#ClassicLSFBC #ReadAway2024 I want to enjoy every book I read or listen to. But I‘ve listened to more than three hours and I‘m not enjoying it, it‘s not causing me to think about possibilities, the only thing it is doing is annoying me. So I‘m bailing.
3 ⭐️s
This was…interesting, to a point. Probably my favorite parts were the interesting twist on linguistics and Sumerian history/mythology. I‘m a sucker for anything pertaining to ancient Mesopotamia. Probably the only reason I finished. The characters aren‘t likable, they‘re a Mary Sue and Gary Stu. 🙄 I really thought Stephenson was going to do more. The ending was so lackluster and felt very slapped together. Really hoped for more oomph…
Meme from a Reddit post I found after reading Fall; or Dodge in Hell.
Well, I've given Stephenson a try. Again.
#ClassicLSFBC (I hope I got the # right)
This is May's #ClassicLSFBC selection. I have tried for several weeks to get it read. I just couldn't do it. The writing style was not for me. Also, I thought the characters lacked likeability. Bailed at 22%. #HailTheBail
@RamsFan1963 You are spot on with your review of this book.
I'm done. I read this six years ago, and panned it. I tried to reread it with a fresh attitude, but I still think it's an over hyped mediocre piece of cyberpunk, so I'm bailing at 40%
#ClassicLSFBC #hailthebail
I feel the books was slow. There are about a million things going on and at times it feels like the pace is picking up only to move the story slightly forward. The world created is great, the characters are vivid, and at times it reads well.
I read this as a “You‘ve got to read this book!” Recommendation and while I see what people like, I just found myself seeing how many pages I had left.
Snow crash is a cyberpunk dystopian novel from the 90s that predicted the metaverse. This book was tailored for me to like it. All the topics are absolutely up my alley but somehow they all felt a little disjointed to me. I loved the “history“ lessons I couldn't make myself care about the characters very much. Checkout our discussion about it on our podcast. Mind Duck Books episode 39: http://bit.ly/3mUywjo
So pretty! My signed edition came a couple months ago. Such a classic!
Really interesting speculative fiction… also eerily prophetic given it was written c.30 years ago. I have a few Stephenson novels on my TBR, looking forward to working my way through them!
This is brilliant. Once again this author proves his brain is bigger than everyone else's. And most stunning that this was written in the early 90s. Less stunning, some of the language is a bit dated, but just ignore that.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
My place of origin doesn't normally turn up in a book. So I'm sharing whether you want me to or not. 😂
Not for all. Almost so-so. Kind of crazy dystopian cyberspace tale with ancient myths that became Snow Crash virus. Loved the two young characters: Hiro a hacker and delivery guy and a skateboarding girl. It was a little too long.
I've started reading this one which I've meant to read for a long time. Reviews I have seen are kind of mixed though!
I didn‘t hate this book, but I wasn‘t sad when it was over. I might have had too-high expectations (I absolutely LOVE Seveneves by this author), but while I enjoyed the clever premise, the world building and most of the humor, this 90s-published book felt very dated, and the characters were a bit thinly developed, I did like Hiro Protagonist (lol) and YT, but disliked the casual racism and the one sex scene in the book was gross. So… ugh.
I like this book and understand it was written in the 90‘s, but I can‘t handle the amount of times he‘s used the word retarded, and I‘m only halfway through.
The bad thing about reading with other people? Sometimes it takes you more than a YEAR to finish a book… my husband and I will read books together, take turns reading out loud, but we are bad about making time for our book. It‘s the worst book club ever with good intentions lol.
I really wanted to love this book and there were many parts and aspects of the story that I really enjoyed. But too much of this book really kinda drug on to the point that I didn‘t even read those sections and skipped to the next part. And I don‘t think I really missed out on anything. Also there were parts of the plot that never got wrapped up🤷🏻♀️ Very interesting sci-fi concepts but overall so so for me!
Next book club pick! I‘m loving kinda going into books blind since it‘s other people‘s choices. I have no idea what to expect! #bookclubbook #bookclub
Possibly the apex of the weirdest yet most eloquent novels I've yet read. Multiple aspects of this book are fascinating, and I will most likely reread it several more times in order to fully ingest the whole thing.
This was a tough read but I stuck with it and finished because I hate to DNF.
I finished it just there and damn, what a drag!
In this one Neal Stephenson writes like he's describing a dream he's had, I'm not into that.
The characters weren't likeable and the story was all over the damn place and never made much sense to me.
Worst book I've read in a long time.
Just not for me.
I'm not giving up on this author though, I'll try Seveneves.
1.) Went for the bookish selfie with my current read - Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson which is taking longer than expected to finish because I've been busy with other things, like Litsy and TV. 😂
2.) Quiet and geeky? 🤷♂️
3.) About two days I think, when I was in my 20s; I don't know why but I ended up with some temporary insomnia and just went to bed and looked at my eyelids - just wouldn't switch off. ☻
@Eggs #wondrouswednesday 💫
Snow Crash tells of pizza delivery driver & hacker Hiro Protagonist (best named character) & Kourier Y.T. in a future America that is splintered into separate "countries". Many of these are now run by criminal organizations, although idea of crime itself is a bit antiquated with only a privatized law enforcement & really no judicial system to speak of. This is the second Cyber Punk classic I've read this year, the other being Gibson's ?
I'm not sure if I settled on pizza for dinner because of my current read, or just coincidence... either way my book and food pairing is on point. 📚🍕
#TBRPile Day 7
Posting one book from Mount TBR each day for 31 days. No reason, no explanation. Building a molehill out of that mountain.
Read again because this is a favorite that holds up — and is even perhaps more relevant. And also because it is an wild ride! 😆😎
this is definitely not a book for everyone, but it's very unique and poignant. Stephenson has a very uncanny prediction of the modern internet from the early 90's, coupled with a satire of cyberpunk, commentary on economics and capitalism, and a very detailed examination of religion and linguistics relating back to programming. it's a helluva dense read, and a bit too lengthy but I was entranced by it all the same.
woke up to miserable cold and wet weather (I'll take cold and dry weather, thanks) and getting non-stop spam calls. starting this book as a much-needed breather in the middle of the day. I also realized I haven't read any sci-fi books in a while (I guess Hollow Kingdom sort of counts?), and I wanted a bit of a break before finishing the winternight trilogy.
My first cyberpunk book!
See my full review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3105868248
A must read in the cyberpunk genre.
Just picked this up in a book sale. I read it approximately 15 years ago, and loved it. Very curious to see how it‘s aged, but it‘s first stop will be with a young friend who‘d loved Ready Player One, which he lent to me and I felt like it was Snow Crash fan fiction :P
I know I‘m on mat leave, but my program had a big meeting today and I couldn‘t miss it... but look what my boss gifted me for my leave!! 😭 she knows me well!
@Mitch is doing a #50kreadinglifegiveaway. Thank you, very much!
Five words to describe my reading life:
🔮 fantastic
🗺 searching
📚 knowledgeable (not that I retain it necessarily but I love reading about new things)
🎪 entertaining
😜 unapologetic
I don't understand the hype given to this book, it was pretty mediocre in my opinion, I never connected with any of the characters and had to force myself to finish it.
The Addams Family
Anne Rice
This has been sitting on my TBR shelves for awhile now, but finally getting around to reading it. I'm trying to ignore all the hype and take the book at face value.
1. Ooh hard to choose. I am going with Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. I loved that book.
2. Tetris.
3. I've been listening to Sisters of Mercy a lot lately, and The Smiths and Siouxsie always. I also love 80s pop, my first tape was Culture Club!
4. Highlander, the Princess Bride, Indiana Jones, Die Hard are some faves.
Thanks @JoScho !!
It is snowing. Full on snowing. The picture does not show just how much it is snowing.