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Anna Karenine
Anna Karenine | Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1917. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... did was to agree entirely with everything suggested to him. His brother raised money for him, the princess advised him to leave Moscow after the wedding. Stepan Arkadyevitch advised him to go abroad. He agreed to everything. 'Do what you choose, if it amuses you. I'm happy, and my happiness can be no greater and no less for anything you do, ' he thought. When he told Kitty of Stepan Arkadyevitch's advice that they should go abroad, he was much surprised that she did not agree to this, and had some definite requirements of her own in regard to their future. She knew Levin had work he loved in the country. She did not, as he saw, understand this work, she did not even care to understand it. But that did not prevent her from regarding it as a matter of great importance. And then she knew their home would be in the country, and she wanted to go, not abroad where she was not going to live, but to the place where their home Would be. This definitely expressed purpose astonished Levin. But since he did not care either way, he immediately asked Stepan Arkadyevitch, as though it was his duty, to go down to the country and to arrange everything there to the best of his ability with the taste of which he had so much. 'But I say, ' Stepan Arkadyevitch said to him one day after he had come back from the country, where he had got everything ready for the young people's arrival, 'have you a certificate of having been at confession?' 'No. But what of it?' 'You can't be married without it.' 'Ate, die, die!' cried Levin. 'Why, I believe it's nine years since I've taken the sacrament! I never thought of it.' 'You're a pretty fellow!' said Stepan Arkadyevitch laughing, 'and you call me a Nihilist! But this won't do, you know. You must take the sacrament.' 'When? There are four days l...
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Anna Karenina | Tolstoy
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A classic on my TBR … this one has deckled edges and French flaps. Thank you Prime Day.

dabbe Way better than WAR IN PEACE (IMHO). I have the same book, too! 💜💜💜 3mo
Twainy @dabbe IKR! It‘s pretty! I think I saw Lezlie on The Nerdy Narrative review it. Maybe? It‘s been on my Amazon list for awhile & I saw it was on sale during Prime Days so 💰 sigh I also have W&P Penguin Clothbound classic edition … I just can‘t force myself to pick it up. 😁 3mo
dabbe @Twainy I hear ya! I just read 1-2 chapters a day until I really got into it. Baby steps worked for me. I did the same with WAR AND PEACE (I wrote “IN“ above ... sheesh!), but I never got into it; I just nickled and dimed it until I was done. 😂 3mo
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Anna Karenina | Leon Tolstoi
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If I remember correctly, there‘s some #Theater scenes in this one or maybe I‘m just influenced by the movie featuring Keira Knightly?


Eggs Have not read this. But now I want to watch the movie😀 4mo
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I enjoyed reading this book. I loved the story and the characters. I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I finally read this. It only took me three months!

Anna Karenina | Tolstoy, Leo
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Eggs Profound ♥️♥️ 8mo
lil1inblue 😍 😍 😍 8mo
dabbe ❤️💜🩷 8mo
ShelleyBooksie That's beautiful 8mo
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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So many characters to keep up with, but I can see why this is considered a classic!

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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FINALLY just over halfway through this book!

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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The main story is great and maybe one or two of the side plots. But overall, there is way too much going on in this novel and way too many characters to keep track of.

Anna Karenina | Tolstoy
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#BadRomance (LadyG)

Both relationships in ANNA KARENINA = BAD. #pooranna

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚👌🏻 1y
Eggs ❤️💔🖤 1y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I can‘t believe I‘m actually saying this, but as far as I‘m concerned, Anna Karenina is just… fine? It wasn‘t the dreadful slog I was worried it might be, but it wasn‘t brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same either. If you‘re thinking about reading it, go ahead – there‘s no reason to be afraid. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/anna-karenina-leo-tolstoy-review/

Ruthiella I read it a long time ago but I DREADED the parts with Levin and his interminable thoughts. 😂 2y
Lindy @Ruthiella I was the opposite! I enjoyed Levin‘s pontifications but got really impatient with Anna and her shenanigans. Is it offensive to say I was pleased with the outcome for Anna? 😬 2y
AvidReader25 @Lindy I‘m with you Lindy. I loved watching Levin‘s transformation and got tired of Anna. 2y
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BarbaraBB And I am with you @Ruthiella although I loved the book as a whole. I read it in my teens and was so proud of myself that I did! 2y
IuliaC We should bear in mind it was published in 1878. It makes sense we don't resonate anymore neither with the plot, nor with the characters or the writing style... 2y
CarolynM I‘m #TeamLevin too @batsy @AvidReader25 @Lindy but like @BarbaraBB I was a teenager when I read it so I was completely on board with the grand passion and very much moved by Anna‘s fate. 2y
BarbaraBB Exactly @CarolynM ! The drama! 2y
batsy @CarolynM I read it as an adult and absolutely loved it. The epic grandeur, the language... Just got a teeny bit annoyed with Anna as @Lindy 😍said but even that basically added to the experience 😁 2y
CatMS Recently bought a used copy from my library bookstore, as thought it was time to read it. A friend read it recently and like it. Also said it wasn't difficult. 2y
keepingupwiththepenguins @CatMS I think the right translation makes a big difference. Enjoy! ❤️ 2y
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Anna Karenina | Lev Tolstoj
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In case anyone wants a deal on an ebook chunkster, tagged ebook is on sale today

Bklover This will sound extravagant but I have this on my nook but not my kindle. I don‘t use the nook much anymore, so I bought it!😬. Thank you!!❤️ 2y
Texreader @Bklover Yay!! It‘s not extravagant when it‘s on sale for that price!! 2y
WorldsOkayestStepMom Thanks for the heads up! 2y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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Just finished this awesome bookish puzzle 🧩. I have the first lines mug & when I saw someone on here 🤔 post this puzzle, I had to get one for me, and one for my puzzling book-loving friend Sophie for Christmas ❤️🙏🎄.

Lindy I have a mug version… not as many first lines fit on it, but the layout is the same. 👍 2y
MrsMalaprop @lindy I have the mug too 😊 2y
WorldsOkayestStepMom Oh I need this puzzle. 2y
Rissreads Love it! 👏🏻 2y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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A little break

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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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😍. It‘s a book, no no it‘s a film. Ok still awesome. https://www.nybooks.com/online/2022/11/22/the-agony-of-sophia-tolstoy/?utm_mediu...

Anna Karenina | Leon Tolstoi
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A sweeping panoramic view of late 19th-century Russia and the strict confines of noble women. I was surprised to see that Levin was more like Anna than any other character, and the novel was really about both of them: both aspired to a life of happiness, but only Levin achieved it. Though Anna is indeed a tragic character, she was unlikable at times, but maybe she wouldn't have been if she had lived in modern times.

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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@CBee is hosting #manicmonday favourites game.
Feel free to join in the fun. Thanks for the tag @Cinfhen 😊
📚 Fiction - tagged, non-fic - All quiet on the western front by Erich Maria Remarque
✍️ Margaret Atwood... always
🎬 Alien
🎤 Aha
🎶 A kiss from a rose - Seal

Cinfhen Excellent choices!!! 2y
CBee Good choices! Thanks for playing 😊😊 2y
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Anna Karenina | Tolstoy, Leo
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“‘No.‘ he said to himself, ‘however good that life of simplicity and toil may be. I cannot go back to it. I love her,‘”
#Reading #BookRecommendation #Bookstagram#SummerReading #Fiction #LiteraryFiction #CurrentlyReading #MustRead #AnnaKarenina #LeoTolstoy #ClassicLit #RussianLit

Anna Karenina | Tolstoy
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Umm...do I need one?


Anna Karenina | Lev Tolstoj
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I read it a couple years ago, during the very first lockdown.. Loved it! 💙


Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I just can‘t y‘all. I‘m blaming modern day short attention span, if I‘m being nice…. But really it‘s just kind of a boring book IMHO, just not for me 😆

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

A classic Russian novel. Tolstoy when he‘s out of his comfort zone is far more interesting. Not quite as wonderful and earth shaking as Lolita, but it‘s certainly well written and a fun read. The kind of book you can read over a few months next to your bed.

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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I just don‘t know about this y‘all. I am on part 2 and somehow still have 23 hours left. In confusion I thought to check the chapter list because how many parts can a novel have and it has EIGHT PARTS people! And I mean, the story is charming? And the characters lively and entertaining? Still…. Eight parts, man…. That‘s a lot of parts.

StaceGhost I‘ve never stopped thinking about this book! 2y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I have 28 hours of driving coming up, so I‘m trying Anna Karenina again, I feel like I‘ve tried it before but now I don‘t really remember why I bailed, but if I remember I‘ll be sure to quit on it again, but this time I‘ll record why on here 😆

Ericalambbrown I have never made it through this due to gratuitous depression 😂 2y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
@TheNeverendingTBR Thanks for the tag 😘

1. Yes, I do. I have a TBR dedicated to classic 🤣
2. Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary will be next 🤟🏻

TheNeverendingTBR We need to get a readalong going 🙋 3y
Ast_Arslan @TheNeverendingTBR I'll tell you once I will finish the current one! 3y
TheSpineView On my list also. Thanks for playing! 3y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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It‘s not a bad book but the story got really slow and boring in a lot of chapters imo.
I really enjoyed Kitty and Levin‘s love story, probably my favorite part.
Anna‘s story was heartbreaking she made a lot of mistakes but she was still a victim to society and it got into her head so bad to a point where she had no faith or hope in anyone anymore.
Overall the book was beautifully written and talks about themes that are relevant to this day.

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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

“my whole life, independently of anything that may happen to me, is every moment of it no longer meaningless as it was before, but has an unquestionable meaning of goodness with which I have the power to invest it.”

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

“Levin kissed her carefully on her smiling lips, offered his arm, and with a feeling of strange closeness led her out of the church. He could not believe it was all true, and only realized it when their surprised and timid glances met and he felt that they were already one.”

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

“He seized the chalk with nervous, trembling fingers, broke
it, and wrote the initial letters of the following: 'I have
nothing to forget or forgive, I never ceased to love you.”

This chalk episode and confession between Kitty and Levin might be my favorite from this book, it was very beautiful and pure.

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

“Not only in that room but in the whole world there existed for him nothing but Kitty and himself; and he had now acquired a great significance and importance.”

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

“She was frightened, shy, shamefaced, and therefore even more charming. She saw him as soon as he entered. She had been waiting for him. She was filled with joy, and that joy made her feel so confused that for a moment when, as he was approaching the hostess, he again glanced at her, Kitty herself, he, and Dolly all thought she would not be able to control herself but would burst into tears.”

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

“Now, when he heard that she was here, he was suddenly filled with such joy and at the same time with such fear, that it took away his breath and he could not utter what he wished to say.”

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

“At the very moment when this vision was about to disappear, her candid eyes fell on him. She recognized him and joyful surprise lit up her face. He could not be mistaken. There were no other eyes in the world like them. In the whole world there was only one being able to unite in itself the universe and the meaning of life for him. It was Kitty.”

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy

Story about love and sacrifices

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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Tale told again and again and again throughout history, but none as good as Tolstoy has.

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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoi
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My goal is to keep up with AK buddy read and finish Song of Achilles. And possibly work on Star Mother. #joyousjanuary #readathon

tpixie That‘s great you are reading AK! and going to school! I‘m waiting to retire to read it! Lol 😂 hopefully by that time my brain can still remember what I‘ve read 300 pages before!!! I liked Song of Achilles and Circe. 3y
Andrew65 Good luck 😊👍 3y
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Anna Karenina | Lev Tolstoj
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I‘m going in! May not come out for weeks. Check@out this card!

ChaoticMissAdventures I read this for fun in college and loved it! It is dense my biggest tip is to write your own character list, there are SO many names! 3y
EclecticBookLover Good luck! I have yet to get through this one. I'm determined to one day! 3y
Kristin_Reads Love AK! I would be tempted to keep that card! 3y
Jensol77 The good old days of a library card. 3y
Tamra This was an immersive read so the length was no problem! 3y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I don‘t know if it‘s Maggie Gyllenaal or the story but I can go no further. With 25h 39m to go, I‘m throwing in the towel (for now). This is going on the #DNF pile of maybe, I‘ll come back to it. #audio #christyread #audible

SRWCF Bummer! I loved the book when I read it. 3y
marleed I almost picked up this book thrifting last week, but decided I didn‘t want to put that reading pressure on myself when Dr Zhivago still sits unread on my shelves! 3y
Christyco125 @SRWCF I may give it another shot either as a physical book or with a different voice actor. This one just dragged on. 3y
SRWCF @Christyco125 I can see how this book could be boring as an audio book. It wasn't an easy read for me. Before starting the book, I went online and found a list of characters in order to keep them straight since I wasn't familiar with Russian names. I printed out the list and kept it with me at all times. I think that helped me to follow the story better. I hope you give it another chance. 🙂 3y
DivineDiana Agree with @SRWCF. I also had a printed list of characters. The book is wonderful! I hope you give it another chance in print! 3y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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Anna read and understood, but it was unpleasant for her to read, that is, to follow the reflection of other people‘s lives. She wanted too much to live herself.

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I was late deciding on my #12booksof2021 so I decided to present it to you in two parts rather than 12. Here is January to June! June was the month i finished reading the whole Sandman series so I‘m listing it as 1 thing since I could never choose between all the books, I love them all far too much. @Andrew65

Andrew65 Some good choices. 3y
Liz_M What a fantastic selection! Magic Mountain was especially poignant to read during covid times, I thought. And the Pessoa is lovely! 3y
Graywacke What @Liz_M said except that I haven‘t read Pessoa. What a great six months of reading! 3y
batsy Love Disquiet, Anna Karenina, and Sandman! The Plague and Magic Mountain high on the TBR. 3y
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Anna Karenina | Tolstoy, Leo

"if it is true that there are as many kinds of brains as there are heads then it is also true that there are as many kinds of love as there are hearts."
-Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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I avoided this book because I thought it would be difficult. It‘s not. Tolstoy is brilliant but straightforward with his transcendent story of love, betrayal, family and social class. I wish I‘d read it sooner. ♥️

JamieArc I had the same experience. It was much more readable than I expected and really enjoyed it. 3y
rachelk @JamieArc Yes! I found Tolstoy so accessible I‘m thinking of tackling War and Peace next year. 🤓 (edited) 3y
DivineDiana Agree! I thank Oprah for encouraging her Book Club to challenge themselves! 3y
rachelk @DivineDiana I read that Oprah said, “Don‘t be scared” and she was absolutely right. 3y
DivineDiana How I love that Oprah shares and promotes the love of books! ❤️👏🏻📚 3y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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Klou Brilliant! 3y
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Anna Karenina | Leon Tolstoi
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My 2022 TBR 🤟🏻🤟🏻
Only 7 books but they're massive 😂 6.299 pages total ❤

From top to bottom

1. L'orda del vento - Alain Damasio
2. A little life - Hanya Yanagihara
3. From here to eternity - James Jones
4. Anna Karenina - Lev Tolstoj
5. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke
6. Winter's Tale - Mark Helprin
7. The priory of the orange tree - Samantha Shannon

Did you read any of these? Did you like them?

night_shift 😲 the year of chunksters! I haven't read any of these but A Little Life and The Priory of the Orange Tree have been collecting dust on my shelf. Really need to get them read. Anyway, good luck! 3y
Ast_Arslan @UnidragonFrag same of these are in the shelf from years, so I easily relate to you 😂😅 3y
night_shift @Ast_Arslan there's just so many other good books to read! It really is endless 🥲 3y
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HollyBolly Oh boy! Good luck! 3y
Ast_Arslan @HollyBolly thank you 😂🧡 3y
Ast_Arslan @UnidragonFrag and more have to come 😱 that's truly endless 3y
RaeLovesToRead A little life is incredible but full of pain and suffering. I also have priory of the orange tree, Anna karenina and norrell and strange on my to read list. Not sure whether I'll get to them in 2022 though - it took me 18 months to read War & Peace! 3y
Ast_Arslan @RaeLovesToRead a lot of people told me the same about A little life that's why I can't wait to read it 😂 Don't say that, you scare me 😂 I have War & Peace in my list since childhood 😂 3y
RaeLovesToRead 😄 despite the pain and suffering, it is one of those books that you never forget! 3y
AnneCecilie I‘ve read A Little Life, Anna Karenina + Norrell and Strange. I‘ve loved them love. 3y
Ruthiella I love long books because you really LIVE them as a reader! I loved Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell. I‘ve also read Anna Karenina and From Here To Eternity, both of which I appreciated, but occasionally found challenging. (edited) 3y
Bookwomble I've only read Jonathan Strange from your list, which I really enjoyed. 3y
Ast_Arslan @AnneCecilie @Ruthiella @Bookwomble I hope to love it too ❤ thanks for the recommendation 3y
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Anna Karenina | Leon Tolstoi
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Almost time for my annual rereading of sad Russians to truly set off the winter chill ❤️🤓💀

Yuki_Onna Loool! 😂😂😂 I guess I'm of French/Russian origin, then... 😆 3y
SamanthaMarie This is hysterical 3y
StaceGhost @Yuki_Onna hahaha! Yes! What a great combination & I know @SamanthaMarie my fellow book nerd sent it to me lol he‘s a Russian for sure 3y
slategreyskies Oh my god, I‘m dying!! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
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Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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This is the Little Free Library I hike up the hill to of a Wednes. It‘s the only weeknight I‘m not training for my ballet exam so it‘s like a midweek break. I really look forward to my Wednesdays & enjoy a wine & a read with my stretch after my walk. I also usually go to bed as the sun sets with a pot of tea & a book. I finally start to recover from the weekend before the most tiring part of my week. Not long now before I‘m on school summer hols.

SamanthaMarie This is such a cute LFL!! It sounds like things are pretty exhausting right now. I'm so sorry! I'm glad you have that one night a week to be cozy. 3y
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Anna Karenina | Tolstoy, Leo
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These are so beautiful! Saw these in a bookstore in Tallinn. 😍

Leftcoastzen Wow! 3y
IuliaC Wonderful covers! 3y
CarolynM Very beautiful 😍 3y
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BarbaraBB Gorgeous! Do you live there? 3y
Martta @BarbaraBB It was a business trip from Helsinki. I spent there a week and visited couple of bookstores. 😊📚 3y
BarbaraBB Cool business trip. I‘d like to go there one time too. 3y
Martta @BarbaraBB You definitely should. It's a beautiful country. 😁👍 3y
BarbaraBB I heard Estonia is the most beautiful Baltic country. Do you agree or haven‘t you visited Latvia and Lithuania? (edited) 3y
Martta @BarbaraBB I actually haven't visited Latvia or Lithuania so I can't tell. But Estonia is beautiful and it has a long history as well. Tallinn has an awesome old city&fortress ruins right at the center. Spent there quite a bit of time last week. I highly recommend. 3y
BarbaraBB Thanks, I am definitely keeping it in mind! 3y
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Anna Karenina | Tolstoy, Leo
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