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Lit Chat: Conversation Starters about Books and Life (100 Questions) | Book Riot, Riot New Media Group, Inc.
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Each of the 50 cards in this conversation deck is printed with two reading-themed questions (100 questions total). Some invoke books that are tied to memories (name your favorite childhood picture book); others prompt you to choose ideal reading material for a hypothetical situation (if you were stranded on a desert island, what book would you want with you?). Some of them aim to get people comparing their favorite (and not-so-favorite) characters or authors, and others engage in popular debates amongst readers (name a movie adaptation you liked and defend your choice). Created to give readers of all persuasions an excuse to talk about books, ideas, and life itself, this deck is a great addition to any booklovers shelf.
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I‘m sharing this article from Book Riot about when it‘s time to DNF a book and what to do next. I read this article and found it interesting.

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@shawnmooney was kind enough to invite me back to his YouTube show for another book chat! We talked about Brick Lane by Monica Ali, which is quite good. Thanks for having me back, Shawn!

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AjePaaBiUng&feature=youtu.be (in case you want to check it out)

Cathythoughts I‘d love to check it out. Thanks for sharing 👍🏻♥️ 1y
LeahBergen Oh, lovely! I‘m off to watch. 1y
kspenmoll Me too! 1y
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BarbaraBB I‘ve watched! You‘re very good! 1y
sarahbarnes So cool! 1y
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB Aw, thank you! ☺️ 1y
Soubhiville So cool to see you on video! Will you tag me in the other one you‘ve done if you still have the link? Tis book sounds like something I‘d enjoy too 🙂. 1y
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville They‘ve been fun to do! I‘m glad you enjoyed that one. ☺️ Here‘s the first one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eYI6QVbFPXU&feature=youtu.be 1y
Soubhiville Thanks Holly! 1y
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Eeee! Thank you @suha_afshan for choosing the book i have always wanted to read. Looking forward to my first Vonnegut. I love the handmade card, and Bournville is one of my favourite chocolates. Happy Valentine's! 💌😊

@candority Thanks for organizing, pal! 💐


candority Slaughterhouse Five is such a good book! I hope you like it 😊 Happy Valentine‘s Day! 💖 3y
suha_afshan Im glad you liked it☺ 3y
LeahBergen Slaughterhouse Five is weird and wonderful. 👍🏻 3y
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vivastory Love that edition! One of my favorite books of all time 3y
TrishB Hi 🤚🏻 hope you‘re doing ok ❤️ 3y
BiblioLitten Hey! Just checking in. Hope you are keeping well. 💕 3y
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The seasons felt like they were changing today. Not only was it an excellent day to listen to the book riot podcast whilst Fox covered Sky in sand but I also got my first vaccination this afternoon- feeling hopeful for Spring #bookriot

Chelsea.Poole Lovely ♥️ 3y
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Don't call me out like this on Instagram, Book Riot! 🙈🙈

CBee 🙋‍♀️ yup! 4y
Seekingtardis Over here too!! 4y
KarouBlue Same!! 4y
Birdsong28 @TrishB Think this sums up your current status. I hope you are ok and will get back to reading soon. I am also having a bit of an issue reading as like you @Sace I am just watching telly and so I am only getting a couple hours a day reading, I thought that I would have more with all this time off but I just can't motivate myself. 4y
TrishB @Birdsong28 some days I read for a couple of hours and I think great I‘m back! Other days I barely read a page and just can‘t focus! Life will return to normal! 😘 hope you‘re ok. 4y
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I‘m guessing many of us are “The Book Friend.” I related to this Book Riot article because I also love recommending books!


Scochrane26 I have a friend who has gotten back into reading after a couple of years where she didn‘t read much. A major component of our friendship is similar reading & tv. I recommend books again, & she has always talked me into good shows. 5y
tjwill @Scochrane26 That‘s wonderful! 5y
AvidReader25 What a wonderful article! 5y
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Finally working on some #litsylove this morning before work. Decided to include some of these in my cards as a fun way get to know everyone better. Conversation starting questions on the back plus a notecard with my answer to add yours to & pass along. Hope that‘s something you will all enjoy. If not, it was fun just answering for all of you. 🤗📚 I work all weekend, but will have some mail going out by Monday! 💕✍🏻💌 #litchat #bookriot

Kerrioke That‘s a cool idea! I really like it ☺️ 5y
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Haven‘t done a photo challenge in awhile, so I‘m going to attempt #Riotgrams this month. Anyone else doing this one for October?

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I had a wonderful time talking books with @shawnmooney 😘


Liatrek Awesome! I enjoyed watching this 😊 6y
erzascarletbookgasm This is delightful, ‘soul reading sisters‘! Congratulations and best wishes on your new business Sisilia! ❤️ 6y
LeahBergen I can‘t wait to watch this! 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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Reggie What a great video!!! @sisilia You are so adorable!!!! And you totally sold me on Beauty is a Wound. 6y
Pelican71 I ❤️ hearing your voices! I didn‘t know that @shawnmooney had a channel and an accent 🙈. Y‘all sold me on 6y
Lindy @Pelican71 Your comment about @shawnmooney having an accent made me giggle (as another person with a Canadian accent). It‘s all about perspective. 😁 6y
Lindy @erzascarletbookgasm I like the ‘soul reading sisters‘ part too. It‘s true! Sisilia, your new business sounds like a good idea. You‘ve inspired me to check out stationery shops when I visit Japan next year. 6y
sisilia @Liatrek @LeahBergen Thank you 😘 6y
sisilia @erzascarletbookgasm @Lindy Thank you! And yes, “soul reading sisters” sounds so cool and it made me giggle 😆 6y
sisilia @Lindy Just go to LOFT and ITOYA at Ginza if you are in Tokyo. They have everything! 6y
Lindy @sisilia Thanks for the tip! 😊 6y
sisilia @Pelican71 @Reggie Thank you! I hope you‘ll enjoy the book. It‘s interestingly weird 😁 6y
Pelican71 @Lindy 😬 I found it pleasing 🙂. This coming from a southerner who‘s a former military brat. 6y
emilyhaldi NYRB bookclub sounds fun!!! Great idea ❤️ 6y
sisilia @emilyhaldi Yeahh there‘s a need for a club for good books 😁 Shall I make it online too? For Litsy and all... 6y
LauraBeth Well you are simply delightful and I enjoyed hearing you talk about books 😀 6y
Suet624 This was so fun to watch!!!! Thank you for sharing. 6y
sisilia @LauraBeth @Suet624 Thank you 🤗😘 6y
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What a delight to meet @sisilia this weekend! 😍😍 We made a video! 😘😘


CouronneDhiver This is a fun surprise! 👏🏽👏🏽 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I enjoyed watching the video, and hearing both your book recommendations! 6y
LeahBergen I can‘t wait to watch this! 😍😍 6y
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emilyhaldi Fun!! 👏🏻 6y
Cinfhen This was FUN ❣️❣️❣️love u both 6y
CouronneDhiver Thanks for the YouTube update... I was wondering where you disappeared to! Feel better soon ☕️ 6y
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I finished my @bookriot #readharder challenge for 2018. Wahoo!!! 🎉

LauraBeth WOW! It‘s not even Mid-April! 👏👏👏👏 6y
MarriedtoMrT Congratulations 🎉 6y
Reviewsbylola Great job!! 6y
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Book riot is giving away 10 copies of this game thought I‘d leave this here so you guys can enter too :) https://bookriot.com/2018/04/05/win-a-copy-of-lit-chat/ Each of the 50 cards in this conversation deck is printed with two reading-themed questions (100 questions total). Some invoke books that are tied to memories (name your favorite childhood picture book); others prompt you to choose ideal reading material for a hypothetical situation.

wanderinglynn Thanks for sharing the link! 6y
Carolhreads @wanderinglynn you‘re welcome :) 6y
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Hey Littens - I got a copy of @bookriot ‘s #LitChat a few months ago and I think it would be fun to post one every Saturday morning for people to ponder and post about. I‘ll post a card using the tag #litchaturday and will be looking forward to your answers!

Valeka Fun!!! 6y
Magpiegem Good idea! 6y
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candority 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 nicely done! 6y
Oryx Fab! 6y
eraderneely @Oryx Thanks!!! 6y
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#riotgrams Day 7: Black writers. Some absolute favorites in here and one new buy I am excited to read!

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#riotgrams Day 4: A selection of #purple books.

LibrarianRyan I love the purple shadow and bone. British edition? 6y
eraderneely @LibrarianRyan Yep. I love it too. 6y
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#riotgrams Day3: Naked Hardcovers 😳

Natasha.C.Barnes 😂😂😂 nicely done 6y
somebooksaround 😂🙌🙌 this is great 6y
eraderneely @Natasha.C.Barnes Why thank you! I was very amused by the prompt. 6y
eraderneely @josteele Thanks! It was so much fun. 6y
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One more photo challenge that started yesterday! #Riotgrams @bookriot

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So, I inevitably fail these monthly challenges, but this one looks like fun, and I thought, why not? Shelfie pics coming soon! #riotgrams

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Mommamanzi I‘m in love! 6y
Linsy Beautiful! 6y
shelbyy Love it! 😍 6y
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eraderneely @Mommamanzi @Linsy @shelbyy15 Thanks!!! I ❤️ my 📚! 6y
Christy Awesome. 6y
DivineDiana Fabulous! 6y
eraderneely Thanks @DivineDiana ! It‘s my favorite room in the house. 6y
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I finally gave in and joined Book Riot Insiders. So excited!!!

BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m contemplating this too, but wonder if I‘d really use it. 6y
brennahawleycraig I use it for the new release index. I think it‘s fun to browse and add them to my TBR. @BarbaraTheBibliophage (edited) 6y
Julsmarshall I really enjoy it! 6y
RobinW I am in the fence about this too. I wonder if I would use it after the initial excitement plus my TBR list is already crazy. I may join one of these days. 6y
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#MBSCChat of course we did!! See mine in the comment :-)

RinaBrahmbhattBarot I bought for sis :) 7y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot I bought for my kiddie! Not this book literally, but word cross puzzle! She loves it :) 7y
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RinaBrahmbhattBarot I bought several for my #SecretSantaBookSwap :-) 7y
Lmstraubie Yup ☺️ One Christmas book to each of my boys on Christmas Eve & One again for each son & my husband on Christmas day 🎄 7y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot @Lmstraubie wow! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 book gifts are the best :) 7y
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#MBSCChat Of course we did, right? What was on your wish list?

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#MBSCChat Do tell, we want to know :-)

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Breaking open my Lit Chat box! Per the suggestion of @Kaylamburson, I'm planning on periodically posting one of their discussion questions. #litchat

First card asks: "What do you love most about books?"

Looking forward to hearing your answers!

LitLogophile Oh, wow ... probably the opportunity to learn about things that I could never experience due to time, distance, and impossibility. I always feel as if I‘m improving myself. 7y
ScientistSam @LitLogophile that's so true! I think for me, it's the chance to escape and experience things and worlds and times I never could otherwise. 7y
vivastory I don't think I can pick one thing I get from books as my absolute favorite. Probably that it allows for experiences & meeting people I otherwise wouldn't. 7y
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ScientistSam @vivastory that's fair! It's so hard to choose... 7y
RebelReader What I love most about books is possibilities/potential. I never know where I may go and who I might meet. This may be why my TBR shelf is overflowing! 📚📚📚 7y
Notafraidofwords That it helps me cope with my anxiety and depression ! 7y
Joybishoptx What I love about books are the stories. Even if it's non fiction, it's a story of something. 7y
ScientistSam @Notafraidofwords that's such a wonderful thing! 7y
AmandaL I just ordered this for my mom! 7y
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Stack 2 of 2 from this weekend. And I got to meet another Litten, @Kaylamburson !

robinb That‘s so cool! Was your meeting a happy accident or prearranged? ❤️ 7y
Kaylamburson Ohhh the tagged book sounds great! You should post some prompts!! 7y
ScientistSam @robinb I found out about the book sale from her post on Litsy! 7y
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ScientistSam @Kaylamburson that's a great idea! 7y
robinb @ScientistSam that‘s so great! 7y
Kaylamburson Yeah, it'll be a fun, interactive way to use the book! 7y
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Full disclosure: I took the questions asked on every episode of the @DrunkBooksellers podcast and adapted them for the rest of us. Share the picture, answer the prompts, and tag me so I can see everyone's choices!

1. The Complete Stories of Flannery O'Connor
2. To Kill a Mockingbird
3. You Are Here (so what if it's a coloring book)
4. I'm glad the Divergent series ended the way it did.
5. Furiously Happy
6. The Thorn Birds


RaimeyGallant 2 for me is 7y
Suet624 Great responses. 7y
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Omg I love this game. We got them in my store today and I couldn‘t resist buying them.

Ashley_Nicoletto I would love this! I just don't have other bookish people to play with. 😭 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Ashley_Nicoletto Me either! 😭 I guess that's why a bunch of us flocked to Litsy 🤷‍♀️ 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto @Riveted_Reader_Melissa exactly! People always say "whoa you read so much... you're crazy..." ??? I find this so insulting. Where are all the other bookish people I need in life?! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Ashley_Nicoletto I don‘t know, but I‘d like to find them too! 7y
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YESSSSSSS!!! I forgot this was getting delivered today, loooong stressful day at work 😒 but I am so excited for this! Read my husband a few of the questions (literary teamed vacation in our future??) we need to play!
#litchat #bookriot

Cinfhen Looks like a winner!!! 7y
minkyb Mine arrived but I have not opened yet! 7y
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Inordinately excited about this!