My daughter claimed not to know Robert Frost* so I took tonight‘s walk as an opportunity to introduce her.
*It‘s also possible she was trying to shut me down so I didn‘t embarrass her by reciting Robert Frost on our walk.
My daughter claimed not to know Robert Frost* so I took tonight‘s walk as an opportunity to introduce her.
*It‘s also possible she was trying to shut me down so I didn‘t embarrass her by reciting Robert Frost on our walk.
Here's hoping the Litsy people add this suggested title to their listings so I can change it to the right book...in the meantime, I'll just say it was a pleasant moment spent with a poem that's always felt exactly like it sounds: a quiet moment by the woods, in the snow, that ache to stay, all the sharper for plans and conditions not allowing it. I appreciate the palette the artist used to convey the dimming light of evening in a rural setting.
Who doesn't love Robert Frost? The illustrations in this one are also beautiful. Again another children's book that I think more adults would appreciate.
#WinterGames2020 #readnosedreindeer #shutdownreadathon #CrushTheRush #ReadYourWay #WinterSolstice (instagram) @StayCurious @Squidget @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @TheSpineView
This poem is so beautiful and it perfectly captures the magical essence of a snowy wood. It reminds me to pause, and really admire and appreciate the little things, and the small moments that bring about a warm glow of happiness. Take a look around and notice the little things that bring a smile to your face or gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling. You can get back to the rush of life after a few seconds.
#stoppingbywoodsonasnowyevening #robertfrost
Robert Frost‘s iconic poem is brought to life through this richly detailed illustrations by Susan Jeffers. ❤️ it!
#anewchapter #snowycover
#SeasonsReadings #Jinglebells #RobertFrost #poetrymatters #harnessbells
“He gives his harness bells a shake...”
Love this poem- the horse jingling his bells in the snowy, quiet woods.
On “the darkest evening of the year”, when you want #tochasethedarkaway, Robert Frost is a good choice. Here‘s a link to him reading this poem. It brought me joy. #survivingdecember https://www.facebook.com/poetictouch.page/videos/996395927043344/
Perhaps the only poem I can recite from memory.
#snow #quotsydec17 @tk-421
But I have #promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening illustrated by Susan Jeffers is P, would be used as a CR. This is a great poem about winter and how a person stops to enjoy the snowy view, even though he has a promise to keep with miles to go. The UDL is 1.2 is offer alternative auditory information and the EL 17 provides contextual support through audio visuals, models and facial expressions.
#Riotgrams #day15 #Poetry These are four of my favourite poems, three are Robert Frost (Fire&Ice, NothingGoldCanStay & StoppingByWoodsOnASnowyEvening) plus Funeral Blues by W.H.Auden. I want both Funeral Blues & Nothing Gold Can Stay to be read at my funeral. The other poem that rounds out my top five classic prose is The Lady Of Shalott by Alfred Tennyson. All five are fabulously moving poems.
Soooooo I am also trying my hand on a monthly photo challenge! And as it is currently freezing in South Africa I went with a very wintery theme for July!
Hope you guys like it!
Tag me and feel free to let me know what you think about it.
More from the Gustavus Adolphus College Library hosted a Books in Bloom event featuring floral arrangements inspired by books. This arrangement was actually a side piece to the larger arrangement.
Almost forgot to post! Most of our Chicago snow is gone but it sure is cold!
This is a stunningly illustrated version of Robert Frost's poem.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep. #robertfrost #myfirstpoem
As I looked out my window at this first snow of the year, Robert Frost immediately came to mind. Happy Holidays to my fellow Littens!
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,..." one of my all time favorite poems. #photoadaynov16 #chillyreads #november29
In honor of #nationalpoetryday, the first poet whose work I had to memorize. "The Road Not Taken"
My Grampy was a beloved high school English teacher. He studied for a time under Robert Frost at the Bread Loaf School at Middlebury. He challenged me to memorize this poem just after I learned to read. Missing him today, and every day. Happy Fathers Day, Dad and Grampy.
Whose woods these are I think I know
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
❄️❄️ "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost was published this day, March 7, 1923. ❄️❄️