This was one of my favorite books to use when I taught at an elementary school. I just reread it to try and get out of this reading slump that I‘m in right now.
This was one of my favorite books to use when I taught at an elementary school. I just reread it to try and get out of this reading slump that I‘m in right now.
Loved this book as a child. 💙🖤🩵
18-20 May 23
Some stories are timeless. The gentle way this is told and the beautiful watercolour illustrations have not dated this book at all, despite the 80 years since it was published. Trixie and I read it aloud over two nights and it raised a lot of discussion about bullying, being brave and friendship. It is a difficult lesson to learn and Trix quite honestly confessed she would have acted like Maddie. Too many of us do.
We‘re doing a family buddy read this week of the tagged book. We read a chapter or two at a time and then discuss. My daughter has been loving it! 🥰
A beautiful book about Wanda Petronski. Wanda wears the same faded blue dress everyday to school. When her classmates tease her about her dress she tells them she has 100 dresses at home. They know that she doesn't and they bully her relentlessly. A charming and thought provoking story about bullies and bystanders and having the courage to do what is right. It's about standing up for someone instead of following along with the pack.
Written in the 1940s and unfortunately still too relevant today about racism, classism, and bullying. I am kind of disappointed in how the ending played out, because I don‘t think the girls really understood their poor choices and that Wanda was just the bigger, nicer person. But a very well told story, in a way that should make the bully understand what they‘ve done wrong. Never from Wanda‘s perspective, which was unique.
another waiting day while my son grows his relationship with Jesus & his peers thru a program titled Mantime http://www.impactadventures.org/partners ~ I used this opportunity to visit a Little Free Library nearby.
Written in 1944, The Hundred Dresses is a universal and timeless story about bullying and the courage to stand up to others. It‘s based on the experiences of the author about a girl who is ridiculed by her classmates because she is different. Bittersweet and hopeful. Charming illustrations by the prolific Louis Slobodkin.
“After a long, long time she reached an important conclusion. She was never going to stand by and say nothing again.”
This was a sweet little children's book about the importance of sticking up for someone when they are getting bullied. I didn't realize it was a children's book when I started borrowed it, but I enjoyed it! I loved the illustrations!
I don‘t think I would enjoy this book. But students in my class may enjoy it! Anyone who is being picked on for their names or talents may enjoy reading this.
Contemporary Realistic Fiction
This is a story about Wanda who claims she owns 100 dresses. This lie soon becomes a game for her. She was entered in a contest to draw dresses and she designed the most beautiful dresses.
started our latest read out loud while we waited for the game to start.
Amazing early reader book with magnificent illustrations. In 80 pages Estes covers exclusion, teasing, guilt, talent, and more. Two girls (and more) tease a classmate because she wears the same dress to school daily. One of them is quite poor herself and is embarrassed and feels terrible, but she is afraid her popular friend will turn on her. #newberywinner
A book just as relevant today as it was when it was first written. It explores how Wanda is bullied for being different than the other kids. The important lesson it teaches is that Maddie, who does not join in the bullying, is still guilty for not standing up and telling the other kids to stop.
"She was never going to stand by and say nothing again."
I don‘t think I had ever read this book as a child but what a delightful and timely - even 60 years later - is this story. Wanda Patronski is chided and picked on because she wears the same dress every day and has an odd last name. She tells her classmates she has a hundred dresses at home. Peggy and Maddie learn some valuable lessons from this little Polish girl.
This children's book teaches an important lesson about how we should act toward people who are different from us. Whether someone is of a different ethnicity, a different socioeconomic class, or just has a different fashion sense, we should be kind. More than just being kind, it is up to us not to be silent when others are cruel. #24B42019
This is a book that made an impression on me when it was read to me as a child and now I read it to my daughters. #childrensbooks
I‘m buying these two books for my niece for Christmas. Decided to read them myself first. #MerryAndBright
This kidlit classic was my #shortestreadoftheyear. #allthebooks2017
The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes and illustrated by Louis Slobodkin is a Newbery Honor RF Novel. The story is about a girl who claims she has 100 dresses in her closet and her “friends” don‘t believe her and consistently question her and tease her about the 100 dresses. It truly is an amazing story and is well worth the read for anyone looking for a a great lesson about bullying. It would be an awesome SR and IR.
I took a walk down memory lane with this classic book. I love how this story about bullying is told from the point of view of a quiet bystander rather than the victim or the bully. It shows young readers that even the people who see bullying occur & don't intervene are at fault. I think this would be a great class read during anti-bullying week.
Ok I picked up this childhood memory ages ago from the library, and I've been getting those guilt-trippy overdue notice emails, so I determined to read it and return it this weekend.
And lemme tell you....
I am literally soaked with tears. What a touching story. Every little girl should read this book.
A heartbreaking story of bullying told not from the victim's point of view nor the bully's, but from a remorseful bystander. Timeless.
This book is still relevant today. The copy I read had a forward from the author's daughter, who said children still write her mother letters 💕
Probably the very first book with #dressesoncovers I ever read - and the most memorable. #readjanuary
This book has been on my mind for a while. I read it when I was very young in school, and I've mostly forgotten it although I always remembered reading it knowing I'm not the only one being bullied for being different and poor, and maybe the people mistreating me would feel bad someday. I picked it up from the library for a re-read after no luck at the used book stores. Looking forward to a different perspective. #readjanuary #dressesoncovers
#ReadJanuary #DressesonCovers My daughter owned and read both of these books during her tween/teen years and for some reason they were what popped into my mind this morning. I recall reading The Hundred Dresses 👗 It's a lovely middle school novel with an important message about bullying and standing up for what you believe in.
I ordered several new books for my kids for Christmas, and the first few have arrived. #12daysofXmasphoto
I'm trying to play it cool and not urge my daughters to read this RIGHT NOW because then they won't but I really want my daughters to read this right now. And maybe I will too.
What sweet illustrations. Good anti bullying messages. Just a quick read on a weekend when I have to work too much to really participate in the readathon....
I may have read this book 100 times. ;). #bookssetinaschool. #booktober. @RealLifeReading
Everyone should read this book! And now is the perfect time -- bully prevention month. This book is told from the bystander's point of view.