚 I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 😘 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Ooo exciting! 😍 Thank you Cathy 😘 2y
LeahBergen I‘m so glad it arrived in time! I hope you enjoy it, my friend! 😘😘 2y
LeahBergen @erzascarletbookgasm Oh, and there‘s a BD heading your way from me, too. A three word title. 😆 2y
erzascarletbookgasm @LeahBergen Thank you, Leah! 😘 You‘re also so kind ❤️ 2y
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“Tell my daughter Elizabeth -- no! Tell all my daughters, everywhere, in all the ages yet to come. Tell them how I died, and why. And tell them to remember this: the future is unwritten. Know your rights.”

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November #bookspinbingo list! I finished it last night and forgot to post!! I haven‘t looked at anything yet, so no idea what #bookspin and #doublespin are! Happy reading everyone!!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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I loved this, the author is so clever the way she writes. Even though we know Anne dies in the end, she really makes you believe that she might be released and she almost makes you forget the end result so much that when it happens it still comes as a shock to the system. Would definitely recommend!

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5/5, 9/100. This books was so good! I had never heard of Ann Boleyn‘s sister Mary, and it was interesting to hear her version of events. (This book is fiction and based loosely on history) Now to watch the movie! Also this author is amazing, can‘t wait to read more.

Crazeedi I have this on my tbr shelf! 3y
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I‘ve had this one on my shelf for a while, but it was the Sentimental Garbage podcast that inspired me to finally pick it up.I was disappointed that Gregory skipped over the dirty bits and plodded through all the politics before reaching an inevitable conclusion, but her creativity in imagining the role that Mary might have played at court made up for it. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/the-other-boleyn-girl-philippa-gregory/

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#JulyJourneys # Castle
@Eggs & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
How is it Wednesday already?
Plenty of castles in these books, I love them!

Eggs Beautiful choices💕👏🏻📚🥰 3y
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This made me feel like I was right there in the royal court watching all the drama unfold. It‘s detailed and long but not overly so, it all felt necessary. I‘d love to know how much of it is based on fact though because Anne comes across as awful 😬 Mary was a pushover but her ideals and heart were in the right place 👇

youneverarrived The author pushes the point that being a woman was to have little to no autonomy and to live under men‘s rules. Nobody could be themselves at court though, it was all greed & power. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3y
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Klou Perfect! 3y
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One of those books that‘s lingered on my shelf for years. Finally started it and I‘m loving it!

squirrelbrain I loved this one too! 3y
Birdsong28 I have reread this book a few times and it just gets better on every read. 3y
Cathythoughts Oh lovely.. I recently watched the movie .. I think I‘ll read it soon too 3y
youneverarrived @squirrelbrain @Birdsong glad I‘ve finally picked it up ♥️ 3y
youneverarrived @Cathythoughts I liked the film too ♥️ 3y
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I've enjoyed this one. Difficult to wrap your head around the world view back then. Fascinating. This is the fourth in the series that I have read. This was my #bookspin for October. @TheAromaofBooks
TBR since July 12th, 2011, 529 pages.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I was thinking, “Oh, 2011, that's not too long to have it on your TBR“ and then realized that was almost 10 years ago! 😅 4y
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2020 #78

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Greenhouses are for books, right?


If I could time travel I‘d go to the 1500s and explain to Henry VIII how babies are made. “Oh u mad that your wives aren‘t giving you sons? GUESS THE FUCK WHAT DUDE.” This was good but long. Too long. Easily could‘ve lost 100 pages. Mostly enjoyable & engrossing but def dragged at times. And damn, no idea of the accuracy but Anne in this book is Queen Bitch from start to finish. Mary is almost too good most of the time. But it drew me in! 3/5 ⭐️

alisonrose Better review over on my Goodreads, since Litsy has never followed up on the idea of expanding the character limit 😒 4y
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“I‘d have thought you‘d have been glad. The king on bad terms with the queen, and you ready to be picked up like a bruised peach in the gutter.”

[Dang, that‘s cold. But also...who would pick up a bruised peach laying in the gutter? I mean, I know they had different standards of food safety back then, but still... 😜]


She was too old and wise ever to ask an angry man what was troubling him.

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I‘ve had this tome on my TBR shelves since November 2019, and I have an unwritten rule that I have to read books within a year of acquiring them (so in this case, by end of November 2020). Since I have a couple other chunky ones to get to soon, I figured I‘d get this one done now. I saw the movie and it was...mostly forgettable. Hopefully this will adhere to the general rule of the book being better 🤞🏻

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This book was an ok drama but it doesn‘t suit my taste for historical fiction. I like books where they not only get the names right but they also get an accurate event timeline and this book doesn‘t deliver. For example, Henry VIII didn‘t take Mary as his mistress after she was already married, and he didn‘t name a ship after her. I got as far as the ship before looking up Mary Boleyn, discovering how inaccurate it all was, and calling it quits.

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Surprisingly good so far 🙂

violabrain I really enjoyed this book! Definitely outside what I typically like, but it was a great read! 4y
TheBookHippie I agree. It‘s been a long time but that‘s how I would describe it as well. It‘s a great read. 4y
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This has been on my TBR for years... and honestly it felt like it took YEARS to get through 😶 It FELT really long. It was an effort of print,ebook and audiobook to finish this. There was just enough court politics/sex/scandal to bring me back every time I started to DNF. If I wasn‘t so dazzled by everything Tudor I would‘ve dropped this. Plus I really wanted to see the movie. Better be one HECK of a movie 😰 LOL!

Birdsong28 Don't bother with the movie! It is not the best representation of the book. 📚 📖 4y
HOTPock3tt @Birdsong28 I saw a YouTube clip. It didn‘t look promising 😅lol 4y
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#7books7days Day 4

And so began my love of historic fiction. Many more have come since but it began here.

Victoria_Clyne I really need to read a Philippa Gregory. I feel like I'm missing out. 4y
Rissreads I loved this book too! 4y
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The story shows the Boleyn rise to royalty and the sacrifice and cruelty it come with. From one Anne Boleyn who had the tongue of a Knight‘s blade and the ambition that would put Lady MacBeth to shame. And her sister who despite spending her childhood(unfortunately) in the Kings bed siring his bastards and later on set aside, Mary Boleyn eventually finds peace and love in one man who stops at nothing to show that he loves her dearly.

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I have been going thru this series for what seems like forever and every book I finish I‘m a little sad to say goodbye ~ because in this era in time it was for real goodbye 🪓 the author is so great drawing you in , you get to know all the people , like them or hate them you get to know them ; I‘m on to the next book in the series

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This was 100% expected but I am scandalized💀😭

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I am using the tagged book for the Comfort prompt for @ravenlee 's #covid19challenge

ravenlee Good choice! Is it a reread, or first time? 4y
Birdsong28 @ravenlee It is a reread. I have read this many times. 📚 📖 4y
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Very good. Takes you through the tumultuous period of Tudor history that was the Boleyn's. Vivid detail that doesn't dimish on a reread Can be read as a stand alone even though it is part of the Tudor court series (Number 3) but if you are reading it as a series, it needs to be read in order as it has now been arranged into chronological order as I originally read it as it was published.


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despite loving historical fiction i‘ve never read any philippa gregory, but i got this out the library on a friend‘s advice. pace, romance, suspense - gregory packs all the ingredients of a page turner into this chunky volume. the writing felt clumsy at times, lacking subtlety, and the initial passivity of the main character grated. however, gregory does a great job of showing how difficult life was for women in tudor england.

Nute I‘m still trying to figure out where I would like to start with her books. Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 4y
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I haven‘t been reading as much as I would like, a couple of pages here and there but not because of the book; all the stress with everything makes it hard to sit down and relax and read , the main character has always been very intriguing, the kind of person you love to hate ~ but nonetheless she‘s still quite interesting! So I‘m going to relax and take my mind somewhere else, far away from our own current situation 🙂

Birdsong28 This is the perfect book to do this. I am currently rereading this and have flown through it as it's one of my comfort reads and I have not been disappointed as sometimes on a reread it can be disappointing as it is never like the first time and that you were thinking about in a nostalgic way. Enjoy 😊 4y
Momma_Jo I haven't read this book in years. But I remember greatly enjoying it. Might be time to take it off the bookshelf for a re-read..... 4y
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I‘m really getting through this book now 🤗🤗🤗 seems like I have more time on my hands right now than usual 😃 hope everyone is doing well with the current events being what they are ; good time to get through the tbr list 😉😃

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Back to the series!!! I was wondering how far into the book I would get before the first execution ~ I didn‘t have to wait long!

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While I did enjoy the book, I had some issues with it. There were too many (poor) attempts at foreshadowing/reminders about what was to come. It lacked subtlety. I was also disturbed by Mary‘s age, considering most historians think she married in her twenties. She MIGHT have been much younger, but I would personally not write about the sexual/romantic affair of a 13 year old if I could avoid it AND stay historically accurate.

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Ahhh! What did I do to myself!? I didn't know it was a part of a series. 🥺 I was destroyed by the placement of a book plate.

I usually don't do romance. I was told to try this one out, and I really truly liked it. As you can see for the binding, I've read it a few times now. What I wasn't told was that it is book nine in a very long series. Years later, I'm destroyed. I'm really hoping it's been long enough that I can forget most of it. 🤪🤣

AnneCecilie I think it‘s loosely a series where the author looks at different women during the Rose Wars and the Tudor period. So the Boleyn girls wouldn‘t necessarily have a prominent role in the other books. (edited) 4y
SmartSassery Oh cool. I had imagined there would be some overlap. I know it's historical fiction so I wasn't exactly sure. Thank you very much. 👍 4y
DieAReader @AnneCecilie that‘s good to know! @SmartSassery I also bought this book not knowing at the time that it was a series read. Have not read it because I haven‘t acquired any of the others yet. I may read it as a stand alone! Yay! 4y
SmartSassery Now I don't know what to do for the rest. 😂 It looks like it can be part of a long series and a shorter one. Ill probably read them in order. 💜 I can't help myself. Although this one didn't seem to be missing anything alone. I mean I know and enjoy the history so maybe that's why. 4y
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I eventually HAD to watch the movie, after reading and enjoying the book so much.
Good movie... GREAT book.

Birdsong28 The movie spoilt this book. I love the book, hate the film. 4y
Yoricke_SouthAfrica @Birdsong28 I have to agree, I didn't love the movie. 4y
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I must admit that I have never seen the movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed this book.
The Tudor court, with all it's rules, gossip and scheming is fascinating.

Birdsong28 As usual the book is so much better. I have read this a few times and I just get sucked in every time. 📚📖 4y
Scochrane26 I haven‘t watched the movie or tv show either. I‘m not good w/ beheadings on tv. This was the first book of hers I read & loved it. (edited) 4y
Yoricke_SouthAfrica I must admit, after reading this book, I am a bit curious to watch the movie... but I have so many books to read 🤣 4y
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Continuing my new journey into Royal Historical Fiction with this Epic tale 😍⭐😎

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Cathythoughts Thankyou friend 👍❤️ 5y
Ms_T Wow, thanks for the tag! 😘 5y
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TrishB Thanks 👍🏻 5y
Lel2403 Thank you 5y
Andrew65 Thanks for the tag, great prices. 👏😊 5y
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Finished my millionth re-read of this book and as always it‘s so good... 🖤🖤

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I was having a hard time reading three pieces of classic lit, so I needed something more recent to cleanse my palate. I replaced Anna Karenina with The Other Boleyn Girl!

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#LetsTravelAugust @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

I always like of Philippa Gregory when I think of the history of the UK. I own a copy buthave not read this one yet

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🇬🇧👍🏻📚 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🇬🇧 5y
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TheRomantiCate Absolutely one of my top five desert island books!!! I read it every summer 😻🤓 5y
Birdsong28 Love this book!!! Can get sucked into this straight away!!! ❤️📚📖 5y
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#litsyatoz Letter O completed @BookishMarginalia

3 stars. I'm glad I've read it but won't be rushing to read the others in the series.

#seriesread @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Awesome! 🤩 5y
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#basketcase #lilithjuly @Cinfhen @KarenUK

The beheaded head is usually lifted out of a basket for the crowd to see.

Flight is delayed two hours so lots of reading and Wizards Unite for me!

KarenUK Clever! And safe travels today.... hope you‘re not delayed too long! 🤞🤞🤞 5y
Scochrane26 I played wizards unite at the airport last week, too. 5y
Cinfhen Safe travels 😘 5y
gradcat Oh my! Great post! 5y
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When your book glows at you #eastonpress #leatherboundbooks #beautifulbooks

Other Boleyn Girl | Philippa Gregory

I find it hard to believe that people didn‘t enjoy this book- it‘s like watching a historical soap opera

Other Boleyn Girl | Philippa Gregory
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And the award for worst uncle EVER goes to Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk! (Godalmighty. . . )

I just finished reading/listening to this book. (Swapped back and forth as part of my new “get off my arse” program.) I‘m on a quest to get through these in a year and they are good enough that I just may make it. This one in particular was real page turner and Vanessa Kirby‘s performance was spectacular.

TheRomantiCate I love this book so much, I read it every summer and have for the past 12 years 5y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🤣🤣 Thomas Howard really was a heinous, self-serving jackass. 5y
Ericalambbrown @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Right? And it‘s so unfair that he got to live to be 80. It‘s appalling how blatantly that family whored out their kinswomen. 5y
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Ericalambbrown @TheRomantiCate 💕 It really is good. Even knowing how it all ended didn‘t hamper my enjoyment in the least. 5y
TheRomantiCate @Ericalambbrown I know!! Though the movie was a bit of a disappointment 5y
Ericalambbrown @TheRomantiCate The movie got the story way wrong! I think that‘s why I avoided Philippa Gregory so long. 5y
TheRomantiCate @Ericalambbrown I can see that... but I think all of her “Tudor” books are good... The Boleyn Inheritance is also great! I‘d recommend that next. 5y
Ericalambbrown @TheRomantiCate I‘m really enjoying them. I‘m reading them in chronological order. 5y
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I finished this audiobook the other day and enjoyed it. Knowing a bit about Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn, the end wasn't a complete shock, but still enjoyable all the same. It's funny how so many people of the time had children just for political gain. I managed to find The Boleyn Inheritance on CD as well so I'll continue the series. I had to match up dates with that show Reign to compare people & events. ( So many nobles with same name. 🤯)

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Lots of rumours flying about in this book.... even within the family nobody knows what‘s going on with the two Boleyn sisters and Henry VIII. And as for their brother George, what on earth is he up to?!


Cathythoughts I‘ve never read this writer... 🤔must have a go ! What‘s the best one Helen ? ( when you have a minute.. I know you have a busy weekend coming up 👍🏻😀 5y
squirrelbrain Ha! I wish it was the weekend already...! Blummin‘ work! I‘ve only read 3 and I‘m on my 4th. I would say that The Other Boleyn Girl is actually the best I‘ve read so far, even though it‘s out of chronological order. 5y
Lauraandherbooks Oh I can‘t wait to read it... I love this author!! 5y
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Reviewsbylola Loved this book!!! So good. 5y
Cinfhen I need to read this other too @Cathythoughts 5y
Cathythoughts Thanks 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
Mdargusch Good one! This is one of my all time favorite books and got me started on my love for all things Tudor! 5y
Mdargusch @Cathythoughts this is my absolute favorite by her. Her later books seemed too much on the romance side for me. 5y
emilyhaldi ❣️❣️❣️ 5y
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