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A Circle of Quiet
A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
This journal shares fruitful reflections on life and career prompted by the author's visit to her personal place of retreat near her country home.
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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“I do not think that it is naive to think that it is the tiny, particular acts of love and joy which are going to swing the balance, rather than general, impersonal charities.”

Sapphire I love L‘Engle. 3y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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“Love can‘t be pinned down by a definition, and it certainly can‘t be proved, any more than anything else in life can be proved… A friend of ours, Hugh Bishop of Mirfield, says in one of his books, ‘Love is not an emotion. It is a policy.‘ Those words have often helped me when all my feelings were unlovely.”

A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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Happy 10th Anniversary of Blogging @GatheringBooks !! Here are my 10 favorite places to read (in no particular order):

?Bubble Bath
? Hotel Bed
? Park

@LeahBergen @rabbitprincess do you want to share a list (of 10 of anything)?


GatheringBooks This is unique! I love it! 💕 thank you so much for reposting! 🧚🏼‍♀️📚 4y
KVanRead @GatheringBooks It was fun! Thanks for hosting.😊 4y
LeahBergen Ooo, I dunno. 🤔 Let me think! 4y
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Cathythoughts Nice list 👍🏻❤️ 4y
KVanRead @LeahBergen You thought well ☺️ Love your list. 4y
KVanRead @Cathythoughts Thanks 🙏 4y
Revenge4bess 10 favorite books: Anne of green gables 2. Anne Frank 3. Rebel Librarian 4. A Wrinkle in Time 5. Jocheved 6. Fifty Shades of Talmud 7. Foreskin‘s Lament 8. Little House on the Prairie 4y
Revenge4bess 9. Harriet the Spy 10. Pride and Prejudice 4y
KVanRead @Saavylibrarian Nice 👍🏽 4y
Revenge4bess Thanks 4y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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Fantastic read! Love her. 🤓❤️

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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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This took me entirely too long to read, but there were so many things I needed to ponder along the way. This quote seems apt right now:

“There were some parents who felt that love of country implies no freedom to criticize the country; I wonder if they also felt that to criticize or attempt to correct their children meant that they did not love them? This isn‘t what love means.”

A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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“My own response to the wild unpredictability of the universe has been to write stories, to play the piano, to read, listen to music, look at paintings—not that the world may become explainable and reasonable but that I may rejoice in the freedom which unaccountability gives us.”

As I long to be in places like where this picture was taken, or searching the mall in my eternal quest for the perfect handbag, may I learn to embrace this thought.

A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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“We are four generations under one roof this summer, from infant Charlotte to almost-ninety Great-grandmother.”

I adore “A Wrinkle in Time,” but I‘m not as familiar with L‘Engle‘s other writings. Time to fix that.


A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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We went to Mackinac Island today and of course I had to check out the library. And, what do you know, they had a small book sale section. I got a few treasures for $2. 😁 The Madeleine L‘Engle isn‘t in the best shape but perfectly readable.

AlaMich Their library must be the size of a postage stamp! 😊 6y
MinDea Mackinac Island!!!! I LOVE that place!!!! Used to go there when I was younger. So fun! 6y
JamieArc I‘m super curious about their library too! 6y
Dragon I liked A Circle of Quiet.I read it on my lunch breaks at work. (edited) 6y
Zelma @JamieArc @AlaMich it was pretty small but very cute. Lots of light, a big fireplace, soft chairs, and two staff members working there. I wish I‘d gotten a picture but forgot my camera. 6y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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I‘m loving this book! Can‘t wait to read the whole series.

A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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The next memoir I plan to read is this installment of the Crosswick Journals. #memoirMonday #readingResolutions @Jess7

EvieBee I‘ve really wanted to read this. Look forward to your thoughts. 6y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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It has been ages since I've used Litsy, but it is cool to be back! I've returned with a huge book slump to fix, and a need for some fluffy fiction to sink into. Life is kind of crazy right now (lots of moving around and pregnancy and baby and postpartum and more moving in the past few years) so I'm unashamedly in need of all the good comfort reads.

monalyisha Rainbow Rowell is always my solution to this! 💖🌈 6y
wellreadbedhead I loved Attachment when I read it! Had a harder time getting into her other stories, but I'm super excited for her short stories! Maybe I should try Fangirl again... 6y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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#QuotsyMarch18 Day 30: This is definitely a #Theory I can live with.

A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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A recent discussion has led me to unearth all 4 Crosswicks Journals (Two-Part Invention seems to have later become the 4th) for a reread. It's been 25 years since I last laid eyes on them. I wonder how my perceptions have changed?

BarbaraJean Ooooh, I've been wanting to finish these off this year. I've only read Irrational Season and Two-Part Invention. 7y
Kangaj1 These were a kindle daily deal this week and I snagged them! 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads I picked these up on sale on Amazon Kindle a few days ago. Excited! 7y
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Dragon I read the first book during my lunch breaks at work. It was wonderful to sit and think and read ! 7y
tpixie Is the 1st A circle of quiet? 7y
Suelizbeth @tpixie Yes. Starting with Circle of Quiet, if you follow around clockwise and end with Two Part Invention, they are in order. 7y
tpixie Thx!!! 💕🌸🌺 7y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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Found on my shelves. Although I've read most of Madeleine L'Engle's YA work (written before YA was even really a category), I haven't gotten around to her series of memoirs yet. As for Pamela Ribon, I've been a fan of hers since she recapped Gilmore Girls for Television Without Pity, and it's been fun to follow her career. #shapeinthetitle #junebookbugs

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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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Yes, it's time for me to reread this. But I need to hear her reading it. Is there a chance Audible has that? Dare I hope?

saresmoore I love hearing her read A Wrinkle in Time. Is this a signed copy?! 😍 7y
Sydsavvy @saresmoore it is!!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
tpixie Signed!!! 7y
Sydsavvy @tpixie yes. 😊 It's treasured!!! 7y
tpixie I bet!!! 💕💕💕 7y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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"Often I need to get away completely, if only for a few minutes. My special place is a small Brook in a green glade, a circle of quiet from which there is no visible sign of human beings. There is a natural stone bridge over the Brook, and I sit there, dangling my legs and looking through the foliage at the sky reflected in the water, and things slowly come back into
perspective. " (ML)
#lyricalapril #paradise @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Gorgeous book cover 💐💐💐 8y
elkeOriginal Oo - lovely Fenton glass vase/bowl 😮 7y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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This is the prettiest of the books with #flowersonthecover that I could find on my shelves for today's #feistyfeb prompt!

RealLifeReading Very pretty! 8y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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This was a pretty mixed experience for me. I really loved a lot of what she had to say, but on certain points couldn't disagree more. One minute I would find her funny and wise and then preachy and stodgy the next. I'm glad I finally read it as it had been on my shelf for years but don't think I'll continue with the series. Oh and yes, tree is still up, hate taking it down. 😢#birthdaychallenge #1972

lynneamch I never felt bad about leaving the tree up. Dec. 25 is actually the 1st day of the 12 days of Christmas. Christmas isn't over until Jan. 6th which is epiphany. 🎄🙄 8y
KVanRead @lynneamch Exactly! 👍 8y
obviateit @KVanRead @lynneamch Ours is still up too! 😊❤️🎄 8y
KVanRead @obviateit Yay team 🌲! 8y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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Nothing quite like reading books that speak to you of home while at home.

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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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The husband won't let any of our fur kids on the bed - he used to not even let them in our bedroom at all but when we got #Bitsy he made an exception - so she's the only one who sleeps in our room. When I read in bed, this is my view 🐶❤️ #readinginbed @RealLifeReading

LeahBergen She doesn't look comfy at ALL. 😉 8y
Desha Awwww! So cute! 😍. A Circle of Quiet is one of my favorite books... Maybe time for a reread lol ❤️ 8y
valeriegeary She's got her "this is the life" face down! 8y
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CherylDeFranceschi ❤️🐶Bitsy 8y
Bookzombie 💕🐶 8y
PenguinInFlight She looks pretty happy! 💓 8y
tpixie 💗🐶💗 8y
KarenUK 💗💗💗💗 8y
ReadingEnvy Our dogs aren't allowed on the bed either but they sleep in our room. Our boxer-shepherd likes to forget this rule when he's cold or feeling crazy. 😜 8y
kspenmoll Sweet doggie. Our cats keep us warm in an old cold drafty house. 8y
Cortg We had a dog that started at the foot of the bed and by morning he was wedged in between us, head on the pillow, paws in the air. The other one would army crawl under the bed, lay right under us and snore like crazy (a boxer). I think your hubby has the right idea! 8y
OriginalCyn620 My puppy, Max, used to sleep in bed with us, but he's too big now. Seems like he was small for all of five minutes! But now he has a dog bed in our room just like Bitsy. 8y
Cupofjo lol, sometimes I wish I stuck to the rule of no animals in bed, many a morning I wake to two cats and two dogs laying on and around us! 8y
saresmoore ❤️ this and the book! 8y
AnnieReads I love the warmth and weight of my cat sleeping on my legs. 8y
LauraBeth @LeahBergen not comfy one bit 😂 8y
LauraBeth @Desha I've had it on my mind lately - we should re-read it 😀 8y
LauraBeth @valeriegeary her life is grand (except when the cats remind her they're in charge 😂) 8y
LauraBeth @PenguinInFlight she's a happy girl 🐶❤️ 8y
LauraBeth @ReadingEnvy if I was a dog, I would conveniently forget this rule also 😀 8y
LauraBeth @kspenmoll Cats are perfect for that 😺 8y
LauraBeth @Cortg this made me 😂😂 reading this. The snoring would drive me crazy! 8y
LauraBeth @CynthiaFBuck I wish puppies stayed smaller for a longer time 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Cupofjo I miss waking up with cats on the bed 😺 8y
LauraBeth @saresmoore I think it's time for a re-read 😀 8y
LauraBeth @AnnieReads me too 😺 I miss that. My cats sleep on me when we're on the couch but I miss having cats in bed with me 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 This is why I don't have a husband. Hahahaha!! No way I'm not sleeping with my cats. I've always thought his and her condos were the way to go. Come over for a conjugal visit, but I need a queen size for me and the critters! Lol...plus, I'm never doing your laundry...🏠❤️🏠 8y
LauraBeth @JanuarieTimewalker13 😂😂😂you just need to negotiate those terms up front and don't settle for a compromise - I learned that too late 😀 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @LauraBeth it's never too late! Go on strike!! Lysistrata!! Only they were warring men, always off to battle...I still think it's worth a strike. I always think of a couple (this was at least 20 years ago, I think, that had a pet pig..there was a fire in the house so the pig banged and banged against their bedroom door, until they finally woke up. That pig saved their lives. Granted, I don't want my cats walking on my kitchen counters or anywhere 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 On top of my table bc their feet is in litter and that's gross. I don't step all over their dining tables (they have snack trays) but I want them to be able to sleep with me bc they love it and I love knowing their furry little bodies are happy and safe. 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Hahaha...I would be the worst marriage counselor in the world, or maybe the best😀🐾 8y
LauraBeth @JanuarieTimewalker13 I did go on strike! We were married for ten years and then we got divorced and stayed divorced for three years! Then we got re-married this past July 😀 but your post reminds me that he does let his favorite cat sleep on the kitchen table 😂 on pigs - I used to work at a place that had farm animals and they taught the pigs to run out of the barn at the sound of a fire alarm - we did pig fire drills. 🐷 will save u in a 🔥 😂 8y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @LauraBeth ok, here it goes: you need to make a list now for the next divorce/ remarriage...Hahahaha!!! I LOVE stories like these!! Eventually you will have everything your way (let's face it- the woman is usually right) but I hope you have an attorney friend!! Divorce is pricey!! Awhhh, I love pigs so much!!! I can't wait to get back to Woodstock farm sanctuary!! You know what? You've inspired me to make a list of must haves!!! 8y
Desha @LauraBeth I wouldn't mind! I love the entire Crosswicks Journals and it's been too long! 😜😍😊 8y
GlitteryOtters Best view! Also, did you know Bitsy has a cereal named after her (Bitsy's Brainfood Organic Cereal)?! Litsy is everywhere, even at the grocery store, I guess! 😂 I hope Bitsy is getting a good cut of the profits. 8y
tpixie Love puppies and cats. My 2 8 lb dogs hug against me at night so I'm trapped! So much for my king sized bed!! 8y
tpixie This is a lovely book by a beloved author!! 8y
LauraBeth @GlitteryOtters 😂😂😂 I don't know that! 8y
LauraBeth @tpixie dogs don't seem to like to spread out for some reason 😂 8y
tpixie Lol! Right! 8y
Faibka What a wonderful view! Bitsy looks like she's in doggy bliss, so cute! 😍💜💜 8y
EnidBiteEm The cord in the background. It kind of looks like she is being plugged in to have her doggy energy recharged 😂😍 8y
LauraBeth @Faibka she has the good life 😂 8y
LauraBeth @EnidBiteEm when her eyes glow, she's charged 😂😂 8y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle

This book has provided much needed solace and spiritual nourishment in the past 2 weeks. Madeleine L'Engle thank you for the gift that this book truly is.

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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle

If you have read A Wrinkle in Time you know this author. This book is the first in a series based on her journal entries and is a meditation on being a wife, mother and author. She opens up about her feelings of rejection. It took years to find a publisher for A Wrinkle in Time. I was surprised at how relevant this book still is

SheilaChew I loved that book. I borrowed it from the library, but I think I want to buy a copy to highlight and reread. I'm glad you enjoyed it! 8y
Dragon Thanks @SheilaChew for the comment. I read this book at work during my half hour lunch break and it always gave me a chance to escape and think 8y
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A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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L'Engle's wisdom is needed today.

A Circle of Quiet | Madeleine L'Engle
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"...that what I AM is going to make more difference to my own children and those I talk to and teach than anything I tell them."
This is so true.
It is what makes being a teacher both great and daunting.

SheilaChew I read this book almost a year ago, but I liked it so much I took this picture to remember this quote. 8y
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