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Ohio | Stephen Markley
The debut of a major talent; a lyrical and emotional novel set in an archetypal small town in northeastern Ohioa region ravaged by the Great Recession, an opioid crisis, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistandepicting one feverish, fateful summer night in 2013 when four former classmates converge on their hometown, each with a mission, all haunted by the ghosts of their shared histories. Since the turn of the century, a generation has come of age knowing only war, recession, political gridlock, racial hostility, and a simmering fear of environmental calamity. In the countrys forgotten pockets, where industry long ago fled, where foreclosures, Walmarts, and opiates riddle the land, death rates for rural whites have skyrocketed, fueled by suicide, addiction and a rampant sense of marginalization and disillusionment. This is the world the characters in Stephen Markleys brilliant debut novel, Ohio, inherit. This is New Canaan. On one fateful summer night in 2013, four former classmates converge on the rust belt town where they grew up, each of them with a mission, all of them haunted by regrets, secrets, lost loves. Theres Bill Ashcraft, an alcoholic, drug-abusing activist, whose fruitless ambitions have taken him from Cambodia to Zuccotti Park to New Orleans, and now back to The Cane with a mysterious package strapped to the underside of his truck; Stacey Moore, a doctoral candidate reluctantly confronting the mother of her former lover; Dan Eaton, a shy veteran of three tours in Iraq, home for a dinner date with the high school sweetheart hes tried to forget; and the beautiful, fragile Tina Ross, whose rendezvous with the captain of the football team triggers the novels shocking climax. At once a murder mystery and a social critique, Ohio ingeniously captures the fractured zeitgeist of a nation through the viewfinder of an embattled Midwestern town and offers a prescient vision for America at the dawn of a turbulent new age.
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I was drawn to this because I grew up in Ohio. The simple title of the novel had me feeling nostalgic and intrigued. This is a book I struggled to connect with in the beginning and as I neared the end, I knew I was going go miss these characters. It‘s a heavy read with a lot of graphic descriptors that convey the shocking realities for these four traumatized characters. Markley is an incredible writer.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

BkClubCare For a very OHIO book, have you read 9mo
NatalieR @BkClubCare No, I haven‘t read this! Thank you for the recommendation! It looks great. 9mo
Chelsea.Poole I loved this too. Also, I‘m in Ohio :) 9mo
NatalieR @Chelsea.Poole Ah, very cool! Gotta love the buckeye state! 🤗 9mo
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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An Ohio town ravaged by drugs, despair, and NAFTA becomes an emotional hellscape for four adults on one bitterly cathartic night in 2013. Markley‘s ambitious debut aims for greatness and almost gets there. Nimble jumps between high school/present day and beautiful, fluid writing make up for distracting polemics and a Hollywood plot-heavy climax. In this dark midwest fever dream, unhealed high school wounds linger on and the losses just pile up.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Just realized that I‘m currently reading two books set in Ohio and also just finished Winesburg, Ohio… I previously read very few books set in Ohio, so I‘m not sure why Ohio is having such a moment in my reading life right now! 😱

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Holy shit this book was good. It was long, and dealt with a lot of dark stuff, but I loved it. The only part I didn‘t like was how unbelievable some of the stuff these high schoolers got into was. Already want to read it again!
⭐️: 4.5/5

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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Best read in two or three long sittings. I started this book reading just a few pages every morning & found the whole experience frustrating because there are so many characters & events to keep track of. However, once I had the time (i.e. long weekend) to devour the last half in one go, I found I enjoyed the whole book much more. Beautifully written, horribly depressing & I didn‘t totally see the end coming. #weekendreads #read50states

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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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How could I have forgotten to post in honor of #NationalCoffeeDay? Here‘s the latest #dailydunkin and before school read.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½ • While I do think this book is good, it‘s really too long and it has significant pacing problems. The length takes away from the plot and there are lots of characters to keep track of. It takes on a lot of heavy topics but not as well as I‘d hoped. While it was a slow burn, it really picked up at the end. If the whole book had the end‘s pacing I would have loved it.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Aaaaand now the final quarter of #booked2019!!! Thank you to our wonderful hosts who challenge me to read outside my comfort zone 🤗
Book about Addiction- Ohio
Soldier Story- William, an Englishman
New in 2019- The Mother-in-law
POC MC Paranormal- The Water Dancer
Public Domain- Cherie
Political Intrigue- The Sisters

I loved all of this quarters picks, including Water Dancer, which I never would have read if not for this challenge ❤️

BarbaraBB I am starting The Water Dancer now because it is shortlisted for the #Tob2020. Not really my usual genre so I am happy you liked it! 🤞 5y
Reviewsbylola I‘ve always wanted to read Colette. That‘s an amazing cover. 5y
Reviewsbylola It looks like Elvis. 🤣 5y
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Reviewsbylola And I don‘t think all your praise could convince me to read Water Dancer, but maybe someday. 5y
emilyhaldi I almost put Water Dancer on your #newyearwhodis list!!! @Reviewsbylola 😂 5y
emilyhaldi @BarbaraBB I hope you like it as much as I did!!! Definitely not my usual genre either 🙃 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I really loved The Water Dancer—glad it surprised you! ♥️📚👊🏻 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley

The first section was annoying, the second and third were promising (if gory), the fourth was just ridiculous, and the coda was unnecessary. I'm perhaps a little sensitive about people dumping on Ohio (it's like how no one's allowed to pick on your siblings except you), but if you're going to do it, at least make the story believable (or so fanciful it becomes magical realism, which could still be emotionally believable).

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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The depressing book about Ohio that I'm listening to just mentioned the college I went to for undergrad. I'm not sure whether to woohoo or to cringe.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Audiowalked during my kids' P.E. class, listening to a book about Ohio in a decidedly non-Ohio landscape. I spotted a scrub-jay, some found art, and a camera-shy bunny (not pictured) while circling round and round (and round) the playing fields. The green of the grass belies the desert climate and the Santa Ana wind set to arrive later this week.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Well, that was horribly depressing. 😳

A pick, but with the warning that there is a ton of graphic language, sex, and violence in here.

marleed Interesting. I recently gave Idaho a pick but with a caution for depressing. 5y
Amiable @marleed Apparently novels named after states should come with warning labels. 😀 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I was gonna start one of these but got side-tracked and bumped up The Gifted School on my list - and @MicheleinPhilly started reading it so now I have FOMO on reading about jerk parenting - and now I‘m not sure...🤔😂

KatieDid927 Aww look at that cutie. 5y
Ruthiella I know... you just want to read them ALL NOW at the same time! #Readerproblems! (edited) 5y
LauraBeth Awww - thanks! He‘s the best! 😻 5y
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LauraBeth Yes @Ruthiella! I can‘t read fast enough! 5y
Suet624 If you can‘t keep up with all the reading then we‘re all in deep trouble. 5y
LauraBeth @suet624 😂 I was reading a lot during the first half of 2019, but then took a bit of a break in the spring. Now I have a lot of catching up to do! So many books! 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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How the recession, war, drugs, alcohol, mental illness, xenophobia & religion shapes/devastates a group friends, is at times so hard to read. It's desperately sad & poignantly written. Sometimes a little too heavy, emotionally & I felt less may have been more effective. The book has a cracking sense of place – not of one geographical spot necessarily- but of a specific time and context that is sadly relatable in many, many places.

AmyG Yes! Great review. i am glad you liked this. 5y
Mitch @AmyG I really did - really loved each characters sections - i felt they were potentially books within books. Maybe a rushed at the end - and the pace of the mosque scene seemed particularly rushed. But i loved the complexities to every characters lives and how they all intertwined and were products of their time and place. Beautiful written too - so much detail in the prose that really put you in the scene. 5y
MicheleinPhilly Great review! I really enjoyed this one. 5y
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AmyG Exactly. And so much sad truth to his words. A book that will stay with me. I look forward to read what he writes next. 5y
Leftcoastzen This one keeps popping up , guess I need to get to it 5y
Mitch @Leftcoastzen Not a “ fun“ read - but a great one! You need lots of reading time though - i thought it was better read in long chunks rather than a snatched 10 minutes here and there. x 5y
Leftcoastzen Thanks for the tip ! 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I‘ve had so little reading time in the last few days it‘s ridiculous! Which means I‘ve just been reading a few pages here and there.... not my preference! So today.... I‘m settling in and treating myself to a long chunk of reading time!

What are you reading now?

Soubhiville I‘m reading Friday Black. The author was at TX Book Fest last year. It‘s short stories, but they are strong and fascinating. About racism, drugs, and several insane quirks of American society. Some of it feels dystopian. It‘s short but I‘m taking my time because there is a lot to think about in it! 5y
Mitch @Soubhiville I broke my ‘ I don‘t like short stories‘ mantra in order to read that book. They were so vivid and dark and a few really effected me long after I read them. Good choice! 5y
Mitch @Soubhiville I love our ‘summer‘ reading choices! 🤣 5y
Soubhiville @mitch I didn‘t remember that you‘d read this, but I thought you would like it too. Definitely not light and summery 🤣. I almost didn‘t get it off the library shelf because of it being short stories, but I‘m with you, I like this collection! 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Inspired by my wonderful #bfc team champions I‘m stopping for lunch today (Quiche and salad) and squeezing in the first few pages of a new book. Happy lunchtime folks.
@chrissyreadit @erinsuegreads @itchyfeetreader @microbemom @phatsallylee @blaire @sudi

emz711 Where is this? 5y
charl08 Wow. That's a lovely reading spot at the British Library. 5y
Chrissyreadit That looks like a lovely spot! 5y
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wanderinglynn Lovely spot to read! 💜 5y
sudi Looks like a great spot to read and quiche sounds delicious 😋 5y
Mitch @emz711 it‘s in the British Museum. A quite window overlooking the courtyard 5y
emz711 @Mitch 👍👍 5y
Mitch @Chrissyreadit @wanderinglynn @sudi A friend leant me her Members card so I had lunch in the Members Room - a very hushed environment with lovely comfy chairs! 5y
wanderinglynn The members room—that sounds very posh! And very cool. I‘m a bit jealous! 😉 5y
Itchyfeetreader Love this 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Oh thank you so much @AmyG what a wonderful surprise package to come home to tonight. I really loved the sound of this book - a gritty urban saga and the photographer in my loooves the cover! Thank you for thinking of me wonderful friend. Happy travels. #LitsyLove

AmyG It arrived! 🎉🎉🎉 I really enjoyed this book...it was so well written and had so much to say. Let me know when you read it. I‘d love to discuss it with you. 😘😘😘 5y
Mitch @AmyG oh definitely- I‘d love that. It looks a book rich for discussion. So glad you liked it. It fits the brief of my ideal book - great story, well told! Thank you again 😘 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I'm not so sure this is working for me. I really think it is the narration that I dislike. I'm wondering if I could get into it more if I read it in print. I think this one may be a bail. #homestate #audiobook #audible #bail #dnf

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Incredible book. Unemployment, War, Meth & Oxycodone, toxic masculinity. The American dream. Seriously good, best read this year for me. So dark at the end. Brilliant.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Sadly, #mygeneration and my state have a drug-abuse problem. Planning on reading this one for #booked2019 #bookaboutaddiction

Cinfhen Unfortunately I think it‘s a shared problem among the generations 😢😢 looks like a difficult read 5y
MicheleinPhilly I‘ll be very curious to hear your thoughts on this. I loved it. 5y
Mdargusch Yeah, I don‘t think I can read this one. I saw enough strung out, addicted people this weekend in New Orleans to last a lifetime. 😢 5y
Reviewsbylola This one‘s on my TBR. 5y
emilyhaldi Oh good!!! @MicheleinPhilly I haven‘t heard too many good things so happy to hear a positive review from you!!! 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I took a mental health day on Friday and have spent ALL weekend with this. I understand the criticism that he tried to do too much but this pushed all of my buttons. It‘s a high school novel, it‘s a 10 years out of high school novel, it‘s a socio-political novel, it‘s a murder mystery novel, etc. It reminded me of Richard Russo or really good John Irving. 4🌟👇🏼

MicheleinPhilly TW: Rape and graphic depictions of war. 6y
AmyG I have this and can‘t wait to have time to read it. 6y
TrishB Hope you‘ve had a few days of peace and quiet. I‘m on the fence about this one currently! 6y
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MicheleinPhilly @AmyG I‘m so glad that I read it in the manner in which I did. I think my opinion might have been different had I read it in snatches over the course of a week or so. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Ellen6 I just finished this. I really enjoyed it. It was a bit too long though 6y
MicheleinPhilly @TrishB 🤔 I‘m on the fence about whether I would recommend this to you. It is VERY distinctly “small town America” but I do think it is relatable for anyone who has experience with the white collar/blue collar stratification in their community. Hello Philly and Liverpool! ☺️ 6y
BarbaraBB Sounds real good. Happy you liked it as I somehow ordered a copy 😉 6y
Bookladylinda I‘ve wondered about this book for awhile, not sure why, maybe because I‘m originally from Ohio!?!?? 🤷🏾‍♀️ so I stacked it! 6y
TrishB Will keep my eye out for any offers 👍🏻 6y
Amiable Ooh, you've said the magic words for me: a really good John Irving. Stacking. 6y
Mdargusch I keep thinking I need to read this because I live in Ohio but then I read the mixed reviews. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
MicheleinPhilly @Mdargusch I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on it (and your girls) but it is a bit of a commitment. 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Messy shelfie for hour 12 #24in48

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Finally starting this today, been saving it as my first read for 2019! With all the hype I‘ve been hearing, I‘m insanely excited to start it!

kgriffith What'd you think?? 5y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley

“Rumors are immaculately fucked things in small towns.”

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I tried REALLY hard to get into this one, but it just wasn‘t there for me. I was super excited to read a book set in my home state of Ohio but I just couldn‘t do it. Perhaps in another place and time, I‘ll be better able to read/listen to it. Sad face. 🙁 #ohio #dnf

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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This book is the real thing. A debut thats takes a stab at the Great American Novel. Really impressive.

JustJill1963 Looking forward to getting into this in 19! Copy waiting on my shelf. 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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This is probably a good book, but it‘s not good for me. I made it halfway through, but I‘m having trouble keeping the characters and the web of their relationships straight. I think that‘s more a reflection of my medical situation than the author. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I just don‘t want to read it. I‘m going to stick with nonfiction for now. ✌🏻

Tadams4 I love your honesty! 6y
Megabooks @Tadams4 Thanks 😊 I don‘t want to discourage others from reading it, but I did want to write a review. It was really frustrating/confusing to me that the author was going back and forth between the characters‘ first and last names, like all the characters. It took away from the storyline. Probably TMI in this reply 😂😂😂 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Well, my goal was 12 hours, and I managed to read 14, so I‘m proud of myself. 👍🏻 I finished two books and made great progress in two more. Plus I listened to over three hours of an audiobook.

I hope everyone else who participated in @DeweysReadathon had fun too! Congratulations to you! ⭐️🎊👏🏻🎉

LauraBrook Holy crap, 14 hours of reading is amazing!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
melissajayne I always have fun. Great job. 6y
Andrew65 Fantastic! 🙌🙌🙌🙌😍😍👍🍾 6y
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Naj Great job!! 🙌🙌 6y
youneverarrived Fab 👏👏 6y
Megabooks Thank y‘all so much!! 🤗🤗 I really enjoyed it! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 @LauraBrook @melissajayne @Andrew65 @Naj @youneverarrived 6y
Andrew65 You beat me, I only got to 13 hours 20 Minutes. 6y
Megabooks @Andrew65 That‘s still great!!! Congrats!!! 🍾🎉🎊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I think listening to audiobooks while I did my Saturday chores helped my numbers 👍🏻 6y
Andrew65 @Megabooks Thanks 😊👍 I think you have to use audiobooks too to get to a high total because cannot maintain the total physical effort to physically read without breaks. 6y
Megabooks @Andrew65 Yes! The first few readathons I only did print books and ebooks and I had trouble getting past 10 hours. Once @LitHousewife got me into audiobooks, I finished my first 24in48. I don‘t think I‘ll ever finish a Dewey‘s because I can‘t stay up all night. It‘s fun, though. 😁👍🏻 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Years after leaving high school, a few people come back to the dying town they were from. There are drugs, secrets, and possibly an old murder. Atmospheric and slow, this book does a great job of scene setting.

emilyhaldi I‘m really looking forward to this one 😄 6y
Mdargusch I‘m looking forward to it too! 6y
Sace STACKED! 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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🤷🏽‍♀️ I still don‘t get the obsession with people from high school. And the mystery was weak. I felt like he threw everything he could into this book. Every crisis of the 21st century was crammed in. A strange book for me.

Samplergal Same here. I wasn‘t impressed. I think he‘s a good writer, but this didn‘t click with me. 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I‘m a fourth of the way into this one. I‘m not sure how I feel about it. Did high school profoundly shape you guys? It didn‘t for me. I‘m having a little trouble connecting. I am the same age as the characters as well ( if they were real 😆)

Samplergal I didn‘t connect with it either. I thought maybe because I‘m in my 60‘s. 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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4 people return to their depressed hometown about ten years after graduation. Their stories interweave as we learn about their high school relationships that haunt them as well as the personal tragedies that occur after school. The book is beautifully written but can be difficult to follow at times. The last quarter of the book feels forced and the ending is bleh. The first three quarters of the book are haunting though. Definitely worth a read!

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Ohio | Stephen Markley

I‘m only about 130 pages in this book but it‘s definitely something special. I‘m about the age of the characters in the book and I‘m from a small nowhere kind of town. I can feel the isolation and despair of these characters. It‘s actually difficult to read because it touches on something so real.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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My husband was #bitinthebullet yesterday when he bought me this book I‘ve been eyeing for a while now 😜


Robothugs 🤣🤣 I love it 6y
emilyhaldi Ps. @Kalalalatja thanks for hosting an amazing September challenge!!! I couldn‘t get my life together enough yesterday to post, but I had a great time with #septemberdanes 🤗👏🏻❤️💃🏻🙌🏻 6y
Kalalalatja Oh, I know those days all too well 😅 thanks for playing along 👏💕👌 6y
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Cinfhen Yay for hubby!! How could he NOT buy you this one??? Curious to hear your thoughts 6y
Reviewsbylola I can‘t wait to read this!! 6y
Mdargusch I have been eyeing this book too! 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Texreader Brilliant photo 6y
MaddestMax Rad pic. 😃 6y
Geeklet Nice review. I have this one waiting on hold at the library. It sounds very interesting. 6y
Carolhreads Looks very spooky!!!! 6y
Wellreadhead Thanks guys! 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟best book I‘ve read so far in 2018!

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Waiting for bae to get outta work isn‘t so bad!

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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You guys. You gotta pick up this book... I feel like it‘s about my hometown in MI....

Megabooks It‘s on my soon list 6y
Jbakesmcgee3 @megabooks it‘s really well written! 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Antibiotics have officially kicked in, but I‘m posted up here for the long haul on this Sunday! 😍🤒🤷🏼‍♀️

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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It‘s a Chinatown/City Lights kind of day.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Stuck at the drs office with a probable ear infection... at least I have this awesome book with me! #ohio #hourandfifteenandcounting #idontfeelgood

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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I received this from NetGalley in exchange for my review. This ambitious novel tries to capture the struggles of a generation in a small Ohio town as they grow into adulthood following 9/11. Some situations and dialog, however, felt forced in order to make a political or cultural comment. Some sections were also hard to follow due to frequent flashback sequences. Overall, though, this is a good look at small town America over the last few years.

Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Set in a small town in northeastern Ohio where four friends return home in 2013 and find there are ongoing ripples and consequences from their schooldays. The author gets small town midwestern culture right and writes deeply about the individual characters. This could practically be a quartet of character study novels. The book came out 21 August 2018 but took me a while to read. 🌟🌟🌟🌟1/2

Reviewsbylola I am excited to read this one! 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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There are 4 sections of this chunky novel based in my home state about a group of people 10 years out of high school. Post 9/11, the opioid epidemic, sexual abuse, guilt, secrets, poverty, small town America and more are all explored through the portraits of 4 young adults as they are currently (2013 I think) and as they were in high school. Epic and depressing but worth the read. I related to the setting and being 10 years out of school.

Mitch Looking forward to reading this... 6y
AmyG I am looking forward to this, too. 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Oh my gosh....I FINALLY finished this book....it was a rough one but in a good way. Very, very bleak and dark, and so tragic for so many of the characters. The writing was poetic and the setting, a small town in recession-hit Ohio, was a character in and of itself. Gritty, raw and harsh are all adjectives that come to mind when describing this book. But, I like such books...call me crazy!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5. Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC! #Ohio

emilyhaldi I can't wait for this one! 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Here are my favorite new releases from August (well, at least of the ones I‘ve read 😜)


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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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This didn't work for me for a few reasons, but I will admit that I didn't give it much of a chance. One of the things that bothered me was the vague location of the fictional town it's set in, plus I feel like the book's description isn't accurate about the location. I was raised in NE Ohio & currently live in central Ohio. The book's description says NE and"rust belt" so I was expecting something in the vicinity of Akron or Youngstown but ?

Amie But from the little bit I read, it seems like Knox County? It's described as being in the NE quadrant of Ohio and equidistant to Cleveland and Columbus. I don't know if Knox is considered central or NE (I think central but don't know what the people who live there think). It just annoyed me that it wasn't more specific and didn't ring true (to me) about how Ohians define their part of the state. 6y
NatalieR I haven‘t read this yet so I can‘t help decipher the location much. I‘m from central Ohio. I think the rust belt is in Southern Ohio closer to the Kentucky border. 6y
Amie @NatalieR Interesting. I don't know much about southern Ohio and industry there. I've always thought of Youngstown/Akron/Cleveland/Toledo as more industrial/"rusty" but I guess cities near the Ohio River would be too. I tried looking up some more info and it seems like the whole state is considered rust belt. I think of more rural areas, like Knox Co., as being more farming-based so they don't feel like rust belt to me. 6y
NatalieR @amie I‘m with you. You‘re thoughts about where the rust belt is expected to be located are logical. It‘s interesting how differently we (society) define or label areas like this. Fun to explore and dissect though. 🙂 6y
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Ohio | Stephen Markley
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There are moments of brilliance in here, but it could have used a little editing down. Very grim novel about high school friends 10 years later -- it was a rare day when any of them made a good choice.

Alfoster So agree! I found myself skimming through some of it. 😳😳 6y
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