Rereading a favorite to start my Cosmere buddy read with my sweetheart. It will be a long journey to complete, but "Journey Before Destination."
Rereading a favorite to start my Cosmere buddy read with my sweetheart. It will be a long journey to complete, but "Journey Before Destination."
This is the first book I read from Brandon Sanderson and just wow. The World building is flawless and the characters full of flaws, like real people. It‘s hard to not care about the characters. This book was such a ride. I would recommend this book for anyone who would like to go on an adventure in a fantastical world.
#20Series20Days @Andrew65
Another Brandon Sanderson series that I love. ❤📚💜📚💙📚
Day 4: #20days20series @Andrew65
I also include the Wax & Wayne series here, because it's the same planet it plays on just a different time (I think Sanderson calls it the second epoch)
I‘m actually kind of mad about how good this was, because it was 630-odd pages, and the other books are longer, and I don‘t have time for this!! 🤣😜 #howjessreadsin2019
I‘ve heard nothing but amazing things about Brandon Sanderson‘s books such as the Mistborn world and my most favorite booktuber PeruseProject kept on raving about the mistborn trilogy and I‘m like I‘m really going to give this a try and I did,and well I really loved the first half kinda and when they wanted to overthrow the lord ruler.I really loved Kelsier but this book wasn‘t for me I won‘t be continuing on because we all have opinions. 💕
Here are the last sets of questions for The Final Empire! As always take your time answering them, and make sure to mark any spoilers!
#BBBBC #scififantasybookclub
Optimistically I was aiming for 50 this year. But I‘m already behind 🤦🏻♂️🤨 I‘ll persevere though. What‘s your target and have you got any good tips for reaching it?
I have spent more time watching YouTube and wanting to read, than actually reading today...
But The Final Empire is going great and I love the magic systems so far! #BBBBC
Also shout out to booktube StarlahReads! She is new to the booktube community and her videos are fantastic!
This was an amazing book! The author has the most amazing writing style that draws you into the world and connects you with all of the characters