A week late, but the tagged book is on my TBR pile for next month.
#IntegrateYourShelf @ChasingOm @Emilymdxn
A week late, but the tagged book is on my TBR pile for next month.
#IntegrateYourShelf @ChasingOm @Emilymdxn
To me John Lewis served as a beacon of hope and light during these dark and destructive times. He wrote with such a depth of feeling about the tensions of the civil rights movements, that it allows those of us who did not live through those times in this country to understand the pain of today. What a legend, leader, true humanitarian he was. Learning about his life gives hope for the possibility of future change. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I knew many of the pieces of this story, but not so many of the backstories. John Lewis and Michael D‘Orso wrote a beautiful and inspiring history about the civil rights movement, what it means to be courageous in the face of incredible cruelty, and ultimately about optimism and hope for the future. Published in 1998, it may be about our past but it is also very much about our present circumstances and our collective future.
I met John Lewis once and he graciously signed my copy of his book. He had a remarkable presence about him and I‘m privileged to have met him, however briefly. R.I.P.
RIP John Lewis , one who never stopped fighting.Black rights , human rights, he was one of my heroes. When we lose a leader like this , we are all diminished.
😢 John Lewis, you fought long and hard for civil rights, I‘m afraid we will never see your like again. Rest In Peace
So sad. John Lewis was truly one of the greatest Americans. I feel lucky that I got to hear him speak in person a few years ago. I recommend this tagged memoir as well as his graphic memoirs, tagged below.
Photo from this NY Times article:
R.I.P. John Lewis. You‘ll be missed. 😢💔
*The tagged is a great memoir, by the way.
Today‘s #Recommendsday is this great memoir! We all learned about slavery and often the Civil Rights Movements as though they were history, done and over and solved once and for all. Not only are many of us just starting to realize that isn‘t true and never was, the movement has always been continuing and ongoing...but the history we learned was often “white-washed” a few bad apples, and wow we persevered. ⤵️
1. Walking With the Wind
2. Currently, Donald Trump and ALL of his administration ; bigotry (I'm surrounded by it everyday here in MO...disgusting); current rise of hate groups (KKK, natzis, white supremacy).
3. None here, just reading and relaxing.
4. Yes! Huge storm rolling through as I type this 🤓
This was so, so, so good! Thank you #groupn for letting me take my time to finish it. I‘ll get it in the mail this weekend! @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @tjwill @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Thank you for the lovely card and tea @BarbaraTheBibliophage ! I‘m so excited to dive into this book.
#lmpbc #groupn #nfornonfiction @tjwill @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
This is a five-star, incomparable historic memoir. It‘s details about the Civil Rights Movement from one of its founders. Lewis went on to represent an Atlanta district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1987-present. He‘s an inspiration, especially during a week many of us have been questioning the credibility of our elected officials. 💯 recommend. #lmpbc #nfornonfiction #groupn
Full review www.TheBibliophage.com
This is my little reading spot this afternoon. I‘m making good progress on my #lmpbc book for #nfornonfiction. Heavy reading, for sure, but it‘s inspiring also. Hoping to get it done this week! #groupn
The other night one of my friends was feeling like we, in 2018, aren‘t accomplishing much with protests, marches, and sit-ins. And I shared how much reading this book has affected my position on them. Always march. Always protest. Never stop educating and speaking your mind against what you feel is wrong. Congressman John Lewis is still doing it, so can I. #readersresist #nfornonfiction #lmpbc #groupn
1. Family bday party in the park on a beautiful day.
2. Getting on the other side of my surgery, which is Friday. After eons of anticipation, I just want it to be over now.
3. I bailed on The Shape of Water a month or so ago.
4. This is a GOOD book!
5. Headed out to comment!
#shmondaybluesbreaker @Shannon_McKinney
Part 2 of 2
I am overwhelmed with this ... in a good way.
#nfornonfiction #lmpbc
I am so glad to be reading this at this exact moment in time. I have been canvassing and organizing for our local Democratic candidate for the House. First time I‘ve ever done this kind of work. And this memoir is reminding me of the bigger issues at the heart of the matter. The idea of the “steadfastness of truth” is striking a chord, for sure. (Part 1 of 2)
#nfornonfiction #lmpbc #readersresist #resistlist
Done! John Lewis‘s memoir, published in 1998, is still so relevant today. It is historically important, and sometimes a slow read because it is so dense with historical explanations. Even so, I would read more by Lewis because he explains things so well. He is matter-of-fact while also being so loving and compassionate. He continues to be one of my American heroes.
I‘ll get this in the mail tomorrow or Wednesday.
#LMPBC #GroupN #NforNonfiction
Continuing to read while waiting on my daughter in ballet class...
#lmpbc #groupN #NforNonfiction
This is a chunkster. And it‘s very dense because it‘s mostly history, albeit firsthand. I love seeing Lewis‘ experiences and perspective, but I‘m trying to read fast to pass it on to @BarbaraTheBibliophage by the end of the week! It has been a beautiful day for reading outside! #lmpbc #groupN #NforNonfiction
Rep. John Lewis spent some nights in #jail as a young man while protesting unfair voting laws and practices. We are lucky these brave men and women stood up for American civil liberties! #ReadingResolutions
Started reading today
#lmpbc #groupN #NforNonfiction
Next #lmpbc book for #groupN #Nfornonfiction has arrived! Thanks, @Riveted_Reader_Melissa ! John Lewis is one of my heroes, so I‘m excited about this one! USPS did not treat it well, but the book looks fine.
Starting one more #Nonfiction2018 yet this month, for #LMPBC #GroupN
I‘ve just read the prologue so far and I can already tell this is going to be a good one.
My B&N haul. I'm really excited for the tagged book.
I'm trying to read more non-fiction, biographies, social and political, science, etc. This is my latest, following up John Lewis's Across that Bridge.
The vote is the most powerful instrument ever devised by man for breaking down injustice and destroying the terrible walls that imprison men because they are different from other men.
You know you're marrying into the right family when you go to your future in-laws' house for dinner and your MIL is all excited because her book came in the mail today. She's 67 and goes to protests with me too. I grew up in an ultra conservative/Trumper/tea party family, so I'm really happy my fiancé's family is supportive & accepts me for who I am. ?
The family that resists together stays together. ✊?✊?✊?✊?✊?✊️
#resist #blacklivesmatter
I criticized him (JFK), yes, and he deserved that criticism. He needed it. Every politician needs to be pushed and prodded by the people he represents.
Started three more today even though I'm in the middle of three as it is. 🤦🏼♀️
My #LitsyPartyOfOne is only going to be for a few hours since I work third shift again tonight 😣 But I'm hoping to read for a little bit of this inspiring memoir and brew some coffee shortly ☕️
My #currentreads selection and I'm loving all three! I'm focusing a bit more on Death's End since it's library book and I'm enjoying it much more than the second in the trilogy!
It's not a #bookhaul or #bookmail that's big in quantity, but I expect it to be big in #inspiration! #socialjustice
#TBR #FeistyFeb This is where I thought my reading was headed for the upcoming month, but honestly, I've been scraping plans & picking different things everyday depending on the news of the day.
Maybe I'll try to stick with this mix of Woman's March, Racism, Black History List and then make March more Immigrants/Immigration, Iraq, Iran, Middle East, Palestine, Israel, etc stories. Who knows what will come up this month and be the focus of April?
I'm about to crack open this book and it feels heavy, not because it's 500 pages, but because for all intents and purposes 8 years ago I thought these events were mostly in the past. With today's political climate I am not so sure. However, I am happy to advocate that we read more inclusive books and celebrate diversity in my book club and this is a great second step (we chose Americanah in January).
"We didn't see these young guys who attacked us that day as the problem. We saw them as victims."
I do not think I could be so forgiving. I have much to learn.
Looks like it is going to ship!!! This is one book I have had no problem waiting for.
Bookoutlet.com is having a 15% off flash sale until January 28, 9am EST! Here's what I just ordered. I'm clearly on a nonfiction kick right now lol. #bookoutlet #booksale #bookhaul #nonfiction
This book is so good and even more essential for current events. Reading about how nonviolent protests overcame so much from someone who lived it helps remind me that #allisnotlost
If you liked March graphic novels, do yourself a favor and track down a copy of this book!
Words of advice for all the activists out there.
I loved and flew through the March graphic novels so couldn't believe my luck when I found his memoir at a used bookstore! I think it's even more important given the recent Trump tirade against amazing activist. His first hand account the civil rights movement is necessary for so many reasons!
Hypocrite president elect Voldemort chooses to pick a fight with a legendary civil rights leader, I choose to vote with my dollars. Excited to jump into these.