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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Alot of information, but not as good as I thought it would be.

Congo | Michael Crichton
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Day 65.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Enjoyed this easy read of adventure 6/10

Congo | Michael Crichton
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DivineDiana Now, that‘s a close up! 😳 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😱📚👏🏻 3y
Eggs Bam! 👁🦍🖤 3y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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An expedition looking for blue diamonds in Congo are brutally attacked. A second expedition is sent to find out what happened and find the diamonds. This second group includes a gorilla who communicates via sign language. While they're racing against their competitors, they have to face not only the harsh African jungle environment, but also the mysterious beasts that killed the first group. ⬇️

eeclayton You'll need a healthy amount of suspension of disbelief for this book, and also patience with all the tech talk about gadgets and innovations that I'm sure were groundbreaking in 1980 but might not be that impressive in 2020.
Nevertheless, it's a fast-paced story with something always happening, and I found it really entertaining.
Traci1 I loved Crichton's early stuff. This was a good one. 4y
Buchbeeg This is a great book. I read it in the 90's and never thought about the tech stuff when suggesting this book. Good call! 4y
eeclayton @Traci1 I liked most of what I read by him so far too. He was a great storyteller :) 4y
eeclayton @Buchbeeg I guess the techie parts didn't sound as outdated in the 90s. But I agree it's a great book 🙂 4y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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I visited the library today and not only did I find there two new librarians but they were super annoying, chit-chatting loudly about their holidays. Luckily, it turned out they were only substituting our two lovely regular librarians for this week! I'm relieved.

Congo | Michael Crichton
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Deep in the African rain forest, near the legendary ruins of the Lost City of Zinj, an expedition of eight American geologists are mysteriously and brutally killed in a matter of minutes.

GreenGrl87 What do you think of this one so far? 4y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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I am a huge Michael Crichton fan already, and he did not disappoint me with this. Amy the gorilla stole the show for me, with her 'teenage antics' and bad language. I love how he created a series of ambitious, intelligent, skilled and yet highly flawed characters each trying to further their own agendas.

Another thing that will always be a selling point for me was the distinct lack of any sort of forced romance between the characters!

Overall this was a brilliant story, with a fascinating plot line steeped in science (although most of it is probably outdated now, and some of it is definitely questionable). The narration was also top notch with everyone given their own clear voice. #TBRChallenge #AudioBook #ABookThats
eeclayton I haven't read this particular book (yet) but I agree that Crichton was an excellent storyteller. 4y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Another day of perfect audiobook weather. Exploring Groudle Glen today with Michael Crichton's Congo on Audible. So far another excellent story from an awesome author 😁

#TBRChallenge #AudioBook #ABookThats

hannah-leeloo Beautiful and peaceful photo ❤️ 4y
SheReadsAndWrites I JUST got this to re-read. (My former copy is long gone...) I was watching a Jurassic Park marathon and recalled how great his books are. 🤓 I'm excited to re-read some. 4y
Shaneyney I love his books. 💙 Hate what they‘ve done to them with the movies 😡 4y
TCLinrow @Shaneyney I enjoy the movies, but they cannot compare to the books. It amazes me how much they skip over and change for no conceivable reason 🤔 4y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Crichton will always be a reliable author for me; I know there‘s a very good chance I‘ll love any book he writes. This was my first time reading Congo and I really enjoyed it. Similar story to JP, and the man vs nature theme never disappoints. As always I absolutely love the science/tech theme. Paired it with the Forest Fables book sleeve, while this one has sold out, I still have lots more sleeves on my site!

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Congo | Michael Crichton
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I got my dad to read Congo by Michael Crichton since we've enjoyed watching the movie adaptation together for yeeeears!

The last book I got him to read was Holes by Louis Sachar so it's uh, it's been a while 😅 LOL this is a BIG. DEAL.

Nute I like everything about this post!🙂 4y
dainarmb @Nute thank you! ☺️ 4y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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I'm loving the educational tidbits thrown in regarding the study of gorillas and the exploration of the Congo. It really helps get us stupid uneducated human people immersed in the story 😉😏

Congo | Michael Crichton
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This mass market paperback has been well-loved by my family (a lot of books on my TBR shelf are hand-me-downs!), and the movie is almost always on TV these days. I remember watching it when I was younger too. Figured now is as good a time as any to read it?

Congo | Michael Crichton
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Started reading this last night. My 6th Michael Crichton book since mid-August.

Congo | Michael Crichton
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“Today we are surrounded by man and his creations. Man is inescapable, everywhere on the globe, and nature is a fantasy, a dream of the past, long gone.”

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Congo | Michael Crichton
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#colormepretty Day 15: #redandblack @sweetkokoro

The first time I read this book, my dad and I had an impromptu contest to see who could finish it first. Needless to say, he underestimated my speed-reading skills ... 😆

BooknerdsLife Love your reading contest with your dad 😂👍🏼 I never underestimate my daughters‘ reading speed tho 😆 5y
Sunraven @BooknerdsLife: It‘s funny in a certain way — he underestimates me while everyone else seems to think I‘m a vaguely alarming superhuman. Where‘s my Goldilocks to come along and get it just right? 😆 It was fun having the reference point, though, since I don‘t feel fast or slow, I just read how I read. 😉 5y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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This place was amazing. The guy knew where everything was, they had fun displays everywhere of book series and classics, and popular authors, notes stuck all over the shelves signifying specifically good books, local authors, etc. vending machines with quotes and coupons, a literary jukebox, a wine/coffee bar, buttons, literary tshirts, and so much more. 😍🙌🏻 I will definitely be back.
Wilmington - Old books on front street.

Amiable Wilmington, Delaware? Wilmington, North Carolina? I need directions! 😀 6y
Amabear @Amiable North Carolina!!! 6y
Amiable 👍🏼👍🏼Thanks! Although I'm kinda disappointed you don't say Wilmington, Massachusetts--it's way closer to where I live! 😀 6y
Amabear @Amiable lol!!! 6y
Jemgirl2014 Sounds like a reader's dream! 6y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Birthday trip yesterday included a blindfold, an incredible old bookstore in Wilmington, shopping, and time at the beach.
Now me and my husband are reading this together on the trip back home. I want to keep reading but he has problems reading(and he‘s driving) and I have a vocal cord dysfunction so I can‘t do more then a few pages before my voice gives out! 🙈 it‘s like watching and intense movie and having to wait for commercial breaks.

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Congo | Michael Crichton
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This dvd was in my mailbox, addressed to me, with no note or information, and I immediately knew it was from my brother. We have been yelling at each other for like 20 years, "STOP EATING MY SESAME CAKE." ??? #siblings #memories #insidejokes

Congo | Michael Crichton
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A trip to Eastern Afirca, gorillas, and a search for an ancient lost diamond mine. This was a good story as like all Christian's book the science details are intetesting. The only draw back was it was written in 1980 so the computer information and future speculation are funny in 2018.

Congo | Michael Crichton
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Another great Crichton book! Not as action packed as most of his books, but still enjoyable. I didn‘t have a gorilla to pose for the pic, so Lucy agreed to step in. 😹

bookwrm526 Oh, that movie though. I know the movie is almost never as good as the book, but this was WAY beyond bad 7y
AllenTStClair @bookwrm526 The movie is one of my guilty pleasures. Sooooo bad it‘s fun! 😂 7y
Bookzombie @AllenTStClair I agree! 😄 7y
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AllenTStClair @Bookzombie Laura Linney and Ernie Hudson are so watchable in it! And don‘t even get started on how fun Tim Curry is! 😂😂 7y
Bookzombie @AllenTStClair I know! Love Ernie Hudson and Laura Linney! I love bad movies that are so fun to watch. 7y
AllenTStClair @Bookzombie 🙌🏼😂 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Seen the movie, but never read the book. Finished the first chapter; so far, so good.

Congo | Michael Crichton
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Just a boy reading above his level 😂

readinginthedark Those levels are just suggestions anyway! 😆 6y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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I finished Congo today on my lunch break! Such an awesome read! The ending felt a little abrupt to me, but the story itself twists and turns in fully unpredictable and delightful ways. As per usual with Crichton lately I couldn't get enough. I think another novel by him is due next on the docket. 🌿🦍 #scifi #fiction #michealcrichton

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Ooooo, but which one? 7y
Jabberwocky @TobeyTheScavengerMonk well Congo was in an anthology with Sphere and Eaters of the dead sooooo.... opinion? 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk I loved Sphere and liked Eaters of the Dead. I say go with your mood for sci-fi or historical fiction. 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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This morning my partner is making up brochures and I'm relaxing with an effortlessly good book. So far Congo is a great fast paced story with just the right amount of creepiness. Exactly what I need before I head to work. 👌🏻🦍🌴 #scifi #michaelcrichton #jungle #catsoflitsy #bookbuddies

BookishMarginalia Great pic! 7y
Jabberwocky @BookishMarginalia thank you! (edited) 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk For like 3 years after reading Congo I desperately wanted to be a primatologist. This book caused me to learn about Jane Goodall who is my personal hero and for that I will be eternally grateful. 7y
Jabberwocky @TobeyTheScavengerMonk honestly it's the perfect book for me right now. And such an amazing adventure story!! I kind of want to be a primatologist when I grow up right now too!! 🦍🦍 7y
Jabberwocky @tobeythescavengermonk not yet, but eventually I am going to have to ask you for advice regarding life post Crichton. I still have a couple of his novels to go, but the time is coming. 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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#readingspot #pool #imwaytooexcited

Redwritinghood Lovely! 7y
bio_chem06 Ahhhhh! #jealous 7y
emilyhaldi I would never leave 😂 7y
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Ashley_Nicoletto Was this a gift? This is great. 7y
JackieSmith 😍😍😍 7y
Mdargusch Was that a surprise? Looks so comfy. 7y
Bookzombie So cool! 😍 7y
Hooked_on_books The perfect outdoor reading chair! It's amazing! 😍 7y
kspenmoll Never seen one like it! So comfy in between swims! 7y
JazzFeathers OMG that's just super awesome. I want!!!!! 😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤ 7y
Reviewsbylola Ok, who is responsible for this? Because I need that person in my life, if only to give hints to my husband. 7y
stacybmartin That is awesome - I need that chair in my life! ❤️😍❤️ 7y
minkyb That is incredibly awesome! 7y
HotMessJess @bio_chem06 you need to get one then!!! 7y
HotMessJess @emilyhaldi guess where I'll be parked all summer?! 😁😁 @Ashley_Nicoletto @Mdargusch maybe ;) @JackieSmith ❤️❤️ 7y
HotMessJess @BooksForEmpathy going to seriously be planted! @Hooked_on_books it even has an umbrella!!! @kspenmoll I know, can't wait to try it out!!! @JazzFeathers 😍❤️❤️❤️@reviewsbylola- my father in law!! @melbeautyandbooks ❤️❤️ @stacybmartin I think every reader deserves this chair!! @minkyb I can't wait to try it out!!! (edited) 7y
HotMessJess @Reviewsbylola my father in law!!! 7y
Reviewsbylola Wow. My FIL would never! 😂😭 7y
HotMessJess @Reviewsbylola I tell my husband about 90% of the reason I married him is because his dad is my hero. I call him Dumblescott, because he is so wise and leveled and reminds me of Dumbledore! :) 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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I really wanted to post on the blog this evening. I had a plan, and outline. Things happened, awful things. I started and stopped.....and started again, until I finally abandoned it for the moment. I am exhausted. My heart hurts. I just am not with it today. Until then ❤️

Louise Rest well and take care of yourself. ❤️ 7y
Jas16 Sorry you are having such a rough night. Sending you 💜 7y
BestOfFates Hope you rest and feel better ❤️ 7y
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minkyb 😔 7y
HotMessJess @minkyb @BestOfFates thanks y'all. I needed it last night ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Sunday funday

Ashley_Nicoletto Your Sunday funday is one to envy. 😍😍 7y
Ericmanciniwriter Oh nice! This is a good memory for me - it was one of the first "adult" books I read 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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The pets run the house here. Lots of snugs this afternoon. #dogsoflitsy #lazysunday #puppers

DGRachel 🐶😍🐶 7y
Jinjer Sweet! 7y
Megabooks Cutie! 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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The professor I did my Archaeology internship under in the Philippines is presenting at Stanford tonight. This place is one of my favorite places in the entire world ❤️🌲❤️. So lucky that I've got to spend so much time here!! #stanford #californiagirl #sunshine #whereiam #fearthetree #nerdnation

Congo | Michael Crichton
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Ok Litsy fam! Help!
I decided to get over my usual weekish long book hangover by jumping back on the horse immediately. Went through my TBR pile- Congo, Ove and Shantaram. Ove will be finished today or tomorrow (it's fast) and Congo is quick too, but my kindle version of Shantaram is virtually unreadable (the text is too small and won't change!).
My 3 other choices:
Revival, Library of Souls, & The 10th Kingdom

Help me choose!

RaimeyGallant I don't know! 7y
HotMessJess @RaimeyGallant me either 😫😫. Leaning Revival, but also really want to finish the Miss Peregrine's series.... and the 10th Kingdom tv show is SO sentimental to me, but I've never read the book! Wahhhhh this is tough. 7y
TheNextBook Revival! 7y
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HotMessJess @TheNextBook I think King is ALWAYS the answer... lol 7y
TrishB @HotMessMama @TheNextBook King is definitely always the answer! 7y
HotMessJess @TrishB @TheNextBook Revival it is! I'm already half way through a Man Called Ove... beautiful book! Recommend! 7y
Suet624 That's too bad about Shantaram. It's an amazing book. 7y
HotMessJess @Suet624 I'm sad! I had it in print when I was living in China and I just couldn't fit it on my way home (too big :() 7y
Suet624 @HotMessJess breaks my heart a little bit. 😩 7y
RohitSawant I was going to say Revival as well! 7y
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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Watching Congo on Netflix while crafting today. Film not so good, but I must have read the book about 5 times when I was younger. Same for Jurassic Park #scienceiscool

Congo | Michael Crichton
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Congo | Michael Crichton
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A little tardy for the party today (more so than usual, at least) but I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone's books for #somethingforsept day 9: books made into movies. My choice for today is Congo! I loved the movie as a kid and I finally read the book last year (I was a bad bibliophile and didn't realize it WAS a book). It was also my first Crichton novel and I've read many more since!

Bookzombie I almost posted this one! 😁 8y
TheNextBook I just rewatched this movie like a month ago! I need to re-read this book. 8y
JoeStalksBeck Cool pic! 8y
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