I enjoyed this book - a nice, easy read for a lazy summer day. Best part - it makes you grateful for living a life without huge problems (like the war).
I enjoyed this book - a nice, easy read for a lazy summer day. Best part - it makes you grateful for living a life without huge problems (like the war).
This is my book club‘s pick for October-& it was a lively discussion! I think we all struggled with it a bit in the beginning. The titular architect, Lucien, starts off as genuinely unlivable- a philandering, racist only motivated by his own greed. And yet, Belafoure does a good job with his arc- it‘s believable & against the WWII setting, quite dramatic. I wish the female characters were handled a bit better, but I still liked it. #AudioColoring
I made it 100 pages in and just couldn‘t get hooked. I‘m really not sure if I should put it back on my TBR pile - or maybe in the donate pile 🤔
Keeping your nose in a book is a top-notch way to social distance at your husband‘s softball games 👍🏻😎☀️(Fun fact: I‘ve been social distancing for years apparently, it‘s my time to show everyone how it‘s done 😆)
#JamminJune @Eggs
I have this book on my library cart. It has been on my TBR list forever. I need to get moving on it.
Literally a #narrowescape - imagine lying still inside a wall or other hidden space with barely room to breathe while Nazis stomp around centimeters away
“Her unhappiness hung over both of them like a perpetual fog. To compound their #discontent, her father, a wealthy wine merchant, had skipped off to Spain in 1941 without a word” #QuotsyJan20
Amy!! Thank you sooo very much for this beautiful birthday package!! I love everything!! The socks are awesome!! The porcupine reading is already displayed!! The kitchen utensils are also displayed! I love them!! Drinking the hot cocoa now! Love the books!! Most of all love our friendship!! 💗💗💗
I struggle with whether to consider this book a “pick“ or just “so-so.“ It's another WWII book. I would not have read or finished it if not for a book club. While I'm glad I did read it, I'm not sure it really offered more than what I already know: Nazis bad, people who help Jews good. I don't love when male authors describe female naked bodies, which happened multiple times in this book. Perhaps this book was focused more toward men.
A gifted architect is approached by a wealthy businessman with a request to design clever hiding spaces in homes for his Jewish friends during Germany‘s occupation of Paris...
1️⃣ Tagged. I‘m 20% in and I will continue!
2️⃣ Sh*t my Dad Says
3️⃣ anything beachy by Elin Hilderbrand
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
After a horrible start to Sunday, I finally finished this one up. Loved it.
Lucien had loved to gaze out at the #city while sipping his coffee or wine in a café, watching for interesting faces and especially beautiful women. But as Lucien sat by the window now, he saw very few people and it saddened him. #QuotsyJan19
I had to put this aside and return on overdrive for a bit. It is not that it was a bad book, but it's the second one in a row about ww2 and the cruelty it fostered. I just can't take the double shot right now. I may finish later
#bookmail. I received this today. This makes the 3rd book this week. It has been a good week for mail, especially seeing as I received more books than bills! 🤣
Featuring books by Charles Belfoure.
I have read, reviewed, and enjoyed all of his books and had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Belfoure a few years ago.
All of his books are good, but my favorite is THE PARIS ARCHITECT.
Have you read any books by Mr. Belfoure?
Good writing. Good characters. There were parts I skimmed through though
My red cover book is: THE PARIS ARCHITECT by Charles Belfoure
My favorite setting is: London or France
I found a new app called PHOTOIMAGE and was playing with it using the cover of one of my favorite books.
I changed the cover on THE PARIS ARCHITECT with the app just for fun and for practice with the app. I also read HOUSE OF THIEVES.
This book was good, but I have read much better WWII fiction. I think a lot of characters had more to their stories and I would have liked to see those wrapped up as well as the main characters. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Came home from work a few hours late just to have my hubby innocently ask if I minded if he went to play poker for a few hours tonight. At first I was upset that he wanted to leave so quickly after I had just walked in the door. Then I remembered I‘d love to finish this book before Saturday morning and encouraged him to go. I have no shame. 😂
I was recommended to read this well over a year ago by a woman at my pool. I bought it during an ebook sale and never read it. I am on hold with an insurance company at work, therefore I will start a new book. I haven‘t read a WWII fiction in quite a while.
I loved this book and I think everyone should read it!!!!!
Today's Word: TACTFUL
During WWII you had to be very tactful about what you said to anyone because you never knew who you could trust. #Yesvember17 #YESvember @Libby1
THE PARIS ARCHITECT by Charles Belfoure is the perfect book to portray being tactful to save your life.
Some of my books that are #shadesofautumn. I've only read the top two. The rest came from my tbr shelf. #fallintobooks
During World War II an architect in occupied Paris is hired to design secret hiding places for Jews. I wasn't expecting this one to be such a nailbiter, but I couldn't put it down. I loved that the book portrayed people on both sides with questionable morals. Just because someone is on one side or the other does not make them completely good or bad. They are still just people, terrified by the events happening around them.
Since partners in #90sinJuly @Cinfhen (white) & @Robothugs (orange) both tagged me in #bookcolortag I decided to combine them for an orange & white stack of paperbacks from my shelves. Creamsicle, perhaps?!🍦🍊I threw in my orange chickens too! 🐔🍊I've no idea who has been tagged so if you have not or you want to go again: @Lizpixie @Texreader @Bookworm54 @ApoptyGina69 @Cortg How's about creating a jewel-toned stack? Dare to be different!😆
Just started this audiobook. One of my libraries will be phasing out Overdrive so I am getting used to Libby. I really don't know why I'm on a WW2 kick this year. This will be the fourth WW2 book this year and there are two more on deck.
#sweetchildofmine #lyricalapril. This prompt has been a struggle unfortunately I haven't any children so I've been sorting through my books, thenI saw this lovely child peeking from the cover. Lest we forget.
Let me preface this by saying I'm not trying to beat up on Everyone Brave is Forgiven. The writing style was absolutely beautiful & I loved many parts of it but in my opinion it was overly hyped up & the ending ruined the whole thing for me. But this one touched on so many levels for me. I laughed, cried, & without spoiling anything I'll just say I got the ending I was longing for with EBIF. In my opinion this book deserves the hype that EBIF got.
Well Litsy friends if it seems like I have been incognito for the past few days that's because my family got hit with a stomach bug of apocalyptic proportions. It took us down one by one over the course of five days. And this was no 24 hour bug. My husband got it Sunday and was just now able to return to work today and he is not one to slow down. Not fun at all. Needless to say I'm ready to get back to my coffee, querying, reading, and real food!
Very well done a look at the small but significant actions that show true humanity in the face of devastating horrors of monstrous proportions that leaves hope wanting.
A man who at first is doing it for money is pulled in by a death that opens his eyes and his heart to be on the right side of humanity.
This novel follows the life of an architect in Nazi-occupied Paris during WW2. Lucien is approached by an unfamiliar & wealthy stranger with a request: design a hiding place for a Jewish man w/in an already-constructed building. At once persuaded by the promise of wartime riches & other design commissions (for the Reich), Lucien becomes deeply involved in the risky business of caring for others & staying alive. Weak writing, lovely tale. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
I love books set during WWII, and while this one wasn't my favorite, it was really good. It was a different perspective and very interesting. There was some sex, which takes a few points off, but still very good!
Hmm, wonder if this is good...
#seasonsreadings #hotdrinkandabook so today I am going with a Parisian theme since my best friend brought me macaroons from Paris and they make me nostalgic for Paris. The Paris Architect is a story that takes place in 1942 Paris. We follow architect Lucien Bernard as he accepts a commission that will pay a great deal of money but could cost him his life.