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Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict
Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict | Laurie Viera Rigler
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Read Laurie Viera Rigler's posts on the Penguin Blog.After nursing a broken engagement with Jane Austen novels and Absolut, Courtney Stone wakes up and finds herself not in her Los Angeles bedroom or even in her own body, but inside the bedchamber of a woman in Regency England. Who but an Austen addict like herself could concoct such a fantasy? Not only is Courtney stuck in another womans life, she is forced to pretend she actually is that woman; and despite knowing nothing about her, she manages to fool even the most astute observer. But not even her level of Austen mania has prepared Courtney for the chamber pots and filthy coaching inns of nineteenth-century England, let alone the realities of being a single woman who must fend off suffocating chaperones, condom-less seducers, and marriages of convenience. This looking-glass Austen world is not without its charms, however. There are journeys to Bath and London, balls in the Assembly Rooms, and the enigmatic Mr. Edgeworth, who may not be a familiar species of philanderer after all. But when Courtneys borrowed brain serves up memories that are not her own, the ultimate identity crisis ensues. Will she ever get her real life back, and does she even want to?
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#Rushathon #DashingDecember

Read with #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent group. I listened to the audiobook which was fine, but no chapters so very hard to track with the group. I really wanted to like this book, but felt meh. The MC annoyed me & I was left confused about how the time travel/switch was made. Even worse, I‘m not sure the author knew or had a good reason for it. There is a 2nd book & maybe it explains it more but I don‘t care that much.

rubyslippersreads Since I never got around to reading this, maybe your review is a sign I shouldn‘t bother. 😉 9mo
KadaGul @DebinHawaii THIS WAS 💯 TORTURE. If I was not the person who finishes whatever she starts, I would have left this book 📖 by #4 .#TOOPAINFULTOREAD😵‍💫😵‍💫😵😵🫨 9mo
DebinHawaii @KadaGul I didn‘t hate it that much but I think maybe it was due to listening to the audiobook? I think I would have hated it if I read it. 😆 9mo
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KadaGul @DebinHawaii I picked this up from library 📚 book sale for one ☝️ of the libraries Reading 📖 challenges. I thought it was going to be adorable. 🥰 The protagonist irritated me a bit. The story seems little all over the place & the book has weird pace. I think 🤔 I went in with a lot of high ⬆️ hopes. 🫥😩😩 9mo
Andrew65 Well done 🎄🎄🎄 9mo
Teresereading Very muddled, and where was ‘Jane‘? 9mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 9mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent So…did Courtney leave and did Jane return? Or is Courtney in a weird limbo where she‘s not really herself and not really someone else? I hate ambiguous endings. Which person(a) married Edgeworth? Ugh. So many frustrations with this book and the author. I was expecting a love letter to Jane Austen and we got a weird fan fiction instead. ⬇️

StayCurious The author spouted off her frustrations with an unfair society and glossed over what might have been good about it. Were there elements I enjoyed? Of course - but there were a lot of things that I found annoying and even cringey about the main character. I don‘t think I‘ll read the sequel even though there‘s a part of me that‘s curious to see if I like Jane better than Courtney. It‘s not worth it to find out. I enjoyed our discussions though! 9mo
IndoorDame I always enjoy our discussions! But that was an especially weird one 😂 And I agree, the ending was odd and unexpected. 9mo
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vonnie862 Yeah...I did not enjoy the ending. What really happened? I don't want to read the sequel just to get answers. Even though this was not a favorite, I did enjoy the daily discussions. Thanks for hosting @StayCurious ! 9mo
StayCurious @vonnie862 @IndoorDame reading as a group was fun because we all had so much to say about this one haha. 9mo
julieclair I have remained confused throughout this entire book. I‘m even confused by the title - what were her “confessions”? I am not overly fond of books whose main character I dislike, and this book definitely falls into that category. Disappointing. No sequel for me, unless we choose to read it together! 😉 The discussions were fun. 9mo
julieclair Thanks for valiantly leading us through this, @StayCurious ! 😀 9mo
BarkingMadRead That was a bizarre ending. I think they switched back in the end? So crazy 9mo
StayCurious @BarkingMadRead or did they become one? Too vague lol 9mo
Librarybelle This was a really bad book. Thank you for gallantly leading us through it! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Totally agree with your review! I feel like this book may have read better if we were getting both Courtney AND Jane in one book. Maybe I'll check the second book out of the library and just read the epilogue 😂 9mo
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Not what I was expecting but I'm glad to scratch this off the list. It's supposed to be a comedy but it didn't make me laugh. It made me question the main character's actions and it did not really answer my questions about the time travel thing.

#janeadjacent #rushathon @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES #dashingdecember #candylandreadathon @Catsandbooks #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks #teamevergreen #wintergames @Clwojick

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 10mo
Catsandbooks 🍭❄️❤️ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Yeah this one was borderline pan for me. I found Courtney to be SO annoying. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.33-34: well finally. *Finally* Courtney realizes that her actions will have lasting consequences on her life - or Jane‘s life - or both. She sees that she could end up a tragic figure if she‘s not more careful. She‘s also starting to accept the fact that getting home isn‘t as easy as she was hoping. And that maybe, as the fortune teller said - she just needs to be present where she is now. We‘ll finish up tomorrow!

CatLass007 Those raccoons are adorable and the caption you‘ve chosen is hysterically funny. Yes, Courtney finally learns that her actions have consequences for both herself and Jane. Yay! 10mo
vonnie862 Well, at least she made some growth by learning the importance of making good choices. I wonder if Mrs. M is going to find that red bonnet. 10mo
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Teresereading Yes that‘s something at least.it all reads a bit like a dream sequence! I‘ve finished it now and none the wiser. However there is on para in the last chapter that I can relate to. 10mo
Teresereading I love time slip novels, but … (edited) 10mo
julieclair *Finally* for sure! Perfect meme! 😆 I am glad I don‘t have to leave this book feeling like I want to shake her and shout “Wake up!” But I‘m still pretty frustrated with her, for not realizing earlier that her actions have consequences, and not just for herself. 10mo
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Finished this a little early for #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent so I could return it to the library today…

A 21st century woman is transported somehow into a 19th century woman‘s body. As a self-proclaimed lover of Jane Austen novels, you‘d think she‘d get some things right - decorum, social mores. Nope. Courtney/Jane is whiny and seems so clueless on some things it baffled me. Actions have consequences, and yet she doesn‘t quite grasp that. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ I really did not like Courtney; I did have sympathy in the beginning - of course it would be disorienting to time travel! - but it‘s like she never really learned any lesson. The ending was rushed. I did appreciate Courtney‘s stance on leeches! Thanks for leading us through this one, @StayCurious !! Your daily posts helped a lot!!! 10mo
Librarybelle In her own way, Courtney married the #BestOfBothWorlds to adapt to life in the 19th century. I‘ll take that as a win to cover a prompt for #BBRC ! #YeahBaby @LibrarianRyan 10mo
LibrarianRyan 😍 9mo
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I went ahead and snuck in the last chapter along with today‘s 2. I‘m glad this found a happy ending even if it did kinda sneak up out of nowhere. But I think I might like the concept of time travel storylines more than the reality. This is not the first time in recent years that one of these has deeply annoyed me. #janeadjacent @StayCurious

Librarybelle I just finished this too. Completely agree with you! 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #janeAdjacent Ch.31-32: Oy. How embarrassing on all counts. First Courtney acts like a crazy person with Jane Austen (poor Jane!) and basically spews word salad all over the place. What is she thinking going on about future movies?? Then she goes to that god awful party and nearly gets into some very real trouble with that slimy predatory type. What was that? His “cousin” luring innocent virgins to his trap? Gross.⬇️

StayCurious And dumb dumb Courtney almost went along with it because “what the hell?” 🤦‍♀️! She‘s asking to get in a world of trouble. I almost felt like this chapter went too far. (edited) 10mo
Librarybelle I‘m glad this is almost over. Yikes! 10mo
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StayCurious @Librarybelle right? So glad. 10mo
BarkingMadRead Total spiral! First she stalks and practically attacks Jane Austen and then that stunt at the party? Yikes! 10mo
DebinHawaii Definitely a cringey couple of chapters! 🫣🤢😵‍💫 10mo
vonnie862 Aye...Courtney! I get that one gets nervous when meeting someone famous but talking about the future? Really? And the party...yikes. Courtney made poor decisions. She's lucky that she ended up getting the giggle fits. 10mo
julieclair The author must have worked really hard to cram all this cringe-worthy stuff into just two chapters! 😬😆 10mo
IndoorDame That party! I can‘t even with her! Sure, the society is restrictive and she wants a break, but either she‘s actually stuck there and has to really live with the consequences of her actions, or she‘s sticking the real Jane with them, and she doesn‘t seem cognizant of either one. 10mo
SarahBookInterrupted @StayCurious can you add me to the buddy read. I‘ll do a catch up again. I now have the book. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I've just been SO frustrated by the way Courtney acts like she shouldn't need to even try to respect Jane's place in this world. Like @IndoorDame said, even if Courtney makes it back to her own time, that just means she's leaving poor Jane stranded with all Courtney's bad decisions! 10mo
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PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 Congrats! 10mo
Charityann Congrats!!🎉 10mo
Gissy Congratulations!📚📚📚📚🤩👏👏👏👏 10mo
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RaeLovesToRead Woo!!! 10mo
Deblovestoread Well done 🙌🏼🎉 10mo
TheBookgeekFrau Congratulations 🎉🎉 10mo
BookmarkTavern Woohoo! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.29.30: I feel as though Courtney has passed the threshold of what she can handle and now she‘s just grumpy and over it. Granted, I would be disgusted by the dirty roadside inn as well - this author doesn‘t pull punches. But Courtney is also over the behaviours and opinions of everyone around her. She‘s lost whatever rose coloured glasses she had from reading Austen. ⬇️

StayCurious Now she sees the truth of a deeply unfair and unforgiving society. I feel a bit sad - as an Austen fan - that this author doesn‘t deliver any of the romance of the world we‘d expect to see. She‘s peeling back the layers and showing it for what it is. But as an Austen Addict myself I still crave the romance. I hope we see some good soon. 10mo
CatLass007 I guess I‘d be hard pressed to find the romance in the filthy waters at Bath. This might be one of the few books where I‘d enjoy seeing things from the perspective of different people. What‘s going on with Jane and what‘s going on with Courtney. But then the author wouldn‘t have the need to write a sequel. Which I still want to read. I think I might like Jane more than I like Courtney. Of course, I might identify more with Courtney (cont)⬇️ 10mo
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CatLass007 because I‘m a woman of my time. 10mo
IndoorDame I‘m totally willing to believe the inn was awful. But I‘ve also been to 21st century motels with the exact same you feel dirtier after showering and if you could keep driving you‘d get right back on the road vibe. I think this girl (or our author) is just a way too tuned into the unpleasant side of life. Focus on the fascinating parts of being trapped in the Regency era! 10mo
julieclair The author makes the point very clearly that 21st century people would be totally grossed out by the lack of hygiene standards in the Regency era. From our point of view. But honestly, I do wish there was more romance. If I wanted details about rampant germs, I could read a nonfiction book on the era. 😬 10mo
BarkingMadRead #teamromance here as well. I feel like we have a grumpy man hater here, and I‘m hoping that changes soon! We are running out of time! 10mo
vonnie862 I don't mind that the author is peeling back the layers and showing a different side. I mean, I would react the same way if I were transported to the past with a modern mind. I'm a germaphobe so I would act the same way. Is this book advertised as a romance? If so, then yes...the romance is lacking. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I do feel like Courtney is a little harsh on the society as a whole. Yes, women were obviously much more limited in their options, but I think that most men of that era were brought up believing that women deserved to be protected and cared for and many of the restrictions placed on women are based on that rather than an “elaborately structured ploy to lure women into marriage, rob them of financial independence, and turn them into breeders“ ⬇ 10mo
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) You see this genuine concern to protect and provide for the women in their lives in many of Austen's characters, for example, and the contrast presented by the men who fail in their duties (i.e. Mr. Bennet or the Dashwood's brother). While Courtney is correct that women are restricted in that time, I think she is incorrect in assuming that it's part of a giant masculine plot to purposefully squash the lives of all women. 10mo
StayCurious @vonnie862 I don‘t think it‘s advertised as a romance but it‘s what I would expect from reading something where Jane Austen is literally in the title. But I was also referring to the romance of the era - seeing that world through a haze of nostalgia 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.27&28: Mary finally realizes she may have misjudged her brother and she apologizes to him. But although Mary has forgiven Edgeworth, Courtney/Jane is still not certain. What exactly did she witness in the stables? Can she ignore it and give into her attraction for him? Should she be more wary because of her past history (future?) with men? Will Edgeworth keep coming back despite her hot and cold behaviour?

CatLass007 I‘m glad Mary and her brother have reconciled. That was half the battle. Except for Jane‘s evil mother. So maybe their reconciliation was only a third of the battle. 10mo
vonnie862 It's hard to tell what really happened at the stable since Courtney/Jane can't remember everything. I would like to believe Edgeworth is good but Courtney/Jane needs to be cautious, especially when she's not herself. 10mo
BarkingMadRead I‘m still not sure I trust him, I feel like he‘s a bit of a womanizer 10mo
Teresereading The reconciliation was speedy! 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Sorry for missing a day (Xmas party went late) - So Courtney goes to see a fortune teller- the same one Jane saw before they switched-and we got some cryptic info but nothing concrete. But at least we got something. Courtney is also starting to realize that her actions in Jane‘s world have very real consequences.⬇️

StayCurious She also ran into Edgeworth and is more confused about him than ever. And Mary sees her ex who seems just awful! Poor Mary. Maybe her brother was right to thwart the match. 10mo
IndoorDame Hope the party was fun and you‘re not too exhausted! I‘m both relieved we finally have some allusion to the way she got there (I was starting to think we were the crazy ones 🤪) and also suspicious that the entire explanation will be “magic” or “synchronicity” or something else equally vague. 10mo
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StayCurious @IndoorDame I kind of rolled my eyes a bit at the idea of planets aligning at just the right time and weakening the veils of time bit… 10mo
IndoorDame @StayCurious 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
CatLass007 I‘m still going with the Quantum Leap theory. 😁 But I think it‘s a good sign that Courtney is finally realizing that her actions affect Jane. 10mo
julieclair I‘m still pretty confused…. And I was kind of freaked out when the fortune teller‘s assistant came and fetched Courtney out of the crowd. She hadn‘t approached the fortune teller yet, right? Or did I miss something? 🤪🧐 10mo
vonnie862 @julieclair before the switch, Jane saw thr fortune teller so I'm assuming the assistant recognized her. 10mo
vonnie862 You know, the fortune teller and her helpers sounds suspicious. Wasn't there a murder? 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.21-22: I chose this picture for a few reasons. First, Will Poulter is awesome. Second, I‘m confused as to what‘s happening in this book. How Courtney got there, how Jane left, when Jane left, when Jane returned with knowledge of the future? How Jane retuned…sigh. Too many questions. I feel like I‘m in an episode of Lost. ⬇️

StayCurious Third: I‘m watching Courtney act all high and mighty around Mary and calling her a snob for being rude to a servant. I‘m not saying it was right, but this is how things were back then! You can‘t be so judgemental when you‘re basically a tourist in another society. And her getting angry because Mary is trying to preserve her reputation- girl reputation was EVERYTHING back then. You can‘t act like it doesn‘t matter. And that‘s my rant. 10mo
CatLass007 Like being in an episode of Lost… And I watched that show to the bitter end. I couldn‘t even begin to tell you what it was about either. But yes, I definitely can relate to your feelings. 10mo
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IndoorDame Agreed! She‘s not really living up to the Austen fangirl aspect of her character or she‘d definitely be a more contentious visitor to this timeline 10mo
BarkingMadRead Around and around and around we go! 10mo
julieclair @StayCurious Your rant is my rant! I agree with everything you said. 10mo
Librarybelle I‘m struggling with this one. I don‘t like Courtney, and for being an Austen fan, she seems pretty clueless about social mores, some of which are mentioned in Austen. 10mo
vonnie862 Yeah, Courtney is something. BTW, the whole scene with the healing waters sounded very gross. 10mo
TheAromaofBooks I was thinking the same thing @StayCurious - it felt so insensitive to expect Mary to magically think the exact opposite of everything she has ever been taught. It was when Courtney graciously “forgave“ her and said they could still be friends that really had me 🙄 🙄 🙄 10mo
Teresereading It‘s like a spoof of a mash-up. Everyone seems to have has a name from an Austen novel which just adds to my disorientation. I‘m as confused as Courtney … How did she get there and where is Jane? And then there‘s the Barne‘s backstory?? (edited) 10mo
Teresereading However I did like the explanation about the Pump Room process, I didn‘t really know what that was about before. But the taking the waters scene- 🤢 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.19-20: While Courtney is reeling from Jane‘s memory of Edgeworth, Mary takes her to Bath to help get her mind off things. Courtney is elated to be going anywhere without Mrs.M and Edgeworth. But Bath is of course a special place to her. But she should be wary - She‘ll be around more people and in greater society than she has been so far. More chances to say something or act in a way she shouldn‘t.

vonnie862 It's interesting that she is feeling Jane's feelings. I guess they are really integrated in Jane's body. Let's see how things go for her in Bath. 10mo
julieclair It seems like as time goes on, she is becoming more and more Jane, and Courtney is receding a bit. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.17-18: interesting- Mary Edgeworth dislikes her brother - so much so that she tells Jane of her suspicions that he is a libertine - scandalous stuff too. And then silly Courtney confides in this woman she barely knows. I mean - that‘s obviously going to bite her in the bum…trust no one! Especially in a society where people rarely say what they truly mean.

IndoorDame I was mostly sympathetic to Courtney up to now, but wow! Spilling her secret was monumentally stupid, and trying to give Edgeworth the benefit of the doubt or whatever that was, just seemed callous and immature. 10mo
BarkingMadRead Not her shiniest moment for sure, and why would she not trust her bestie? I knew that something sketchy went on in that barn! 10mo
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CatLass007 On a slightly different track, I look forward to Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict, in which Jane Quantum Leaps into Courtney‘s life. Or Amanda Quain, who wrote Ghosted, also has written Accomplished, a Georgie Darcy novel. 10mo
julieclair @CatLass007 Those both sound like fun reads! 10mo
vonnie862 Yeah, I don't know why Courtney thought it was a good idea to tell her secret. If her friend took her seriously, would she had thought of Courtney a witch? And yes, something suspicious happened in the barn. 10mo
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I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!


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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.15-16: how crazy to start experiencing another person‘s memories. I can imagine that would be almost traumatic-you‘d feel as though you were losing yourself one flashback at a time. Courtney is handling things pretty well considering. I‘m curious to know what Jane remembers about Edgeworth. What did she learn that caused her indifference to him? And do we trust Barnes or is she a spy for Mrs.M?

BarkingMadRead I‘m wondering if something sketchy happened with him right before she got thrown from the horse 10mo
julieclair Ooohhhh…. It didn‘t occur to me that Barnes could be a spy for Mrs. M! 10mo
vonnie862 Hmmm...I didn't suspect Barnes but now that I think about it... However, I have a feeling that her fall from the horse may not be accidental. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.13-14: Ok, so it looks like Courtney is finally starting to try to act like an Austen heroine. She‘s getting a bit used to the world she now finds herself in and developing a routine. Until she can find a way home, she needs to be safe and follow the course. I appreciated the line about losing the noise in her head that comes from living in the modern world. No wonder we‘re nostalgic for a time long past.

vonnie862 You know, I wouldn't mind staying in bed for my monthly courses. I'll be reading and taking naps all day long. Now the church thing sounded disgusting. Did people really fart without hesitation back then? 10mo
BarkingMadRead That church scene though 💨 and I would love to stay in bed once a month please 10mo
julieclair Surely the church scene cannot be true…. Can it? 😷 10mo
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We are in Pigeon Forge overnight and I‘m obsessed with the Jetsons chair in our hotel room 🤣

Ruthiella Pretty neat! We don‘t have flying cars or robot maids yet , but we do have the furniture of the future ! 10mo
BiblioLitten It does look like that!! 😃😃 10mo
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella 🤣🤣🤣 10mo
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Aimeesue I can see Jane Jetson sitting upon it while mechanical arms drop from above to do her hair and make-up 😂 10mo
CatLass007 Okay, now I must have Jetsons furniture and the mechanical arms to do my hair. Maybe I‘d even start wearing makeup again as long as I don‘t have to do it myself. I had a vague memory of someone telling me there was a band called Jane His Wife so I just googled it and yes there is such a band and they are based in Nashville, TN. 10mo
Bookwormjillk Overnight and you only brought 6 books? 10mo
BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 that‘s amazing!! @Bookwormjillk I left the other two I‘m reading at home 🤷🏻‍♀️ 10mo
CatLass007 @BarkingMadRead Are you still in Pigeon Forge? Next time you‘re in the area, drive a little further east to Johnson City and say hi. 10mo
BarkingMadRead @CatLass007 we are already on the way back! 10mo
CatLass007 Be safe. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.11-12: Granted, I‘ve never received a proposal from a stranger in a strange time before, but even I know running away and then laughing in his face probably isn‘t the best way to go about things…I feel as though Courtney is still not taking things as seriously as she should.⬇️

StayCurious Sometimes she governs what she says and other times she lets loose. Which I suppose is only human. But I can‘t help but think that she should play things a bit smarter, especially with her mother, who is dangerous. 10mo
AllDebooks I've had to bail on Courtney. She's far too irritating for me 10mo
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CatLass007 I don‘t know why there is so much dislike of Courtney. She‘s a woman with 21st century sensibilities who wakes up in a different time in someone else‘s body and she has to respond to situations with an immediacy that probably is beyond most of us. She‘s learning as she goes and she‘s growing as she goes. 10mo
AllDebooks @CatLass007 I fully appreciate your point. It's why I've carried it on up to now. Sometimes, you just can't gel with characters. 10mo
CatLass007 @AllDebooks I agree. I just finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. It was very difficult to get into the head of teenager who became President Snow. I don‘t know if you‘ve read any of the Hunger Games books but the teenager who was barely hanging on by his fingernails was arrogant from the beginning. He was no idealist he was an opportunist. But I‘ve gone waaay off topic. I understand your point. And I understand that bailing on a (cont)⬇️ (edited) 10mo
CatLass007 book is a protective measure in some ways. Why waste time on a book that you find doesn‘t meet your expectations in some way or another? (edited) 10mo
BarkingMadRead Courtney needs to figure out her ish or Mom is gonna send her to the “hospital”. 🤣 10mo
StayCurious @AllDebooks I‘m with you. I can‘t get behind a character who claims to be a Jane Austen addict and then complains she can‘t wear make up and wants so much to act out of an Austen girl‘s character - she should understand better than most how things were back then (edited) 10mo
AllDebooks @StayCurious I think that's what has irritated me from page 1. She doesn't come across as a genuine JA fan. It's a shame as I like the premise of the book. 10mo
vonnie862 Courtney is something but then again, I try to wonder how I would react if I were to wake up in the past. I for sure would act more cautious but then I'm a very cautious person. 10mo
julieclair Courtney keeps treating her life as though it‘s not real, but I wish she was more mindful of the fact that everyone she interacts with is living their own very real life, and her actions affect them and have consequences. 10mo
Teresereading I‘m finding her behaviour very confusing 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.9-10: Her cousin is a character. Way to hold each other up ladies. Now, we don‘t know how Jane really is - maybe she‘s a not-so-nice person? She obviously has a different sense of propriety - frolicking around with a servant - and she got mad at Edgeworth for spilling tea…which was memorable enough for him to bring it up again. Plus her relationship with her mother…that woman is downright scary! Watch out Courtney!

DebinHawaii Her mother! 😱😱😱 10mo
Jemgirl2014 Ooh! Look at that Poppy Parker doll. 😍 10mo
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KadaGul @ StayCurious I was super excited 🤩about Confessions.. it was a book 📖 I picked for #ExtremeNerdChallenge, Poplar Creek Library Year Long Reading Challenge. For me It started good and then it started to flat line and became epically painful to finish. I was too invested in it to BAIL 🪂On it. (edited) 10mo
CatLass007 Jane‘s mother is not even an evil stepmother, she‘s an evil mother and everything else. 10mo
BarkingMadRead When Jane started creeping in on Courtney, it made me wonder about that guy 10mo
CatLass007 I don‘t really get the sense that Jane was frolicking around with a servant. I think she may just have been kind and it was something totally new from the way other people treated him. His sister has been treated well by Courtney, even though she held C down for the quack doctor to bleed. 10mo
vonnie862 Wow, Jane's mother is something! Also, it's interesting that Courtney was able to remember one of Jane's memories. Is this muscle memory as well? 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch. 7-8: Courtney finally starts to realize that she‘s not in fact dreaming. That what she‘s experiencing is real. What follows is a dizzying array of theories which remind me why I don‘t often engage in time travel stories or outer body experiences. She does make an interesting point when she wonders where Jane‘s spirit is, and whether she‘s living Courtney‘s life in LA. Is this like a Quantum Leap type thing?

Graciouswarriorprincess That is interesting. Like the series “Lost in Austen” which is one of my favorites! 10mo
CatLass007 That‘s what I said! Quantum Leap. Sam Beckett could only leap into someone from his own lifetime except for once when he Leaped into an ancestor during the War Between the States. 10mo
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CatLass007 @Graciouswarriorprincess I just looked and Lost in Austen isn‘t available in audio format. Does that mean I‘d have to read an actual book?😱🤣 10mo
IndoorDame @Graciouswarriorprincess so far it totally reminds me of that series! I don‘t think there‘s actually a connection, but I had to watch the series last year when I saw that Hugh Bonneville was in it. 10mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @CatLass007 It was a book but it is also a British show. Four parts and the same concept here. Modern day girl switches places with Lizzie. So fun with the twists! 10mo
CatLass007 @Graciouswarriorprincess Oooh. I just looked and it‘s a television series not a book series. Cool. And it‘s on BritBox, which I have. Yay! 10mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @CatLass007 Hurray!! I hope that you enjoy it. Lost in Austen is also a book where you create your own Jane Austen Adventure. 10mo
CatLass007 @Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m a little annoyed with Prime Video. I just discovered that the first season is on FreeVee and has commercials. I‘m kind of a streaming snob. If I pay to have a streaming service why would I want to watch commercials? Not having commercials is the reason I got rid of cable years ago and I exclusively use streaming now. Except now all the streaming services are adding a commercial tier. Yuck. 10mo
DebinHawaii @Graciouswarriorprincess I rewatched Lost in Austen a few months ago & this definitely has the vibes! ❤️💚 10mo
CatLass007 @Graciouswarriorprincess I did see that book when I looked on Amazon. 10mo
vonnie862 Finally! Courtney is finally realizing that it's not a dream. However, some of the similarities that she has pointed out about her life and Jane's makes me wonder if perhaps she is in a dreamlike state. Maybe she hit her head in real life and is in a coma? Just a wild guess. 10mo
Graciouswarriorprincess @DebinHawaii It‘s a rewatch for me when I need something comforting. @CatLass007 I have it and it‘s a fun book. 10mo
CatLass007 @vonnie862 In the British TV show, Life on Mars, the protagonist traveled to the past, but it turned out that he was in a coma the whole time. In the American version, they were in suspended animation on a spaceship and something happened that the ship‘s computer put them into a dream state. 10mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 I agree! I hate commercials and refuse to watch them on streaming services. 10mo
CatLass007 👍🏾 10mo
julieclair @StayCurious I thought the same thing as I was reading (actually listening to) the “trying to figure out where my soul is” section. That‘s why I read time travel books only occasionally. I enjoy them, but they miss with my brain! 🤓🤯 10mo
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#PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent #BuddyRead Y‘all! There are about a dozen different individual books or series of books for us to read. We‘ve got years of reading ahead of us!

BarkingMadRead Ohhhhhhhh 10mo
CatLass007 @BarkingMadRead Did I mention I really, really like dragons? 10mo
BarkingMadRead Me too!! 10mo
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CatLass007 @BarkingMadRead Jane Austen‘s Dragons is a series of 14 books so far, although two of them are not available on Audible at this time. The Buttercross Dragon (14) is available only on Kindle, which is problematic for me because ebooks give me a headache. And A Dragon for Elizabeth (4.5) I can‘t find. It may be part of an anthology that‘s not been published yet. I don‘t know. 10mo
BarkingMadRead That‘s amazing! 10mo
CatLass007 It seems pretty cool to me too. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.5-6: we get a glimpse through flashback of Courtney‘s real life, her cheating fiancé Frank, and her falling out with her friend Wes. We also see that she can embroider through Jane, as if by muscle memory - which I thought was cool. I wonder what else she‘ll be able to do that will help her navigate her new 1813 world.

vonnie862 🤣🤣🤣 at that cat meme!!!! 10mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I really hated Frank. 10mo
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vonnie862 I thought muscle memory was cool too! Also, I can't believe she still hasn't accepted that what she is experiencing is NOT a dream. 10mo
vonnie862 Frank was not likable and it's a good thing she didn't marry him. BTW, I felt bad for her that she didn't want to wake up from her "dream" because she didn't want to day bye to Jane's dad. 10mo
CatLass007 She‘s definitely better off without Frank. I wish I could develop such a skill instantly. Maybe play the guitar through muscle memory. 10mo
BarkingMadRead I feel so bad for her when she wakes up in the morning, and she‘s still in 1813! 10mo
julieclair The embroidery was cool. It‘s like her muscles have memory, but her brain does not. 10mo
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Had to dash out from work for a blood test mid-morning & as it was nearing lunch & I was hangry, I grabbed a poke bowl. Then the rain started & I sat in my car & ate it while listening to the tagged book for #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent The down side of the audiobook is that there are only 7 chapters so they don‘t line up with the print book. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Using Google Books “Look Inside” I found I got a bit past Chapter 4 so I‘m caught up to today. 😆

StayCurious You did a blood test and then had to listen to the quack doctor bleeding her! Oh my! 😄 10mo
DebinHawaii @StayCurious Righ?! & I was eating lunch while listening! It made me appreciate modern medicine & med techs who are kind & don‘t roll their eyes when I insist I can‘t see the needle or I‘ll pass out! 😂 10mo
monkeygirlsmama Mmmm 10mo
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CatLass007 I have a similar complaint about how the audiobook chapters don‘t coincide with the print chapters. Also, what exactly is a poke bowl? I see the yummy avocados but what is it and what are its origins? In parts of the American South, people eat something called poke sallet, and poke is some sort of leafy green vegetable. (edited) 10mo
CatLass007 Okay, google says a poke bowl is pronounced po-KAY. Poke sallet is a one syllable word. And google also explains each food. 10mo
DebinHawaii @CatLass007 Yes, it looks like you got your answers! 😉 It‘s commonly raw fish (or there‘s tofu or other seafood) & the Hawaiian word means to slice or cut into pieces. I could pretty much eat it everyday whether on its own or over rice . This poke bowl is white rice on the bottom, mixed miso salmon & Hawaiian ahi pokes with avocado & tempura flakes on top. Poke is a staple here & has become popular in parts of the mainland too. 10mo
CatLass007 I remember looking at menus of local restaurants here in East Tennessee and seeing that some of them serve poke bowls. But if the fish is raw, it sounds like a cousin to sushi. 10mo
CatLass007 I remember looking at menus of local restaurants here in East Tennessee and seeing that some of them serve poke bowls. But if the fish is raw, it sounds like a cousin to sushi. There is a place called “Yum Sushi Burrito” that serves a poke bowl. I think I‘m really confused about a place that serves Japanese and Mexican. Unless there is an Asian dish called a burrito. No, no it actually is sushi served in a burrito, according to google. (edited) 10mo
DebinHawaii @CatLass007 Fusion can be interesting —it either works well or doesn‘t. But I actually have put poke in taco shells & lots of places here have poke “nachos.” Although usually without cheese. 😉 10mo
rwmg From seeing @DebinHawaii's pics over the years and reading the occasional book set in Hawaii, I got as far as rice bowl with fish and bits of this and that, so thanks for the explanation, and the pronunciation guide which I had no idea about. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.3-4: I‘m not certain I like Courtney yet. Even if she thinks she‘s in a dream, she‘s still a bit callous about everything. Like wanting to see who she assumes is her lower class lover - as a Jane Austen reader she should know how truly scandalous that would have been - a major no-no. She shouldn‘t find it amusing or be too blasé about it. Must be she doesn‘t realize the true consequences of her actions yet.

IndoorDame I think she‘s way past the point I would‘ve abandoned the it‘s a dream theory and started wondering if I was crazy or if there was some other explanation… 10mo
vonnie862 @IndoorDame Yup, I too think she should realized by now that it's not a dream. 10mo
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vonnie862 However, I am curious to find out who the real lover is. 10mo
CatLass007 Has she speculated about having fallen into a Star Trek episode or some sort of parallel/alternate universe yet? I think it seems a lot like Sam Beckett Quantum Leaping into someone else‘s life. 10mo
CatLass007 And that really is a gorgeous tortoiseshell cat. Your daily posts are absolutely wonderful. 10mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 thank you so much! 10mo
CatLass007 Aww. There‘s no reason to thank me for simply stating the truth. I‘m amazed at all the hard work you put in to hosting this #BuddyRead. And don‘t you host a Romance #BuddyRead? Wow. 10mo
rubyslippersreads This looks a lot like my cat Sadie. 10mo
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I have been listening to this for #PemberLittens #JaneAdjacent #BuddyRead. I can‘t believe it‘s rated so low here on Litsy. The things that were the worst were the filthy waters at Bath, a doctor who doesn‘t wash his hands and forces bleeding on our heroine while she is held down by a maid, and an unloving, even evil mother who threatens to have her own daughter locked away in an insane asylum. I like the fantasy elements, which might (cont)⬇️

CatLass007 not appeal to everyone. But the love story that is at the heart of this novel and at the heart of every Jane Austen novel is lovely. All the misunderstandings and poor behaviors are addressed and our heroine(s) get a happily ever after. 10mo
CatLass007 Let me put in my vote now for the January #PemberLitten #JaneAdjacent #BuddyRead. I don‘t really think it‘s a sequel, so much as a companion to this book. 10mo
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#Pemberlittens #JaneAdjacent Ch.1-2: ooh what a great start - albeit a terrifying one. There‘s something really gruesome about 19th century medicine. How helpless were you to a doctor‘s whims, especially if you were a woman? Jane, or rather Courtney, had better learn to play the game quickly or else find herself in a madhouse 😳

AllDebooks Bipedal trout 🤣 10mo
AllDebooks Joking aside, how horrific an experience to be completely dependent on men with no autonomy of your own! 10mo
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CatLass007 Those were not the good old days. I‘ll be finishing the book soon and promise no spoilers. 10mo
IndoorDame It really does drive home the horror. Even her mom is forced to go with it to protect herself and the other kids. 10mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I‘m starting this but I agree with how awful to not have a life of your own but be completely dependent on a man! 10mo
vonnie862 I wondered how I would react if I woke up in a different time period. I would be skeptical like Courtney at first. And shudder at the uncleanness medical tools and the backward thinking of cures during that time. 10mo
CatLass007 Her mother is a snake. 10mo
DebinHawaii I ended up using an Audible credit, so I‘ll be listening along. Can you add me to the tags, please.🤗 10mo
BarkingMadRead That must have been terrifying, I‘ve never understood the whole bleeding thing either, and it would terrify me! 10mo
mcctrish I read this already ( and I‘m shook I don‘t own it ) if I can get my hands on another copy then I will reread with you - I have the next one ( hoping for a sequel read in 2024 🙏🏻) and I honestly would get committed 10mo
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Sounds like a Quantum Leap situation to me.

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Repost for @StayCurious

Hi #Pemberlittens for our next #JaneAdjacent book we‘ll be reading 2 chapters a day starting Dec 4. This book has 36 chapters and I wanted to finish before some of us get busy for the holidays. All are welcome to join!

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Hi #Pemberlittens for our next #JaneAdjacent book we‘ll be reading 2 chapters a day starting Dec 4. This book has 36 chapters and I wanted to finish before some of us get busy for the holidays. All are welcome to join!

CrowCAH This was a fun book to read! I know there‘s plenty of Jane Austen addicts on Litsy! ☺️ 10mo
BarkingMadRead Hooray! Excited about this one, it looks fun! 10mo
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Librarybelle Sounds good!! 10mo
IndoorDame Yay! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Got my copy from the library today, so I'm all set!! 10mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Please include me! 10mo
CatLass007 Got my copy yesterday! 10mo
vonnie862 Woot!!! 10mo
julieclair Yay! I found a copy on Libby, so I‘m ready to go. 😀 10mo
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#Pemberlittens our December #JaneAdjacent read has been picked! I don‘t yet have my copy so I‘m not sure how many chapters there are. I‘ll post the reading schedule soon. All are welcome to join in! Let me know if you want to be tagged in my daily meme-ingful posts!

AllDebooks Count me in 😊 10mo
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CatLass007 Count me in as well.📚 10mo
tdrosebud I've already read this one, and it's sequel so I'll see what January brings. I hope you all enjoy it! 10mo
IndoorDame Count me in! 10mo
vonnie862 Count me in!!! 10mo
CatLass007 I was looking on Audible and there is a sequel to this book. If we enjoy December‘s selection, maybe we can read Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict in January. 10mo
StayCurious @CatLass007 you read my mind! 10mo
CatLass007 😁 10mo
CatLass007 And in mid-June, we have the third book in the Mr. Darcy and Miss Tilney series to look forward to. ❣️❣️❣️ (edited) 10mo
Deblovestoread Was able to borrow on Libby so will try to read along. 10mo
mcctrish Ooo my TBR pile is about to topple as I dig this one out 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 10mo
Librarybelle I‘m in! (edited) 10mo
julieclair This will be fun! 10mo
TheAromaofBooks Looks like this is available at my library, so I'm in!! 10mo
Teresereading Yes please add me 10mo
BarkingMadRead Got my copy yesterday!! 10mo
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Just finish this one on audiobook. I found it more enjoyable than most Austen adjacent books. I think it was because it was mostly her own characters and not fantasies of what happened next in cannon. I did watch a recent tick tock video Ann Patchet made where she said “NorthAnger Abbey is for when you run out of Austen” It made me laugh.

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Although I am not quite as #Addicted to reading every Jane Austen adaptation (book & film) as I used to be, I was feeling junky on Sunday which meant that I *needed* to rewatch all 6 hours of the 1995 BBC miniseries whilst laying on my couch.🤷🏻‍♀️

“I'm hooked on you, I need a fix, I can't take it
Just one more hit, I promise I can deal with it
I'll handle it, quit it, just one more time, then that's it…”

Eggs 🩷💙🩵💜💛💚🩶 1y
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My #14books14weeks stack! Not pictured, but included, are Lost Roses and The Uncommoners, both of which are up very high on bookshelves 😄

Thanks for hosting, @TheHeartlandBookFairy 📚❤

TheHeartlandBookFairy Awesome stack, I love the Nancy Drew books! Happy summer, happy Reading 😎📚 1y
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@CrowCAH I'm so sorry for taking a while to post this! Thank you so, so much for this lovely Jane Austen package! The chocolate was immediately devoured 😆 I'm really excited to read this book and the playing cards are so whimsical and fun! My plan for this weekend is to make tea, read, and put together this cute puzzle! Thank you again! It was a real bright spot 💜

CrowCAH You‘re welcome! ☺️ Glad the chocolate 🍫 was appreciated!!! (PS sometimes boxes can be deceiving… there‘s something else inside the “puzzle” box!) 1y
wordslinger42 @CrowCAH Oh my word, I just opened it!! That was so sweet (and sneaky 😆) of you! Thank you so much 🥰 1y
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What a fun #Audiobook!

A 21st century girl in a Regency era body. She can‘t get back home until she‘s where she‘s supposed to be. Glad both main heroines get their HEA.

At times Courtney was a bit dense, it took her awhile to piece together appropriate social behavior, even though she‘s a Jane Austen addict. And there were passages when she rambles about time travel and etc.

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I finished reading Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict last night and I have so many feelings and thoughts. Jane Austen is my favorite author, her books are the absolute best. I absolutely adored the aspect of a woman from the 21st century waking up in the 19th century. But I was very disappointed in the ending, and the character development was beyond awful! This was an okay read but I wished there was more character development!


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“Are you unwell again?”
Again? This Jane person must be one of those fainting hypochondriac types, a Mary Musgrove, always loosening her stays and reaching for her smelling salts. Then again, with all this tight #stuff around my torso it doesn't take much imagination to figure out why fainting may not be that farfetched. #QuotsyFeb20

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I really enjoyed this book. I‘m not super knowledgeable of Jane Austen‘s works, having only read Emma, but that didn‘t take away from my enjoyment of the book.📚

Of course, had I known all the references, my experience would have been richer, but it didn‘t disrupt the flow of the book or render confusion. [review continues in comments] #booksbrewsandbooze #confessionsofajaneaustenaddict 📚

I think humor is one of the hardest things to write about and the author did so well with it, making me laugh out loud at times, which not every book can boast!

booksbrewsandbooze There was one scene that drove me and my froomie (friend/roomie) crazy, and it was the scene in London where the main character meets someone coming out of a shop. Saying no more because I don‘t want to give spoilers, but good gravy, that was nuts! 6y
booksbrewsandbooze #Time travel, literature, love, humor, sassy women, sensitive men: This book is quite complex in certain areas. I wonder if the author wrote a book from the actual Jane‘s perspective, as a companion to this Courtney-centric story? Hmmmm...
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December Book Club pick, a silly book that tells the story of Courtney who lives in the present day but somehow wakes up one morning as Jane Mansfield in an Austen-like world. The book ends abruptly.

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@Kdgordon88 you really outdid your amount in gifts; this is too much! I LOVE IT ALL!!!

Your stitches on the stocking and Noel ornament is gorgeous! Can‘t wait to use the magnetic needle holder.

One can never have too much Austen stuff: the books are unique and soon I‘ll be able to read the 2019 calendar!

Art, matey, a hearty thank ye for the Pirates Night Before Christmas book and magnets! 🏴‍☠️

vkois88 ❤❤❤❤ 6y
Deblovestoread I am so glad you like everything! Shopping for this swap was one of the highlights of my Christmas. I did not stitch the stocking but what‘s Christmas without a stocking. Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄 6y
CrowCAH @Kdgordon88 oh, I thought you had, it was cross stitched after all 😆 Yes, thank you so much! Merry Christmas 🎄 6y
LeahBergen Lovely! I need that P&P edition with recipes. 😍😍 6y
CrowCAH @LeahBergen wow one you don‘t have yet?! 6y
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I just finished this and found it an easy, fun, quick read!

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"I refuse to make my destiny a lifetime of nights in the arms of yet another man I don't care about but want to care about because the alternative is being alone..."

Shopping con Jane Austen | Laurie Viera Rigler
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So excited to have gotten my match for the #JaneAustenSwap! I've already started stalking and shopping. 😊

Sophoclessweetheart So exciting! This is probably the best Litsy swap ever lol x 7y
Kalalalatja I‘m so excited for this swap! 7y
mabell That's perfect!! 😂😂❤️❤️ 7y
LeahBergen I‘ve already been shopping up a storm. 😂 7y
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Jerame2999 I‘m sure you have said this but what tracking app do you use? 7y
DarcysMom @Jerame2999 I use Map My Walk. 7y
Heideschrampf Today: the head of a trumpeting elephant! 🐘 7y
DarcysMom @Heideschrampf That is fantastic! Elephants are my favorite! 🐘❤🐘❤🐘 7y
Heideschrampf 🐘😍it's like cloud gazing! 7y
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CrowCAH Sounds like a me novel! 7y
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I read this one many years ago and remember liking it passably, but when I listened to it recently it made me feel anxious.

For a Jane Austen addict I thought the main character was clueless about the period and the consequences of her actions. I do like the idea of the story: a modern woman wakes up in England during the Regency Period.
