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Last Chance to See
Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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"Very funny and moving...The glimpses of rare fauna seem to have enlarged [Adams'] thinking, enlivened his world; and so might the animals do for us all, if we were to help them live." THE WASHINGTON POST BOOK WORLD Join bestselling author Douglas Adams and zooligist Mark Carwardine as they take off around the world in search of exotic, endangered creatures. Hilarious and poignant--as only Douglas Adams can be--LAST CHANCE TO SEE is an entertaining and arresting odyssey through the Earth's magnificent wildlife galaxy. NOTE: This edition does not include photos.
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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My first book from my Christmas book haul!

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Loved this book! It was funny and eye-opening, describing species that are near extinction and the heroic efforts to save them.

While visiting the Museum of Natural History in Oxford a couple of days ago, I saw an exhibit on the kakapo, one of the animals featured in the book!

I‘m finishing off the #20in4 readathon at 8 hours and 15 minutes. Thanks @Andrew65 for hosting!

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#192025 #1990 @Librarybelle

Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏 2y
Librarybelle That is so cool! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Day 179.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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This was witty but also heart breaking. An enjoyable listen.

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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“I‘ve never understood all this fuss people make about the dawn. I‘ve seen a few and they‘re never as good as the photographs, which have the additional advantage of being things you can look at when you‘re in the right frame of mind, which is usually around lunchtime.”

Dogearedcopy I remember once skiing a Midnight-toDawn event and being so disappointed at the end when the sky just lightened (no spectacular color like with a sunset)! So yeah, completely relate to this quote! 4y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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#hiselderliness #bookreport #weeklyforecast

This week the elderly father thoroughly enjoyed Last Chance to See but bailed on A Woman of No Importance. “I just couldn‘t get interested in it” says he “so I thought why bother?”
Fair enough. Onto his TBR goes a sailing book & a memoir of Ali by Michael Parkinson. MP may not be known to US Littens but he is one of the best interviewers of all time 🙌
Also one very posey beautiful Diabolical Cat 😸

Centique #hiselderliness is coping admirably with lockdown. (Only the over 70s have been told to stay home in NZ so far). He was perturbed that some of his online grocery order was unavailable - but rather than texting one of his 3 nearby daughters - his neighbour visited to check on him so he sent her off for emergency crisps. 😉 5y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 5y
Scochrane26 It‘s good he is staying in. We can‘t get my parents to stay home. 5y
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Centique @Scochrane26 oh that‘s tough! Dad has always been a bit of a loner so he doesn‘t miss the interaction. I can imagine others find it a lot harder. Best wishes 💕💕 5y
Scochrane26 @Centique Well, our governor just closed non-essential businesses, so there‘s really nowhere at this point to go except the grocery. 5y
Cinfhen I‘m loving that neighbors are checking in on their elderly neighbors ♥️ And dad‘s got the right attitude #WhyBother if a book isn‘t working 😉 (edited) 5y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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#ReallyRandomFebrary I can‘t believe this is the only Douglas Adams book I have read. I have Hitchhiker on my shelf enticing me to read it but I have just not gotten there yet #somanybooks! This is a great read about several species of animals in #danger of going extinct. Interesting and humorous and sad all at the same time. Great read.

OriginalCyn620 Aww 😔 5y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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I really like the way Douglas Adams tells stories. And I like animals. So this book was good.

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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On sale in US ebook stores. Although it's unspeakably sad in many ways, it is still one of my favorite books.
And yes, THAT Douglas Adams.

Tamra Thank you for posting! 5y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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LAST CHANCE TO SEE, written by Douglas Adams (yes, THAT Douglas Adams!) and Mark Carwardine, is about the adventures they went on around the world to locate and actually see some of the rarest animals and plants. They took these trips in the mid- to late 1980s and the book was published in 1990.
With Adams at the helm the book had to be humorous and it certainly is.

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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Another one of those situations that fundamentally Bothers Me. Tacky AF dust jacket over a very beautiful book. Argh.

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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We hear about conservation efforts all the time, but rarely do we look deeper into what that entails. This was a great look into some of the adventures Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine went on to catch a glimpse of a few of the worlds endangered species. Although it was written in the 80‘s, it still felt relevant and now I want to google the animals discussed to see how they are fairing in 2018! I also want to get ahold of the BBC series. 💖

LibrarianJen Oh, and this is Bosque Brewing. The Bosque is the forested area in Albuquerque that is along the river. It is home to a few endangered species. I had the amber and hubs had the IPA. 🍻 7y
LazyDays ABQ people and there craft beers.😄🍺🍺 7y
LazyDays LA CUMBER, is my favorite IPA. Its a hard one to love,but so worth it! 7y
LibrarianJen @Alicia12 Yes! There were 32 books in our #litsygoespostalog group and I decided to take each book to a brewery matching the theme of the book. We have over that many breweries so it‘s working so far! Are you talking about La Cumbre‘s elevated IPA? That‘s one of hubs favorite too. 7y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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“I thought to myself that the words `endangered species‘ had become a phrase that had lost any vivid meaning. We hear it too often to be able to react to it afresh.” 😥

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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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I may have over indulged at the #texasbookfestival but I don‘t really have any regrets. One book from a local small indie press, 3 from a somewhat local indie press that specializes in translated works, and a cute bookish tee shirt. 😃 tagged book is one I got for free for volunteering (how awesome is that?!?) #bookhaul #txbookfest #bookishtees

emily_m_tubb That tshirt is so cute!!! 💛💙💚❤ 7y
RealBooks4ever Nice! Love the tee shirt! 😻 7y
DiruVamp Love that tee! 7y
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[DELETED] 206653737 That shirt is the cutest!!! 😻 7y
batsy Those books look great! 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Love, love the t-shirt! 😻 7y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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#GIVEAWAYREALTALK I just finished this book yesterday and loved it! 🦎 🦍🦏🐬🦇

BookNAround Great, wasn‘t it? 7y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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This book is still relevant, if not more so, in 2017. Things have more than likely drastically changed since this was written, but it still holds. It discusses how humans can profoundly affect the world around us. It approaches the subject of tourism pragmatically and also shows how just a little bit of information and respectful cooperation can better our understanding in a short amount of time. Great read for everyone. ❤️

Oblomov26 Tragic and funny at the same. Yes a great read 7y
BooksTeasAndBookishThings I was surprised at how funny it was 7y
FountainBookstore This book is great. 7y
MeganAnn I was also surprised by the humor in this one. Great review! 👍🏻✨ 7y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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"...the most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making."

I have a huge confession: I haven't read since before our big move on June 3rd. Between packing and moving and unpacking and having morning sickness and trying to settle into a new Army town while visiting family... it has been hectic. But, this book got me out of my reading slump ❤️ I love the whole visible section, but especially what is quoted. ?

Eggs You have a full plate right now! Be good to yourself 7y
ptkpepe98 Reading is something you do for yourself, not something you have to do. Repeat as often as necessary to remove any residual guilt.😉💞 7y
Ruri_kaichou Whew! Take a break and relax now. I moved during both my pregnancies, one being in the first trimester. I feel you. 😄 Hope the transition is going as smoothly as it can. 7y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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In this book, Douglas Adams and the zoologist Mark Carwardine go around the world in search of exotic, endangered animals. It's been on my TBR for a looong time... I need to fix this soon. #BeastsGiveawayChallenge @ruthemmielang

monkeygirlsmama Could be interesting. 7y
Aninski @monkeygirlsmama I find it weird to think of Douglas Adams writing something like that... I'm really curious about it! 7y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Thoroughly delightful. Part science book and part travel journal, delivered in Adams' quirky, distinctive style. Laugh-out-loud funny and thought provoking in turn.

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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"I've never understood all this fuss people make about the dawn. I've seen a few and they're never as good as the photographs, which have the additional advantage of being things you can look at when you're in the right frame of mind, which is usually about lunchtime."

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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"If you took the whole of Norway, scrunched it up a bit, shook out all the moose and reindeer, hurled it ten thousand miles around the world, and filled it with birds, then you'd be wasting your time, because it looks very much as if someone has already done it." Douglas Adams on New Zealand's Fiordland

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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"I watched the gorilla's eyes again, wise and knowing eyes, and wondered about this business of teaching them language. Our language. Why? There are many members of our own species who live in and with the forest and know it and understand it. We don't listen to them. What is there to suggest that we would listen to anything an ape could tell us? ... I thought, maybe it is not that they have yet to gain a language, but that we have lost one"

Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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My "book about nature" pick for #readjanuary. I enjoy photo sections in books, and this one, with captions by Douglas Adams, does not disappoint.

KVanRead That's a great book! 8y
rabbitprincess @KVanRead Still have to read the follow-up book based on the series with Mark & Stephen Fry. 😃 8y
KVanRead There's a follow up book? Good to know! 8y
rabbitprincess @KVanRead And the TV series is on Canadian Netflix, so I would not be surprised if US Netflix had it as well. Best episode is the one with the kakapo 😄 8y
KVanRead @rabbitprincess thanks, i will look for it! 8y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Quality time with #Coale in the studio's reading nook on this frosty, blustery November night in the mountains 😊🍵🐱📚 #catsofLitsy

Bookzombie 💕🐱 8y
Zelma 😻 looks very cozy! 8y
Centique That's a lovely soulful shot 😻 8y
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kspenmoll Warm reading buddy! 8y
Cortg Love this picture. ❤️ 8y
Cupofjo Your pictures are always so beautiful! 8y
LauraBeth Looks cozy 😺📚 8y
bedandabook Beautiful photo. 8y
Otherworld_Library Sweet and cozy. 8y
SusanInTiburon Hi Coale! 💛 8y
BookDame Lovely! 8y
annkuch13 😻 love this photo! 8y
Buddys_Momma That looks heavenly 😉 8y
MrBook 😍😍😍😻😻😻 8y
BookBabe @Cupofjo Thank you! 😊❤️ 8y
BookBabe Thanks everyone! ❤️ 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👍🏻 8y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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#BookNDinner! When you're bummed that you don't get to dine with your sweetheart... 👑White Castle! 👑

Alfoster What?? No tots??😜 8y
MrBook 😍😍😍 8y
Donna_sBookMinute Oh how I miss White Castle. Those are some good and flavorful burgers. 8y
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britt_brooke Yum! 8y
CleverGirl We don't have White Castle anymore and I'm so bitter 😒 8y
Donna_sBookMinute The title you've chosen is so fitting. Because on the way to the airport, White Castle is a must. It's like the last chance to get some. We used to buy them by the sack. 8y
Seekingtardis Super jelly!!!! 😍😍😍 (drool) 8y
manifestsanity I just searched. The closest White Castle to me is over 2 hrs away. 8y
JSW It's probably just as well that we don't have a White Castle out here. 8y
Suzze I have been resisting going to White Castle for months. It is 2 miles from here, right by IKEA which I am also avoiding. One for calories, one for $$$ 8y
ApoptyGina69 I imagine White Castle is as beloved on the east coast as In 'n' Out is here on the west coast. I've never seen one IRL! 🍔🍟 8y
quietjenn Still not over the fact that there's no White Castle here 8y
Hollie Oh yum, I haven't had real white castle since I was a kid (because rural KS sucks) so I'm stuck with the frozen kind instead, which I usually eat for breakfast. If White Castle cheeseburgers for breakfast is wrong, I don't want to be right. 8y
TheBookbabeblog84 Murder burgers lol...I had to post that. I love them lol 8y
BookBabe @manifestsanity it's worth the trip, do it! A pleasant leisurely Sunday drive. 😜 8y
BookBabe @Suzze 😂😂😂👍🏻 omg, I totally relate! 8y
BookBabe @ApoptyGina69 I wanted to try In'n'Out when I visited the west coast, but I was scared to because I thought the name referred to how the body handles digesting it! 😂🙈 (edited) 8y
BookBabe @Hollie 😂😂😂👌🏻 Love it! 🙌🏻 8y
BookBabe @TheBookbabeblog84 Lol, where I grew up we called them ratburgers 8y
ApoptyGina69 @BookBabe HaHa! No, it's the fast food aspect. It's delicious. Remember to request "animal style" when you order. ? 8y
Lizpixie You guys have a much bigger selection of fast food than us Aussies. We have maccas, KFC, Pizza Hut, red rooster & hungry jacks, you have all that plus White Castle, Taco Bell, Wendy's, chick-fil-a, in 'n' out, probably a lot more than I can name. I'll stick with my saos and Vegemite toast. 8y
ultrabookgeek I don't care how much flack my friends give me: I love White Castle! 8y
Zelma I call them sliders. Oh my, Mr. Z sure liked them when I took him to one in Chicago, but I can't eat them. The smell alone gives me the chills. 😬 In'n'Out is pretty good, for fast food. 8y
Tonton In'n'Out is so good. Not in Japan so I go whenever I fly to LA. But Shake Shack made it to Tokyo. Also Ben and Jerry's ice cream store! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👏🏻 8y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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#BookNDinner! Accompaniment this evening: rotisserie lemon-pepper chicken (mostly dark meat, that's how I roll), yellow rice with sautéed spinach, and a cold bottle of Guinness Draught. MMMmmm ?!!! This has been another presentation of: #MrBookBookBabeKitchen! Happy reads & happy eats! ???

badnorthern Looks good! 8y
TsahaiMakeda I'm a lil jealous. Rotisserie 💖🙁🤗 8y
TsahaiMakeda You should rent a space and have a #MrBookBookBabeKitchen Litsy dinner. Like Valentines Day or some festive and warm holiday 8y
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TsahaiMakeda It's a lil soon for this Thanksgiving but I'd love to be on the committee for Thanksgiving 2017. 8y
OrangeMooseReads That looks a whole lot better than my muenster grilled cheese 8y
Karkar Muenster grilled cheese sounds good though!!! 8y
Texreader @OrangeMooseReads That was my dinner tonight too! 😂 8y
becausetrains @TsahaiMakeda @MrBook Tater tots as far as the eye can see 😄 8y
britt_brooke Guinness, yum. 🍻 8y
Samwise_Gamgee That Guinness is calling to me 8y
OrangeMooseReads @Karkar it's amazing 8y
UwannaPublishme I second the vote by @TsahaiMakeda for you both to host a Litsy dinner. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 8y
MrBook @badnorthern Thank you 😊👍🏻! @TsahaiMakeda Well, when the heck are you coming over for dinner 😜😊?! I love your idea, by the way 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻! You're on it 😉👍🏻! @OrangeMooseReads Aww, @BookBabe would loooove your sandwich 😎👌🏻! @Karkar Right 😁👏🏻?! @Texreader You too?! 😂👏🏻! @becausetrains 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻!!! @britt_brooke You have most excellent taste 😎👌🏻🙌🏻! Where have you been 😜?! 8y
MrBook @Samwise_Gamgee Across the lands and oceans and centuries it calls to us all 😎👌🏻🙌🏻! @UwannaPublishme U want it, u got it 😎🙌🏻! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😎👌🏻 8y
britt_brooke I've been here! Did you unfollow me or something? 🤔😜 8y
MrBook @britt_brooke 😂👏🏻 No! Never! Are you kidding me 😜! 8y
TsahaiMakeda I'm ready when you'll have me @MrBook 👌🍷🍲📚 8y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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#BookNLunch! Hoping to finish up this #LitsyGoesPostal selection right quick! Accompaniment this afternoon: my famous Italian cheese tortilla platter (with salami, pepperoni, black olives, 9 different kinds of shredded cheeses, & spices) with a nice cold Stewart's Old Fashioned Root Beer. MMMMmmm 😋! This has been another presentation of: #MrBookBookBabeKitchen. Happy reads & happy eats! 😎👌🏻

TheLondonBookworm Can't go wrong with Douglas Adams!!! 8y
Lynnsoprano And I'm hungry again 😛 8y
sprainedbrain Yummmmmm 8y
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LibrarianToujours I love root beer! Have you ever tried Virgil's? If you have a Wegman's near you (and I would be so jealous) they should have it. 8y
Lola My eyes!!! Spoiler tag needed! But man, those nachos do look good 😊 8y
BooksCatsMaine I loved this book! Turns out it had a huge effect on conservation in the areas that they visited 😀🐦🐬🌲🌻🌺 8y
MrBook @TheLondonBookworm You have such extraordinary biblio-taste 😎👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻! @Lynnsoprano 😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻!!! @sprainedbrain Aye, that 😉👍🏻!! @NHLibrarian Not yet, but one of my friends looks exactly like him 😂👏🏻. @Lola AAHH! Sorry for that mistake, my dear #LGP-er! Please forgive me 😳! And, thank you ☺️! @BooksGirlsCats They did their job well then 😉👍🏻🙌🏻! 8y
LitsyGoesPostal 😁👏🏻👏🏻 8y
Lola @MrBook You are, of course, forgiven ❤️ 8y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Love his plays on words.

LitsyGoesPostal 😊👍🏻 8y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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#signedsundays Here's an oldie but a goodie. I've never met him, but Douglas Adams touched this book! 🙀 And it's a really good book too.👍

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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine

'Can't stand all these poisonous creatures, all these snakes and insects and fish and things.Wretched things, biting everybody. And then people expect me to tell them what to do about it. I'll tell them what to do. Don't get bitten in the first place. That's the answer. I've had enough of telling people all the time.'

yoavshai I never get tired of this hilarious quote of Dr Struan Sutherland, the venom specialist 8y
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Last Chance to See | Douglas Adams, Mark Carwardine
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Repost from Saturday - my husband plays on our church's softball league. Naturally I've learned to always bring a book for downtime 😂

MrBook Awesome! I used to play on my church's softball and volleyball leagues 😎👍🏻. 8y
Aims42 @MrBook that's awesome! It's a great way to have fun and fellowship 😃 8y
MrBook Exactly 😊👍🏻. 8y
DebReads4fun Which church do you attend? 7y
Aims42 Good Shepherd Lutheran in Naperville 7y
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