Not gonna lie, this book is kind of ruining the series for me. The first and second books were SO good. The pacing in this one is just too slow and I‘m having a lot of other issues with it 😫😒
Not gonna lie, this book is kind of ruining the series for me. The first and second books were SO good. The pacing in this one is just too slow and I‘m having a lot of other issues with it 😫😒
The first book of the summer! This is a book I‘ve been putting off for a long time because of all the hype, and because I didn‘t think I would enjoy it. But honestly, I‘m loving it right now!
I‘ve spent most of my Saturday laying in bed reading, and honestly this book is so stressful. There are so many bad things happening that I literally don‘t know how Sanderson is gonna fix all this shit.
Who would‘ve thought that one of the only books I enjoyed reading in school was one that most people hated. I can definitely understand why people dislike this books, but I thought it was amazing because of how complex the storyline and characters are. While I absolutely hated all of the characters, I still enjoyed seeing how all of their lives were interconnected and ahh I just loved it.
I haven‘t posted on litsy in over a year, so I decided this was a good way to get back into it
1. 18
2. 4 sisters and 1 brother
3. No
4. Rereading Mistborn by Branden Sanderson
5. Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern or Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
6. 💕
7. Bustle
8. I‘m actually very spiritual/ involved in the world of yoga and meditation
9. Dogs but I love both
10. Tea
11. Egghead
12. Lol
Here is my pride and joy for #day7 of #readjanuary. They don't have the real bee book on litsy unfortunately but oh well. This book is sooo good. I love bees, and this book about them is beautifully illustrated in watercolor and aghhh I'm obsessed with it.
Just bought these two books to fill out on rainy days like today. I loovee books like this, they're so fun and they just let me be creative with my answers! #day6 #dreamingofacolderclimate #readjanuary
Here are two books I have for #day5 of #readjanuary ! I've been meaning to get to The Selection for a while... soon hopefully!!!
Totally forgot to post a #day4 #readjanuary for the #epistolary prompt! This is the only book I have that are comprised of letters, and I think I've only read about halfway through it 🙈
For the second day of #readjanuary here is #thismonthstbr (featuring my cute bee socks)!! They all have bookmarks in them because why not yaknow? I've decided to make my monthly #tbr s smaller than usual so I don't feel so much pressure. 📚📚
It's been a pretty great year for reading for me. I've read sooo many great books this year and I've expanded my horizons on the types of books I read. I unfortunately have grown out of YA fiction, but grown into adult fantasy, nonfiction, and adult fiction. TOP BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The Night Circus, The Name of the Wind, and Uprooted. My goal for next year is 50 books, as well as to stop buying so many books at one time! 📚❤️
Here is my #funfridayphoto of my 2017 TBR! I'm trying something new this year to try to control the rate at which I buy books: I'm making myself read 5 books before I buy 1 😬. I will also hopefully be participating in the #24in48 readathon again! It depends on my schoolwork that weekend, but I'll try my best. Who else will be participating?
Do you remember when you used to read books as a kid? Do you remember not caring about the little things that might make the book you were reading a little less great? You didn't care because the flaws didn't matter, you were getting sucked into a while different world and losing yourself in it. That's what reading this book felt like. Full review to come on my Goodreads. (Link in bio)
I'm sorry I've been so inactive! I've been really busy with school and band, but I'll be posting more often soon! I'm about 300 pages into this book and i literally can't put it down, I'm recommending it to all of you right now, even though I'm not even close to finishing it. Wow!!!
A lot of people seem to either love or hate this book, I am one of the people who enjoyed it thoroughly. It was fascinating and unlike anything I've ever read, and I find myself still thinking about it even a few days after I've finished it.
I'm sorry I've missed so many days guys ugh! This is my post for yesterday's #day27 #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge #currentlyreading. Obviously I've been pretty into horror books recently.
Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been able to post all this week. These are really the only types of books I've been reading since school started this Monday, but I'll try to keep posting as regularly as possible
This series (or any Peter Pan book for that matter) reminds me of #innocence. I was in love with Peter Pan as a kid, and I remember constantly wishing for him to come and take me to never land with him 💚 #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge #day22
Got this little guy online for only like $2! Gonna knock him out today, very exited to start this because it was one of my favorite series as a kid ❤️❤️
"You're free now. You don't have to live by their rules anymore. The darkness is calling. A little danger, a little risk. Feel your heart race. Listen to it. That's the sound of being ALIVE. It's your time, Nick. Your one chance to have fun before its all stolen by THEM, the adults, with their cruelty and endless rules, their can't-do-this, and can't-do-that's, their little boxes and cages all designed to break your spirit, to kill your magic."
Alright it's #day20 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge and the theme is #funnybooks. This fucking book is hilarious, and the jokes in it never get old. Every time I read it I find myself laughing hysterically, and if you haven't read it yet, go do it now because wow!!!
I had never heard of this book before today when I went to my local book store and found an employee recommendation on it. I them proceeded to look it up on goodreads and apparently a lot of people really love it! I'm exited to get into this because as a child I absolutely ADORED Peter Pan (especially when he looked like Jeremy Sumpter 😍)
My favorite part of my day is cozy-ing up on the couch with my pups and reading through a quiet morning 🐶🐶
For #day19 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge the theme is #poetry. I love love love poetry sooo much and I'm surprised at the amount of poetry books I own 😫
For #day17 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge the theme is #usedbooks !! I got this series today at my local used bookstore and I'm so excited to read it!
Sorry I haven't posted a picture in a few days! I've been at band camp without any wifi 😫 But I'm back now and today I'm gonna post #day17 and day 18 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge. One of my favorite places to relax and read books is out on my front porch!
One #uniquefact about me for the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge #day14 is that I am the only female snare drummer in a drumline of all males. I'm also a junior in high school and I'm currently at band camp! 🎶🎶
Here is one of my very precarious #bookstacks of books that I own AND are on my #TBR ... I think I have a book buying problem 😬🙈📚📚📚 #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge #day13
Yes, I know, I post A LOT about this book, but it's so hard not to!! For #day12 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge the theme is #favsiblings . I had a hard time thinking of the book for this theme, until I looked at my bookshelf and realized one of my favorite books ever is literally based around twin siblings. Noah and Jude are beautiful and wonderful and amazing and are without a doubt one of my favorite siblings in literature!
Alright the only relatively political book that I own I guess would be this beauty. The book thief is a fantastic book and if you've never read it I recommend you do so right now because WOW. #day11 #politicsandbooks #bookphotochallenge #augustofpages
For #day10 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge the theme is #laidbackbooks ! Whenever I'm in a reading slump or just don't feel like reading something too long or emotionally heavy, I usually pick up a cute contemporary book like these.
Wow. I finished this book this morning and I have many, many thoughts on it. First of all, I'm not a huge fantasy/sci-fi person, but I think this book completely changed my ways. Second of all, this story was incredible. From the depth of the characters to the way the whole story unfolded, it was always captivating. If you want to see my whole review I will be posting it on my goodreads so feel free to add me! Link is in my description.
For #day9 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge the theme is #alltimefavebooks. These few books are definitely some of the best books I've every read, especially I'll Give You the Sun and The Night Circus
For one of the many #booksthatmakemesmile I chose this lil guy. Everything Earl says in this book cracks me up! I'm not gonna lie though, I prefer the movie to the book. I felt like this book was just written to become a movie 🙈 #day8 #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge
One of my #favbookishfriendships has to be between Percy, Annabeth, and Grover for #day7 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge . I haven't read this series in FOREVER but I loved it so much when I was younger and I definitely want to give it a reread soon, along with the newer books Rick Riordan has written ❤️📚
For #day6 of the #Augustofpages #bookphotochallenge the theme is #minimalisticcovers !! There are just a few of mine, but I'm sure I have a couple more somewhere around here. (Also just adding that Every last Word is one of my favorite YA books. I'll probably do a recommendation on it soon) 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
It's #day5 of the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge !! Today's theme is #booksandsports ... My favorite and my least favorite things combined 😁 I couldn't care less about sports, therefor I have no books about sports, so I'll just have to say quidditch is my favorite sport (and only sport) I've ever read about! (These Harry Potter novels are extremely well loved...especially the first 4 which I've had for about 8 years.. Yikes!)
One of my absolute favorite #bookishsquads has to be the Baudelaire orphans. #augustofpages #day4 #bookphotochallenge
It's #reccomendsday!! Today I'm recommending one of my all time favorite young adult novels, if you haven't gotten to this book yet, idk what you're doin. This book is full of beautiful writing, complex characters, and a great plot. If you are an artsy person, this book is definitely for you. And even if you aren't, I recommend it. I recommend this book to literally everybody I know. Alright well book rant over😅
"My parents danced together, her head on his chest. Both had their eyes closed. They seemed so perfectly content. If you can find someone like that, someone who you can hold and close your eyes to the world with, then you're lucky."
My small stack of #pinkandgreen books for the #Augustofpages #bookphotochallenge ! I don't have very many pink books I've realized but whatever 💚💖💚
The great book purge! Okay it isn't that many but still. This is a pile I'm tossin out, either giving them to people or dropping them off at my local Little Free Libraries. These are books that I either didn't like or they just didn't hold my interest well enough. This pile is definitely a little controversial oops 🙈
Alright so here we are at #day2 of the #Augustofpages #bookphotochallenge 👌🏽 I don't own very many romance novels, as you can see. Divergent isn't even a romance novel but whatever 😁
Alright so I totally missed yesterday's prompt for the #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge so I'm uploading two today sorry 🙈. This is my TBR for August featuring my lil succulents!
Alright well onto the next one. Very exited to be picking this one up even though it is one huge chunk of a book!
I just had to bail on this book because although the concept sounded great, it was just so slow. I was already 100 pages in when I asked myself "is this gonna get any better?" Looking at the reviews, apparently it doesn't. I would recommend this book for people who don't mind a very slow paced book. It just wasn't for me.
Fitting in some reading just before the day begins (ft. My sprout bookmark 🌱)