I decided to bail on this one- I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but it just didn't hold my attention.
#DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
#ReadOrDonate: Donate @julieclair
I decided to bail on this one- I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting, but it just didn't hold my attention.
#DoubleSpin @TheAromaofBooks
#ReadOrDonate: Donate @julieclair
🎧 I LOVE Sherlock Holmes! This is an hilarious send up! Warlock Holmes isn‘t really the Sherlock we know & love! Dr Watson is the true detective here! Well there‘s also InspectorVladislav Lestrad who is a vampire & Torg Grogsson, an ogre. I look forward to book 2!
It was such a fun and novel retelling of the Sherlock Holmes series.
Warlock Holmes was a strange, socially inept and darkly sympathetic character, while John Watson was a brilliant, slightly more proper, recasting of the original Sherlock and Watson melded into one.
Their adventures were hilarious and the world was so familiar and yet not at the same time.
Very entertaining, I would definitely recommend.
Thank you for the tag @katy4peas 😊 and sorry I‘m late!
1. I love getting outside in the garden in spring to see what‘s growing and to start planting 🌷
2. Introvert 🙌🏻
3. I think 3? I‘m on a reading slump at the moment 😬
4. Spring love to all Littens 🌸💕🌷
I listened to the second Warlock Holmes before the first but this was a great introduction to the series and I can‘t wait to listen to the third one! There is something special about the narration of these books so I signed up to Audible just to keep listening! A fun new take on Sherlock Holmes. A must for any fans of Holmes and magic! 🔍✨
I like all things Sherlock Holmes and life is too short. I picked this book up expecting a light read and a laugh, and that‘s exactly what I got. I saw a lot of people get mad because they didn‘t think there was much character development but... it‘s a parody. I don‘t expect a life-changing novel when I read these. Enjoy the silly every once in a while!
A supernatural spin on the classic
This book was fun though it started getting predictable. If every case have a supernatural element then I'm gonna get the outcome pretty easily. Some of the humour was a bit forced.
Dispite the negatives, I enjoyed the friendship between holmes and Watson. I also enjoyed seeing how the sherlock holmes cases which are very familiar too me, would be twisted. I wish more had been done to show Warlocks power
Is it just me that's sold on just this reviews title? 😅
Also, Audible is having a 2 for 1 sale right now for anyone looking for some new audio books 😊
So this wasn‘t bad. But I kinda got bored of it at times. It had some cute punny areas and the switching between audio and traditional book was helpful. I would kinda lose focus and then go back to it. Oh well
The blurb sounded like a blend of Without a Clue and Jackaby: Watson is really clever, and Holmes talks to demons. Unfortunately the author always go for the cheapest, stupidest joke and sidesteps every chance for character depth. Things begin to get interesting right when the book ends with a cliffhanger. It's a series, but I'm not interested in the rest.
So I picked this up at the car dealership when I was getting new tires (I had finished the book I was currently working on). Anyway, review here aren‘t too great.... but.... I am really enjoying it so far... I think it‘s right up my alley :)
Hello Lovelies 📖🥰.
•• Todays #bellesbookishnewyear19 prompt is to read the first line of your “current read” and apply that to your love life....
Apocalyptic and having some Lord or the Ring vibes.. Sooo..
Yeah. 😂😅
#accurate #imsoalone #lol #bookstagram #firstline #wow
Good Morning and happy Tuesday my Bookish-Drakes! 🤩🐉📖
•• #bellesbookishnewyear19
I‘m currently reading “Warlock Holmes: A Study in Brimstone.” And it‘s a firecracker 🧨
QOTD:What‘s your favorite bit of developing a story? AOTD: I flipping LOVE character development. Like seriously. I‘m a sucker for it. —my family can attest to this.—Any of you have any book/movie/game recommendations that has excellent character development/growth? 🤗
Happy Saturday, Dragonlings!📚
•• Today‘s #bellesbookishnewyear19 s prompt was #stacksaturday .
I had so much fun with this one. But my cats kept wanting pets 🥰🙈.
I just had to include the “behind the scenes.”
What‘s your Saturday stack look like? Let me know below! 🐉
#bookdragon #dragonlings #bookstagram #books #stack #outside #cats #catsofinstagram
Sherlock Holmes retelling with a demonic twist. It's a story full of puns and jokes. Still, I was slightly bored by midpoint.
I'm glad I listened to it, because I might have bailed the written book.
Just started it and am pretty sure I‘ve found a new favorite series! 🤗
I‘m a Sherlock Holmes fan but this spin just wasn‘t my cup of tea. My son, however, really enjoyed the vampire, ogre and warlock spin.
I thought I'd added this days ago as an Audible book. I am enjoying this immensely.
Listening to this while folding the laundry.
Ended up bailing on this one. Unfortunately, I started the audiobook for Jackaby at the same time. Jackaby is a bit more entertaining but too similar to be read concurrently. The writing style was too odd for me 😢
I have no memory of how I found out about this book but I am so Ready for it!! #Sherlocked #Retellings? #fantasy
This is a silly book. It's also pretty funny, especially if a.) you're familiar with the original Sherlock Holmes stories, and b.) you don't take them too seriously. And the idea of Watson actually being the brains and trying to limit the damage done by Holmes made me laugh out loud. Not sure about its potential as a series, though. We'll have to see.
The library continues to torment my reading goals for March...
I was loving this awesome parody with Sherlock as a crazy, demon possessed warlock, when the book ended...In a cliffhanger!!! I am still fuming about it, but the audiobook was so funny and cute that I am giving it a qualified pick until the second book comes along.
This has been sitting on my TBR shelf for a long while. Do I dare read it and risk the shelf growing two more in its place?
Hmm. My first try posting seems to have failed. This is today's Audible Daily Deal. Sounds like it could be fun. I thought I'd give it a go. Any one else??
Okay...I don't think I'm a great reviewer. Mostly because I hate telling the same story over and over, even when I like the story. But here goes:
Imagine Sherlock Holmes is actually some kind of magical stranger-slash-warlock. In Victorian London. And magic shenanigans are happening everywhere. John Watson is the only one who uses deductive reasoning, while Holmes drinks poison & bashes magical baddies. It's delightful & clever, and I loved it.
I got strongarmed into participating in some lame book pyramid scheme thing, but couldn't find the book I was going to force someone else to read...so I bought this book for me instead. Love. It. I can't wait to get back to it!
It was a fun read but I felt it was missing something. Not sure what though. I will definitely check out the next book though.
I'm flipping between absurdity and heartbreak, hoping those won't be my feelings later tonight. I love Election Day, y'all. Even when my candidate doesn't win (except tonight), I'm always humbled by our process, imperfect as it is. 🇺🇸
Okay - funny, fantasy, or feelings? I need your help!!
I thoroughly enjoyed this read - I giggled out loud enough to peak my husband's interest! Warlock's eccentricities certainly create some exciting adventures for Watson, whose POV is perfect for the strange world Denning creates. Besides the funny cast of characters (even the bad guys are goofy), my favorite part was the rapport between Warlock and Watson - they have banter for days!
After a long day of editing your own book, there's nothing like reading someone else's! I am seriously enjoying this so far. I even ordered Ceylon tea (as Watson loves to drink). Can't wait for it to arrive!
Scary books. I don't really read scary books so these absurd humor-horror mashups are as close as I've gotten. 😂
#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading
Completely irreverent and yet hilarious, Warlock Holmes is one of my favorite additions to the Holmes universe. Definitely not for a staunch traditionalist, the role reversal that turns Holmes into a bumbling creature makes for fantastic light reading.
"Watson," he cried, "if anyone calls and says they are the physical embodiment of Amon-Ra, I am not in!"
"It makes one of my eyes look large and disconcerting!"
I could not check this book out to read because a patron already had it on hold, but I saw this while thumbing through it and now I want to read it lol!
I just can't get over the humor in how this book is written. Here is a prime example in the way the the shift in narration is announced here.
Wow. Just wow. This book drew me in with it's comedic riffs on the Holmesian universe, developed those caricatures into characters you could empathize with and then socked you with a cliffhanger worthy of Moffat himself. At least, unlike Sherlock, I know it'll be resolved by May of 2017. Brilliant!
A pretty day to be outside reading 🐝
Fantasy and Ascension. A perfectly nerdy Saturday afternoon.
I can't go 4 pages without nearly falling off the couch with laughter. I can't remember the last time I read a book this funny!
Just a sampling of the hilarity contained within this book.