Not quite as good as the first two, but still a satisfying end to the series.
Not quite as good as the first two, but still a satisfying end to the series.
Not quite as gripping for me as the previous 2 books, but still a satisfying conclusion to the series. I‘m looking forward to seeing how this gets interpreted for the big screen!
I listened to the audiobook of this via BorrowBox, an interesting end to a interesting series.
Read for reading challenges.
My relisten of this trilogy is complete. Overall, I still love the series, the concept is still mind-blowing, but this last book, upon consideration, didn‘t quite live up to what I wanted from the series. It‘s still quite good, not 5⭐ good and ultimately I still recommend these books to anyone who likes something a little different from the norm in the science fiction genre. Something that might evoke some existential thinking from you.
(Where's my text gone?!)
The third book might not be the strongest in the trilogy, but I still was happy to meet the old crew once again. I wished there were more information about the aliens, but the human characters make it up to this. It's a good conclusion, and now I'll go and read the short stories.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
@TheSpineView #SeriesRead2021
I read the first two books of this trilogy in 2017, so did a quick re-read, and then read the final installment. Fast-paced, and the epistolary technique was effective storytelling. Didn‘t pack as much of a punch as the first two books, but it is thought-provoking. I will miss the characters and hope this world is revisited. I do not read very much sci-fi, but found these to be very accessible books for anyone dabbling in the genre. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Such a satisfying finale to the trilogy, I‘ve loved reading these. The style of writing worked really well and ensured the story was very fast paced. Highly recommend!
This was a great series, the audio books were very well done! The first book in particular set the bar very high. Still enjoyed the final part and the conclusion 🌟🌟🌟
This was my least favorite of the trilogy, but I still really enjoyed this book. I love this entire trilogy. It‘s so different from what else is out there in the genre and the author has created a true entertainment out of the writing style.
I highly recommend listening to this on audiobook. The cast is incredible and there‘s one particular set of voices it really helps to hear in this book instead of reading.
A great trilogy I will return to.
Not as action packed as the first 2 novels, but intriguing in it's own way. Made me appreciate the previous books more. Thoroughly enjoyable series.
I‘m not quite sure how I feel about this book. The first one was amazing, the second one pretty darn good, this one was ok. It didn‘t feel like a strong finish. I do want to read more about Mr. Burns though.
I have two people who did VERY BAD THINGS on my caseload this week and it has consumed my every waking moment. Thus I‘m enacting self care hour even though im tired. Snuggling the pups, drinking tea, and reading for an hour before I go to bed- all in blessed silence now that the hubs is in bed.
I'm so pleased with how this series ended! It reminded me of The Sparrow a little, but with both a worse and better ending in its own way. It was a pleasant and very human story to follow.
#Human is one of my favorite 80s songs & the chorus “I‘m only human of flesh and blood I‘m made... Human, born to make mistakes...” made me immediately think of the title of the third book of the Themis Files series where there are giant robots, aliens and of course...humans. 😉🤖👽👩🏻🚀🚀🛸
This audiobook is horrible!! I almost don‘t wanna keep going. I‘m going to download the ebook instead.
Awesome trilogy. Took me a minute to get into the book but once it got going it was a great third novel. Lots of talking about relevant issues the world is grappling with today. Highly recommend. Good action. Great writing. Loved the plot. I was a little sad that the aliens from all kinds of planets only had two genders that were talked about as that would have been a nice detail. But overall despite some pacing issues I really enjoyed it.
I really enjoyed the first two books in this trilogy, even the journal entry style writing, but I‘m not sure it was the best choice for a climactic ending—which this just really doesn‘t have, despite a great build up. As a book, it holds your attention, but ultimately drags and fizzles its way to an okay finish. Still, not too bad.
I‘m very impressed with this author‘s debut novel and series!
GAAAH! I FINISHED IT!! It took me an insane amount of time to finish this for many reasons, including life and irritation at narrators. 😂 This was definitely my least favorite of the trilogy, which is a bit of a let-down in a final installment, but I still enjoyed it overall. Despite MAJOR issues with several narrators, I was really into it ‘til about 2/3 of the way through, then got rather dissatisfied, then was somewhat mollified by the end.
I‘m really trying with this book, and I will finish it. I‘m just not as engrossed in it as I was with the other two.
A bittersweet ending to the Themis Files trilogy. Another superb sci-fi adventure from Sylvia‘s Neuvel. This was the first time I physically read a copy, I listened to the first two as audiobooks. I have to say that I enjoyed the added addition of a new world and the typical format of including short files and personal diary entries. However, I was disappointed with the finale. Though, the full-circle effect was nostalgic.
Noooooooooo!! A cast change almost put me off the last (audio)book in the series, and now there‘s another that‘s even worse!!! 10yo Eva was narrated by what sounded like a young girl with a heavy Hispanic accent. Now she‘s being read by someone that sounds like Rosie Perez, only more so. 😱
This was an extremely difficult book for me to read, especially given what‘s going on in the world right now. While I understand the message the author is trying to portray, I felt it could‘ve been done differently & more respectfully. But I‘m also grieving from losses at Christchurch, so my mindset may not have been in the right space. One thing is clear: hatred & fear are never the answer & this series captures that quite excellently.
Such a unique and interesting trilogy. I loved every moment in these books! They had an X-Files feel to me which I really enjoyed. #recommend
My least favorite of the 3 books; not terrible, it just didn‘t hold my attention as well as the first two. (It probably didn‘t help that two of my favorite characters died in the last book.) I‘d still recommend the cast recording audiobooks for this series, but the voice actor they used for a little girl from Puerto Rico had a pretty strong New Yorker accent (not sure which borough lol) and it was a bit off-putting.
The third & final book of the #ThemisFiles🤖 picks up almost ten years after the end of Waking Gods. I really don‘t want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn‘t read the first two books, so all I will say is that it was an excellent conclusion to the story that began with Waking Giants. All in all, this is a wonderful #sciencefiction series that I recommend highly!
”If you see something wrong with the world, fix it. But what if it‘s the whole world that needs fixing?”
— Eva Reyes
#themisfiles #currentlyreading
After finishing the latest #WaywardChildren, I needed something completely different for my next book.... I‘m 70 pages in and can tell you that this was absolutely the right pick! #themisfiles 🤖 • #scifi #currentlyreading
Endings are always bittersweet so I knew going in that this wouldn‘t be my favorite of the series... and while I was right, I did still enjoy this one but not with quite the same fervor as the earlier books in the series. I‘m definitely looking forward to seeing what the author does next though- and there were some satisfying aspects to this conclusion overall!
So my husband is forcing me to socialize tonight so he bribed me with a trip to an independent bookstore. I can‘t complain!
#introvert #bookhaul #newyearseve
I enjoyed the series as a whole, although I thought the author tried a little too hard, esp. in this last installment, to be humorous. To me, the silly banter just seemed...well, silly.
But. I did think he made some really good points about the state of our world today, and there were some really notable quotes.
Spent a nice weekend in the Windy City and now winding down with my book on the train ride home.
I had to finish out this Themis trilogy that launched a few years ago. This last installment leaned more on the politics of the stories, but I‘m glad I stuck with it to finish out the arc.
Sometimes you're like, "Hey, I've got unexpected free time and an audiobook that's due back soon. I should make a checklist of all the Hugo winners, just for shits and giggles!"
So you put your book on, and you pull out your copy of AN INFORMAL HISTORY OF THE HUGOS (with support from the award's website), and you work on your bullet journal until you run out of audiobook. And your hand is SO DAMNED SORE, but you're still five years from done.
This was the weakest of the trilogy. There was too much political commentary, and not enough exploration of the alien planet. I also really did not like the interview format coupled with multiple times streams. I wound up frequently confused as to which time stream I was in.
Overall though, I recommend the trilogy. It is thought-provoking, insightful, and a fun read.
I am not a big sci-fi reader, but this trilogy drew me in and I loved it. This book wasn‘t my favorite, but it was a good ending and while I missed some characters I was happy with how it all turned out.
A little Birthday #audiosouping to the library audio book version of this one (I have it for 3 more days) then have the print copy to finish up if needed. With today's lunch & blog post, Ruth Reichl's Avgolemono Soup. I've made this one before but it's so simple & good: 🍋🥚🍚+ I added 🥕Recipe link👇🏻
Mahalo for all of the birthday greetings on the @LitsyBirthdays page.🤗I did most of my celebrating with friends yesterday so I can veg today.
Kind of a disappointing end to the series. It had too many flashbacks, and I barely cared about the story for most of it. I really liked the last 40 or so pages, but I'm not sure that was enough to make up for the rest of it.
Snow Day! One kid made it to school. One did not. His bus just didn‘t show up. The hubby didn‘t even try going to work. I cleaned for awhile. Now I‘m rewarding myself with some reading in my tidy room. I think I need tea.
4.5⭐️ Neither of the sequels were as strong as Sleeping Giants, but this was still a very good book. A satisfying ending. Also, as with all three books, you‘d be crazy not to go with the full cast recording audiobook!! #24b4Monday #readathon
Thanks @TheReadingMermaid for hosting the #24B4Monday #Readathon. Anyone is welcome to join! I have 5(!) library books to read, so 🤞🏻🤞🏻 I‘ll catch up 😁
#BookMail Pt2 I totally fell asleep last night after posting Pt1, whoops. The last book in the Themis Files series, these editions look just as spectacular nekkid. I absolutely love it when publishers do that, I‘ll quite happily spend a bit extra for the hardcover when I know it‘s so pretty. What about you guys? Do you feel the same as I do?🤔 Many thanks to @Robothugs for sending them on from the US💕 #prettyispopular #meangirlsofthebookworld