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Lover Reborn. J.R. Ward
Lover Reborn. J.R. Ward | J R Ward
In the darkest corners of the night in Caldwell, New York, a conflict like no other rages. The city is home to a band of brothers born to defend their race: the warrior vampires of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Now back in the Brotherhood, Tohrment is physically emaciated and heartbroken beyond despair.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this escapist vampire soap opera. It didn't have the ending I would have picked, but I was really engrossed in the story so I had to give it four stars.

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Nearly 60% through this and I know I'll have to take a break from the #BlackDaggerBrotherhood afterwards.


TheSpineView Love this series! 💜 2y
GingerAntics You poor dear!!! You‘ll need some John and Blay after that ending. 2y
julesG @GingerAntics maybe I binged them too fast. I just wasn't listening properly to what was going on. It's the same old "avoid talking about what's going on" then "some fighting" then "planning a coup" with some "make out sessions" in between. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG lol that‘s fair. The political intrigue doesn‘t happen until The King. This book has some of the best unusual things. Although there are some pretty good arguments between Wrath and Beth. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG the book I‘m on now switched between Wrath and his parents actually. It‘s interesting to see the parallel between the two stories and seeing how our Wrath became who he is and why he became a brother. 2y
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This one is a real long and winding road for Tohr and for the reader. It has a lot of heartbreak, a lot of pain, some funny moments (come on an Angel obsessed with Maury and Real Housewives?!), even some tears. It was also interesting to see the funerary practices within this amazing world. It was also really nice to have such a happy ending, and not just for Tohr. Finally.
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverReborn

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Anti-Avon Lady 🤣😂🤣
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverReborn

AkashaVampie Haha love it. My mom used to sell Avon. She wasn't the typical one tho. 2y
GingerAntics @AkashaVampie 😂🤣😂 did she look like a member of the black dagger brotherhood? Or maybe the blind vampire king?! 2y
AkashaVampie @GingerAntics No... no she did not. Just a short older lady that didn't push u to buy things. 2y
GingerAntics @AkashaVampie she sounds awesome! 2y
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Because obviously I can‘t get enough… even when Penguin Audio drives me nuts!!! I fear this is going to be a tough one with poor Tohr being forced to find a new mate. Why did they tell me that in the bloody description?!
#jrward #BlackDaggerBrotherhood #LoverReborn

GingerAntics @julesG just this book stands between me and the one (known) book with a non-hetero couple. The couple I know that book is about still isn‘t even talking yet so it‘ll be interesting to see how their storylines progresses within this story as well. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG PS the cover model is 🥵 on this one. That is all. 2y
julesG I'm at 63% of No 7, Lover Avenged 2y
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julesG When Tohr has to find a new mate, why doesn't Havers have to find one? Okay, he's no brother, but for the future of the race... 2y
GingerAntics @julesG right? It really feels like they should all be sleeping around. 🤣😂🤣 2y
GingerAntics @julesG from the description of the book (so no spoilers) Wellsie comes to him in a dream that she‘s trapped in the fade somewhere and the only way to rescue her is to let her go and find love again. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I‘m not sure. It will be interesting to see where this goes. I guess we shall see. 2y
julesG Regular orgies might be a good idea. For the future of the race, of course. 2y
GingerAntics @julesG that sounds like the best idea, really. Just try to have all the females pregnant all the bloody time. Wait… that‘s not right either… Hm… only the ones who want to be pregnant. 2y
julesG And definitely get over being gay and get a female with child, because the future of the race... 2y
julesG We should put it on a t-shirt 2y
GingerAntics @julesG just sex with everyone. You can be with your gay mate and a woman at the same time. Bam, problem solved. Everyone with everyone. It‘s all good. 2y
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#Scarathon2020 @StayCurious #TeamHarkness
@Screamathon2020 @4thhouseontheleft

This is my kind of vampires. This is book ten in the series. I read the other nine fairly quickly a few years ago then got distracted by other books I wanted to read. So glad I came back. I love the world they are set in and the characters are fabulous. Makes me want my own vampire! 😂 4.5 ⭐

Points = 26

Sresendez12 Love J. R. Ward! 4y
Twainy I read the first one, shared it with several friends, they have read them all! I loved book #1 but just haven‘t gotten back to them. Good book & I hear The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a great series 😈 4y
TheSpineView @Sresendez12 🖤🧛‍♀️ 4y
TheSpineView @Twainy I have enjoyed this series! 💜 4y
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After a year of avoiding romance novels I really want to get back to this series.

CoverToCoverGirl Just started reading it on Chapter 4! 😊😎 5y
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OMG this is the BEST series ever!!! On book 10 and still loving it!
#bookobsession #book #booklover #bdb #blackdaggerbrotherhood #jrward #obessed #currentlyreading #bookslut

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If only I could stay home reading and avoiding life.

CouronneDhiver 😆 totally! 6y
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I was shocked when I saw that my kindle does this now!! It's the 8th gen basic kindle.

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Gas emergencies don't take the day off. So I'm in the office all night. At least I have a book. Have a safe 4th everyone. #readthroughthe4th

josie281 And a great book at that! Sorry about your being in office! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks for working and being there for people with emergencies!! I work in the er so I know how you feel! I'm off today, but I've had to work many a holiday! 😘 7y
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I was disappointed in the last one I read, so I was a little nervous about continuing the series. I loved Tohrment though, and I'm really excited to finally get to Quinn and Blay's story!

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My #tbrtuesday TBR pile that's been TBR for a while. These are right next to my bed, which is where most of my reading takes place these days, but I usually only read from my kindle as it's easier to fall asleep reading with. I keep finding other books to be interested in and excited about. Maybe someday, I'll finally get to these #bookworldproblems

thec0zy Great stack!! 📚📚 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa A very great stack, but I find myself doing the same.... the ones I own in hardcover wait on my side table for ages, while ebooks from the library pass through my kindle all the time. 7y
Smashlee I see Armada there. Have you read Ready Player One? LOVED that one. I've been hesitant on Armada since I've heard mixed reviews. 7y
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stargazerblue49 @Smashlee I loved Ready Player One! I've started Armada twice and haven't finished. It's good (what I've was of it), but not as good as RPO. Poor guy set himself up for failure because his debut was just so awesome! I frequently start and don't finish books that I am enjoying at the time, so I don't think that's necessarily a sign that it's bad. 🤷🏽‍♀️ (edited) 7y
stargazerblue49 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think it's one of those things where I know I have access to the books that I own, but I only have he library books available for a finite amount of time. Maybe? 7y
stargazerblue49 @thec0zy Thanks! The bottom half is showing off my current space/sci-fi phase that came out of nowhere! 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @stargazerblue49 Oh I know that's it! The O have to read it versus, the it's there when I get to it. Odd, but exactly what it is. (edited) 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Smashlee @stargazerblue49 I loved both RPO and Armada...they are both very good, you just can't compare them to each other. By the way, the audiobook is read by Wil Wheaton, and very good. Maybe try checking out the audiobook at the library to give you a boost and get you started. 7y
Smashlee I had the Wil Wheaton audio for RPO and it was awesome! Does he do Armada too? @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Smashlee Yes! He narrates both! And he's great at it. 7y
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A good January #januarystats

britt_brooke Nice! 👏🏻 7y
stargazerblue49 Darn it. I really need to read Tohr's book so I can get on with the rest of the series. Got stuck on it a few years ago and I haven't been able to pick back up with the books. But I love them! 7y
Lauren_reading @stargazerblue49 That's where I was - it took me 4 years to read it and now I'm mad that I waited that long 😀 7y
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JoRead I stopped at book 6 about 2 years ago and haven't been able to pick it up again. I was so upset at where the story was going that I decided to take a break. Perhaps it's time to return to that world since she's back to the originals with the "Legacy" series. 7y
DebinHawaii Great month!! 🎉📚👍 7y
melbeautyandbooks Way to go! 7y
stargazerblue49 @JoRead I think thats why I haven't been able to read Tohr's book. I'm. It over what happened yet, lol. 7y
stargazerblue49 @LaurenReads I have heard that from more than one person - maybe need to make it a goal for this year! 7y
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Why did I wait over 4 years to read this?!?! I think the length put me off, but I love every one of her books and this one is no different. Such an amazing, fun and heart wrenching series. #bdb #romantsy #litsyreadingchallenge #ontbrover1year

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This was so sad! But I'm so glad that Thor made peace with his past. And kinda hopeful to see what happens with Layla and Xcor in the future. I feel some redemption for him!

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My #januarytbr - at least these are the ones from the library/ones I own that I should get to this month 😀 #readjanuary

Lacythebookworm The Wonder is a nice read! 😊 8y
valeriegeary Tell the wolves!! One of my faves! 🙌 8y
readordierachel I second @valeriegeary. Tell the Wolves I'm Home is fantastic! 8y
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LiteraryinLawrence I liked Tell the Wolves too! 8y
Heatherfeather Lover Reborn!!! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really need to catch up on my Guild Hunters too, I think I stopped at the same one you are. 8y
Mommamanzi Lover reborn ❤❤❤. 8y
mcipher Tell the Wolves is fantastic. 8y
Gulfsidemusing Loved Tell the Wolves I'm Home❣️ 8y
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Bought a new book. Still reading Lover Mine at the moment but I'm prepared if I ever need to do a ton of reading.


The quick and the dead are all the same, everyone is just looking for home.

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This series is AMAZEBALLS!! Love BDB!

Blair_Reads ❤️ this photo! 8y
AngelErin @Blair_Reads Thank you!! 😀😀 8y
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Day 2 of #augustofpages ! I don't read romance often anymore, but in high school I was all about the vampire romance novels (except Twilight)! These are literally the only romance books I have in my apartment at the moment because I was trying to get back into this series after falling off for the last couple of years. Oh, Brothers, I will be able to handle Tohr moving on with his life someday ❤️💉😘

TheSpinecrackersBookClub The books are beautiful! 8y
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My favorite series of all time - only 2 on hand since the rest are lent out - Black Dagger Brotherhood. Ward is amazing! #24in48 #readathon

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