Decided to start reading this #candidate #memoir, and then he dropped out of the race today. Hope it wasn‘t because I picked his book! #readthecandidates #nonfictionchallenge2020 #somethingaboutacandidate
Decided to start reading this #candidate #memoir, and then he dropped out of the race today. Hope it wasn‘t because I picked his book! #readthecandidates #nonfictionchallenge2020 #somethingaboutacandidate
Watched this documentary (Street Fighter) after I heard him mention it on a recent interview.
Politics is not an easy business to be in especially if you are the underdog....
A review and check in for #bfc #bfcr2!
First the book. At first I felt the book didn‘t feel genuine. But as I continued in and heard more and more stories I changed my mind. While part of it feels for the big show of running for higher office one day I saw through to the man who chose to live in the neighborhood. Overall a good book.
Now for week 5 check in: it was hot! But got in 86,159 steps. Did some stretching which I still need work on.
This is my third book in my personal quest to read all of the books about the Democratic Nominees. In doing this project it is noticable that each candidate, Cory Included that they eaxh have a niche, an area that they are passionate about and have made great strides to make better.
For Cory Booker, his niches from this book seem to be focused on housing, criminal justice reform and enviormental improvments and combating food deserts.
Exciting Read a Thon! http://www.24hourreadathon.com/
Looking forward to participating and sharing with all of you!
Today: Read to chapter 43 in The Water Knife. 5 chapters left!!
Listened to United by Cory Booker. Up to audiobook chapter 42!!
Miles walked: 6 miles
#BFC19 #BookFitnessChallenge
I was highly impressed with Booker's humility and the simplicty of his message. I learned a lot about him and our broken criminal justice system, and a lot more of his policies he's passionate about. His voice comes across grandstandy, but I think that's the Jersey in him and it's countered well with the simple way he spoke. Parts made me tear up and others made my mind wander a bit but overall a great start to #ReadTheCandidates
My first for #readthecantidates and I'm only an hour in and really impressed by Cory Booker so far!
This was a well done book. Cory Booker did incredible things in Newark, and I almost felt like he didn‘t give himself enough credit in this book. Reading this and Pete Buttigieg‘s book simultaneously was interesting as both were Rhodes Scholars and then mayors of struggling (but very different) cities. I really like Cory, and I enjoyed this book, but it wasn‘t as inspiring as some of the other things I‘ve seen him do. #readthecandidates.
Update on my #ReadTheCandidates challenge. just started Cory Booker on Audio and am about to start Pete Buttigieg in print. Then I will have 6/10 of the officially running dem candidates read, with 347 days until the Iowa caucus. ☺️.
I actually have a second Warren book in my library stack and I own the third Bernie book, so I might get to it sometime..
I grew up in NJ and have been a fan of Booker for a long time. Since he just announced plans for running in 2020 it seemed like a great time to read his book.
Apparently reading political books is the way I‘ve been kicking off #HalfBloodBingo I‘ve known Cory Booker since 2002 and have always liked him in a personal level. His book is a fantastic read on how he ended up mayor of Newark.
Ebook deal alert! My vegan senator, ladies & gentlemen. I really liked this read and recommend it.
“Cynicism about America‘s current state of affairs is ultimately a form of surrender; a toxic state of mind that perpetuates the notion that we don‘t have the power to make a difference, that things will never change.”
“One of the most valuable things you can give someone is your time and attention.”
I‘ve been dying to have these three off my TBR so I‘d be ecstatic to receive any of them! Thanks for the chance to win!
#oneofthreegiveaway @eanderson
21/52 - 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - I absolutely loved reading this book, as well as meeting him. He is a great writer, speaker, and thinker. If you are looking for a book that is inspirational and honest, you might want to check this one out. He talks about his flaws and his accomplishments. He honors the people who made him who he is today.
Well said, Cory!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Disturbing facts about mass incarceration!!!!
After finishing my 2nd book for March, I am working on finishing my 3rd book. I am savoring his words because they are powerful and profound. I really don‘t want to finish reading because I want this conversation to last longer. Good thing I follow him on FB😀😀😀.
Sunday agenda: Reading about Italy with coffee in hand, Birthday brunch and held a happy 6 month old baby girl, napped a few hours, and now reading Cory‘s book. Cheers to a healthy, happy, stress-free Sunday!
These two paragraphs talk about the difference between tolerance and love. I think this should be read by everyone. When I heard Senator Booker talk about this, I was moved. He writes about it even better.
I agree that social media helps us to make meaningful connections to one another, to understand one another, and to see one another. Unfortunately, I think social media should s trivialized too much when it has the potential for such great things! Happy Saturday!!!
Enjoying an unexpected day off because the school district closed down due to Highwinds. Went a couple hours without electricity, but now that I have it I‘m going to curl up with this book because I did not finish it last month. Happy Friday!
DO SOMETHING!!! This chapter made me want to scream and cry THEN hug Cory Booker!!! He did something and it made a positive difference in the lives of his constituents for a while. He was strong and resilient. Reading his book is time well spent.
Spending my Presidents Day reading about a future president, Cory Booker!! I ❤️❤️❤️ the chapter “Do Something”. This chapter shows his character and his ability to be a creative problem solver.
Two years ago yesterday, I met Sen. Cory Booker. His book talk was great, he allowed photos, and signed his book. I cherish this memory and tonight I decided I needed to finish reading his book - about 40% read and loving every word. He is such a great guy.
What can I say? I like Cory.
Since My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry was published in 2015, I'm posting this memoir as my favorite book of last year.
I love Cory Booker. Fellow Jerseyan. Fellow vegan. Future president? 🤞🏻
This book will make you want to get up, get out, get involved and make a difference! It's a quick and easy read, and while it appears he rushed it and you notice there were two different editors (not by design), it's worth the time. Now to go do something!
I hope I get to vote for Cory Booker for President of the United States in the near future!
#united #corybooker #Newark #NJ #politics #Booker2020 #audible #memoir #getlit #justread #kvnreads17
This is Cory Booker telling the story of how he became the leader who so many of us admire. He credits the people and experiences that shaped his views. I like his humility and humor. He's an engaging narrator and this may be a rare instance where the audiobook surpasses the print version. #nonfictionchallenge17
"Course corrections are a part of life, but they can't happen if you're standing still."
I needed to hear this today!
Has anyone read Cory Booker's book? Wondering if it's something that becomes quickly outdated or if it's "evergreen".
Whoa...what if he and Elizabeth Warren had babies?! Potential political genetic perfection ?
These were my favorite new reads in 2016 - the only books I gave 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 on #Goodreads
Coincidentally, they are all non-fiction! #bestof2016
I started reading this book several months ago when I had an opportunity to hear him speak. I have a lovely photo with him, as well. The first 60 pages are wonderful and I can't finish the book fast enough. It would be great if more people would read this book and understand the message of his words.
I read multiple books at a time. This is my current stack of partially read books. Looking forward to my extended weekend to finish reading these. Oh, this doesn't represent the two books on my kindle. Happy reading!
"E pluribus unum - out of many, one." Two thumbs up. Love me some Cory Booker. #diversebooks #thepersonalispolitical #wewillrise
This book is proof that the idea that democrats have a shallow bench is a lie. Corey Booker presents detailed plans for facing America's major problems including poverty, urban decay, and prison reform. While critics of him could write many of the stories off as self aggrandizing, I was impressed how often he gives the spotlight over to a hardworking Newark activist. The message is clear, and the language beautiful. To be united, we need empathy.
A reminder that passivity is complicity.
Picked this up after being inspired by his convention speech. I love this view on empathy!
"The physical manifestation of a conspiracy of love." I wanna be one of those conspirators!