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Stone Mattress
Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
A collection of highly imaginative short pieces that speak to our times with deadly accuracy. Vintage Atwood creativity, intelligence, and humor: thinkAlias Grace.Margaret Atwood turns to short fiction for the first time since her 2006 collection,Moral Disorder, with nine tales of acute psychological insight and turbulent relationships bringing to mind her award-winning 1996 novel,Alias Grace. A recently widowed fantasy writer is guided through a stormy winter evening by the voice of her late husband in "Alphinland," the first of three loosely linked stories about the romantic geometries of a group of writers and artists. In "The Freeze-Dried Bridegroom," a man who bids on an auctioned storage space has a surprise. In "Lusus Naturae," a woman born with a genetic abnormality is mistaken for a vampire. In "Torching the Dusties," an elderly lady with Charles Bonnet syndrome comes to terms with the little people she keeps seeing, while a newly formed populist group gathers to burn down her retirement residence. And in "Stone Mattress," a long-ago crime is avenged in the Arctic via a 1.9 billion-year-old stromatolite. In these nine tales, Margaret Atwood is at the top of her darkly humorous and seriously playful game.This ebook edition includes a Reading Group Guide.
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Loved it.

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood

This book is actually a compilation of short stories; I tried to finish it. I really enjoyed the first story, and I loved Margaret Atwood‘s book Alias Grace. After the first short story, though, it went downhill for me. At certain points, I was bored, and at others I was horrified by how the characters interacted with one another. I guess I should have figured; the subtitle of the book is Nine Wicked Tales. ⭐️

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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My #bookspin for June was not quite as memorable as I had hoped. Atwood weaves together nine tales with connections between each one, and although the characters are interesting, the stories surrounding them are a bit dull.


bookishbitch Yeah I agree. This one wasn't nearly as good as most of her work. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 4y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood

Read Jan 2020

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Some #OrangeAndYellow from my Margaret Atwood shelf. #colormepretty @Sweetkokoro

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Not being a short story fan usually, I‘m always worried about picking up a collection, but this one was a winner. Many of the tales have characters dealing with aging and I enjoyed that perspective. The first three, which are related to one another, and the final story “Torching the Dusties“ are probably my favorites. #AuthorAMonth #LLB19 #bookfromauthoramonth

Soubhiville Yay! I‘m glad you enjoyed it! This is the second book finished for author-a-month so far! I‘m almost finished with mine, too. 😊📚 5y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I came to Starbucks this evening to start the first book for #AuthorAMonth and spent 1.5 hours catching up with Litsy. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🙃

TheLibrarian Litsy disrupts my reading time a lot. But it‘s worth it! 5y
Soubhiville I haven‘t heard of this one! Looking forward to your thoughts on it. 5y
Bookzombie @TheLibrarian It is. 🙂 5y
Bookzombie @Soubhiville It‘s nine short stories. I struggle with short stories sometimes, but I hope I enjoy these. 5y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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(Reusing the photo because the cat has me pinned down again.) Nine stories, the first three, connected, were my favorites. One features characters from The Robber Bride, the rest are stand alone. All are well written, slightly creepy/sinister but in a “what lengths will humans go to” way rather than a slasher in the basement way. I like that many of the protagonists are older - there‘s a lot of exploration of what does & doesn‘t change as we age.

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I‘ve got a bug that‘s keeping me home from church this morning, so Balthazar and I are getting some quality time in with Ms. Atwood. #currentlyreading #littenkitten #catsoflitsy

Leftcoastzen Hope you feel better soon! At least you have a cat nurse. 5y
Graywacke Hoping you feel better...glad you‘re able to read through it, though. 5y
Lcsmcat @Leftcoastzen @Graywacke Thanks. It‘s not bad, I just cough a lot and can‘t sing. I‘m babying myself so I‘ll be up to snuff for the wedding, and Balthazar is taking advantage of the cuddle time. 5y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I don't agree that all the stories were wicked, but I'm not sure what that says about me. Normally I love every thing she writes, but a couple of these were a miss for me. It was still worth the read though.

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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The tbr pile on the right has been sitting there since spring. Somehow I keep buying more books, hence the tbr pile on the left. This doesn't include any of my books in progress. I really need to start #readingmyowndamnbooks

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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My last book of 2018! I haven't been this jazzed by a book of short stories for a while. The first three stories are connected by three main characters but the rest are separate. I noticed that a lot of the women were these amazing predatory women (even when then didn't want to be; i.e. a sweet and kind girl who turns into a vampire) and I love how Atwood is able to do great character studies, showing women at their most vulnerable and angry.

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood

An odd little book of short stories, but I definitely enjoyed them (even though short stories aren‘t really my thing). Everything Margaret Atwood writes is fantastic!

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I participated in a book swap on a bookish fb group I'm in. Super pleased with the choices sent to me. They both look fabulous.

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Got these at the Salvos in Charlestown last weekend. My girlfriend who is originally from Holland is coming to visit me this Tuesday with her little boy who I have only seen twice so I plan on playing her a CD to remind her of home. The Lunch Lady is probably my favourite mummy magazine.

rather_be_reading white oleander is one of my fav books of all time!! i had bo idea there was a movie 6y
LapReader All for the grand total of $10. 6y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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“Stone Mattress” was my favorite, but every story worked. The first three are interrelated, telling the story of a relationship from three different perspectives. I loved Constance, the fantasy writer who punishes people in her life by making them characters in her novel. The rest are standalones.

Based in reality, especially the indignities of aging, this collection oozes Atwood‘s creepiness and dark humor. Highly recommended!

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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#NewHogwartsAdventure #loyalty

Ah books: the most loyal of friends.

Libby1 Lovely autumnal colours. 🍁 6y
Libby1 My husband is (re)reading Black Swan Green at the moment. He‘s a big fan of David Mitchell. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm What a great stack! 6y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 💛💛 6y
vkois88 Yes 😍😍😍 6y
tammysue So pretty! 🍂 6y
bernadette Pretty. Looks like a lot of great books, too. 6y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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#QuotsyJuly18 Day 23: The smell and feel of a #Typewriter - I used to type furiously about anything and everything when I was nine. Killed a lot of trees back then.

Cathythoughts 👍🏻😃memories of typewriters 6y
Bradleygirl Me too! My friends and I would make up the most random stories cooperatively on typewriters 6y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Short stories are not my favorite thing, but I adore Margaret Atwood and I really enjoyed this collection.

#stone #ReadingResolutions

Bookzombie I struggle with short stories too. I feel like I want more usually. 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @Bookzombie Me too. Sometimes they frustrate me for the same reason! 6y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Squeezed in a tale from this gem today and wishing I could spend the rest of the afternoon immersed in the rest of the stories but paychecks are necessary...

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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These #shortstories are on my TBR. #riotgrams @Liberty

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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How about "nine wicked tales" by Margaret Atwood and "five stories" by Willa Cather?

#9to5 #fiercefeb
@batsy @Cinfhen

batsy Yes, please! ☺I like your interpretation 👏 6y
Linsy Ooh, I forgot The Stone Mattress was on my shelves, just waiting to be read. Thanks for reminding me! 6y
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readordierachel @Linsy Happy to help! ☺ 6y
Cinfhen Clever 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
saresmoore Well played! 6y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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@Robothugs thank you so much for the book! I‘m so excited to read it. I love Margaret Atwood!

Robothugs You‘re very welcome!! Enjoy! 😄 6y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Thank you @Robothugs for the #giveaway! I‘d like to try Stone Mattress. 😁

Robothugs Thank you for reposting! 😊 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Margaret Atwood is brilliant.

Nine short stories, some of them loosely connected, some wholly different, all of them fascinating and well-written. I️ read through them slowly, and some of them are really going to stick with me, I‘m sure.


MinDea 😻😻 7y
Dolly Love that kitty! 😍 7y
JaclynW I loved these stories too. Margaret Atwood! 7y
Tanzy13 🐱 7y
TricksyTails 😻♥️ 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I️ am so proud of my six-year-old and his mad reading skills... but tonight I️ experienced another first. I️ thought he was hard at work next to me on his Minecraft while I️ was reading my book.

Until he read this sentence and perfectly pronounced his first ‘bad‘ word out of a book.

Now he won‘t stop giggling about it, and I️ guess I️ have to watch what I‘m reading when he‘s around! 😂

Ruri_kaichou Mommy bookworm problems for sure 😅🤣 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto 😂😂😂 7y
BookNAround My son‘s first book bad word was when he picked up on of the comics my husband had left on the coffee table. Nothing quite like a five year old proving phonics works by sounding out “F*u*c*k” while you‘re making dinner. 😱 7y
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sprainedbrain @BookNAround I️ guess it could have been worse, then. 😂 7y
RaimeyGallant Uh oh! 7y
Lreads @BookNAround You reminded me of this quote by Ralphie from a Christmas Story: "But I didn't say Fudge. I said the f dash dash dash word." 7y
Izai.Amorim And at school he‘ll tell his teacher that it‘s ok to say pissed because “mom reads about it.” 😂 7y
sprainedbrain @ReadsWithTea omg I️ love Ralphie! 😂 7y
sprainedbrain @Izai.Amorim That‘s what I‘m afraid of! 😂 7y
[DELETED] 57804897 Oh yes! For me, it was someone else‘s FB post. Congratulations on the milestone! 7y
readinginthedark My son is too smart for his own good. The first time he cussed he was learning how to write, and he got frustrated and threw the pencil down, saying, “Oh, fuck it!” 😆 7y
readinginthedark Should I add that he was four? 🙈 7y
sprainedbrain @readinginthedark haha! Sounds like a fun kid! 7y
readinginthedark He‘s definitely a handful! 😋 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Book 3!! I bought this one at The Strand when I was in NYC for BEA this year, and I'm excited to finally read it! #readathon

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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When your husband suggests a trip to the book store to cheer you up, you know you‘ve picked the right one. When you get too tired to look for books for very long, you know you have a ways to go until you‘re fully recovered.

BarbaraTheBibliophage He's a keeper! Mine keeps suggesting the same as I recover from surgery. And he knows I can't lift more than 20 lbs, so that should help keep me under control. 🤣 7y
ErikasMindfulShelf @BarbaraTheBibliophage I can‘t lift more than 5 so my husband made sure I had a rolling cart 😜 Internet shopping works really well too. Hope you have a speedy recovery. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage You do need a cart! Hoping you can enjoy your purchases and rest up until your back in action! 7y
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Reviewsbylola I loved Maine and Truevine was so fascinating. Feel better! 7y
Sace He's definitely a keeper! 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Favorite short collections #30DaysofReadathon #readathon

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I'm planning to read this collection during Dewey's in October.

#readathon #30daysofreadathon #shortstories

SheReadsAndWrites What is Dewey‘s? 7y
sprainedbrain @SheReadsAndWrites Dewey‘s 24-hour readathon. 😃 The next one is coming up Oct 21 and we are having a countdown photo challenge. http://www.24hourreadathon.com 7y
SheReadsAndWrites 👍🏼thanks! 7y
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SheReadsAndWrites I‘ve never done this before. Do you literally read 24 hours straight? 😳 Teach me, Sensei 🙏🏼☺️ 7y
sprainedbrain @SheReadsAndWrites some people manage the whole thing, but I never have. You just try to read as much as you can during the 24 hrs. Most people keep track of their total time. You should try it!! 7y
SheReadsAndWrites I think I will!!! Oct 21 yes? 7y
sprainedbrain @SheReadsAndWrites yes! Check the website and also their Goodreads group and Instragram if you do that sort of thing! 7y
UwannaPublishme Thx for reminder about the readathon. Gotta mark that down. 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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#bookhaul from the Friends of Carteret County Library and the Island Bookshop!

queerbookreader Carol 💜💜💜💜 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Reviewsbylola Great pic! 💛💛 7y
asiriusreader Love this pic! 7y
BekahB I love that cactus! 🌵 💕 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood

Loved each and every story, but was so so sure that the last one would somehow connect all nine, and was somewhat disappointed to find that not to be the case. Atwood seems to have perfected the art of drawing her reader in quickly and leaving their mind running wild with possibilites.

Wonderful combo of short stories!

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I'm not a huge short story fan, and this one was just ok for me. The title story was probably my favorite. #ShortStories

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Library book sale jackpot!

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I've been there!

PurpleyPumpkin 😂😂😂The Condom Shack is still there!, 7y
Megabooks Cool! 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Just stumbled across the Season of Stories channel on the 60dB app - how cool is this? Stone Mattress read by the author! Plus there's Homegoing & a whole lot of other stuff, all for FREE 😍

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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When literally all your library eBook holds come up in the same day 😩😩😩

Suzze Of course! Always. Which one will be first? 7y
heikemarie @Suzze I don't know, I'm paralyzed by choice 😱 luckily I have another book to finish before so I can make up my mind! 7y
Suzze @inwhichHeikereadsharder We Were Liars was a real page turner! 7y
heikemarie @Suzze Moved to the top!! You make it easy :) 7y
Notafraidofwords We were liars = the best. 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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I listened to much of this on a recent road trip. It was the perfect antidote to the boring central Wisconsin scenery. I really liked Atwood's Oryx and Crake trilogy so I was looking forward to this collection of short stories. I was not disappointed. Most of the stories were right up my alley - dark, sad, and depressing, with a little humor sprinkled in for good measure. I think fans of Margaret Atwood would really enjoy these stories.

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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My next audiobook. I got a good start on it on my road trip to WI. The first two tales were excellent.

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Day 9 of #feistyfeb

I do love a #DeckleEdge 😍

Donna_sBookMinute So do I. 🙂 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Brilliant short story collection from one of my favorite authors!

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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My book for 'A' for #LitsyAtoZ. I really liked this story collection. I haven't read anything by Margaret Atwood, other than The Handmaid's Tale, but I definitely will read more of her books in the future.

silverlocusts Atwood is so great, and she writes well in a lot of genres! If you aren't into sci fi, try Jag-Seed (her The Tempest retelling) or Aloas Grace, a Canadian true crime novel set in the 1800s. If you do like sci fi, then read The Maddaddam series. 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood

Atwood is always a fascinating read. The focus on aging, revenge, and death in this collection was sometime chilling but always compelling. This was also my first #LitsyAtoZ book for A.

BookishMarginalia 👍🏼 7y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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Audiobook in one ear and a winter hike with Little Man and River. The perfect way to spend the last afternoon of 2016. Happy New Year to all you #Littens! May 2017 bring you an abundance of joy and good luck!

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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood
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These are my #bestofdecember. I'm on the last story in Stone Mattress, so it's safe to say I will be done by the end of December. #seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading

WanderingBookaneer I'm reading #Fellside now 8y
sherryvdh @WanderingBookaneer I look forward to seeing what you think of it. I was curious about it, but was on the fence about picking it up. 8y
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Stone Mattress: Nine Tales | Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood on historical cast iron signs: "Everything will be swept away, those signs declare, and a lot sooner than you think."