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Joined September 2019

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A very small section of my TBR 😊
Trying to do some tidying before Gladstones. Gotta be honest... the room isn't looking much better 😭😭

julesG Are you going to pick books from these shelves? 7h
RaeLovesToRead @julesG No, I'm going to pick from my Autumn TBR which is mainly on the floor 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ 7h
TheBookHippie I feel this 🤣🤪🤷🏽‍♀️ 6h
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BarbaraBB I‘d love to browse those shelves! 6h
AnneCecilie At least you have your tbr in bookshelves. 6h
Suet624 I\'m with @AnneCecilie (edited) 4h
RaeLovesToRead @AnneCecilie @Suet624 SOME of my TBR is on bookshelves.... 😅😅 4h
AnneCecilie @RaeLovesToRead @Suet624 I can‘t even claim to have some of my tbr. Most of the books on my shelves are read and the tbr is everywhere else 4h
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Made another vid. This one is the Book Design Tag where I show off some of my special editions.

Branwen This video is going to be dangerous for my wallet, I just know it! 🤭💕📚 18h
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen 😈😈😈😈😈😈 14h
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The Pisces | Melissa Broder
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It's #flatlayfriday folks 💛

Today I'm displaying yellow books 😊

Branwen One of these Fridays I'm going to remember to do this! 😂🤣 18h
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Attempt at upload number 2... some technical difficulties 😅😅

If you're on a computer this might be better.

On phone it doesn't make a lot of difference 😊

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I want to read the new ML Rio novella, but I absolutely HATE the cover.

Almost as much as I hate this edition of Monika Kim's "The Eyeballs are the Best Part":


Not as much as I hate the US cover of Brainwyrms ??

It's a GOOEY MELTING RAT with FUNGUS. I hate it so much that instead of posting it, I have substituted a pic of Alan Cumming in a ridiculous jewelled poncho.

willaful Much pleasanter! 4d
BarkingMadRead Omg is that from the Traitors? When it‘s on I send snapchats of all his outfits to my daughter 🤣 we love him 😍 4d
RaeLovesToRead @BarkingMadRead Haha, yes it is. Although Claudia is my Traitors style icon (UK version) 4d
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BarkingMadRead Claudia is fabulous, too! I love that show! 4d
Caroline2 Agreed. It is grim!! I‘m gonna wait for the kindle deal 4d
The_Penniless_Author They need to get moving on Season 3! 3d
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I'm getting a bit better at thumbnails 😄

Happy October, everyone!


camscampbell Watching now while my own wrap-up video uploads. Can\'t believe this is your first one! 4d
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell You guys have inspired me to be more consistent ? Monthly wrap up seems a good staple for the channel. I unbox my Illumicrate every month, but that's mostly me opening things and going "ooh, this is pretty... haven't read this book!" Haha 4d
Caroline2 Just watched your video and I‘ve just finished The Safekeep - loved it!! 4d
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RaeLovesToRead @Caroline2 I loved it too ?? even of Disco King thought it was good but "a bit cringe" haha 3d
Caroline2 Yeah! 😂 I know what he means, the love scenes were a bit cringe and cliched. I must admit, I started skimming but I thought I knew where it was going…. Then that twist!!! 😮 clapp 3d
RaeLovesToRead @Caroline2 Nooooooo it was sensual and lovely!!!!! 3d
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Dracul | Dacre Stoker
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When you're checking out Kindle deals for the month and it requires at least 2x notebook pages 😄

Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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@BarbaraJean @Librarybelle @Leniverse @Caroline2 @AnneCecilie @Larkken @Kristy_K @Cuilin @wanderinglynn @deblovestoread @jess @leniverse @aa_guer2021 @sparklemn

OK guys.... you may begin!!!!!!!!

But if you've got a lot on, don't worry. We are going at a leisurely pace.

After all, when we've finished #CAPbuddyread it's on to Ulysses.

Use the hashtag to update us on how you're doing.

THERE IS NO RUSH. And feel free to start at a later date.

Caroline2 I do love that cover!!! 😻 5d
Librarybelle Hooray!! 5d
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BarbaraJean 🎉🎉What time frame are you thinking—do you have a finish date in mind? (Trying to figure out reading priorities for the next couple months!) (edited) 5d
RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraJean There is no time frame! We just see how far we get. I recently did a buddy read of Ducks, Newburyport and I think only myself and @Leniverse got to the end! Maybe midway through next year? 5d
BarbaraJean Aha! Sounds good. I think I will try to finish by the end of the year… if I don‘t give myself a deadline it may not happen 🤪 5d
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Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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@BarbaraJean @Librarybelle @Leniverse @Caroline2 @AnneCecilie @Larkken @Kristy_K @Cuilin @wanderinglynn @deblovestoread @jess @leniverse

Hello fellow glutens for punishment!

The plan was to start C&P at a leisurely pace starting 1st October. How does everyone feel about this?

1) Yes, let's start tomorrow!
2) Delay start 1 month to November
3) Let's start January instead

The translation I have is the Oliver Ready version (cover above).

Librarybelle I‘m ready to start tomorrow! 6d
Jess I have my copy and am ready whenever everyone else is. 6d
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BarbaraJean October is suuuuuper overloaded but I‘m in for starting tomorrow, depending on what “leisurely” looks like 😆 6d
Deblovestoread Have overbooked myself per usual but will start whenever you say go. 😁 6d
aa_guer2021 Just came across this post. Maybe I will be motivated to finally tackle this book. And I can do it in the original!! 🤔🫠 6d
wanderinglynn I can start tomorrow but would prefer January! 😉 6d
Larkken Torture away whenever! 6d
Sparklemn I‘d like to join if I may! 6d
Kristy_K Whatever works for everyone else! I‘m flexible. 6d
AnneCecilie I have a lot of bookish stuff going on right now and would prefer to wait until January 6d
Leniverse As long as I don't have to finish it in October, I can start now 😂 November might be better though. 6d
camscampbell I have a slow read of this going at a chapter a week. It‘s a nice pace. 5d
Caroline2 Nov would be better for me too but happy to start now. I have the Constance Garnett translation. 👍 5d
RaeLovesToRead @aa_guer2021 @Sparklemn I will add you both to the tag list!!!! 😊 5d
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell That'll probably be about my pace. It took me about 18 months to read War and Peace! 😄 5d
camscampbell @RaeLovesToRead I love to hear that you‘ve read War and Peace! I just passed a rather sad scene in that book not two minutes ago. I‘m reading it a chapter a day, which makes it a one-year read. I may start it again on 1 Jan and read a different translation alongside the Russian. The chapters are short and it‘s become a ritual this year that I‘d like to continue. 5d
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell I also read the Anthony Briggs translation. I thought it was pretty good. The whole novel is an experience. The structure is bizarre and not at all beginning, middle, end, but it doesn't matter because the stories come and go and evolve! 5d
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Our Wives Under the Sea | Julia Armfield
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The writing here was so gorgeous. Our Wives felt, to me, like a horror story. It was creepy, claustrophobic, and surreal.

I did want a little more from the ending, either in terms of clarity or impact, but this was still a haunting, beautifully-written little book.

It's not uplifting though. Be warned!


zezeki I'm planning on reading this next month! 1w
Gissy Beautiful purse 👜👌 7d
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Our Wives Under the Sea | Julia Armfield
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Do not read this book if you are afraid of the sea. Or claustrophobic. Or claustrophobic and afraid of the sea.

It's... damp!

(I was going to say moist, but that might give off the wrong vibe 🤣)

Check out my edges, though.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Those edges are absolutely GORGEOUS! ❤️😱❤️ 1w
Hooked_on_books Those edges are so pretty! And I‘m definitely checking out your dessert, which looks scrumptious! 🤤 1w
ShelleyBooksie Stunning edges and dessert and coffee look delish. 1w
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Another shameless attempt to import this Instagram trend to Litsy 🤣🤣

I just love making aesthetically pleasing pictures with my books!

These are all books about books 😊😇

Ruthiella Nothing wrong with doubling up your Litsy and Instagram pics! That‘s efficient. 👍 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella Once I've got it all lined up I might as well post it everywhere haha 😁😇 1w
rachaich That's so pretty:) 1w
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Clare-Dragonfly I enjoy seeing yours! Way too much effort for me to bother with though 😂 1w
RaeLovesToRead @rachaich Thank you!! 😊💕 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Clare-Dragonfly Lining these bad boys up is more effort than it looks, haha!!! 😅 1w
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Shoestring Theory | Mariana Costa
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Bookhaul 💃💃💃💃

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🖤🖤 1w
julesG 😍😍😍 1w
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PACKAGE!!!! 🥰🥰

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 1w
Branwen Okay, but those wrappings are so beautiful! 😍 1w
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs 💕
Thanks for the tag @dabbe 😊😇

🍁 Stressed. Anxious. Chunky. 🤣🤣

🍁🍁 Honest. Kind hearted. Intelligent. Friendly. Warm. Funny.

🍁🍁🍁 I was gonna say Mrs Danvers as a joke, but I'm gonna go with Eleanor Oliphant. Because I spent a lot of time as a teenager and beyond not knowing how to connect with people and not understanding how to be social. I don't think I'm like her now, but I empathised hard.

dabbe You definitely ain\'t no Danvers! (double negative intended!) 🧡🍁🧡 2w
RaeLovesToRead @dabbe *hovers maliciously* 🤣🤣 2w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I love Eleanor ❤️ 2w
julesG When you say Mrs Danvers my mind jumps to Nurse Ratched. I don't know why. And you're definitely not Nurse Ratched. 2w
Eggs Wonderful Eleanor🥰 1w
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Our Wives Under the Sea | Julia Armfield
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Miri's wife Leah has returned from a submarine expedition after months lost under the sea. But Leah has changed and Miri is left wondering if she has really returned after all.

I'm halfway through this beautifully written, but not-at-all uplifting read, and appreciating its waterlogged prose and sense of loss.

Balibee146 I have this on my TBR in an online shopping cart. Looking forward to your final thoughts. 2w
Kitta I read this last year and loved it. Not heartwarming but an interesting read! 2w
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The Spellshop | Sarah Beth Durst
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October TBR... why do you mock me so?????
Need to do more reading and less staring into space 🤣🤣
Plus I'll soon need to choose which books to take to Gladstone's on the annual #gladstonerds reading retreat 💕💕💕💕

Here's the TBR vid in case you missed it:


janeycanuck Mine is the same. I may have to throw my phone and our modem in a river. 2w
RaeLovesToRead @janeycanuck There's a guy on Insta re-enacting the entire of Pride and Prejudice as all the characters and it's ridiculous, but also addictive 2w
janeycanuck @RaeLovesToRead WHAT?! What‘s the channel name?!?!?!? 2w
RaeLovesToRead @janeycanuck I think it's "somebenfen" ? my personal fave is lizzy dances with Mr Collins ?? 2w
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Autumn | Ali Smith
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New video now live! 🥰🥰 Thank you to everyone who supports my channel / enjoys my vids.

Today's vid is 30 mins of me discussing what books are on my Autumn TBR. There's no way I'm going to get round to all these, so let me know in the comments if there are any that I need to prioritise 😁

I'll post Illumicrate unboxing for the month next. Pickles heavily featured (but not helpful!) 🤣🤣

Gissy Subscribed 🎉🤗 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Gissy Yay!! 🤗💕 Welcome to the channel 😁😁 2w
Branwen I really loved this video so much! 🥰📚 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Thank you so much! 🥰🥰🥰 Stay tuned 😁😁 haha 1w
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A few new arrivals 💃💃💃💃

I was supposed to have a week off getting on top of my life this week, but I got the lurgy. So I got next to nothing done and I'm back to work on Monday feeling worse than when I started.

Also, I borked the diet and book ban 😵

Please send reprimands and sympathy in equal doses!!! 🤣🤣

LiteraryinPA No reprimands here- it sounds like a really hard week! In those situations, you just do what you need to do. Don‘t beat yourself up! 💗 2w
DaveGreen7777 Hope you feel much better soon! 🙏 2w
BarbaraBB Sounds so familiar. Take care and don‘t be too hard on yourself 2w
Balibee146 Hope you feel better soon x 2w
RaeLovesToRead @LiteraryinPA @DaveGreen7777 @BarbaraBB @Balibee146 Thank you, friends! I'm back to work tomorrow so let's hope that with the correct amount of coffee my body makes it through 😄 2w
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Talk Art | Russell Tovey, Robert Diament
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Today's #flatlayfriday is focused on my Art section TBR.

Not pictured are the seminal text "The Story of Art" by Gombrich, and the hugely necessary "The Story of Art without Men" by Hessel, both of which changed the way I see and think about art, earlier this year.

I've been rifling through the Art section ever since, and can't wait to explore this expansive and fascinating topic further.

BekaReid Art Monsters has been on my TBR since it first came to my attention about a year ago. And since my TBR is never-ending, I\'m trying to hold out until it\'s paperback release in November here in the US. 2w
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My first cameo 😄 (Sorry about the face / general exhausted ambience, haha)

My BookTube Buds Laura and Ross are celebrating their first anniversary on BookTube and they invited me to share a rec or two! 🥰🥰

They are well worth following if you like SFF.


camscampbell Watching now. It\'s so cool to be part of this wonderful community. 2w
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell I know! 🥰🥰🥰 Such great people! I only wish I wasn't feeling so wrecked this month. I look and sound like the walking dead. Really want to make some content, but I've been in bed all week with the lurg. 2w
PathfinderNicole Omg you have a giant Blastoise 2w
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RaeLovesToRead @PathfinderNicole Yep. Yes I do 😁😁😁 2w
Luke-XVX So many toys! Ya big baby! 2w
Amiable Happy BookTube-iversary! 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Luke-XVX I would argue, but I pre-ordered a Poison Ivy Barbie just yesterday 🤣🤣 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Amiable Not mine... Ross and Laura from Hardy's Books! 😊 They kindly included me in their video! 😁 2w
PathfinderNicole I‘m extremely jealous!! I keep asking for a big Gengar but no luck so far 😂 2w
RaeLovesToRead @PathfinderNicole OMG do it! Blastoise's arms are the perfect width apart for cuddles!! I think you can get squishmallow Gengar!!! (I also may have a plush Raichu on my wishlist. I'm fond of Raichu because a) RAICHU 🥰🥰 and b) as a kid I thought it was pronounced Rae-chu like my name! Haha) 2w
Luke-XVX Go big or go home then I guess!! Haha 2w
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Our Wives Under the Sea | Julia Armfield
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"The deep sea is a haunted house: a place in which things that ought not to exist move about in the darkness."


This first line is *chefs kiss*

camscampbell Love that cover! 2w
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell It even has spredges! I'll show them off when I review 2w
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I am loving this so far! And they've just mentioned my little town 🥰🥰🥰

Yuki_Onna Wow - that is awesome! 🧡 2w
Aims42 This is one of those books I wish I could read for the first time again 🥰 I loved it! 2w
Caroline2 Cute bag!! 🥰 2w
BekaReid This book is so good! I love Susanna Clarke\'s writing and worldbuilding especially the magic system and atmosphere that she created. 2w
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This was OK, but it wasn't exactly Gosford Park.

The mystery was crap, for a start. And the characters were mostly ghastly.

I can see what the author was trying to achieve; I just wish it had been more focused. If she'd beefed up the mystery, or cranked up the comedy, or gone for more social commentary, I feel it could have been more effective. Instead, we get a pinch of each, and it never quite felt like it was hitting the brief.

The Golden Fool | Robin Hobb
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs 💕
Thanks for the tag @Yuki_Onna

1) This will surprise no one 😄

2) Paper 📚

3) I referred to Storygraph for this! Literary followed by mystery. I'm surprised Sci Fi isn't further up on the list. (I 100% DO NOT read more romance than sci fi 🤣) Expect more Fantasy and Art reads in coming months.

If you see this, you're tagged 😘

mcctrish StoryGraph making it easy for us !!! 3w
Eggs Nicely done🙏🏻👏🏻 3w
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When you decide to write a mystery farce set in Scotland during lockdown, and you decide to call it Loch Down Abbey 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

(I was never going to be able to resist this cover, was I?)

Yuki_Onna 😂🤦‍♀️ 3w
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I loved this action-packed, fantasy murder mystery. It was full of heart, brilliant fun, & I enjoyed every minute of it.

The whole story gives off Locke Lamora vibes. There's smart-mouthed skulduggery, shimmering towers, opulence and grandeur against streetwise determination.

The story does unfold in a linear way that cements it more as a fantasy adventure rather than a mystery novel, but the plot is fast paced and a lot happens along the way.

camscampbell I have this on my physical TBR shelf. Sounds good. 3w
RaeLovesToRead @camscampbell I'm catching up with Discord reads!! 😅 I love hybrid genre mysteries. Got Voyage of the Damned and Tainted Cup to read too! 3w
Branwen Oooooh this sounds really good! 💕 3w
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Look at Me | Anita Brookner
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Thank you so much @The_Penniless_Author for my lovely present 🎁🎉

Well done on finding not one, but two, authors I haven't yet explored! 💕

The_Penniless_Author And you said it couldn't be done! 😄 Happy belated birthday! 🥳🎂🎁 3w
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Everybody give a big welcome to my Discord buddy @camscampbell who has just joined us 😊 He also does BookTube and reads eclectically from SFF to Russian poetry!

Also, Pickles. Just because.

Yuki_Onna Welcome @camscampbell 🖤🫂 Enjoy the warm & wonderful Litsy community! 3w
Yuki_Onna Pickles❣️😊 #picklescat #catsoflitsy 3w
camscampbell Thanks Rae! I appreciate it! 3w
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Ruthiella Welcome to Litsy @camscampbell ! 😃 3w
Bookwormjillk Welcome! 3w
Soubhiville Hi @camscampbell 👋📚🙂 3w
wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy @camscampbell 👋🏻 3w
JessClark78 Welcome to Litsy! @camscampbell 🙂📚 3w
Eggs Welcome to Litsy🤗📚❤️ @camscampbell 3w
TheLudicReader Welcome to Litsy, @camscampbell . Come on in, the water‘s fine. 3w
Kshakal Welcome to the litsy family @camscampbell ! 3w
tdrosebud Welcome to Litsy! 3w
BookmarkTavern Welcome to Litsy @camscampbell ! 🎉🎉🎉 3w
DaveGreen7777 Welcome to Litsy @camscampbell Hope you enjoy your time here! 🥳🎉📚 3w
Cupcake12 Welcome to Litsy 📖❤️ 3w
Read4life Thank you @TheSpineView 💙💙 Welcome @camscampbell 🤓 3w
AnnCrystal Welcome to Litsy @camscampbell 👏🥳📚💫. 3w
AnnCrystal 💕😻💝. 3w
TheBookHippie Awe!!!!! Welcome to Litsy!! 3w
CBee @camscampbell welcome to Litsy 👋🏻 3w
CBee @TheSpineView thanks for the tag 🥰 3w
TheSpineView @CBee 😘😊🌞 3w
dabbe Welcome to Litsy, @camscampbell! You're going to love it here! 🤗 Thanks for the tag, @RaeLovesToRead! 🥰 3w
Catsandbooks Welcome to Litsy @camscampbell 🎉 3w
camscampbell Well that was a warm welcome! Thank you all. I can see that this is a wholesome place indeed! 3w
Gissy Welcome @camscampbell 🐈 ♥️♥️♥️ 3w
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Ok maybe just one flatlay. After all, it is #flatlayfriday 🥳🥳🥳

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Preparing my Autumn TBR! Here are all of the stacks I've been curating. See anything I need to prioritise?

I didn't want to spam you all with flatlays of all these, but I've posted them here if you need a close up 😁😁😁💕


Clare-Dragonfly I was just thinking of this book! I think I‘ll put it on hold so I can reread it this spooky season. 3w
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SPRING: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (Marie Kondo) or Atomic Habits (James Clear)

SUMMER: Sunburn (Laura Lippman)

AUTUMN: The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Agatha Christie)

WINTER: Game of Thrones (George RR Martin)

Let me know your seasonal reads 😊

EVERYONE IS TAGGED, but I'm going to tag everyone who wished me a Happy Litsyversary in the comments yesterday. Thank you all and much love 💕💕 I'd love to see your choices.

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Bookwormjillk I just read Sunburn last week. So good, and perfect for summer! 3w
wanderinglynn Happy Litsyversary! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3w
Suet624 Oh! Happy Anniversary!!! 3w
Susanita I love Sunburn! 3w
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwormjillk @Susanita I need to read more by her! 😊 3w
RaeLovesToRead @wanderinglynn @Suet624 Why thank you! 😁😁💕 3w
TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! 💛 🏷 3w
Librarybelle Thanks for the tag! 3w
youneverarrived Ohh great choices! I really liked Sunburn. I shall have a think 🤍 3w
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! 💜 3w
dabbe Will do; thanks for the tag! The thinking cap is on! 🥰 3w
BarbaraJean I love this idea! I may have to do two 😂 3w
Yuki_Onna Oh Rae, you ask such hard questions! I'll have to have a think... 🤓 3w
Hooked_on_books Thanks for the tag! I‘m afraid I‘m failing at this task. I‘m a read anything anytime person, so I don‘t tend to think of books being seasonal. 3w
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It's my 5 year Litsyversary and I love you all very much 💕💕

Having a little oasis on the internet where it isn't constant ads and drama, but just people wanting to share something they love is incredible.

Thank you for being such a wonderful, welcoming community.

Rae xxxx

Texreader Five years is awesome!! Congratulations!!! 🎉🎊🎈 3w
BarbaraJean Happy Litsyversary!! 🎉 💜 This really is such a wonderful corner of the internet—thank you for your part in this community! 3w
mcctrish Happy Litsyversary 🎉👏🏻 it is an oasis ❤️❤️ 3w
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Meshell1313 Congratulations 🎉❤️📚 3w
jen_the_scribe Happy Litsyversary! Your caption explains it so well, I love it here and I‘m glad you‘re here too ❤️ 3w
TheSpineView Happy Litsyversary!! 🥳🥳🥳 3w
JessClark78 Happy Litsyversary! 🎊📚🎉 3w
Bookwormjillk 🎉🎉🎉 3w
Liz_M Happy Litsyversary. You're missing the other 3 drinks (one for each year, right?) 3w
ShelleyBooksie Happy Litsyversary 3w
Ruthiella Happy Litsyversary! 🥳 🍸 🥳 🍸 3w
dabbe 🩶🧡🩶 3w
kspenmoll Happy Litsyversary!!!!! ❤️💙🩷 3w
Jas16 Happy Litsyversary 🥳📚🙌🏽 3w
Soubhiville Happy Litsyversary to you! 🙂📚🩷 3w
Librarybelle Happy Litsyversary! 3w
Susanita ❤️🫂 3w
Chrissyreadit Happy Litsyversary! 3w
Gissy Happy Litsyversary 📚🎉📚🎉🥳❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3w
Deblovestoread Happy Litsyversary 🎉 3w
DaveGreen7777 Awww, it‘s people like you who make Litsy such a nice place! Happy LitsyVersary, Dr. Rae! 🥳🎉📚 3w
LeahBergen Happy Litsyversary! ❤️❤️ 3w
IuliaC Happy Litsyversary!! 🥂🎉🥳 3w
Hooked_on_books Happy Litsyversary! So glad you‘re here! 3w
julesG Happy Litsyversary! 🎉🎉 3w
Yuki_Onna Happy Litsyversary, Queen Rae! 🧡🤗 3w
The_Penniless_Author Happy Litsyversary, Rae Rae! 🤗❤️🧡💙 3w
youneverarrived ♥️♥️ 3w
mabell 💕 3w
AnneCecilie Happy Litsyversary 🎉📚🎉📚 3w
camscampbell Congrats. Day 1 for me! 3w
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More Vendula masterpieces! They just keep getting better!!!!

rubyslippersreads Oh no! This is a very enabling post for me! ❤️👜😁 3w
RaeLovesToRead @rubyslippersreads Glad to be of service! 😁💕 3w
tpixie I need to learn more about this! 3w
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KateReadsYA Woooooowwwwwww that pumpkin spice bag 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 3w
RaeLovesToRead @tpixie Vendula London. They make adorable bags and I collect them. https://youtu.be/5W-V9g_eOFE?feature=shared Here are a few more!!! 💕 3w
RaeLovesToRead @KateReadsYA This is actually the large wallet, but it comes in a variety of bags and they are all 😍😍😍 3w
Hooked_on_books Oh my gosh, those are fantastic! 3w
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New acquisitions!

LibrarianRyan like that edition of 3 Body problem
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Autumn Pickle-friend 💕🍂

#catsoflitsy #picklescat

ravenlee Pickles! 🤗 3w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3w
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My latest vid is my Top 10 Fiction reads of 2024 so far.

Thank you to everyone for supporting my little channel. If you enjoy my book-ramblings, don't forget to like and subscribe 🥰

TheLudicReader I enjoyed your take on these ten books. 4w
ShelleyBooksie I could listen to you review books all day! 4w
RaeLovesToRead @TheLudicReader @ShelleyBooksie Aww, thank you both so much! 😊 Makes it worth making the videos 💕 4w
Branwen Loved this so much! 🥰 3w
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The Safekeep | Yael van der Wouden
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What a beautifully written, sensual story.

For a book that deals poetically with such emotive material, I didn't find it overbearingly saccharine or contrived. The writing just flowed off the page & slowly took root in my heart.

The less you know going in, the more impact the story will have. Slowly, inexorably we watch things unravel. So much feeling crammed into so few pages. I hope The Safekeep makes the Booker shortlist at the very least.

sarahbarnes Excited for this one! 1mo
Branwen I really want to read this now! 4w
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The Safekeep | Yael van der Wouden
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Was it just really breezy today or was The Safekeep giving me goosepimples 😭😭😭

Update: wow. This post looks like CHECK OUT MY BLOTCHY ARM. But I'm leaving it here because THIS BOOK.

That's the camera, not a rash 🤣🤣

Amor4Libros I know exactly how you feel. This book was a surprise gem! ❤️ 1mo
LiteraryinPA This book looks good! 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @Amor4Libros @LiteraryinLawrence Just finished and this book was BEAUTIFUL! 1mo
Amor4Libros I‘m so glad you liked it! It is one of my favorites this year 😊 1mo
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I tried to take a cute pic of her snuggling in the grass but she ALWAYS NOTICES!!!

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

Ruthiella 😻😻😻 1mo
kspenmoll Sweetie! 😻 1mo
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dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 1mo
Suet624 Such a beauty. 1mo
Branwen PICKLES! 💕 4w
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And of course, it's #flatlayfriday 💃💃💃💚

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Green stack! 💚

Branwen Those page edges on Jade City look gorgeous! 💚💚💚 4w
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen When I get the third book, I'll take a picture! It's the Broken Binding version 🥰 4w
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I match my book sleeve today! 💜

Currently reading The Safekeep. Loving it so far, but I've just reached Part 3 and actually have no clue where it's going...

DaveGreen7777 Awww! 🥹 You are everything wonderful and nice, Dr. Rae! 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 Thank you, Dave 🫂🫂💜 My confidence is in my boots (well... sandals) this week, so double thank you 😊 1mo
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Mini reviews for (most of) the books I read this summer.

Come for the book content, stay for the laughing at how exhausted and haggard I'm looking. Or vice versa 😘

I'm going to make a top 10 of 2024 so far vid once I'm feeling less crud 💃💃💃

Do you agree with my verdicts??? 👀

Toward Eternity | Anton Hur
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Weird #blameitonbookstagram purchases.


Pretty sure these wouldn't have been on my radar if they hadn't been recommended to me online.... (except maybe the Anton Hur which has a yummy cover)

MaleficentBookDragon I have Draculas but have not read it yet. 1mo
The_Book_Ninja Nearly finished This Thing Between Us…it‘s good 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @MaleficentBookDragon It sounds like a blast! Something they did for fun 🥰 1mo
RaeLovesToRead @The_Book_Ninja I saw at least two Bookstagrammers mention it and it sounded like a weird social horror. Hope to get to it soon!!! 😊 1mo
The_Book_Ninja @RaeLovesToRead I‘ve finished. Not sure I got the ending 🤔 I‘ll reread the last 20 pages again tomorrow 1mo
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September #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks 💕

Time is flying and the books are not getting read quickly enough!!!!!

Got some Booker prize nominees on here, some thrillers for escapism, and a couple of chunky books I'm dreaming if I think I can finish them in September 🤣🤣

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1mo
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I'm a street photographer now.

Leftcoastzen Nice ! 1mo
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Just me and mah buddy Liam 🥰🥰

kspenmoll 💙 1mo
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Shamelessly trying to import this trend from Insta. This is my post-cocktails Birmingham book haul 🍸💃


wanderinglynn Fun haul! 📚 1mo
Branwen Okay, I want to start doing this trend too! 🥰 So how does it work? Do you just pick a color theme and then lay down books? 4w
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Haha, no idea. Lie books down and take a picture, I presume 🤣🤣 I love doing it ❤️ 4w
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Coo-eeeee! Good morning! Did you mek mah breakfasts yet?


SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Lol, I have definitely woken up to this view before. 1mo
wanderinglynn 😹😹😹 adorable! 1mo
dabbe 😂🖤🐾🖤😂 1mo
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RaeLovesToRead @SaunteringVaguelyDownwards @wanderinglynn @dabbe When I'm at home, I usually have the door to my room shut so that Pickles harasses my Dad instead. Catsitting has been a different experience... 🤣🤣 1mo
britt_brooke Cuuuute! 1mo
TheSpineView 😹😹😹 1mo
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