Good read about how to bookbinding by hand!
Good read about how to bookbinding by hand!
Quick and informative book on embroidery, including a wide variety of historical styles. There didn‘t seem to be any rhyme or reason as to the different styles described (one of the contributors‘ bios has a lot about her being a sashiko expert but there‘s no sashiko?) and I think many of them could have used more description, but I really liked being introduced to some styles I‘d never heard of. With modifications, I may try some of the projects.
Getting back into crochet is more Year of Dishcloths than Crochet Magic at this point, but Crochet Taxidermy is the life goal I didn‘t see coming. 😂😂
I liked very few of the projects in this book. I would definitely not call all of them upcycled, and many of them needed more detailed instructions. Also, the author seemed really arrogant. But there are some good ideas and useful tips (like what kind of glue to use), and I think one of the things about upcycling is it‘s hard to say “here‘s a project you can do” because it‘s so dependent on what materials you have at hand. Borrow, not buy.
When I was going through my storage bin today, my scrapbook was in there with a pack of 10 extra sheets I can put in the scrapbook as well as a pad full of cardstock paper. I was looking through my scrapbook just to see if I wanted to add more pages to it so I can continue scrapbooking. I have some stuff cut out that I could add in there if I wanted to continue scrapbooking but I don‘t feel like it needs anything else.
I have some Mardi Gras beads and I decided to do this with them. I didn‘t want to get rid of my beads. The colors are so pretty.
I‘ve been sick the last couple days and Let This Radicalize You is just too much for my tired brain to take right now. This seems like it will do the trick instead.
Since I just made a post talking about decluttering, I actually decluttered some craft supplies. I threw away scraps of paper and old high school graduation invitations. I thought I was going to use the invitations to make homemade cards. Now, I‘m trying to decide if I want to keep the stuff that I‘ve cut out to put in my scrapbook but now, I‘m thinking that I should throw that stuff away because I don‘t scrapbook anymore. I lost interest in it.
Aletheia this arrived today- is it for a swap? 😘😍😘