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Bored and Brilliant
Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self | Manoush Zomorodi
Has your smartphone become your BFF? Do you feel bored when youre not checking Facebook or Instagram? Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive and Creative Self explains the connection between boredom and original thinking, and explores how we can harness boredoms hidden benefits to become our most productive selves. In 2015, WNYC Studio's 'Note To Self' host Manoush Zomorodi led thousands of her listeners through a week of experiments designed to help them reassess their technology habits, unplug for part of each week and jumpstart their creativity. Throughout the book are a series of challenges that will help readers rethink their relationship to their devices without completely leaving the digital world. Zomorodi also explores why putting greater emphasis on doing nothing is vital in an age of constant notifications and digital distractions. She speaks with neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists about mind wanderingwhat our brains do when we're doing nothing at all, and the link between boredom and creativity. Bored and Brilliant is about living smarter and better within a digital world. Technology isnt going anywhere, and who would want it to? Bored and Brilliant teaches us how to align our gadget use with what we hold dear and true, and find equilibrium in this new digital ecosystem.
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Listened to this on audio. I didn‘t actually move through the challenges yet, but it did make me more aware of some things I do and don‘t do with my phone. I recently took my work email off my phone for a vacation and it was so liberating. Since I returned I‘ve kept it off. I loved the subject of this book and I think it‘s nice to have a reminder it‘s perfectly fine to be bored sometimes


SamAnne I love this. I‘ve been spending more days off internet or with minimal internet. I feel better, more clarity, and very different in a good way. And am getting more reading in! 13mo
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A short-ish read/listen about how to live more productively with our devices. There are a couple of takeaways that I will try to put into practise.
Can be included for #52books23 #analliterativetitle

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"You think that you are disconnected. But the question is, what are you disconnected from? You're actually constantly disconnected from yourself by having all of these things."

This book explores the idea that being bored can lead your mind to more creative thinking, and when we spend too much time with technology we are limiting that capacity. It is not anti-tech, but rather gives advise on small ways to limit tech use when it is not necessary.

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Such a good read if you‘re trying to disconnect from your tech more.

Book 6 of #15books15weeks

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Moving this back to my #TBR...I really want to dive into this, but need something right now that requires less from me. #selfcare #shelfcare

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Next up...getting started on my April #triplespin. This may come with me into May, but I‘m delighted to have gotten to book number 3! I‘m sitting out May‘s extravaganza in hopes of reading a book that‘s “on loan” from a colleague. Maybe I can actually return it to her *when* we go back to work! But when will that be?!?!

JackOBotts Definitely hoping to join more Book Spins in the months ahead!!! 🥳🤗 4y
TheAromaofBooks You are welcome to post a list whatever month you want to rejoin!!! 4y
JackOBotts Thank you, @TheAromaofBooks! I most definitely will! 4y
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It‘s hard for me to admit when I‘m feeling depressed but last week was super low💩So grateful for my partner, my son, and the #Litsylove community ♥️it‘s okay to not be okay 🤷‍♀️tough times— be good to yourselves

LiteraryinPA It‘s great that you shared that. It IS ok not to be ok. We can all support each other. 💗 4y
Meaw_catlady Here for you! We are in this together! Sending support and love ! 🙏💕 4y
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Catching up on correspondence #litsylove we have been going mad trying to migrate everything online but I finally feel ready for quarantine 😷

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💗💗 5y
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I've been working so many long hours that I didnt know spring had come, so I decided to finish my audiobook while taking the long way back to my desk from a meeting in a different building. It was a nice treat. #20in20 #audiowalk

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Do you suck at finishing NetGalley ARCs? I decided to catch up on my embarrassingly past due ARCs this month and make it a #NetGalleyNovember feel free to join me. Also 4 out of 5 of these work for #NFNov so if you read a lot of NonFiction check out the tag! #GratefulReads #LookingForwardToReading #tbr @rsteve388 @Clwojick @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚 I‘m behind on everything!! 5y
Linsy Good luck!! 👍 5y
Linsy @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Ha, me too. Right now I‘ve been trying to cycle through everything on my shelves. 5y
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LibrarianRyan I‘m in. I‘m behind!! 5y
rsteve388 1 pt! 5y
OriginalCyn620 This is why I don‘t do Net Galley...I‘d never stay on top of it! 5y
EKonrad I‘m always behind!! I can‘t ever seem to catch up because I keep requesting more! Lol 😆 5y
MatchlessMarie @alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @librarianryan @ekonrad Glad to know I'm not alone 😂 luckily I think 5 books is manageable for me 🤞 5y
JoScho I have a few books in the works but plan on reading just Netgalley when I finish them! I‘m in! 5y
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Awesome. I have implemented some of the strategies and I don‘t feel so tied to my phone. I have also become super aware of where everyone else‘s phone is during shared time like dinner.

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Oops. Guess my book should be called “Bored and Forgetful.” 😂 Have you ever accidentally bought a book you already owned? (I have, an embarrassing number of times.)📚

Alfoster Especially when the covers are different! I‘ve done that so many times!🤪 6y
CouronneDhiver That could have happened to any of us... those covers are so different! 6y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot Been there...several! You are not alone ;) 6y
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled So many times that now we have an online database so I can check if Im doubtful 🤦‍♀️ 6y
Redwritinghood Yep, a few times. 6y
Hooked_on_books At least 3 times. And the most recent time I did so while a had a database of my books on my phone. 6y
Rissreads I do it all the time! 6y
tracey38 Yes, multiple times! 6y
DivineDiana Yes, I have. 🤷‍♀️ 6y
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A really interesting book about minds and creativity and being “busy” vs being “bored”. She has done a lot of research into the ideas presented in here so don‘t just dismiss it as anti-tech or whatever. Some of it didn‘t really apply to me (not a parent and the interview with the game designer was a bit of a snooze) but I found a lot of think about regarding the time I just pick up my phone for no reason.

balletbookworm Manoush is a pretty good narrator, too. 6y
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#riotgrams Day 14 - audiobooks or book podcasts! I opened Libby and realized that I didn‘t have any audiobooks checked out! Rectified that 😜 @bookriot

MelissaSue81 I loved escape from mr lemoncellos library. I keep trying to get my daughter to read it and she turns her nose up. 6y
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1. Road trip to Nebraska
2. It was a ghost town at work with people getting an early jump on the holiday
3. Seattle
4. Gorilla I guess
5. 91 & road construction
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

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Kindles were $99 this past weekend, so I snapped one up! 😍

JoScho Yay for you! I adore my kindle ❤️ 6y
knittedgnome Yes!! I just got a paper white and am obsessed with it. I love it way more than my fire! 6y
elyseh That cover is amazing!!! 6y
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SilversReviews I LOVE that cover. May I know the name of the cover and who makes it? 6y
kidamy @SilversReviews Yeah, I wasn't sure of it at first (didn't fall in love with any of them), but it's really grown on me. I got it on Amazon and it's called "huasiru painting case for Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2012-2017) cover with auto sleep/wake, library". The .ca and .com description are similar. ? 6y
SilversReviews @kidamy Thank you. 6y
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I was expecting a book on boredom and creativity, but the focus is more on being mindful about or use of technology. The author gives scientific studies (some practically contradictory) and interviews experts, then ends each chapter with a challenge: note your phone usage, delete one app, go one day without using the camera, etc. It was okay for what it was, but I'm already pretty mindful about my phone use and didn't find it particularly useful.


This was a fun and ultimately interesting read but none of the information felt new. I also didn‘t love the formatting on the ebook, why were the tiny type sections separate from the rest of the text? Anyway, I did come out of it with some concrete ideas to try to use my phone more mindfully, so if that‘s what you‘re looking for too this may be helpful.

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I‘m not ashamed to admit I‘m a little addicted to my phone (okay, maybe I should be more ashamed lol). But I‘m trying to get way better about that so I‘m hoping this book can provide some good ideas/motivation about breaking that cycle for me.

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Started this new audiobook today on my drive back up to NorCal. Heard mixed reviews... anyone read/listen to this? How did you like it?

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There‘s was some interesting and surprising information in here but I‘m not sure that I‘ll go through the suggested steps 100%.

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Anyone else out there bored out of their gourds at work? I shouldn't complain...my job is pretty cushy....but it is not my passion and it does not make me excited to get out of bed in the morning.

Craftylikefox Bored and frustrated at mine. I have busy spurts and then other times when I just stand there. I have been filling the quiet times with school work, when I can. My job is in no way my passion. Stay sane 🖤🖤 7y
IndyHannaJones @Craftylikefox I'm doing what I went to school for...nonprofit work...and I just don't care anymore but I don't know what I want to do. And my boss is good and we are not strict about anything. I just wish I liked the work more 7y
Craftylikefox That is tough 😔 the toughest part is not caring anymore. I am there now with that feeling. Is there is a way to get you fired back up for it? If not that maybe it‘s time to figure out what does get you fired up. I hate starting over but it‘s worth it, if it gives a chance at doing something that means something. 7y
Craftylikefox It‘s finding that fire again for something. It takes time and it sucks. Once you have it though you will be even more of a rock star at whatever you do 🖤😊🖤 7y
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I‘m about halfway through Bored and Brilliant and I have already downloaded the Moment app and am rethinking all the notifications and other apps I have on my phone. I also want to stop reading on my phone because of all the distractions 🤔

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This was a great look at creativity and the distractions we use to hamper that creativity. The book focuses mostly on screen distractions- apps, selfies, games, etc. I have been trying some of the activities in he book and some are difficult, but freeing in it does show addiction. I removed the FB and Twitter app from all my devices, for example, and even though a browser can be used, I got to those sites less often. Good read.

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Between the snowstorms last week and The Cold From Hell this weekend, I should be freaking DaVinci by now.

Did anyone else do this challenge with the podcast?

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December stats!

Betty Love that mug! Glasses and a cat, purrrs 7y
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#listening #audiobook #selfimprovement #creativity

I heard about this book on two different podcasts and decided to check it out! I'm hoping it will have some tips that will get me out of my writing slump.

minkyb Good luck! 7y
CaramelLunacy Another By the Book listener? 7y
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"If one oversteps the bounds of moderation, the greatest pleasures cease to please.” --Epictetus


Steve Jobs, the man who created the iPhone and iPad, restricted his children‘s use of them. This makes me think there‘s something he knew about his products that he never shared. Like a drug dealer who doesn‘t touch the stuff that he deals.

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Today is the first weekend day in forever that I haven‘t had to grade papers, and I don‘t know what to do with myself. Oh, no, wait. I do. 😍

Lacythebookworm Great stack! Enjoy 😊 7y
Suet624 😂😂😂 7y
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You can‘t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.

—Mark Twain


Dozens of people wrote me to say that they can no longer get through a novel or even a magazine article. One listener, Katherine, complained that she can‘t “sit and read for more than fifteen minutes at a time without feeling the urge to jump up and look at my phone.” This very same issue plagued the Washington Postwriter Mike Rosenwald, a man who gets paid to read, think, and write.


A more official study done by the City University of New York‘s Lehman College in 2015 found that nearly half the pedestrians at five busy Manhattan intersections were so distracted by their electronic devices that they ignored red lights when crossing the street. “Wexting” (walking while texting) can be dangerous, but when even the Big Apple (or the threat of being run over) can‘t compete for our attention, you know this must be love.


Try to limit the amount of daydreaming you do when you‘re operating heavy machinery.

--Seems like good advice.

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Manoush Zomorodi is the keynote speaker at the Michigan Library Association Annual Conference today. She's a great speaker and her book sounds really interesting - about learning to be bored again and give ourselves space to go into "default mode," which lets us think creatively #MLA17AC

AmandaFields The best part is she's not advocating for a full digital detox - just a bit more breathing space 7y
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Don't know how many Moment users are on here, but I think it's cool they recently made a new 7 day course based on this new book. I just recently got this one from #netgalley and will be reading along as I do the course. I will blog my experience when I'm done. I did a review on their 14 day boot camp course earlier this year if anyone is interested.

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Just got this one in today! Can't wait to start reading!

minkyb Well this has potential! 7y
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Morning reading at the most idyllic, cozy retreat upstate.

BookBabe So beautiful and picturesque! 😍 7y
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I loved this book! I need to get it in print for myself so I can go through all the exercises and do them thoroughly. I've noticed that it's harder to focus lately and I think the strategies in Bored and Brilliant will help me get that back. Also, as a listener of Note To Self, I could hear Manoush in my head reading the book to me - and that's a good thing.