First read of this author‘s - I hope it picks up a bit!
I read 3 books during #MarvellousMarch #Readathon this is the first one. No exactly the best mystery but I still enjoyed it. I liked the way characters were part of Houston‘s novel including him. I really liked that dynamic. Sergeant DeMarco, not necessarily an honest one officer. A family of 4 members were found brutally murdered and the husband is the prime suspect. The ending was not the best either but I want to read the second book. 3.8⭐️
This harrowing tale of suspense & grisly murder of a college professor‘s family was for me,at times difficult to read,but the characterization, landscape, and literary references kept me hanging on.The professor disappears.The confusion, panic, at times confused questing of his own culpability haunts him.This hunted professor‘s character is written beautifully.Authentic & visceral, he questions his own culpability in this horrific crime.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Author and loving family man turned murderer?
Thomas Houston loved his family, his job, teaching, and writing his novels. What made him kill his entire family on a Saturday night?
FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/rfvd6k6
Did well on my step, calorie and reading goals today. Forgot my hip mobility exercises until I‘d got in to bed and did a rather half-heated attempt🙄 Had my x-ray results today and it‘s confirmed that I have osteoarthritis in my left hip so those exercises are vital.
#bfcr3 #BookFitnessChallenge
Took my son to the waterpark today (its 98 degrees here) and got a few minutes of reading in while trying to get some tan on my legs. Also, you can tell I was a young adult in the 90s by the tribal tat on my ankle.
Excellent book. Many twists. I hear the author has more to check out. Also Western PA author!
Took months to get through, before giving up. The characters and plot moved slow. Filled with whining and resentful events.
When it‘s your birthday and your favorite number is 15 and your fiancé gets you 15 books off your “looking for” list...how do you choose which one to read first?!? ❤️?
24 hours down! I think I‘ll try to finish off the series I‘m reading before bed. Triumph!
Time to relax with a good book on my lunch break after a very busy morning with the two year olds I teach!
This one is between a pick and a so-so for me. I can‘t see myself recommending it to anyone because there was a reveal that I just cannot handle. 😕
4/5 stars. I enjoyed this one and look forward to more in the Ryan DeMarco series.
We‘re driving home from a fun mini vacation with my parents, sister, & brother in law at Kalahari & I want to read but don‘t want anything to keep the baby from sleeping: enter iBooks night mode 😃
I got this ebook from JellyBooks reading study - you sync your reading after every chapter so they can collect data on reading habits I think. So far, I like it - but the victims are hard to accept, I‘m trying to kind of glaze over that part for now.
Love when I walk into a meeting & I'm handed an ARC!!!! Some days I really love my job!! #librarianlife
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I will say if I had read any of Randall Silvia work before but I will make I read anymore that he has in the series. This book caught me within the first 50 pages and held me til the end. One that anyone who loves a police procedural, suspense, and deep character this is one for them to read.
What would cause a beloved college professor to suddenly snap and destroy everything he has built? That question haunts Sergeant Ryan DeMarco after the wife and children of Thomas Huston are found murdered and Huston has disappeared. DeMarco believes Huston is innocent, by why is he on the run? A masterful new thriller from Randall Silvis, Two Days Gone is a taut, literary page-turner.
"Huston smiled. 'You know how many academics it takes to change a lightbulb?...Four to form a committee, two to write a report, one to file a grievance with the union, and one to ask the secretary to call a janitor.'"
Liked this quote - enjoyed the book.
On sale from 15.99 down to .99 for today only! 👍🏼 #TBR #tbrTuesday #Edeals
Just starting this book. Chose a different genre- a thriller. Interesting characters so far, but need to read further to formulate an opinion. I'm afraid, however, that this read may cause me to fall behind in my knitting project.
"This is a novel that lingers." A little behind on #getindie posts (this #booktour stuff is exhausting!) but snapped this staff recommendation at Mystery to Me in Madison, WI. Great store! #mysterytome @Sourcebooks
Just awful!
Heading to Vegas super early tomorrow for work, I can jam this one out on the plane.
It started so good.... then lost it. It's not the worst book I've read but I really didn't take away too much from it . To be fair I started going to the gym.. taking this with me to read there... maybe I was just crabby while reading it !
Two days gone....2 days is how long it's gonna take me to get through this! I really like it so far #pageturner I just started it and I guess I won't sleep tonight 😳
In the mood for a thrilling read? Check out this literary page-turner about a beloved college professor accused of murdering his entire family, and one small-town cop's dangerous search for answers. 😱😱😱
I am a day behind as I finished this book yesterday. I know many people have given this book a so so rating but I actually enjoyed it. I think the reason for some of the so so ratings is that is did drag a bit in the middle. But honestly I can get into just about any thriller. 😃
#thanks #netgalley
A fantastic murder mystery with stellar writing. It doesn't get much better than this.
This has one of the most beautiful and haunting opening chapters. I can't wait to see what the rest of the book holds!
It‘s not the best book Jennifer has read in the genre but it‘s also not the worst. It simply didn't leave a lasting impression.
Interesting story but it gave me the mental image of falling from a very tall building and taking so long to hit the ground that the person falling would stop being concerned with dying and more concerned with how long it was taking to happen ("Shouldn't I be hitting the ground by now?!").
Check out my full review on my blog: readallthethings.wordpress.com!
Monday dawned like a mile-long freight train filled with radioactive sewage. DeMarco trudged through it. [...] He felt as heavy and hollow as a gut-shot dog dragging its ass uphill.
He had only to let one of the four horrible images float to the surface of his mind and a pain like none he had ever experienced would seize him and double him up again, twist him into a rigid knot of agony whose only release, short-lived and painful itself, would be an animal-like scream.
Not terrible. Not bloody fantastic either. I have a weakness for writers as a characters, even more so the ones quoting Poe. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #netgalley
The first three quarters of the book were really interesting, but the last 25% felt unnecessary. I would get his one from the library, but not purchase. #netgalley
So far it's like The Fugitive meets The Pelican Brief meets Broken Harbor. So ... not bad. Not bad at all.
#numberintitle two books on my NetGalley shelf that I have to read. Didn't want to get started on all the books on my kindle :(
Thank you #NetGalley for providing me with an ARC for an honest review. The story revolves around two characters, Thomas Huston a respected professor and State Trooper Ryan DeMarco, a rough & tough cop with some heavy baggage. The professor's family has been murdered and Huston the lone survivor is the number one suspect. This book was choppy and uneven for me. Some great scenes and some nice passages but nothing remarkable😕
About to start this literary crime thriller courtesy of #NetGalley Read Now ??? By the way, there are quite a lot of "Read Now" titles that look amazing, including some popular new releases! (Not my photo but a shot of Lake Wilhelm, Pa featured in the novel)
Not a bad book, not fantastic--somewhere in the middle. Good writing and decent storyline 🌟🌟🌟3 Stars. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this in exchange for an honest review.