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The Woman in the Window - Was hat sie wirklich gesehen?
The Woman in the Window - Was hat sie wirklich gesehen?: Der Spannungsbestseller des Jahres! | A. J. Finn
Der internationale Bestseller: von 0 auf Platz 1 der New York Times-Bestsellerliste und von 0 auf Platz 2 der Sunday Times-Bestsellerliste in England! Der fesselndste Thriller, den ich seit 'Gone Girl' gelesen habe. A.J. Finn ist ein khner Debtautor meisterhaft. Tess Gerritsen Anna Fox lebt allein. Ihr schnes groes Haus in New York wirkt leer. Trotzdem verlsst sie nach einem traumatischen Erlebnis ihre vier Wnde nicht mehr. Anna verbringt ihre Tage damit, mit Fremden online zu chatten, zu viel zu trinken und ihre Nachbarn durchs Fenster zu beobachten. Bis eines Tages die Russels ins Haus gegenber einziehen Vater, Mutter und Sohn. Bei dem Anblick vermisst Anna mehr denn je ihr frheres Leben, vor allem, als die neue Nachbarin sie besucht. Kurze Zeit spter wird sie Zeugin eines brutalen berfalls. Sie will helfen. Doch sie traut sich nach wie vor nicht, das Haus zu verlassen. Die Panik holt sie ein. Ihr wird schwarz vor Augen. Als sie aus ihrer Ohnmacht erwacht, will ihr niemand glauben. Angeblich ist nichts passiert ...
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"My dear girl, you cannot keep bumping your head against reality and saying it is not there."




Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 2mo
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Okay now this was a good psychological thriller! Almost refreshing because of it's intense setting and character build up. It's different than most of thrillers on the market.

If you liked Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn or the movie Disturbia with Shia Labeouf, this one's for you!!

Can't wait to watch the movie this weekend!

4.5 star audiobook listen for me! It was a little predictable but i actually didn't care

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Separated from her husband and daughter, agoraphobic, psychiatrist, neighbor watcher, photo taker. 

Anna Fox was all of those, but mostly agoraphobic. Anna hadn‘t left her home for ten months.

Not edge-of-your-seat or gripping until the last half of the book.

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/5a7ujp8u

Eggs I could relate to this protag 😔 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 7mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🤩 7mo
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I started the book awhile ago after seeing the movie. But, the book was already on my TBR list. It‘s medium paced. Some of it is somewhat predictable but some of it is not. I think this was an amazing debut thriller mystery book from the author. I haven‘t seen much by her since though.

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I do not understand the hype this book has gotten.

The film references went largely over my head and took up unnecessary time and space.

After a certain point, the protagonist‘s unreliability became a bore. When you‘ve been bounced back and forth time and again, it loses its intended effect and becomes annoying.

I guessed the first major twist, and the others laid themselves out to me fairly easily thereafter.

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#everybreathyoutake I‘ll be watching you 👀


Eggs Perfect 💙🖤💙 13mo
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So… I saw the Netflix adaptation of this one… I really didn‘t like it. It felt too slow… it was just ummm I don‘t know… just not good for me. #BookToTv

CBee I started this (I loved the book) but just couldn‘t get into it 🤷‍♀️ 1y
ElizaMarie @CBee yes!!! It took so so long to get to the point but even when it “got” there it didn‘t seem to really pay off. I did love this book too. 1y
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Finished this one while driving to and from orientation (and random #AudioCleaning ). I loved the twists and turns. Got me guessing till the end. Now to watch the Netflix show soon. #DogsOfLitsy JuJuB fell asleep while guarding food.

CBee JuJuB is doing a sploot! 😂😍 1y
AmyG Awwwwww ❤️ 1y
dabbe That's a truly exhausting job, JuJuB! ❣️🐾❣️ 1y
ElizaMarie @dabbe My kitty (Lobster) loves to eat dog food (it's fish-based because JuJuB has allergies) and will not allow it. He watches it from the bed or sits next to it to keep it “safe.“ Or... eats it out of spite. They are fun to watch. 1y
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My first 2 days of orientation is 1.5 hour drive from home (today is day 1 of orientation to a Prison Nurse gig). Anyway saw this on Netflix. I thought I had read it but I didn‘t :( so… found it on Libby #AudioCommute

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I had to remind myself to take a break from romance novels, so I picked up this mystery! An agoraphobic woman sees a murder take place, but everyone is convinced she is delusional. There were two big “reveals” in the book and I saw both of them coming, but when the real killer announced themselves, they still did it in a way that made me think “awoo, jump scare.”

LoverOfLearning Exactly! The plot twists were a bit predictable, but I really didn't mind. The author did a good job making you feel invested enough that you still enjoyed the suprises. 3mo
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Honestly, I called a lot of the twists.
Flows easily, Anna is likable enough that I didn‘t mind following her on her drunken investigations. But I can‘t fully endorse this. A lot is obvious, a lot of it is a little silly. And no one from NY talks like Anna. #Lucyisjudgingme

Book 3 for #Jumpstart2023

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So I‘m sitting here reading this 200 pages in & I realize I have been reading the MCs thoughts/dialogue with a British accent. But wait this is NYC. Is this character supposed to be British? Did they say she was British and I missed it? No 1 in NY talks like this. So I flip to see the Author page. Also I assumed AJ Finn was a woman…. Anyway….

Kimberlone There‘s a lot of controversy with this author! Google it…It‘s pretty interesting! 1y
5feet.of.fury @Kimberlone I only did a quick scroll because I don‘t want to give myself spoilers, but I saw he probably faked a brain tumor and posed as his own brother 😬 not so good. 1y
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Wow! I thought I had it all figured out, and then... that ending! Anna Fox suffers from agoraphobia, and spends much of her time watching the world around her from the safety of her window. She becomes familiar with all of her neighbors from a distance, including the new neighbors, the Russells. But something just seems different about them and she can't figure out what it is.

Clwojick Great job! I enjoyed this one too. 1y
PuddleJumper Brilliant! 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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Very good read 2022

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Book haul from the library book store. All total $22. I am never going to get caught up.

5feet.of.fury Loved ♥️ The Golden Couple! I still need to read Woman in the Window. 2y
Q84 Great haul! I love when I can do this. Haven't been able to in quite a while. 2y
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I somehow managed to avoid all spoilers for this one so I enjoyed all the twists. I loved the way it embraced noir tropes and classic Hitchcock themes while also taking some unexpected turns. An agoraphobe sees something awful while spying on her new neighbors. It‘s hard to tell if stress a reliable narrator as we learn more about her history. There are slow moments, but just settle in and enjoy the ride.



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Eggs Great choice 😢 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Still on my shelf 🤦🏻‍♀️📚 soooo many!! 2y
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I didnot enjoy this book, it started ok, I watched the film of it and didn‘t love it so decided to listen to the audiobook of the book to see if it was any better and it‘s wasn‘t 👎🏻 3/5

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This was unexpectedly good! I saw mixed reviews, and the Netflix film is apparently terrible, but this was a fast-paced read with some great twists I didn‘t except at all. #kicktheslump Got at least 1 book read for this readathon, and a snow storm tomorrow to keep me inside! ❄️

LiteraryinLawrence Do you know all the drama surrounding this author? If not, that‘s a whole story in itself! 2y
ncayea I watched the Netflix mini series first. I liked it. It has intrigued me to read the book 🤷‍♀️ 2y
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this shit was crazy man. like absolutely crazy. every single thing was unexpected. so good

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On a mini birthday vacation in Portland, ME and picked this up! I‘m in the middle of a few books. Going to try and catch up during school vacation this week. Cheers to 30 years 🎂🥳

Chelsea.Poole Happy birthday! 2y
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This is so late, but THANK YOU SO MUCH @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks for the sweet Christmas package you sent me! I have not read the books but am so excited to get to them. It was so thoughtful ❤💚❤

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This trailer 😂🤣🍷🍷

LeahBergen The title!! 🤣🤣 3y
vivastory @LeahBergen Right?! I love thrillers but I can see why some of them are easily parodied 3y
batsy The title made me snort! @LeahBergen 3y
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The character's view unfolded like a Hitchcock movie, leading the reader down a path, only to have the rug pulled out from under your feet. Don't read this story in the dark, you might get creeped out and jump at every small sound in your house. I did have an inkling about who the killer was, but never sure until the end, which turned out to be a shock and surprise for me.
This is a great first novel and I hope Finn will have many more to come.

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Bookish creepy movie night! Except this movie was...not good. Still, it was enjoyable to watch to see why it tanked so badly.

#scarathlon2021 #teamhendrix @StayCurious

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An easy read,I had a quiet day yesterday and flew through it.It's basically the Rear Window but with agoraphobia instead of a broken leg.The main character is obsessed with old movies,specially Hitchcock,there's A LOT of movie talk,but she only mentions the Rear Window once very superficially despite clearly reliving the movie.A So-So cause it has product placement,there's nothing I hate more than an author invading my imagination with ads.

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Just started a new job so I‘m getting through books A LOT slower than normal :(

#thewomaninthewindow #ajfinn #fiction

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Wait whaaaaaaaat?! A great book with a few different twists. Also, not where I thought the book was going. I read the last couple chapters during a thunderstorm so that was fun.

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 3y
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Scary, suspenseful, and captivating! I‘m excited to watch the movie now & see how similar it is.

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Finished in 2 days audio cleaning. I love books with lots of references if you are a fan of film noir there are tons of references and I am kind of tempted to watch all the ones mentioned now. There‘s also some book references as well. Nice fast paced read. #BookSpinBingo

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Going to be honest, I didn‘t love this book. It felt incredibly formulaic, drawing heavily from domestic suspense cliches set by other books preceding it. The plot twists were easy to see coming, and Anna as a character didn‘t interest me.

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I enjoyed this thriller/mystery. I do enjoy a good unreliable narrator, and Anna Fox is definitely that! She‘s also pretty unlikeable, but more importantly, she‘s interesting, and that trumps unlikeable every time!

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Meh... my #bookspin for July @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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A decent psychological thriller. A woman with agoraphobia likes to watch her neighbours until one day she witnesses a murder. There were a few twists in the book, one of them didn't come as a surprise. Some compare it to Gone Girl, but IMO I didn't think it lived up to that hype. Whilst I thought this was a good book, it just didn't wow me. Still a solid 3 1/2 stars though.

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Looking forward to my July #bookspin and #doublespin picks! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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My book and my puppy 🐶📖❤️

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I would give a 6 out of 10. It was easy and enjoyable to read, though I feel like there were areas that had too much details and other areas that were rushed/ had a huge build up, then disappointed me! The end!! the entire book led up to the ending, but the ending concluded in no more than 5 pages. She had an affair and it did not tie into the story hardly at all. Over all, enjoyable, but seemed like an immature attempt

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Good way to spend a cold rainy afternoon. 😊 I don‘t tend to read psycho thrillers, but I will watch them.

Ruthiella That‘s how I feel about rom-coms. I don‘t enjoy reading them but I‘ll definitely watch ‘em in movie form! 3y
Tamra That was a “meh”.....and the reason I don‘t invest reading time into this genre. Less commitment. 😅 (edited) 3y
Tamra @Ruthiella 😄 No big deal then if isn‘t the greatest! 3y
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I watched the movie while I was weaving in the ends of a sweater I just finished and here are my thoughts, having not read the book I have owned for several years.
1. Amy Adams is just an amazing actress, apparently even in not great movies
2. I might not read the book.
3. I can say from experience that if you do not close a cat carrier pretty quick, cats don‘t stay in the carrier.

Tell me, is the book worth reading after watching the movie?

Cathythoughts I enjoyed the book. The movie I bailed on .. but yes Amy Adams is brilliant 3y
EvieBee I didn‘t love the book BUT I felt compelled to finish it! Wondering if I should watch the movie now. 3y
Cathythoughts @EvieBee be interested to hear your thoughts if you do 👍🏻 3y
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Andrea4 Imho movie sucked. Book was by far better. Amy Adams tho, crushed it! 3y
That-Bookish-Hiker Honestly I liked the movie more than the book and that‘s rare for me. The book was just ok. 3y
TheRiehlDeal I suppose the book is better. Netflix original movies aren‘t really that great to begin with. 3y
Reagan @Cathythoughts @EvieBee @Andrea4 @That-Bookish-Hiker @TheRiehlDeal lots to think about! There were things about the movie I really liked, didn‘t love the ending. I think I‘ll try the book, curious to see. 3y
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I have not read this, but it was on Netflix so I thought I would give it a try! I usually always read the book first! Good for me that I didn‘t! 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 I stopped right here 👆🏻 The only positive thing = the bookshelves!! 📚

Anyone else read it, watched it, liked it?!

amber_ldsmom I listened to it, but didn‘t like it all that much. The narrator was really annoying. 3y
Vickiv Aghhh I saw that it was available on Netflix so decided to read the book first. About half way through.. 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Vickiv I hope you like it!!! 3y
Prairiegirl_reading I read some stuff about the author and decided I wasn‘t interested. 3y
SilversReviews It isn‘t bad....I hope you like it. 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @SilversReviews I couldn‘t finish it! I didn‘t like The Girl On the train either! The characters are so unlikeable! Especially Rachel!! 3y
AmyG I watched it. The book was better. 3y
SilversReviews @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I didn‘t like THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN either. I didn‘t finish it. 3y
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