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Lola y El Chico de Al Lado
Lola y El Chico de Al Lado | Stephanie Perkins
Lola Nolan is a perfect daughter and a great friend with a funky style and big plans for the future. Everything in her life is perfect (including her gorgeous rocker boyfriend) until the Bell twins move next door. Lola comes to the realization that she has always has feelings for Cricket Bell and this changes everything she had planned for herself.
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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This one grows on me more every time I read it. I didn't connect as naturally with Lola as I did with Anna, but I do love her voice and her sense of style! She's got a good journey. #reread #yalit #yaromance

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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#Movie2BookRecs @klou
Prompt: Pretty in Pink

wanderinglynn I love Pretty in Pink! 💗 2y
TheSpineView @wanderinglynn IK! A cult classic! 2y
Klou Perfect! 2y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Not as good as Anna but equally enjoyable and So. Effing. CUTE.💞💞

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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It was a real delight to read this book. If you enjoyed reading Anna and the French Kiss, then you will also enjoy this companion novel. It was cute because of Lola and Cricket‘s relationship development. I also liked how Lola‘s eccentric, over-the-top clothing style is supported by the people who love her. This shows teens that even though they‘re different from other people, they should embrace it, not hide it.
#YA #Romance #YAromance #YAlit

mybookishaffair Oh my goodness, I loved this book to the moon and back!!!! 2y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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I really enjoyed reading Anna and the French Kiss. When I heard this was a companion to it, I knew I had to read it. Lola is dating bad boy boyfriend, Max, whom her dads don‘t like. Then, the twins, Calliope and Cricket, move back in next door. Lola‘s attention turns to Cricket rather than her boyfriend.

#YAlit #YAromance #romance #Libby #book #books #booklover

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Another cute romance novel full of cheesiness, cliches and stumbling after barely touching the dude she likes.

Started my new job this week, most of my reading for the next few months will be limited and full of manuals about my new job!!

Prairiegirl_reading Congratulations on the new job! 4y
Texreader Very excited for you! 4y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Why is it that the girl is always caught between two boys? When does that ever happen in real life? A little bit better than “Anna and the French Kiss”, but not by much. I did love the ending though with the stars.

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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“just because something isn't practical doesn't mean it's not worth creating. sometimes beauty and real-life magic are enough.“

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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I had trouble trying to get this photo up last night! So am rather late with day 2 of #fallisbooked challenge. This is an orange book cover. I don't have that many to be honest! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻🧡🖤 5y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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StayCurious I like her hair 5y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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I am heading to San Francisco next week and am really excited to take this with me! It's cheesy, but I hope to head to places like the Seward Street Slides and read the chapters that take place there. #Californication #WanderingJune
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB Thanks for the tip, I am going to SF too next month! 5y
Andrea313 @BarbaraBB Enjoy! And if you like Lola, there are two companion books as well: 5y
Cinfhen I was just gonna say #TipAlert @BarbaraBB 🚨 5y
BarbaraBB Thank you so much. I‘ll check them out! 5y
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Lola & the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins

Not crazy about this romance- no heat

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Loved this book... magical ending.. 😊

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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"Just because something isn't practical doesn't mean it's not worth creating. Sometimes beauty and real-life magic are enough." ?

This was the perfect read for a stormy weekend - visiting Lola & Cricket in San Fran made me forget about the rain and I loved spending time with these adorable characters.

#LolaAndTheBoyNextDoor #StephaniePerkins #yalit #contemporary #romance #coverlove

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Loved it!

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Loved this book it was so sweet. I love Cricket. 😭💚

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins


Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins


Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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I think buying books is my way to overcome pain and stress. It puts at ease and makes me happy.
I think I'm becoming one of those kinda old ladies that go into shops and buy shoes and bags and whatever.
I bought 7 books today. 7!
I couldn't believe my eyes. I felt terrible for a second, then.... I stopped.

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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1. The problem with being a book character is that usually something terrible has happened to them. I think I‘d go with Lola Nolan from “Lola and the Boy Next Door.” Stephanie Perkins‘ books are fluffy & romantic. Lola lives in San Francisco, makes her own alternative/sparkly clothes, her dad‘s always baking 🍪, & her love interest is a tall, lanky, adorable inventor-guy named Cricket. 🦗
2. Empire Records/Buffy ⚰️
3. My bun🐰
4. Whoever wants in!

Erinsuereads I struggled all day because I just kept thinking good god I don‘t want to switch places when anyone in my books! Awful things ALWAYS happen 6y
JenlovesJT47 💚💚💚 6y
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monalyisha @ErinSueG Right? Like, basically *every* book should be titled “A Series of Unfortunate Events.” 😅 6y
Erinsuereads @monalyisha ABBBBBBSOLUTELY! 6y
MinDea "How funky is your chicken? How funky is your chicken? How loose is your goose? Our goose is totally loose!" Did you ever watch the movie or just the show? @JamieArc how many times did we watch this movie growing up?!? 6y
MinDea Empire Records is a great movie too!!! 6y
CoffeeK8 Two great picks for the movies, both so quotable! 6y
monalyisha @MinDea I watched the movie once or twice (Luke Perry!), but the show was my jam. 6y
monalyisha @ErinSueG my only regret is that Lola doesn‘t have access to magic (that‘s not part of her world). I might consider sacrificing some (SOME!) happiness/normality for magic! 🙈 6y
Erinsuereads @monalyisha that would be a fair sacrifice. 6y
monalyisha @ErinSueG like, maybe I‘d sacrifice the cookies. If there‘s any way to get me to give up baked goods, that‘s it. Weight loss? Nah. Magic? Fine. Although, I am imagining some serpent/temptation situation, only with a chocolate chip cookie instead of an apple. 6y
Erinsuereads @monalyisha hey here is what I‘m thinking though. You give up cookies in exchange for magic and then just conjure the cookies 6y
monalyisha @ErinSueG Ha! I thought about that, but it seems like it would be something written into the magickal contract. 6y
Erinsuereads @monalyisha ugh! There has to be a way to have your cookies and magic them too! 6y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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It is hard to believe that this old pic of #someoneelsereading is of my sweet baby who has now gone to college! #fallintoreading

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️ 7y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins


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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Once upon a time, there was a girl who talked to the moon. And she was mysterious and she was perfect, in that way that girls who talks to the moons are. In the house next door, there lived a boy. And the boy watched the girl grow up more and more perfect, more and more beautiful with each passing year. He watched her watch the moon.

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola & the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Para la diseñadora de moda, Lola, las prendas más llamativas, brillantes, y divertidas son las mejores. Es una hija ejemplar y una buena amiga con grandes planes para el futuro. Todo en su vida parece perfecto, incluso su novio roquero, hasta que los gemelos Bell se mudan de nuevo a la casa de al lado. Cricket Bell ha vuelto y quiere arreglar los problemas del pasado. Y Lola deberá reconocer sus verdaderos sentimientos hacia él. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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One of my favorite #sophmorenovels

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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I was at the mall the other day and went into our local bookstore. Since I live in Sweden they mostly have Swedish books and the English books they have are usually really expensive. However, they had a sale and among the books, I found this gem for only 36 SEK (about 3 Euros). Imagine my happiness!

#books #bookish #bookpics #bookblogger #youngadult #lolaandtheboynextdoor #bibliophile

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Happy Tuesday everyone! I just love the way the color yellow seems to brighten up everything! I can't believe half the year is over!
QOTD: How's everyone doing with their reading goal? I'm about three books behind, I need to catch up!
#reading #readersofinstagram #igreads #books #booktag #bookish #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #yellow #booknerd #bookaddict #bookphotography #bookworm #booksofinstagram #yalit #funkopop

MrBook Great pic! 7y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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I honestly expected more from this book after loving Anna and the French Kiss but it was just...such a disappointment

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins

I didn't like this one quite as much as Anna and the French kiss, but it was good. All in all, it was a good and easy read.

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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A very good easy read. ❤ I loved Lola as a main character, kinda sad there is only one book

KirstieE This is actually book #2 in a trilogy , and if you pick up the third book, you may see a little cameo ! 😉 7y
erickaa @KirstieE I've got it here now :) just about to dive in. I hope there is a cameo :$ 7y
KirstieE Enjoy ! 😊 7y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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I needed this light, sweet romance this week. It's easy to get caught up in the happiness of it all. The only aspect I didn't enjoy was the "mystery" of what the neighbor "did" to Lola all those years ago. It sounds like the worst possible offense, and it's confusing when you find out the truth (aka "is that all?"). Besides that, it's an enjoyable, easy read!

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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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It took a little while for me to get into this one, but it was so cute and heart warming. I loved seeing the characters from the first book, and I fell in love with Lola's fashion and eccentricities right away. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #readingforfunmmd #backlistofanewfavouriteauthor

Michelle_mck Yay, you loved it❤️❤️❤️ 7y
cleoh @Michelle_mck it was so good! I'm so excited to read the next one! ❤❤❤ 7y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins

Not as good as Anna (something about Paris as a setting).

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Not much reading on my vacation week but glad to have started this little gem. Sometimes there is nothing as comfortable as a ya!

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins

My expectations were high after just finishing Anna and the French Kiss. I did really like this, just fell a little short in comparison.

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Stocking up for the long weekend.

Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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Playing a bit of catch up on #riotgrams so here's my #bookishobjects: I've got a nice little pin collection at my work desk. I used to wear them on my lanyard at Barnes and Noble but needed a new plan when I got a desk job. Luckily the wall of my desk is stabby! (With special guest appearance by a Women's March postcard)

josie281 Stabby! I love it! 7y
MeganB @josie281 I couldn't think of any other word to describe it 😂😂 7y
josie281 It's perfect!! I'm excited to see your use of the walls because I just found out I may be getting a promotion to another department which has STABBY walls! 7y
MeganB @josie281 Ah!! Congrats, that's so exciting!!!! 7y
Chachic I like the "read fast, die young" one! If I had that, I would steal your idea of putting it on my work lanyard. 7y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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#BookLove17 #UglyRomanceCovers Just to clarify, I don't think these are ugly. Jenna does.

eekabook I have to agree...I was so happy when they redesigned the covers for Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door. 😅 7y
Joybishoptx @eekabook we were in the library and I was telling her the topic and she didn't hesitate. "Lola. Lola is ugly." We have the redesigned one for Anna. 7y
CrowCAH What? I disagree. The Jess Rules book cover is beautifully arranged! 7y
Joybishoptx @CrowCAH I think so too! But she said it looked "unrealistic". I pointed out the novel is about vampires. It was a heated discussion. 7y
CrowCAH @Joybishoptx hmm the girl does seem entranced under vampire charm, so that would be realistic for the book genre! Case closed. 😄 7y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins

This wasn't as good as the first by a long shot.

jesslovestype Be curious to see what you think of the third, which was my least favorite of the series! 7y
Bostonmomx2 @jesslovestype oh dang. I was hoping it'd be better. I'm starting it later today. 7y
jesslovestype Well, I also liked Lola best so maybe you'll feel differently about Isla. 😊 7y
Bostonmomx2 @jesslovestype maybs 😊😊 7y
Crewgurl I read them backwards for some reason, so this one ended up my favorite lol. 7y
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Lola and the Boy Next Door | Stephanie Perkins
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We're still cozied up in bed doing a little reading before we have to go out and face the day #bostonsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #harlie #elvis

KarenUK Lovely sleepy pups 💕💕 7y
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