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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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3.5/5 🌟

An intriguing yet challenging exploration of a young mind wrestling with mental health and past traumas. Thought-provoking but admittedly frustrating towards the end. This is definitely not a book for everyone. 📚

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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This has been sitting in my kindle forever and when I finally read it it was one of my favourite books of the year! Such a gorgeously dark and complex coming of age state of the nation dark academia campus novel (if that‘s a thing). I‘ll be turning Natalie over and over in my head forever. I also think this is going to set me off on a big Shirley Jackson phase I need more.

Ruthiella I really liked this one too. I still need to read the rest of her back catalogue. 13mo
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Remember, Natalie, your enemies will always come from the same place your friends do

JenniferP I loved this book - maybe my favorite Shirley Jackson! 1y
Cazxxx @JenniferP It‘s a good one! 1y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Mysteries & magic for my October #BookSpinBINGO list. I‘m ready!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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A curious novel. Many questions remain, however, Jackson‘s ability to keep the reader on edge is thrilling. Taking a glimpse inside of the protagonist‘s mind is a chilling experience and at times, hits close to home.

Cathythoughts Oh sounds good ! I have it stacked already 3y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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#SpookySaturday @TheNeverendingTBR
1.Damien from The Omen!
2.Junoon,a 90s Hindi movie where the hero is a were-tiger.Ridiculous production values now but terrifying for a 6 year old!
3.I want to make my way through Shirley Jackson's entire body of work!
Amazing graphic used !!!

TheNeverendingTBR I'm the same, I've not read any Shirley Jackson either but I'll probably start off with her most popular one 4y
TheNeverendingTBR Thanks for playing along! 👻 4y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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I‘m still reeling from this book! Shirley Jackson is so good at writing weird, creepy thrillers that have you questioning everything. Is this real? Did that actually happen? Part of the fun is that the questions aren‘t fully answered but the ride is wild and interesting the entire time.

Nute Sounds intriguing! 4y
rubyslippersreads That cover! 4y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson

Strange...very strange.

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Gearing up for the last 24 pages 🤗 with a North African Mint Green tea because my throat feels a little raw and swollen 😞 hoping I'm not getting sick!

Scochrane26 Hope you‘re throat feels better. 5y
ShyBookOwl The tea is helping 😌🍵 5y
Nute I know how you feel when you can tell illness might be coming. I hope that it passes right on by and a wonderful weekend is on the horizon. Take care! 5y
ShyBookOwl @Nute thanks! It's gotten worse unfortunately. May have to cancel my weekend plans and curl up with my books 5y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Next read for my Gothic book club

rubyslippersreads Great cover! 5y
ShyBookOwl @rubyslippersreads I love it too. It draws me in 5y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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1. The Library of Lost and Found 😍; Uprooted (re-read for gothic book club); Carry On... which I might bail on soon 🤷🏽‍♀️
2. Fangirl!!!! (Which makes it weird that I might bail on Carry On...)
3. Hangsaman (Shirley Jackson)


Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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An utterly strange and chilling story where not much happens, except in the deeply troubled mind of the protagonist. However, towards the end, the story takes an interesting turn. A college student from a dysfunctional family is unsure how to navigate her college and adolescent life, feels alienation and fear. Gradually, she can‘t differentiate what‘s real and what‘s her imagination. (Neither can I!) Deeply unsettling.
#AuthorAMonth #August

Kalalalatja Stacked! 5y
batsy Sounds so good! 5y
Cathythoughts Stacking 👍🏻 5y
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Ruthiella Ooh ! This reminds me I need to get to this title! Might be a perfect read for Fall. 😀 5y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻 5y
Tamra @Ruthiella Ditto! 5y
Soubhiville I‘m so glad we had Shirley Jackson this month! I‘ve added many of her titles to my TBR, and I really liked the one I managed to get to! 5y
Soubhiville Also I love this cover! 5y
merelybookish Striking cover! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Ruthiella @Tamra Great choice for Fall/Halloween read! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm The Penguin Modern Classic series for Shirley Jackson books have some interesting and quirky photos. @Soubhiville @merelybookish 5y
Soubhiville Logged for Author a Month 💕 5y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Received a bday gift in the mail today (a few days early) 😍📚

SW-T Happy early birthday 🥳🎂🎉 5y
ShyBookOwl @SW-T thanks! 💜 5y
Lauram Happy Birthday 🎂 5y
ShyBookOwl @Lauram thank you 😊 5y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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The story is propelled by terrifying loneliness, the power of awareness, everyday social brutality, and existential fear. Shirley Jackson delivers the kind of book that leaves you with the thoroughly enjoyable activity of chewing over what you've just read. I find myself reflecting back on Natalie‘s voices - thoughts, diaries, letters - and trying to sort through and identify what was real and what wasn't.

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Forever visiting local bookstores on vacation!! I'm excited about my finds at The Paper Nautilus today!

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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There‘s some “red” on that right hand. Sorry, it was the best I could come up with! 😆


Cinfhen I kind of like what you did here 😍 5y
Reviewsbylola I love this cover!! 5y
batsy Lovely stack 💜 5y
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erzascarletbookgasm Love these Penguin Classics editions 🙂 5y
RohitSawant Fantastic cover! 💜 5y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen 😘😘 5y
LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola @batsy @erzascarletbookgasm @rohit-sawant I really, REALLY like what Penguin did with all these Jackson covers. 👍🏻 5y
BiblioLitten Great cover and great choice! 😃 5y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Shirley Jackson‘s books often have an eerie, creepy quality. The tagged book is based on the real life disappearance of a college coed in the 1940s.

#invisibletouch #anglophileapril

consonantia I want to read this! The only Jackson I‘ve read is We Have Always Lived in the Castle and it was soooo good and a friend said Hangsaman is even better. 5y
Cinfhen This one sounds good!! 5y
vivastory I enjoyed this one. 5y
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emilyhaldi @consonantia agreed!! I love that one!! 5y
Mdargusch I‘ve been wanting to read that one @consonantia @emilyhaldi 5y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t like this one at all - but I did love We have always lived in the castle 5y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Currently reading. Love it.

“The gap between the poetry she wrote and the poetry she contained was, for Natalie, something unsolvable.” — Shirley Jackson, HANGSAMAN

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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Reading this subtly creepy book as the last #yearsofmylife book published in 1951 before moving onto TBRs on my shelf published in 1952.

Weaponxgirl I love that cover 6y
arubabookwoman @Weaponxgirl It‘s entirely evocative of the nook itself. 6y
Weaponxgirl @arubabookwoman I love Shirley Jackson but I haven't read this one yet 6y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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All about Shirley for today's #riotgrams chills and thrills.

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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You just never know. I loved the three previous books I read by SJ. This was her first novel, 1951, written after her critically acclaimed short story, The Lottery, 1948. The intention of the plot was blurred, and it didn't contain the psychological intensity or creepiness she's known for and the description of the book in no way matching what I would say it's about. It's a shame!

BarbaraBB I just read it as well and bailed. While I loved The Lottery and We Have Always Lived in the Castle... 7y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Loving Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson! #book #horror #october #litsy

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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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I give up. It‘s my fault, not Shirley Jackson‘s, that I can‘t get into this book. It has all the ingredients but I just can‘t concentrate and am not interested in Natalie, her dysfunctional family or her college life. Maybe I‘ll try again some other time.

(Picture: Monastero di Santa Chiara, Naples, Italy)

emilyhaldi Beautiful picture though! 😍 7y
PirateJenny Would it help to know this is loosely baswd on a true story of a college student who went missing while Jackson's husband was teaching at Bennington? 7y
Ms_T Move on. So many books, so little time. 7y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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What a weird book. I like it, but it's weird. Definitely Bell Jar-esque. The sentences though--beautiful, haunting, and often funny. Men do not come off well in this story, and neither does marriage, nor does growing up. The only thing to come out well, really, is Jackson herself--would be a great addition to any fall reads for those like creepy and twisty. Good thing I had dogs and Husband with me while I read (or did I?? Are any of us here?)

batsy Haha, your last lines! This book must have been something. I'm embarrassed to say I've not read any Jackson and plan to remedy that with the Litsy buddy read of this next month. 7y
Nat_Reads @batsy Oh FUN!! The new edition from Penguin has me thinking I should join in!! I love how her books are quietly creepy 👀 7y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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I spent a couple of hours at the bookstore looking for a creepy literary fiction book and found a Shirley Jackson I have never read! Woo hoo! And the protagonist has my first name, which should up the chill factor! Pizza is on its way, and husband and I are both settled with a book, so I am settled in for a comfy and creepy Friday night!

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ive never heard of this one! Cool! (edited) 7y
Nat_Reads @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Me neither! As you can tell by my abundance of exclamation points, I'm excited! 7y
vivastory Love Shirley Jackson! Enjoy! 7y
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Nat_Reads @vivastory Oooh me too! What's your favorite? 7y
Tamra Lucky you! 7y
vivastory I'm currently reading through all of her work. So far I've read her first 3 novels (Road Through the Wall, Hangsaman & Bird's Nest as well as Haunting of Hill House) She seems to have improved with each publication. Haunting of Hill House is my favorite. I have the suspicion that will change once I read We Have Always Lived in the Castle 7y
Nat_Reads @vivastory I LOVE Haunting of Hill House!!! Happy reading, friend! 7y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Finished my #LitsyAtoZ challenge! Here are G-L @bookishmarginalia

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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First of several Shirley Jackson purchases to arrive.

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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A terrifically strange book. It's refreshing to have a campus novel not written about adolescent boys, especially because Jackson shows that growing up is just as--if not exponentially more--difficult for a girl. It's a dark and twisted tale where the reader, like Natalie, is never quite sure what's real. The ending is supremely inconclusive, provoking me and, by the look of it, many others to take to the Internet, wondering what we missed.

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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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I can think of few better combinations than Shirley Jackson and "Gallows Pole." #music #ShirleyJackson

Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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I love Shirley Jackson, and this book was a fun read. But it's obvious why it's one of her lesser known books - it can't compare to The Haunting of Hill House or We Have Always Lived in the Castle. Still worth a read, though!

Amyegia I'm loving this cover! I have to borrow this someday... I'll trade you for something? 8y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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The novel itself isn't about a traditionally scary subject like ghosts or vampires. It's a bildungsroman about a girl, Natalie Waite, who leaves home for the first time to attend college. Simply being inside of this girl's head is what makes this short novel so chilling and often disorienting. At the very least, this novel shows how scary entering the world can be for a young woman. #AllHallowsRead @Litsy

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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Since I'm reading her bio, I wanted to get more of her work.

charl08 Love the cover. 8y
hfpotier @charl08 it is really cool 8y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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I had such a fantastic, busy weekend seeing a friend for the first time in 5 years, a work party, then on Sunday a day trip to the Tiny House Expo (and tours!), wine tasting, antiquing, and of course a picnic and BOOKS (from the antique stores). Found a STEAL--the paperback of Slade House for only $5! I'm pumped! And I love my new edition of Peter Pan 💖🍷🍂🍁🎃🏠💀👻🕷🌕🕸🌾🍃 I'm elated it's finally October (and I can use all the emojis 😝)

Soubhiville Sounds like such an amazing weekend! Good for you! 8y
Librariana YES to using ALL the emojis and what sounds like an absolutely perfect weekend. Hooray for good book deals! 😄 8y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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Picked up where I left off in Hangsaman by Shirley Jackson.

Also, first post on Litsy for the win! 🤘


TheBookDream Woot woot! 8y
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Hangsaman | Shirley Jackson
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I made a list of 100 Must-Read Second Novels for @bookriot! http://bookriot.com/2016/06/02/100-must-read-second-novels. Did you know Sula, True Grit, and Fahrenheit 451 are all second novels? As well as this lesser-known creepy Shirley Jackson book! What are your favorite second novels?

Notafraidofwords Loved loved Fahrenheit 451! 8y
wisebravegirl Yes! Hangsaman is great! 8y
brendanmleonard Great list! I need to get on reading The Queen of the Night. The two second novels that spring to mind are The Song is You by Megan Abbott and The Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy! Love fun thought experiments/brainstorming like these! 8y
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shawnmooney Hands down, my favorite 2nd novel is Michael Cunningham's 'A Home at the End of the World.' Most people think it was his first but that's because he disowned his actual 1st, 'Golden States,' buying up copies to destroy & refusing to sign the book at readings, if the myths are all true... 8y
GuiltyFeat Pride and Prejudice, Middlesex, A Little Life 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Lesser-known Shirley Jackson is exciting! Must read! 8y
bandigiu 'The Master and Margherita'! Also 'Three Men on a boat'. 8y
Taylor 10:04 by Ben Lerner. I also love Sula. 8y
UnabridgedTomes Oliver Twist, Eleanor and Park, In Her Shoes, Pride and Prejudice, and All The Light We Cannot See! 8y
BekahB Oooohhh. I haven't read that Shirley Jackson book. I love her work! I'll have to pick that one up. 8y
TheNextBook I know that Fahrenheit 451 was a great novel. I don't care what number it was. A classic! 8y
KateTheBookworm Gilead comes to mind for me. Looks like it's on your list. 😊 And Lila (the third) is my favorite of the trilogy! Marilynne Robinson's novels just get better and better! 8y
MandyJohnson Play It As It Lays! 8y
Bookgirl This is on my to read list! 8y
agirard Didn't know that! Just read True Grit this spring & really enjoyed it. 8y
mllemay One of my favorite second novels is The Way the Crow Flies by Ann-Marie MacDonald. Love True Grit! Didn't know it was a second novel. 8y
Caryl What a great list! I loved Sula, and you can never go wrong with Shirley Jackson. Two other faves I spotted: In the Time of the Butterflies (Alvarez) and The Passion (Winterson). 8y
Dooplum Oh that's so great! Fahrenheit 451 was definitely my jam! 8y
LauraLeah I just read Fahrenheit 451 for the first time and really enjoyed it. Really makes you think. 8y
HeatherBookNerd Oooh, City of Thieves. 8y
moonandpeach omg this book was sooo weird! But, Shirley Jackson is queen. 8y
Donna_sBookMinute Didn't know that about "Sula." Years -- decades-- ago, it was my first Morrison. So I just thought it was her first. ? 8y
Donna_sBookMinute @Notafraidofwords "Fahrenheit 451" was mesmerizing to me. I can hardly look at a big screen (I'm talking an outrageously big one) without thinking about the talking walls. 8y
Notafraidofwords @Donna's Book Minute haha that's funny. The power of a book! 8y
Autumn City of Thieves by Benioff is perhaps in my fave top 5! 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled @Autumn City of Thieves is on my Favorites of All Time list! Amazing book 8y
TheUnpopularReader Another book to add on my to-read list 8y
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