Starting this next while waiting for holds to become available ☺️ 🎧
Halfway through book 2 for Sharon‘s readathon..always wondered about Dorothea Benton Frank…great characters
Half the replenishment I made today for the #BeachReads Display! This place is going nuts for borrowed books these past couple months 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 *Happy Dance*
Have you read any of these?!
#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays
My July TBR!! Does not include a few library books/audios that havent come in yet! #BFC #bfcr2 #bookfitnesschallenge #teamflow @wanderinglynn @julesG @LibrarianJen @laurenslibrary @Moony @CocoReads @britt_brooke @Reecaspieces
If at anytime you are over being tagged in everything let me I wont be offended.
One hundred voluptuous pounds of a woman??? More like petite, slender, malnourished but not voluptuous.
Am I missing something here?? Doesn't this mean that Roni's mother had her at the unlikely age of 55?
The entire time I read this book, those horribly photoshopped arms creeped me out!!
Just thought I‘d share 🙂
“...he didn‘t seem to care so much about how much money he made as he did about the win. Bob was a natural predator with a superspeed, calculating, and very sharp mind he used as a weapon.”
#QuotsyApril18 #Predator
I love getting lost in a book in the summer!
If the story had focused on the protagonists' struggle to change their lifestyle while adjusting to retirement and loss of clients, it could have worked. Olivia and Nick were never in any danger of falling out of love, resenting each other or being anything but supportive, caring and overly-romantic. Their "struggles" took them to exotic locations straight out of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous where they discovered they like being rich.
@BookishMarginalia #litsyatoz #letterA #signedcopy. I have been a fan of Dorothea Benton Frank for years. This is not her best but it is not her worst either.
Raise your hand if you're ready for summer! 🙋🏻 With ALL SUMMER LONG (out in paperback now) it's hear a little early.
Despite all the books currently piled on my floor, I only managed to find two #RedSpines. #17RainbowBooks
Books for my #litsyatoz. I tried to do all physical books as much as possible. Last 3 are on nook and audible. Cleaning out #tbr pile. Need to be as old as methuselah to finish it! I will probably read out of order...I am a rebel like that! 😂
Happy birthday to the one and only, Dorothea Benton Frank! 🎂 We love spending our summers (and any time of year) with you!
A customer brought this book for me today at work! She said she always sees me reading and thought I might like it! 😍 #illtakeit #gimmeallthebooks #fueltothefire
I display the books I market in the endcap on my cube. I'd love to know your likes, dislikes, curiosities--have you read any of these books? Are they on your tbr?
This picture has nothing to do with a book. It's just because I like my cat 😻
This #SouthernBelle is ready to dive into a Lowcountry tale :)
Not my favorite author, but they had at the library, so will give it a shot.
Off work all week with nothing to do but read...well almost nothing.
I had to bail on this! usually really enjoy Dorothea Benton Frank & was excited for this but just can't get in to it!! I haven't wanted to pick it up at all, made it to page 180 and it's getting worse!! Not sure if it is the characters seeming stereotypical or the dolphin rescue but can't read it
This week's TBR is kind of tiny....maybe I will get through all of them #TBR
I hated the characters, the story, the writing, pretty much everything about this book.
My current read: This book has me majorly craving a tropical vacation. The setting is currently Necker Island. *swoon* Beach reading at its best so far.
My dog, Jack and I are going to enjoy this weekend with my new book!