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Poseidon's Steed
Poseidon's Steed: The Story of Seahorses, From Myth to Reality | Helen Scales Ph.D.
23 posts | 11 read | 17 to read
A fascinating journey with the sea creature that has captured human imagination for thousands of years Poseidon's Steed trails the seahorse through secluded waters across the globe in a kaleidoscopic history that mirrors man's centuries-old fascination with the animal, sweeping from the reefs of Indonesia, through the back streets of Hong Kong, and back in time to ancient Greece and Rome. Over time, seahorses have surfaced in some unlikely places. We see them immortalized in the decorative arts; in tribal folklore, literature, and ancient myth; and even on the pages of the earliest medical texts, prescribed to treat everything from skin complaints to baldness to flagging libido. Marine biologist Helen Scales eloquently shows that seahorses are indeed fish, though scientists have long puzzled over their exotic anatomy, and their very strange sex lives male seahorses are the only males in the animal world that experience childbirth! Our first seahorse imaginings appeared six thousand years ago on cave walls in Australia. The ancient Greeks called the seahorse hippocampus (half-horse, half-fish) and sent it galloping through the oceans of mythology, pulling the sea god Poseidon's golden chariot. The seahorse has even been the center of a modern-day international art scandal: A two-thousand-year-old winged seahorse brooch was plundered by Turkish tomb raiders and sold to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. A book that is as charming as the seahorse itself, Poseidon's Steed brings to life an aquatic treasure. Seahorses lead quiet lives, tucked away out of sight on the seafloor. It is rare to catch a glimpse of a seahorse in its natural habitat. But even if few have seen one live, these exotic, seemingly prehistoric creatures exist quite vividly in our imaginations and they have mesmerized scientists, artists, and storytellers throughout time with their otherworldly rarity. Poseidon's Steed is a sweeping journey that takes us from the coral reefs and seagrass meadows of Indonesia where many seahorses makes their natural habitat to the back streets of Hong Kong where a thriving black market seahorse trade is concealed. Throughout history, seahorses have surfaced in some unexpected places and Scales also follows the seahorse back in time, from our most rudimentary seahorse imaginings six thousand years ago on cave walls in Australia, to the myths of ancient Greece. Scientists have long puzzled over seahorses' unusual anatomy and their very strange sex lives. And male seahorses are the only males in the animal world that experience childbirth! Seahorses are not what scientists call a "keystone" species. They rely on a healthy ocean to survive, but the marine ecosystem does not rely on them. But their delicate beauty reminds us that we rely on the seas not only to fill our dinner plates, but also to feed our imaginations.
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Humans are bad MmKay. 😉 That's pretty much the theme of this book that at first glance appears to be about seahorses, when in fact it's more about humans and their impact on the oceans.

Lots of stuff felt like rambling filler to make this already short book just a little bit longer.

While I appreciate scientists trying to bring awareness of sea creatures and the state of our oceans, those topics can be handled better than this book did.

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If you want to learn about about historical trends in traditional Chinese medicine, the damage of trawl fishing, the history of fish tanks, sea-animal tourism, collecting, scuba and underwater photography, or about the impact of pollution and climate change on ocean life in general, this is a nice light book. The content on seahorses could maybe be summed up in a short paragraph. Still, fun chats on #naturalitsy

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Week 3 - Discussion thread

What are your thoughts on the final chapters?
Did you enjoy this #buddyread 🤔

As always, all welcome to join in. Please do let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the tag list.

@wordslinger42 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Chrissyreadit @Blackink_WhitePaper @BookwormAHN @Deblovestoread @MilesnMelodies @Graywacke @Dilara @Mitch @jenniferw88 @Ann_Reads @Chelsea.Poole @TheBookHippie

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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Unfortunately I fell out of love with the book the further I got. The first few chapters, the tangents seemed to make sense, but with the last few I had to fight the urge to skim for the word “seahorse” and just read those parts. The aquarium chapter irked me the most, I didn‘t need the entire history of aquariums to be told in the end not many people keep seahorses because they‘re such finicky pets. 🤷‍♀️ 1y
Soubhiville I agree with @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm . I skimmed a lot of the last two chapters. I didn‘t hate the book, but it wasn‘t what I hoped for. It did peak my curiosity about seahorses, and I spent a good deal of time on Google looking at photos of them, even went so far as looking at captive bred for aquarium just to see. I feel like the seahorse info was interesting, just wasn‘t enough of it. 1y
jlhammar I ultimately did like this little book, but not nearly as much as I was expecting to based on the first couple of chapters. I liked the part in Ch5 about the Victorian era natural history/collecting craze. “Trains returning from the coast in the mid-1800s must surely have been soaked in the stench of day-old seaside, with passengers clutching jam jars of sea life and slopping pails of water as they headed off to create their own oceans at home.“ 1y
Cazxxx I agree with the others that there just wasn‘t enough info about seahorses, the author went off into other subjects which had me bored in a few places. The seahorse information was interesting but it could have been summed up in a few pages rather than trying to pad out a book with lots of useless information I ended up watching documentaries on seahorses which were very interesting and I feel I learned more from them 1y
jlhammar And when I came to Chapter Six, Why Seahorses Matter, I had just been wondering that very thing! I feel like she didn't really answer that question until the epilogue though and it was an interesting answer. That they matter simply for the wonder and miracle that they are and that we should care because what is good for the seahorse is good for the health of the oceans. I thought maybe we'd learn that they were integral to the ecosystem somehow. 1y
AllDebooks I completely agree. I was disappointed on the content in later chapters. I was particularly disappointed in the last chapter. It seemed void of any hope for their future. I was expecting to really enjoy this, but it didn't live up to the promise of the first 2 chapters 1y
TheBookHippie I think it made me look up and try to find as much seahorse info as possible. I agree with you all that it should have been so much more. However glad I read it because now I am truly looking for a good seahorse book! 😬😵‍💫👀🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
Graywacke @jlhammar the epilogue was really nice. Maybe the best part of the book. 🙂 1y
Graywacke I agree with all these posts. The word that comes to mind, even if it doesn‘t fit, is “unprofessional”. Not just the writing, but the whole concept. Scales is a marine biologist who can write, but she‘s not a seahorse expert or special prose writer. Why was she writing this book? Why was there so little information on seahorses? Why was the writing allowed to get so carried away off course? 1y
Graywacke Having said that, i found the history of aquariums, and collecting and underwater photography interesting. (Why did he kill that poor shark?) And @AllDebooks i really enjoyed the buddyread aspect. Thanks for setting up and leading. 1y
Aimeesue I enjoyed it, but I can see why some didn't. I could be wrong, but I'm not sure there *is* much to the biology of seahorses -they stay in a very small area all their lives, we know how they reproduce, their lifespans, they're not having massive die-offs of unknown origin, etc. But I'm always much more interested in the ways humans interact with a species anyway, or how changes we make affect them, and why that matters. They're pretty little guys! (edited) 1y
Aimeesue I liked the part about Gerald Durrell trying to keep some on Corfu, schlepping fresh seawater to them 5X a day. ? I was also super interested in the bit about Painlevé's film and all the effort it took to film them. There's a piece of it here: https://mubi.com/films/the-sea-horse/trailer (edited) 1y
Hooked_on_books I think the failing of this book is that it purports to be about seahorses when it‘s about people. If the title/subtitle/cover was more reflective of the content, it would have been more successful as a book. But given that it wasn‘t, it didn‘t meet my expectations. I did find interesting info in it, though. Apparently there‘s a seahorse farm for aquarists on my island, but it‘s $75/person to tour it. No way! 1y
Graywacke @Hooked_on_books I wonder what her working title was 1y
Hooked_on_books @Graywacke I‘d be curious to know that, too. If they‘d gone with something suggesting how humans have incorporated seahorses into their lives, it would have made things so much clearer, I feel. 1y
Aimeesue @Hooked_on_books "Poseidon's Steed: The Story of Seahorses, From Myth to Reality" kind of incorporates the mythological/poetic/ arty view of them, doesn't it? Or did it have different titles in different countries/markets/languages? 1y
AllDebooks @Graywacke glad you enjoyed it. 1y
Hooked_on_books That‘s the US title. But it‘s not the story of seahorses at all, is it? It‘s the story of humans and how we‘ve interacted with seahorses. The book centers humans, not seahorses, and I feel the title should do the same to adequately reflect the contents, but instead it centers seahorses, which is misleading. @Aimeesue (edited) 1y
Aimeesue @Hooked_on_books Interesting. I guess I never thought of it that way. Thanks for the explanation! 1y
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3 ⭐️s
I think my high expectations strike again. The tangents at the beginning didn‘t bother me so much because she always looped it back around to being relevant. Unfortunately it seems she lost her grip towards the end. Someone said it well in a review on Goodreads and likened it to needing to write a 20 page essay about a subject but only having 3 pages worth of actual things to say. Interesting enough to not be a pan, but barely.

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It‘s chilly outside, but the sun is shining and reading in the sunspot is cozy.

I didn‘t dislike this book read for #naturalitsy, but I was disappointed that a lot of it wasn‘t actually about seahorses. Instead it felt like it was reaching, going into ancient artworks, traditional Chinese medicine, and the aquarium trade in order to flesh out the book. While seahorses did eventually work into each of those topics, focus lacked.

dabbe Sweet Sietje!!! ❣️🐾❣️ 1y
Hooked_on_books I completely agree! Some good info, but ultimately not what I was hoping it would be. Hi Sietje! 👋 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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I was expecting this book to be a marine science book about seahorses, but in reality it‘s a sociologic look at how people interact with seahorses for all except one chapter. There‘s some interesting info in here, but I ultimately found this disappointing. Plus, the author tends to go off on too many tangents, making the read choppy. #NaturaLitsy

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A short and interesting read. I‘ve never given much thought to seahorses so was happy to learn about these fascinating creatures. I found the first two chapters more engaging than the rest, but still enjoyed overall. #NaturaLitsy

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Weekly reading schedule.
Our last week with the seahorses. A discussion thread will be posted at the weekend.
Sat - Poseiden's steed
Sun - Mind of the raven

Have a great week 😀

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Soubhiville I had lots of mixed feelings About chapter 3. On one hand TCM is fascinating to me, and I‘ve had great results with acupuncture. On another, who decided ages ago that certain animals would be medicinal? It makes me angry that enough still want these treatments that use endangered species. Overall parts of this chapter dragged terribly, but I still found it worth reading. 1y
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Soubhiville Chapter 4 was more interesting but also sad. The traditional lantern fishing was neat to read about, reminding me of other “natural” fishing practices I‘ve read about. Still crazy to me that anyone wants to consume seahorses for any reason. I‘ve read other books about coral reef devastation, so wasn‘t surprised about the bombs/ trawling. So sad though. 1y
Soubhiville I loved flipping through the photo section too. I wasn‘t aware how many species of seahorse there are. I want to spend some time on Google to see these little friends in color. Maybe try to find a photography book about them. Anyone have recommendations? 1y
TheBookHippie @Soubhiville I had the same thoughts about a photography book! I hope there is one!!! I so loathe the medicinal thing with animals and the superstition more so many animals killed for no reason it breaks my heart. 1y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I agree with @Soubhiville about some parts dragging in this weeks chapters. I appreciated the author giving a full background story about why traditional medicine and ways of life can‘t just be swept under the rug as though completely invalid. It shows that she understands there‘s nuance to life. We can‘t just impose our beliefs on others, but we all still have a responsibility to the planet and our fellow creatures. I hope we can all find the ⬇️ 1y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm right balance before it‘s too late. 1y
TheBookHippie I‘m learning so the parts that seem tedious to read are still rewarding to me. These have always fascinated me and I‘m quite happy to glean the parts I want to know and leave the rest on the page. 🙃 it‘s so fascinating these little creatures, I love them so. I‘m so happy we‘re reading this. 1y
AllDebooks I really struggled to reconcile her suggestion for research into efficacy of TCM. I found this chapter very conflicting, emotionally, for reasons mentioned above @Soubhiville @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I'm glad to have read and understood more about TCM but did find it a difficult chapter. 1y
AllDebooks https://youtu.be/xIS_2_A-_Ko I'm in love with sea dragons 🐉 1y
jlhammar I did find these chapters a bit drier than the first two, but I'm learning a lot so still glad to be reading this. The part in Chapter 3 that really got to me was the decimation of the saiga population after the number of rhinos plummeted. I was shocked and saddened at just how quickly that happened (one million saiga alive in the 1990s to around only 30,000, mostly females, left at the time the book was written). 1y
jlhammar And just to learn more about the practice of trawling in Chapter 4 was very upsetting. I mean, I knew a little about it before, but I found her “equivalent to trawling on land“ on page 112 so effective. Oh, and when she mentions that dried seahorses can even be sought after for something as ridiculous (in my opinion) as a see-through toilet seat! I was also quite surprised to learn that the seahorse trade increases by around 10% every year. 1y
Hooked_on_books Honestly, I‘m a little frustrated with this book. Other than chapter 2, it‘s not about seahorses at all, but about people. And it goes off topic quite a bit. I didn‘t find chapter 3 terribly interesting; chapter 4 worked much better for me. Still not about seahorses, but reading about all the fishing techniques was fascinating. How horrible that the devastation wrecked by trawling can be seen from space! 1y
Aimeesue I admit I found ch 3 a bit of a slog, but I think the background information paid off. It was very clear that there have been attempts to "modernize" past TCM and, given lack of access to other therapies, the social norms + relative income, TCM is not going away, and species like seahorses are going to be in high demand for the foreseeable future. It did not leave me hopeful, but here we are. ☹️ 1y
Aimeesue Ch 4 was interesting, although it made me want to swear off shrimp. I liked the parts about attempts to reduce "bycatch" by putting flaps in the nets. Clever. Trawling seems barbaric, and I thought the image of a hunter trying that on land to catch squirrels was really effective. My daughter is a park ranger, and we found that description both easy to imagine and horrifying. 1y
Graywacke @Hooked_on_books I‘m a disappointed by the lack of seahorse info too. 1y
Graywacke I didn‘t like either chapter. I didn‘t like chapter 3 because (1) i never had buy-in to read about TCM. And (2) the seahorse part could have been covered in one sentence. I didn‘t like chapter 4 because it was just a fact dump and i find that irritating because there is no way I‘m going to take any of that in. But mainly I came to learn about marine life. I got a lecture on environmentally criminal shrimp fishing, but not much on marine life. (edited) 1y
AmandaBlaze I didn't people were using them as medicine or talismans. I haven''t through Chapter 4 as I just got the book today. The writing style can be a little long-time ed at points, but I'm OK with it. 1y
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2 out of 3 of my current reads feature sea creatures. And the third has a talking horse. 🙂📚

CBee Remarkably Bright Creatures ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1y
LiteraryinLawrence Horse, seahorse. Potato, potato. 😋 1y
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dabbe @CBee Me, too! ❣️❣️❣️ 1y
gossamerchild Those all look amazing. 1y
CBee @dabbe one of my favorite books I read last year ♥️ Also I got your card! Thanks for the #confettialert 😂😊 1y
dabbe @CBee 🤗 1y
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These critters are cute. I should be into them. Having a little trouble getting into this book, though. #naturalitsy

Aimeesue The entire chapter on TCM was a slog. It did end up making a point though. 1y
Graywacke @Aimeesue I‘m still in that chapter. 1y
AllDebooks @Aimeesue it was certainly a tough one to read 1y
Soubhiville Agreed @Aimeesue @AllDebooks @Graywacke that chapter was dull in places- I skimmed over some of it. 1y
Hooked_on_books I‘m a little frustrated with this book. It‘s much more about people than seahorses so far (I‘m through chapter 3), and I don‘t like that choice. I‘ve read one of her books before, but it was a more recent release, and it was much better than this so far. 1y
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Plans ..

LaraReads Perfection! ☺️ 1y
IndoorDame 👏👏👏 1y
MoonWitch94 SAME! 🥶📖☕️ 1y
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Cuilin Same, seriously. 1y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I wish! My parents are visiting NJ this weekend so we're heading out to see them in a couple hours. 🥶 1y
MoMogrl Same! 1y
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Our first discussion thread on these magnificent tiny creatures, cuter than eels, right? 😅

Discussion of chapters 1 and 2.

All welcome to join us.
Please do let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the tag list.

@MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @BookwormAHN @Graywacke @Mitch @jenniferw88 @jlhammar @Soubhiville @SamAnne @Addison_Reads @tdrosebud @daena @TEArificbooks @Hooked_on_books @Julsmarshall

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AmandaBlaze Still waiting on my copy. 1y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I‘m a bit behind and have only made it through the Prologue and Chapter 1. 😅 I‘ll come back to the thread once I‘m caught up. 1y
ElizaMarie I‘m not gonna join on this one.But I‘m in on the Raven :) 1y
Soubhiville Starting chapter 2 now… 1y
Graywacke I‘m unreasonably fascinated that seahorses are the only fish that have necks. Also i‘m entertained by her casual style and casual references. 1y
Soubhiville Chapter one I had a hard time focusing on. I was interested in the Midenhall Treasure, and plan to listen to Dahl‘s book about it. But overall I found this chapter plodding and skimmed a lot of it. I‘m just more interested in the science than mythology I guess. 🤷‍♀️ 1y
Soubhiville Chapter 2 was much more interesting. The differences in species, the process of finding and naming and the levels of classification (hello refresher in biology 101). I love the idea of a single pregnant seahorse floating who knows how far on a bundle of seaweed to settle anew in the far reaches of the oceans. Also the reproductive cycle of these little guys- what a wonder. Evolution is fascinating. 1y
Soubhiville I wasn‘t aware how closely related to pipefish they are, or how many species of both exist. I googled several, and enjoyed seeing the shape and color ranges. Am I the only one who wasn‘t aware seahorses can shift color like an octopus or chameleon? 1y
Cazxxx I have only managed cheaper 1 so far and really enjoyed it. Was interesting finding out about the Midenhall treasure and I loved the mythology parts in this chapter too 1y
AllDebooks @AmandaBlaze hope it comes in soon 1y
AllDebooks @ElizaMarie noted 😊 1y
AllDebooks @Graywacke lol, me too. 1y
AllDebooks @Soubhiville @Cazxxx I loved the mythology/history section. But then, I'm nuts over that subject anyways. The evolution cycle and classification were fascinating. I had no idea they had been around for so long or that they were so widespread globally, absolutely captivating! 1y
AllDebooks Just in case you missed the Mildenhall link I found earlier in the week 😀 https://litsy.com/p/V2JnNVltMjdU 1y
Graywacke @Soubhiville had no clue they could change colors. Also I thought the earlier parts of chapter 1 were not written well. At some point she seemed to hit stride. So maybe that impacted how you took that info in. 1y
Graywacke @AllDebooks on their evolution, i‘m actually surprised how young they are. 🙂 It‘s just that 16.5 million years seems to me geologically recent for such a distinct and ancient-looking critter. 1y
TheBookHippie @Soubhiville I didn‘t know about the color either I‘m totally fascinated!! 1y
TheBookHippie I like them sooo much better than eels 😬. I think the first part was hard to get into I blamed migraine after affects but maybe it wasn‘t me 😵‍💫😂🤷🏻‍♀️. I feel it‘s hitting its stride now. I‘m amazed at how much I don‘t know and also they seem dinosaur - ish to me in looks 🙃. I love mythology so that was a bonus. 1y
jlhammar Yes, just a tad cuter than eels 😆 I'm enjoying this so far. I've never studied seahorses so this is all new and interesting to me. Very cool that they change colors and I love their hitchhiking ways. 1y
jlhammar Her writing style is working for me. I really liked this bit about the appearance of the seahorse after death “A seahorse's tough outer skeleton leaves behind an elegant corpse, a lasting impression of their winsome proportions, their intricate spines and ridges, fairy-tale crown, and curling tail.“ 1y
AllDebooks @jlhammar I noted that quote too, beautiful 😍 1y
AllDebooks @Graywacke 😅 wrapping my mind around the timescale makes my head hurt 1y
Hooked_on_books I‘m a bit behind and only through chapter 1 so far. I wasn‘t expecting a chapter on human history/artifacts relating to the seahorse. And I think you nailed it, @Graywacke about the writing—it seemed choppy then suddenly got smooth. I really liked the two stories about the treasures. I‘d like to read more about the Lydian horde. I see that the brooch was recovered in Germany and returned to Turkey. 1y
Aimeesue I didn't know they changed color like my favorite sea friend, the octopus. And can change their shape a bit to blend in, also like octopuses. I did like the fact that we thought there were a LOT more species, but turns out it's just seahorses changing color! 😂 1y
Aimeesue @Graywacke Yes, their necks! I mentioned this fact at dinner to night. (I am fantastic with the small talk, aren't I? 😋) 1y
Aimeesue Neat video of Pygmy seahorses: https://youtu.be/Q3CtGoqz3ww 1y
CaitZ Could you drop me from the list for this one? I can't get the book. 1y
Graywacke @Aimeesue that‘s was favorite fact. The necks. 🙂 I mean i enjoyed other parts too. 1y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I‘m loving it so far! I am just as big of a mythology/history geek as I am a science one, so I‘ve enjoyed both chapters immensely. Her description of how she felt seeing her first seahorse in the wild stood out to me, just wanting to settle down and watch the little guy forever. I knew about some of the camouflage capabilities, but had no idea they were SO talented. The genetics bit was also fascinating, and their resistance to being catalogued. 1y
AllDebooks @Aimeesue that video is so cool, the article is too. Thanks for sharing 1y
AllDebooks @CaitZ of course, sorry you can't get a copy x 1y
AllDebooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm they're incredible masters of evolution 1y
BookwormAHN I'm loving the mythology. 1y
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For those following our Feb #buddyread I found this amazing link about the Mildenhall treasure. It also has Roald Dahl's audiobook. Bonus 😍



jlhammar Awesome, thank you! 1y
Soubhiville Oh how cool! Thanks! 1y
SamAnne Thanks for sharing this! 1y
AllDebooks @jlhammar @Soubhiville @SamAnne you are welcome. It's a great find. 😊 1y
Graywacke Cool! 1y
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Feb #buddyread

I'm completely smitten already. I adore these tiny little miracles of evolution and cannot wait to learn all about them. I also need everything Helen Scales has ever written, rn....please 😍😊

All welcome to join us on our watery adventure 😀
Link to schedule post in comments.

Mitch Thai looks fascinating - just ordered a copy and I‘ll jump in on discussion as the month goes on! Thanks for highlighting something that looks so fab! 1y
AllDebooks @Mitch so glad you're joining us. Honestly, having devoured the 1st chapter, I gave high expectations of this little book. 1y
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jlhammar I was just reading the first chapter! Really good so far. 1y
Graywacke I‘ve started the book. I got a sample an I got into it, so i own a kindle copy now. 1y
AllDebooks @Graywacke I never think to try the sample. Glad you're joining us 😊 1y
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Hello February 😊
Our schedule for Feb/March reads is a little more complicated than usual.
1) I've given us a staggered start.
2) Poseiden's steed starts today with a 3 week scheduled read.
3) On a farther shore starts on the 22nd Feb over a 5 week scheduled read.
4) Alongside these will run this month's selection Mind of the Raven from the 6th Feb over a 7 week schedule.
5) I will tag all in this initial post.

Cont. ⬇️⬇️

AllDebooks Cont. 6) I will use the individual tag list for each book on all other posts from now on. 1y
AllDebooks 7) *NB* If you haven't commented, previously, or on here, I will continue to tag you. I am keeping separate tag lists for each book. 1y
AllDebooks 8) As always, if you wish to be added/removed from the tag list, please do let me know 😊 1y
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AllDebooks 9) Remember, this is a super relaxed group, so please don't feel pressured to join in all or keep up. Our aim is to relax, learn and connect with each other through our love of nature. 1y
jenniferw88 Not sure if you've seen this yet, but this is Waterstones Non-fiction book of the month 1y
AllDebooks @jenniferw88 It's on my to buy list but also on a self-imposed book buying ban #torture 1y
Soubhiville Thank you for running this Deb! I started my sea horse journey last night 😁 1y
AllDebooks @Soubhiville it's a pleasure. Keeps me busy and out of trouble 😅 Isn't it wonderful (so far) 1y
rockpools Hi Debbie, can I be added to the Farther Shore list and taken off the Raven list (I think I‘m already off the seahorse list!) - I couldn‘t find the Raven book easily, and I really did want to read her biography. Thank you 😊 1y
AllDebooks @rockpools yes, it's a bit tricky to get hold of as an older book. It is on Scribd if you're on there. I'll amend the tag list x 1y
rockpools @AllDebooks How silly - I‘m not sure how I missed that - pretty sure I checked. Think I‘ll stick with the Carson for now though. Thank you! (edited) 1y
AllDebooks @rockpools no worries, I've noted your choice x 1y
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Repost for @AllDebooks

We'll start with Poseiden's steed over weeks 1 - 3 before moving onto the biography of Rachel Carson (tagged) over weeks 4 - 8. I'm going to keep separate tag lists for both reads so please comment which ones you'd like to be tagged in. I don't want to be annoying 🙈

Please see my previous post for details of our other #buddyread

All welcome to join us

AllDebooks Thank you for the repost x 2y
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Here's my thoughts on our February/March read. Please do let me know yours.

A - I did say I would read our January runner-up (tagged) as a short #buddyread
As Rachel Carson struck a chord with so many of us in our current read, I suggest a biography.

B - For those not interested in A, I suggest we have a vote for Sky themed books. I'm using the #NaturaLitsyBingo2023 board for theme inspiration.

All welcome to join us.


AllDebooks I am happy to run with all 3 🙈 over Feb/March. Let me know your thoughts. Now for the tag list 😅 2y
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MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I‘m waiting on my copy of Poseidon‘s Steed from the library, so that one‘s a go for me. I haven‘t been able to nail down a book for the sky prompt but am also interested in Carson, so I‘m split on those two. I guess whatever everyone else votes for works for me. 😅👍 2y
AllDebooks Just to confirm, as always, this is a relaxed group meant for relaxation, enjoyment of nature and connection. I don't want you to stress over 'keeping up' with a rigid schedule. X 2y
AllDebooks @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I will put up a seperate post for sky suggestions to vote on, depending on what others want to do. 2y
AllDebooks @Hooked_on_books thanks, noted 😊 2y
AllDebooks I'll post a separate thread for suggestions once I have an idea of people's interests. Please comment on this thread if you're interested in option A, option B or both. 😀 2y
Soubhiville I don‘t mind a biography. I can make a bunch of bird recommendations for sky, when you‘re ready for them 🙂. It would be cool to read about clouds, I don‘t think I‘ve ever read much about the actual sky. 2y
bnp I'm interested in option B, and have two titles to recommend. 2y
Jess861 I also wouldn't mind a book to do with the skies. Space, birds, clouds, or weather would all be interesting (not that this list narrows it down 😆).

Unfourtunately I'm going to have to skip Poseidon's Steed as I can't seem to find a copy. If anyone has any leads to a hard copy (in Canada) let me know! My library doesn't have a copy sadly.
TheKidUpstairs @Soubhiville I love the idea of a cloud book. This one looks really cool: 2y
TheKidUpstairs @Jess861 I'm in Ontario, and I haven't been able to find a copy either! One of my librarians is an ILLO master and even she couldn't track it down. 2y
BookBelle84 Another possibility, one I enjoyed and found very interesting is this one. 2y
BookwormAHN I like both ideas. I'm still planning to read Poseidon's Steed but I'd also like to read a sky book. 2y
jlhammar Wonderful ideas! They all sound good to me. 2y
Julsmarshall I‘m down for whatever but my library does hav Poseidon‘s Steed 😄 2y
CaitZ I'm having a hard time getting Poseidon's Steed, so I'll sit that out. I'm interested in a Sky book for March 2y
Chrissyreadit Or any good book about bats 2y
Graywacke I plan to pick up Poseidon‘s Steed as a kindle book when we start. I would like to finish that before starting the next. But I would love to read something by Rachel Carson. No sky suggestions, but i‘m curious. 2y
Soubhiville I found a couple sky related and not bird themed ones I‘m interested in: 2y
Soubhiville I have a copy of Poseidon‘s Steed, but if others are having a hard time getting it I don‘t mind read it on my own. 2y
daena I am open to all choices here 2y
AmandaBlaze For those interested in Poseidon's Steed, the Kindle copy is only $5. 2y
TEArificbooks I am definitely more interested in bird books for the sky prompt. The birding without borders looks great. I read The Big Year a few years ago and absolutely loved it and the movie. I also have been looking at 2y
Blackink_WhitePaper I can‘t find the books mentioned in optionA. So going with option B, though A looks very interesting 🤨 2y
AllDebooks Thank you all for the great responses. I shall close comments on here for now. Look out for a separate post later tonight/early tomorrow. I will tag you. 2y
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I want to use this book for #GoodreadsSummerReadingChallenge2018 . The hardcover is not compatible with my budgetary needs.

MidnightBookGirl Um... that is a but high for hardback... lol 6y
Tonton 😲 whoa 6y
riversong153 😂😂😂😱😱😱😱😳 6y
See All 8 Comments
sherri That better be one heck of a story. 😂 6y
ravenlee Hmmm, paperback looks just a bit more appealing here! 6y
Itchyfeetreader You could buy a kindle and the kindle book and still be significantly better off! 6y
PirateJenny Holy crap! Wonder if I should sell mine... 6y
RadicalReader @WanderingBookaneer wow that‘s one beefy book!! 6y
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Seahorses. When I was a kid, we would have salt water aquariums every summer. We would go to the beach, go onto the jetty, and collect our summer visitors. Once we had a seahorse. I was sooo happy. I live them to pieces. And this boom is full of the #mythslegendsofthesea about this amazing #undertheseacreatures #PiratesLife #WhatAWayToLive

CrowCAH Sounds like such a fascinating book! 7y
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The passion for sea horses (that's so obvious in these lines) is so addictive! "Seeing one felt like glimpsing a unicorn trotting through my garden"..

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It's all about marine animals! After reading about sharks and octopuses, I got this beauty from the library today! And how awesome is it that the author is a marine biologist named Scales???

tpixie Perfect name! 7y
mllemay Sounds just as fascinating as Soul of an Octopus! 7y
ramyasbookshelf @mllemay I started reading it and im about two chapters in - it has a similar feel/vibe to Soul of an Octopus.. I'll let you know more as I read it! 7y
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I had hoped this book would be more about the biology and ecological aspects of Seahorses, but there were many off shoots into things that didn't wholly have anything to do with them. Disappointing.