My favorite book of March was Heartstone, which was a #PemberLittens Buddy Read hosted by @CrowCAH . I rarely read fantasy, but I really enjoyed this one!
#12BooksOf2023 @Andrew65
My favorite book of March was Heartstone, which was a #PemberLittens Buddy Read hosted by @CrowCAH . I rarely read fantasy, but I really enjoyed this one!
#12BooksOf2023 @Andrew65
I did it - met my GoodReads goal of 25 books this year! Even with being pregnant and now having my daughter, my book club kept me reading! 📖😍
I got a little (ok, a lot!) behind on my #Pemberlittens buddy read but I finally read the last 30% this morning and what can I say? I loved this book! I loved how you can clearly see all of the main scenes from P&P played out but also done so differently that it still kept me guessing, and I can‘t wait to read the rest of the series! Glad I stuck with it. Akarra was my favorite. 🐉💚 5⭐️
Thank you for hosting the wonderful #MarchMadness Readathon, @DieAReader , @Andrew65 , and @GHABI4ROSES ! I read 8 books and enjoyed them all, but my favorite was Heartstone, which was a #PemberLittens Buddy Read excellently hosted by @CrowCAH .
Happy International Whisk(e)y Day! Which has nothing to do with @CrowCAH #HeartstoneBuddyRead. I just wanted a different picture since #PemberLittens have already posted cover.
Wasn't crazy about worms and eating hearts but enjoyable. Lady C scene threw me because it was so different from P & P.
Nephew just poured me wee dram of 18yr old Glenfiddich - neat because 👆.
I really enjoyed this adaptation. It was a lot of fun to read and find the major P&P elements. White did some interesting changes to a few of the characters, such as making the Collins character not such a fool. The class system was unique - dragon rider verses common person.
The winner for the Heartstone/P&P/Jane Austen box of goodies is @wordslinger42 ! Email me your shipping address to cynthiaannehurt at gmail dot com.
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 26 THE END
Aliza has confessed her feelings towards Daired ❤️ they marry.
I know many readers of this book have already posted their reviews, but what did you think of the overall Pride and Prejudice retelling adaptation? Good, bad, okay? Did the author get the highlights correct? What did she leave out that you like from the original?
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 25 lots of fainting, rest and recovery in this chapter.
Alastair lives! He ate the Lindworm heart.
The Drakaina accuses Aliza of wrongdoing- riding Akarra, putting them in danger, etc. We don‘t find out what the punishment is for Akarra. But both Alastair and Akarra defend Aliza; all get to live unharmed.
Aliza and her family are reunited! Anjey and Brysney kiss in front of everyone! ❤️
Read for the #HeartstoneBuddyRead with the #PemberLittens it was a little hard to read a chapter-a-day especially at the end when the action picked up. Overall, I enjoyed this Pride and Prejudice-inspired fantasy story. The world the author built is intricate & at times the number of characters & creatures/monsters was a bit confusing but I liked the main characters & loved Akarra the dragon. Still some plot threads undone-what‘s up with Gwen‘s ⬇️
I fell behind but then caught up quickly (the last couple of chapters went by really fast with the action in it). Overall, I enjoyed this book, but I felt like part of the story wasn't as well developed as I would have liked. Some of the characters I wanted to know more about (as this is part 1 of 3, I am sure the other two will answer some of these questions).
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 24, the battle is in full swing, everyone is fighting!
Once Aliza tells the Riders what it will take to save Alastair, Charis makes the ultimate sacrifice, which her brother Brysney follows up with his own stunt work.
The lindworm is dead. But will the cure actually work to save Daired?!
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 23, Alastair found Leyda, with a broken bone caused by Wydrick. He was going to use her as bait!
Alastair seems battle weary with blood and some scrapes, but overall in tact… that is until the end of the chapter where we learn he‘s gravely injured.
Akarra comes for Aliza and together they‘ll try to find an antidote and cure for him. Aliza realizes her true feelings for Alastair.
I was gifted this book from @magyklyXdelish in a swap back in September 2020, and thanks to the buddy read hosted by @CrowCAH this month, I finally read it! 😂 I actually really enjoyed this P&P variation set in a fantasy world with dragons and other magical creatures. I loved the way various characters were changed (totally here for a happier Charlotte/Collins marriage) and how iconic book moments showed up under different circumstances. ⬇️
Chapter 15: I really lived this exchange about creating and art… forms of self expression and creativity (no matter how big and/or small) is so beautiful- especially shared with others.
Chapter 22 the Great Lindworm has awoken and is leaving death and destruction in its path. The Rangers and Riders are amassing to do battle.
Alastair and Akarra take Aliza home to aid her grieving family as Ledya has run off with Wydrick to find her adventure.
What do you think of Alastair‘s transformation so far? Has he redeemed himself?
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 21, Alastair and Aliza share an intimate moment on the rooftop watching the dragon mothers baptize their children in fire!
What I don‘t like is how whenever Daired is trying to voice his feelings to her he gets cut off. His declaration was touching ❤️ almost pleading with her for a second chance.
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 20 kaf, coffee, brings everyone together Julienna is enjoying having another woman around. She and Aliza will become quick friends.
Daired joins in the domestic socialization. Wresting a huge stoorcat into submission.
The next morning it comes out he can speak a little Gnomic and Akarra can too. So we were onto something in an earlier chapter when we thought the dragon understood Tobble‘s apology.
I liked the characters even though some of them left me a bit cold. There was still a nice mixture of them and that gave a nice atmosphere and fleshed out the world. The world was amazing, I really loved some of the creatures. Team hobgoblins!
This made me laugh now and then but the story dragged after the beginning. The last part had more action and was more interesting.
#SeriesLove23 #MarchMadness (made me LOL) #BirthdayPixieReadathon
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 19 Alastair invites Aliza, aunt and uncle to dinner! Akarra is there, as well as, Julienna and her dragon Mar‘esh. Daired is being cordial and courteous and attentive. He even extends an invite to the three to stay at the house while tending Aliza‘s great-aunt. She accepts and finds she doesn‘t regret the decision. ☺️
After this chapter, officially 3/4 of the way done with the novel.
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 18 Aliza travels with her aunt and uncle. She‘s brought along as a healer and to find herb plants to helps the aunt‘s mother as she lays with fever. Low and behold House Pendragon is not far and they have all the herbs that couldn‘t be found in the wild. No dragon flying in the sky means no Alastair…or does it?! So to the house they go!
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 17 Akarra tells us a story of Alastair and Wydrick‘s upbringing. And of the process of dragons choosing a Daired as their Rider.
Julienna‘s tale is tragic. Would you have saved the dragon or taken revenge against Wydrick?
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 16 ah, my favorite part of the tale - the first proposal! ❤️ “If this is a battle, then I surrender,…” Swoon, my heart melted.
Boy was that a huge thing, he called in a favor from the King and issued the muster, just so Wydrick wouldn‘t be in town anymore.
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 15 we meet Forge Master Orordrin, who is a living flame.
Aliza snoops and asks Daired about Brysney and if he plans on returning to the lodge. Alastair seems to have his own agenda with the conversation about her maybe not always wanting to stay home. Is that his way of saying he likes her? And was he only offering to teach her how to fight so that when she joins him she would be a skilled Rider too?!
My allergies are the absolute worst today, so I‘m curling up on my round library chair with allllll the pillows and a cozy owlcrate blankie and just reading all day long. I may break for lunch. 🤷🏻♀️
Still so behind —- work has been so different than anything I‘ve ever done and I‘m exhausted when I get home. My schedule is starting to “normalize” so I might have energy to figure it out better 🤯
Chapter 14
We meet Captain Edmund Daired, cousin to Alastair. He‘s affable and charming.
Aliza learns Brysney was with them during the muster. AND Daired was at the post office daily! She suspects he intercepted the letters Anjey sent.
And instead of the “piano tete te tete” it takes place over a tapestry. Daired warns Aliza not to tell anyone she rode on Akarra.
What do you think Herreki would do if she found out?
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 13, more of a summary of time going by…
The Riders and Rangers are called to a muster, Brysney and Wydrick leave.
Anjey writes letters to Brysney, but never receives a reply.
Gwyn and Curdred marry. Later in the chapter she‘s pregnant, which cause Aliza to go visit Edan Rose.
We all know who‘s going to be there - yup, Daired and Akarra!
We are officially halfway through the book! 📖
#HeartstoneBuddyRead (catch-up post)
Chapter 12, we finally get some answers about that strange hooded figure! And it seems only “artistic” humans can pierce the disguise!
Gwyn‘s father is in deep debt trouble. And now she is in romantic trouble herself, being engaged to Wynce Curdred.
Which leads to another P&P reference, “Collins‘” proposal to Aliza.
(Behind, just finished chapter 8). Totally agree with this type of 🪄MAGIC! Nothing a good soak 🛁 hot water and bubbles can‘t fix !!
Chapter 11
The second banquet! I found this passage just heart-bursting sweet. Daired asked Aliza to dance, of course a waltz plays. They share some words and she mentions Wydrick. Daired is not pleased.
That mysterious figure is at the party… watching Aliza. What‘s his deal? Why is he in the shadows, leering at her? What‘s his business with Gwyn‘s dad?
I thought this book was a whole lot of fun! The dragons and all the various creatures added lots of life and adventure to the core P&P plotline. I plowed through the rest of the book today, finishing early, because I was enjoying it so much. So glad to have joined in on this #HeartstoneBuddyread with other #Pemberlittens! @CrowCAH thanks for hosting! I'm enjoying your daily posts!
I tried reading this faster than a chapter a day in hopes it would grab onto my interest, but it didn‘t. The only times I cared was when there were direct P&P parallels, and I can get those from the #PemberLittens posts! I‘m reading too many books right now to stick with one that isn‘t great.
When the hubs is working from home on a Saturday 🙄 and guy want him to have a quiet house, you skip the peloton ride and head out to breakfast 🤷🏻♀️ #bestwifeever #littlefreelibrariesarenext
Chapter 10: I was super happy and chuckled when I can across the line of the Wynce Curdred, “What splendid rutabagas.” Great homage to the 2005 P&P movie!
A lot happened in this chapter. Again Alize encounters Wydrick, who tells her of his past with the Daired family. “He didn‘t steal the sword.” But, would he have really passed the test to become a rider? 🤔 Seems he‘s a trigger happy Ranger as we saw with the trolls.
Chapter 9
Aliza overhears some of the riders discussing Anjey and Cedric‘s relationship. We‘re getting the conspirators side of things before hey separate the two lovers. Daired notices her before Charis can say something more. But we all know they think the nakla Bentaine family is way under them as riders.
What do you think about Daired offering to train Aliza for a second time? And talking of her dead sister so casually?
So I wasn‘t able to read today‘s chapter, so I‘ll post two tomorrow (9 and 10).
But…I had reached out to the author to see if she had a discussion guide for us to use as we read. She doesn‘t and would like our input to create one.
I‘ll be emailing her what we‘ve discussed so far and keep track of future questions we tackle as we progress in the book.
Authors really do reply! 🥰
How cute was Lt Punch? “You couldn‘t add a few wyverns flying in the background? You know, for effect?” His carrot-colored eyes sparkled. “Or maybe one lying dead at my feet?” A twig snapped behind me. Punch took one peek over my shoulder, shrieked, and dove into the bushes on the other side of the wall."
This was my favorite Chapter so far!
@CrowCAH #HeartstoneBuddyRead
Chapter 8
This scene I guess would be the equivalent to “taking a turn about the room.”
Anjey‘s arm is healing thanks to the root poultice Aliza made.
Then the riders demonstrated their sparring skills, much to both Bentaine girls‘ delight! Aliza was mesmerized by Daired‘s swift and lethal performance. After he tried to teach her how to use her new blade only to be rejected.
Would you have tried sparring with Daired?
Chapter 7
Anjey‘s wound is infected. Aliza knows of a herb that will help; it‘s in the Witherwood.
Akarra offers everyone a ride.
Daired says some sweet words to Aliza about not dying. (I‘ve liked his character, but his gentler side is enduring; sigh😌)
She ends up assisting a dying gryphon to death by stabbing his eye. She now is initiated as a “rider” via her first kill by earning her first blade.
(Officially 25% complete)
Chapter 6
The tension of Daired and Wydrick‘s meeting in the field! Three times Daired reached for his sword only to yield to some inner turmoil. And even Akarra was hissing at Wydrick. What could be the whole story there?
And I don‘t think I‘d be as quiet as Anjey with the pain of cleaning a wound and stitches with only wine as a numbing agent. How about you, what‘s your pain tolerance?
Photo from the 2005 P&P movie.
Not sure if this Victorian riding gear is similar to what Anjey and Aliza are wearing, but a good visual. 🐎
Chapter 5
Gryphons attack the party as they scout the north fields. Anjey gets her arm tore up by talons. Akarra kills the creature easily. More gryphons appear from the forest.
Daired was caught admiring Aliza from his perch on Akarra. I like how he has a conflicted expression on his face.
It‘s like spring this week in SC so I had a leisurely bagel lunch outside today! So fun!
Chapter 4 Aliza interacts with Daired, with some banter, and his dragon, Akarra, who really did want her portrait taken! I also think she understood Tobbles gnomic speech.
Here‘s more background on Akarra from the website: https://www.dragonridersofarle.com/akarra
I love Tobbles‘ apology, he wasn‘t sorry at all, but Aliza said fine words in his stead.
I think Aliza is attracted to Daired. Anyone else get that vibe?
Chapter 3 We‘re at the welcome feast!
One of my favorite overhearings, “she‘s tolerable, but not enough to tempt me.” Daired did say Aliza wasn‘t plain. Does that mean she‘s pleasing to his eye?
And wouldn‘t it be neat to actually know the song/story for The Lay of Saint Ellia of the Shattered Bow? Henry Brandon quotes and sings it as a bard. Is his last name supposed to be like from Sense and Sensibility‘s Colonel Brandon?
For those of you listening to this one… can you tell me how this name is pronounced ? Like I read it like it was my name Ah - lee - zah but maybe it‘s Ah - lie - zah… (I mean I‘ll still read it the same way just curious)
Here are some sketches from the website depicting Aliza, Daired, Charis.
Chapter 2 At the welcome feast for the five riders, we‘re introduced:
Master Brysney rides wyvern Silverwing Scytheclaw
Lady Charis Brysney
Nerissa Ruthven rides wyvern Bluescale Broadback
Edel Ruthven rides beoryn Burrumburrem
Also the sisters are named, as well:
Angelina (Anjey)
(Mari) 17
Katarina (Rina) - deceased
Chapter 1 #HeartstoneBuddyRead is off to a good start.
We meet some creatures & characters — mainly Aliza and Daired.
The hobgoblins throwing mud at Daired cracked me up! 😂
Also got a chuckle out of Moira (aka Mrs. Bennet) possibly having a little banshee blood in her ancestry.
We already have a few references to P&P sprinkled in which is a lot of fun. I think this author is already showing her own voice & I‘m excited to see where she goes.