Every Heart a Doorway is a free novella today over at ebookclub.tor.com 👍🥰 #fantasy
Every Heart a Doorway is a free novella today over at ebookclub.tor.com 👍🥰 #fantasy
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson is offered for free today by Tor. You might have to be patient. The page is crashing. Get it by going to ebookclub.tor.com 😊 #fantasy
I‘m really loving this fantasy read.
What lovely prose and what a lovely story. Quiet, poetic and beautiful. Don‘t expect too much action and a fairly passive heroine, but I found it wonderful nonetheless ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wonderful mash-up of science fiction and fantasy with lovely prose and an interesting story of humans colonising a new planet and presenting themselves as gods ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
And today‘s #fantasy read.
I love this series, so much fun. Also: new phone! The camera is ❤️ #urbanfantasy
Sunday ❤️ #dogsoflitsy #sciencefantasy
What a book! Murder mystery meets Groundhog Day. It‘s one of those: don‘t even read the blurb and just got for it if you love murder mysteries with a narrative twist. The narrative twist being Groundhog Day. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tor.com‘s free e-book of the month. Sign-up and get it straight into your inbox! ❤️
I can‘t always read fantasy. So for once a Pulitzer. Anyone read this?
Look at the boy who has been flashed once too many times. Also on to the fifth book in The Belgariad. Last one! #fantasy #dogsoflitsy
I love books in a long series who have a summary at the beginning ❤️
Next up is Limited Wish. The first one One Word Kill was excellent. A D&D 80‘s nostalgia time travel story! Highly recommended.
When your gf tries to cheer you up and comes home with a new book ❤️
Children of Ruin is the sequel to Children of Time. A novel that won the Arthur C. Clarke award in 2016. Adrian Tchaikovsky is a gifted writer and his thought experiments are fascinating. Children of Time: A ship sets out to land on a terraformed planet, ready for us humans. Only when we arrive, life is already there.
The sequel is just as magnificent! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lola is reading as well #dogsoflitsy
Shadows of the Apt is a great epic fantasy series written by Adrian Tchaikovsky.
It spans 10 books and instead of having familiar #fantasy creatures like orcs and dwarves, this one has insect-kinden. Each species shares the characteristics of their respective insect.
We‘ve got hardworking ants, brilliant mantis fighters, stubborn and sturdy beetles, etc. And then one day the wasps attack....
According to my gf this one is a bit like the video game Deus Ex which she loves #sciencefiction
She also may need new glasses 🤔
A bit late but life has been crazy busy lately.
Red Sister is an amazing first book in a fantasy trilogy with a kick-ass female character.
And The Quiet at the End of the World is a wonderful science fiction book with an apocalypse. But it‘s hopeful, light and I recommend it to fans of Station Eleven.
A present from my other half that I adore. So thoughtful and filled with my all-time favourite books ❤️
I‘m almost done with my re-read. It‘s a fantastic fantasy series by Mark Lawrence about a young girl growing up as a deadly nun in a convent. There‘s lots of magic, fights and a marvellous story. If you‘re into #fantasy give the Mark Lawrence Ancestor series a shot.
Using this to share my two dogs on a walk this weekend #dogsoflitsy
And here‘s my #sffs from @jenniferw88 and I love love love it. Can‘t wait to read the books ❤️ and thank you for the lovely card. I will add the series you recommended to my list. It sounds super intriguing!
Edit: because I forgot to tag @Avanders — I am terrible.
Preparing for May and the #WyrdandWonder challenge organised by @imyril among others who are possibly not on Litsy. If I don‘t start preparing photos soon I‘ll fall off the wagon halfway through. As usual.
New book brought in by my gf because I had a headache ❤️ and my less photogenic dog.
Did you know shelters in the U.K. struggle to find homes for black animals because they don‘t instagram well? 😱🤦♀️🙈
Lola doesn‘t instagram well but I love her anyway 😂
New book arrived. Digging into this one soon. I love when there‘s book post dropping through my door.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ For once science fiction and not fantasy. My gf‘s favourite Alastair Reynolds novel, hence my decision to finally give it a go. It‘s a fantastic concept, spans decades and has an epic scope. Characters are somewhat unlikeable, deeply flawed and I was totally engrossed in the plot.
One day, one of Jupiter‘s moons takes off and flies away. An alien ship had hidden in our solar system and now we‘re pursuing...
Still loving this series a lot. Just comforting classic #fantasy like sipping hot chocolate on a cold winter day.
Also, Blue loves his shark #dogsoflitsy
The morning was joyless for him, as mornings always were.
#firstlines and this one is gold 😍
Instead of reading we‘re playing a board game.
Edited to add: there‘s no board but it‘s definitely a game.
He had his teeth cleaned today and is now feeling sorry for himself / sleeping off the anaesthesia while I read my fantasy book.
Apparently my gf‘s favourite childhood book, so I guess I‘ll have to read and find out why.