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The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut's Windlass
The Cinder Spires: The Aeronaut's Windlass | Jim Butcher
Jim Butcher, the #1New York Timesbestselling author of The Dresden Files and the Codex Alera novels, conjures up a new series set in a fantastic world of noble families, steam-powered technology, and magic-wielding warriors Since time immemorial, the Spires have sheltered humanity, towering for miles over the mist-shrouded surface of the world. Within their halls, aristocratic houses have ruled for generations, developing scientific marvels, fostering trade alliances, and building fleets of airships to keep the peace. Captain Grimm commands the merchant ship,Predator. Fiercely loyal to Spire Albion, he has taken their side in the cold war with Spire Aurora, disrupting the enemys shipping lines by attacking their cargo vessels. But when thePredatoris severely damaged in combat, leaving captain and crew grounded, Grimm is offered a proposition from the Spirearch of Albionto join a team of agents on a vital mission in exchange for fully restoringPredatorto its fighting glory. And even as Grimm undertakes this dangerous task, he will learn that the conflict between the Spires is merely a premonition of things to come. Humanitys ancient enemy, silent for more than ten thousand years, has begun to stir once more. And death will follow in its wakeFrom the Hardcover edition.
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I finished this very late last night. Stuff was happening and I couldn't stop reading! Interestingly I never would have chosen this based on the cover. (I know. I KNOW!) A friend loaned it to me thinking I would like it. He wasn't wrong! I'm also told it is based on a d&d game the author played. Anyway if you like good vs evil, taking cats, crazy wizards, crystals, strong women characters, and fighting flying ships this might be your thing too.

iread2much Awesome photo! And I love all those things but I hated his Dresden series. If you‘ve read those, would you say this is better? I thought Dresden was an awful character 5mo
bookishbitch @iread2much I've not read any Dresden. Some people have said his writing about women in this series is way better. 5mo
iread2much @bookishbitch ah, that‘s good to know! 5mo
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I never would have chosen this book from the cover. I have to say though I'm really enjoying it. A friend thought I would like it and he wasn't wrong. This is a good lesson for me that sometimes I shouldn't judge the book based on the cover. (Tea is from Chapters called A Date with Mr. Darcy. The scone is cinnamon raisin. Both were delicious.)

Pruzy Chapters as in the Canadian bookstore chain?? 5mo
bookishbitch @Pruzy I'm unsure if they are associated. Their website is drinkchapters.com 5mo
Pruzy @bookishbitch Nope! Something different then, it‘s just funny because some locations of the Canadian bookstore chain Indigo are called Chapters (others are called Indigo, Indigo Spirit or Coles 😆). It‘s a long story, I think it has to do with consolidation with other bookstore chains in the past and different locations having different names based on size. 5mo
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My current read. It's thick and a bit of a struggle because so many details are missing without reading, but its worthy. Lots of characters to track.

But it has a POV of a cat, so it can't be all bad.

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Jim Butcher does it again. I love his characters, their relationships, his cats. The way you know everyone is still in deep peril even after a victory. My 1 criticism is to see more diversity. There is definitely a strong similarity between his heroes: Grimm, Harry and Tavi and I love them all for it. This book was great. Steam punky, aeronauts, good and bad guys, flying ships, creatures that live above. Can‘t wait to read the next one.

monkeygirlsmama I've always meant to read Butcher, but still have yet to do so. One of these days. 8mo
andreadmw @monkeygirlsmama I‘ve enjoyed all his different series so far. Each is unique but also very clearly a Butcher book. 8mo
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A friend loaned this to me. Apparently it stemmed from a D&D game the author played.

CatLass007 Jim Butcher is an excellent author! This book is the first in a series. Warriorborn is book 1.5 and there‘s a second book that I haven‘t read yet but it is in my library. He is best known for the Dresden Files (not a very good TV show). The first book in the series is Storm Front and the Dresden Files is an ongoing series. Harry Dresden is the only wizard in the Chicago phone book. He has finished a 6-book series, Codex Alera. The first (cont)⬇️ 8mo
CatLass007 book in that series is Furies of Calderon. And, as an added bonus, his son, James J. Butcher is a published author. 8mo
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This was #MoreMehThanYeah - 600+ pages of bland characters and a plot that didn't make a lot of sense, and talking cats. It was a chore to get through.

Read this #ARC because I liked Butcher's Dresden Files and because the second book in the series was published on 7th November (my next #NetGalley #ARC).

#SeriesLove2023 @TheSpineView @Andrew65
#NovelNovember #readathon

TheSpineView Bummer! 10mo
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Action from the beginning with nonstop battles in close quarters and on airships. A steampunk world where gadgets are powered by crystals, people live in massive stone towers because the ground isn‘t habitable and monsters are afoot. A sinister plot leads to attacks and mayhem. Oh, yeah and there‘s a talking cat 🐈

Story: 5/5
Characters: 4/5 (I wasn‘t thrilled with one ‘good guy‘ because she was a PITA but by the end, she grew on me.

Seekingtardis I loved this too!! I just wish he would write more already!! 3y
MrsHood What‘s a PITA? 2y
The_Literary_Jedi @MrsHood - Pain In The Arse 🙂 2y
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This is what happens when you‘ve gotta clean out your odds-and-ends dresser in advance of a big remodel. I destroyed so many floppy discs today, friends. SO. MANY.

I listened to the tagged book while I plugged away. It‘s another from the Hugos list, and while I like it more than the three Dresden Files I soldiered my way through, I‘m not sure it‘s got the spark. Plus, I think it‘s a series-opener without sequels. #audiocleaning

xicanti Please note Bobby the Demon Monkey Clown, centre left. He survived the purge, even though I was batshit terrified of him when I was a baby. 4y
twohectobooks Remodeling of the dresser? 4y
xicanti @twohectobooks remodelling of the basement in which the dresser resides. 4y
Texreader Oh gosh I can only imagine how many floppy disks are floating around in my world! 4y
twohectobooks @xicanti nice! I‘m planning some furniture refinishing so I have that stuck in my head 4y
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🎧 Nope! It took me 2 weeks to force myself to finish this book. I‘ve found a genre I don‘t care for, it‘s whatever this is. I LOVE The Dresden Files 🖤🖤🖤 this is not that. Decent writing (hence a star) and the main talking cat & monsters were great!! I even enjoyed a few bits & pcs but I feel ambivalence for 90% of this book. Let down, disappointed ... BUT ... Just because it‘s not my jam doesn‘t mean it‘s not yours. ⭐️⭐️1/5


Book 22 of the year

I really enjoyed this one. I'm excited to find a new series that is really enjoyable and creates a unique new world. His world-building really just throws you into it without much introduction, so it's a bit hard to figure it out, but I am already looking forward to a re-read when I know the setting better and will pick up a lot more nuance.

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Did some #audiogardening on weds and got three bee balm out of the monster in the middle to try to fill out the places where I usually put perennials. I‘m... not sure what I‘m going to do with all this bee balm down the road, but I guess that‘s a problem for next year! Having some major feels with this relisten- Rowl & his relationship with Bridget remind me so much of my childhood kitty Frodo, and I love every pushy, loving, arrogant minute.

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This book just kind of throws you into a new world with very little context at all, but once you get your head above the clouds you can make out what's going on. I think I'm going to really enjoy re-reading this one in the future when I can get more out of it.

Meanwhile, I'm falling in love with Folly, her quirks, and how she views the world. 😍

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“DISAPPOINTED!” *ahem* okay so here‘s the thing. I am not in the best headspace right now... i didn‘t enjoy this book. I enjoyed bits. BITS. Like maybe 50 pages out of nearly 700+ ... sigh. I really wanted to love this one. But for right now, I don‘t.
⭐️⭐️. I am sure that others will enjoy it and even I might enjoy it later on in life. It had great potential But I‘m just not in the right zone for it.

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I‘m a bit behind but this was my first thought for #clouds this book was superb and all about the cities that now live above the clouds! I just need Mr. Butcher to give us the next Harry book so that we can get book 2!! #springintoreading @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

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First book of the year. I love Butcher‘s Dresden Files, and was keen to get into this one. A bit slow to start, and some of the characters are more compelling than others. But there‘s certainly enough to keep me interested in the Cinder Spires series, particularly Rowl.

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Grocery store had this for under four bucks. Score!

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A fabulous fantasy set in a steampunk world of airships and magic. The novel is told from multiple points of view as a couple of female guard recruits team up with a grizzled airship captain, an aetherealist (wizard), and a talking cat on a daring mission. Adventure and humor abound!
#dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #fantasy #steampunk #readingbuddy

GrilledCheeseSamurai I've enjoyed the Dresden books quite a bit. Keep meaning to try this series as well. 7y
Elizabeth_Chatsworth @GrilledCheeseSamurai I liked the Dresden books too. I hope you like this new series! 7y
Cinfhen Hi BOO ❤️ 7y
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Elizabeth_Chatsworth @Cinfhen Boo the Yorkie: Hiya Cindy! 🐶🐶🐶 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Great book! 7y
Elizabeth_Chatsworth @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Agreed! I'm looking forward to the next in the series. 😀 7y
ReadingRover Omg Boo is so picture perfect! She doesn‘t even look real! I love her! 7y
tonyahoswalt I've been wanting to read this, just haven't gotten around to it! 7y
Elizabeth_Chatsworth @ReadingRover Thank you! Boo loves to photo bomb every shot! 😀 7y
Elizabeth_Chatsworth @tonyahoswalt It's good old fashioned fantasy, with airships and aether gauntlets! 7y
tonyahoswalt @Elizabeth_Chatsworth sounds right up my alley! 7y
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Everyone always begs everyone's pardon, but I've never seen a pardon. Is it near the spleen?

AbbaZabba02 I'm a few years behind you but I just added this quote. It made me laugh, I love Folly. 4y
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Audio books don't make for interesting pictures the way physical books do. 😓 #Currentread


Just started this one on audio. Not something I can multitask while listening! Lots going on at all times.

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon And here's a compilation of Litsy tips that a bunch of us put together:
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Guys, I did a thing and roasted a whole chicken tonight. #audiocooking

LauraBeth 🙌🙌🤤 7y
Readingnomad1 Looks good! 7y
AlaMich 👍looks yummy!! 7y
Daisey Looks delicious! 7y
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🎧Just started this first-in-series (The Cinder Spires) and although I will finish it, it is unlikely I will continue with the series: I love the idea of Steampunk pirates, adventure (of course it has something to do with flight crystals!) and the world Butcher created; BUT there's a lot of boring nautical jargon, Dresden-type magic, and the audiobook narrator sounds like a pissy Brit who then makes all the characters sound like pissy Brits...

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I little #TBT today...two years ago this week I was spending my summer elder sitting my grandmother, and reading some short serious books and some fun escapist reads to pass the time. Three very different reads for sure. But out of the 3 I'd definitely recommend The Aeronaut's Windlass!

monkeygirlsmama I really liked the Great Zoo. 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @monkeygirlsmama Yes, it was a fun twist on Jurassic Park with Dragons. 🐉 7y
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I love the story and fast pace adventure. The fantasy seems to model eighteen century ships on the air but i like that the female leads aren't wearing corsets and having tea. Downside:the sentient talking cats cross the line some times from proud and selfish to ridiculous, and the main villain is a bit too close to cold "bitchy" evil lady from a fifties black noir film. Otherwise, great fun!

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This is my very favorite #awholenewworld Butcher is great and I'm very ready for book 2!!! #jubilantjuly @RealLifeReading

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Because Half Price Books was cheap and you can Never have enough books. #BookHaul

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A Story with talking cats! I'm just so there for it🐯😍😍Also, they sound like real cats that would be willing to say, kill an enemy in their sleep for insulting people they are loyal to. Acting in a delightfully aggressive and menacing manner.....So far I am loving it!

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"Grimm strode towards the Spirearch's Manor, his booted steps striking the stone floor with sharp, clear impacts, and reminded himself that murdering the idiot beside him in an abrupt surge of joyous violence would be in extremely bad taste."

-#theaeronautswindlass by #jimbutcher

#fantasy #steampunk #magic #quote

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Today I realised that my #tbrpile was waaay too high. So due to indecision I'm going against my own resolutions on reading only things I've never read before, and am hereby rereading one of my absolute fantasy-favourites: #theaeronautswindlass by #jimbutcher 😇😎😍

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#sequelplease !!!!! Mr. Butcher I know you are extra busy on Peace Talks and I'm soooo HAPPY about that but sir, could we please get the second Cinder Spires post haste!! 😅😂🤣😢😪😭 #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I'd take sequels to any of his series! Or all! 7y
Seekingtardis @Riveted_Reader_Melissa 🙌🏻 preach!! I got my dad all the Dresden Files on audio for Christmas and after listening to all 15 (!!!!!) he was like what do you mean there are no more yet!? Lol 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Seekingtardis I completely agree, that's when I started with the short stories. Side Jobs, etc and then of course The Aeronaut's Windlass 7y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Soon I'll have to read his other series, just for my fix.. 7y
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Same book different location (and I'm not wearing my PJs anymore 😉) #readingSunday #mightfinishthebook #coffeebooksandcake

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It's Sunday, 10am and I'm still in my PJs, but at the same time I'm on a secret mission on board an Albion airship. The multiple lives of avid readers 😃

TrishB That sounds perfectly acceptable 😀 7y
Katerina I thought so too, @TrishB 😊 7y
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I was sure I wanted to get into The Name of the Wind next, but now The Aeronaut's Windlass has caught my eye. Hmmmm...decisions, decisions. #readersindecision #luxuryproblems

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I've loved everything I've ever read by Jim Butcher, but I just couldn't get into this one. It was just too mechanical for me. #dnf

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Day 14: steampunk

I loved this book!

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🌟I'm #currentlyreading #theaeronautswindlass by #jimbutcher and (I'm not far in yet) I'm having a hard time getting into it. I love the Dresden series, but this one just may not be for me. I'm reading it for a genre challenge so I have to finish it and hopefully it will get better for me. Has anyone else read it? What did you think??🌟

missevievelyn I read it in August! I have to admit I really didn't enjoy it, one of the lowest ratings I've given this year 😆I found it just really boring and bland. The only good part was all the cats. 8y
Seekingtardis I listened to this on one audio and loved it but I don't think I would have ever been able to get into it by "reading". It does get a lot better and by the end I was ready for book two. But Dresden is by far, much better!! 8y
the_hibernator It picked up as it went along, though it's a long book if you're not interested 8y
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Foxyfictionista Do you actually have a sword? Because I'm super jealous and Christmas is coming up. I may need to amend my list... 8y
DuckOfDoom I really loved that book, but I love the genre, too. Have you tried the audiobook? I liked the narrator and it was really fun to listen to 8y
AngelErin @missevievelyn So far I'm not enjoying it either. 😬😬 8y
AngelErin @Seekingtardis That's good that it got better, hopefully I'll like it better as it goes along! 8y
AngelErin @Foxyfictionista Yes, that's a real sword! 😀 8y
AngelErin @DuckOfDoom That's a good idea, but I'm not really an audiobook person. I get distracted and then miss what is happening. 😂 8y
AngelErin @the_hibernator It is SOOOO long! Lol 😂 8y
Abby-J I'm glad I'm not the only one who couldn't get into this book. 8y
AngelErin @Abby-J It was so not for me! 😬 8y
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Ok so I have a thing for Jim Butcher. His characters are always nicely laid out. Always has great plot. I didn't find this near as good as the Dresden series, (no talking skull), but I'm ready for the next in the series! First 3 chapters are kind of slow but then you find yourself completely in the story.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I really enjoyed this one too! 8y
Kiki1 Me too, I need to check to see if book 2 is out yet. 8y
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I loved this book. Interesting characters, great story, honestly I can't think of anything I didn't like about this book and look forward to the sequel.

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Cats are so dramatic.

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A #characterIdDressUpAs is Folly from the Cinder Spires series. I loved the character and the strange outfits she wore.

Seekingtardis I LOVE THIS BOOK!!! I'm anxiously bitting my nails for #2!! Folly is fabulous!! I'll wear crystals anytime! 😍🦄 8y
DuckOfDoom @Seekingtardis Me, too. I want the sequel more that I want another Dresden Files! 8y
Seekingtardis Hahaha! I don't know I've missed Harry! How about both!! Lol 8y
the_hibernator This was s fantastic book! 8y
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This might become my favourite Jim Butcher series yet. I'm saying that with caution since it's only the first book, but I have a feeling it will be. The characters were amazing and the story is intruiging. Butcher takes time to set up the story, then takes the characters and by extention you by surprise. He's just a little too fond of situations that seem hopeless, only for the characters to be rescued at the last second.

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"Rowl, my friend, you are at times a perfect little monster."
Rowl gave his tail a disdainful flick. "I am a perfect everything."

#SockSunday with cat socks appropriate for this quote. Rowl, if you hadn't noticed, is a cat.


All in all, a fun romp of a tale, beautifully setting the stage for more to come. Wonderfully incorporates Naval tradition into a fantasy setting where one could, with enough patience, learn to speak Cat.

One of my favorite parts has to be the conversation towards the end between Gwen and the Captain. As someone who deals with things Normals don't, this completely nailed it. Thank you so much for trying to help other people get it.

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What is the purpose of the vinegar?!

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I know, I am too late for #catsvsdogs but until now I didn't know what to post.
But how could I forget Oberon, dog sidekick in the Iron Druid Chronicles, lover of meat and poodles and also provider of pop-culture references?
Rowl in The Cinder Spires book 1, the Aeronaut's Windlass, was one of the most cat-like cats i have read about and also had an important role in the story. 🐶🐺😍

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Definitely a good novel if you want to get into steampunk. Plus, a good starting point if you want to try reading any of Jim Butcher's novels. Just a great novel in general with strong writing and characters. This receives a 5/5.


Two (probably) badass female protagonists, one sky pirate (?), and a talking cat. I'm 53 pages in and intruiged.


I am a fan of everything about this book except the extended descriptions of maneuvers while the ships fought. It went on for page after page after page, and honestly, I skipped ahead through those pages and did not miss any plot twists. The book could have been 3/4ths as long as it is and would have still be good. Other than that, I loved the characters, loved the setting, loved the plot.

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I'm only on page 13 but I can already tell I am going to love this lead character. #HeadstrongObstinateWoman

MrBook Welcome to @Litsy ! I think you'll like it here 😎👍🏻. 8y
Hornsby78 @MrBook Thanks for the welcome! I'm beta testing the Android app and reporting bugs as they occur. I like this interface much more than Goodreads so I do believe you are correct. I will like it here. 8y
MrBook I was all over GR until I started Litsy. Now it's all over for GR and my GR friends are worried since they never see me on anymore 😂👏🏻👍🏻. 8y
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