Let's go, start a new adventure! Hopefully I like it!
Let's go, start a new adventure! Hopefully I like it!
It's cold outside. Time for the bookies, hmmm which one first?
This story makes a big impression on me. When hou think slavery is over, well it's not, it's right here, in Amsterdam 😢
There are a lot of great books, and every book is special in its own way. Wich book/books will you never forget?? I'm just curious! 😊
I can't say a word, I am crying so hard!
So happy with my new bookshelf! Finally al my babies have a home now!
What a delight to read this book, it's so funny, nerdy and very sweet! It's about a man with autism, he wants a wife, but his socialskills are not so good. Then he meets Rosie, she's everything he doesn't want in a wife. But why does he have that weird feeling when she's around?
I did it! I've read my first book in English! And that in one day! It wasn't hard to read so now I'm going to look forward to my next book in English! #dutch #alittleproudofmyself
While reading HP and the deathly hallows, HP and the cursed child arrived! Whooeeehooeee so happy!
This is the only book I have that's in English. I've never read a English book and I find it hard to start.. (I'm Dutch). I would like to read in English because I think it's way better than when it's translated. Does any of you have any other suggestions for good English books for starters???
Holiday at Tenerife, what a beautiful island❤️
Clock is ticking, only 4 more hours till my vacation, and then I'm finally gonna read this book! @QueenAnne
I'm on my work!!! So sneaky! It feels so wrong, but it feels so good either!
Whaaaa sleeping at my boyfriends home, but its soooo hot in here that I sneeked out of bed and wanted to read, BUT I FORGOT MY BOOK! What a nightmare 😭
This book is called: the photographer of auschwitz. I've read it in Dutch. It is my favorite book about WW2. I felt like I was in it.. just can't imagine what all those people have been trough, but this book gives you a cleare picture..💔
Went to the Anne Frank house with @QueenAnne just recently. It was very impressive and a informative experience. Now I finished the book and really wanna go back! Now I realise much more what she and her family had been trought. Anne Frank is a symbol!
Just finished this one, the best one of the HP serie so far! I'm going to read the next one as soon as possible! #addicted #loveHarry #and.dumbledore.ofcourse 😍
We live in a miserable world, now again an attack in France. If we all should respect each other a little more the world would be so much better, sorry I just felt the need to share this.
This is the first book I ever read written by Harlan Coben, and I loved it immediately! I really love all his books! 😍
Reading this book right now, very quickly, just because it's a part if a trilogy, and afortunately not because I like it....
Well it's all clear for me now.... I wish my man could say the same..
I started reading this book (Dutch) none month ago, and I loved it! Right now I'm reading HP and the goblet of fire. These books are amazing!