Loved this memoir read by the author. Many parts so heart wrenching for her. I‘ve always liked Sally Field but never really knew anything about her. This story must have been so difficult but I am sure it is a huge weight from her chest to tell.
Loved this memoir read by the author. Many parts so heart wrenching for her. I‘ve always liked Sally Field but never really knew anything about her. This story must have been so difficult but I am sure it is a huge weight from her chest to tell.
In this memoir, Sally focuses mainly on her childhood. She shares the stories of her broken family growing up, & all the hardships she endured. When she does move onto her acting career, she focuses mainly on the beginning of it, how she longed to do more serious work but felt stuck in sitcom TV. In the end the main theme is her relationship with her mother throughout their lives. It‘s not my favorite memoir by any means, but it was worth reading.
#MayMoms #MovieMoms
Sally Field is not only a mother, but she often plays the mother such as in Forest Gump or (Mrs.) Lincoln.
#20in4 #BookNookBuddies2022 #KickTheSlump
Disappointed but🤷🏻♀️ Too many TW for me even only at 12%
#BeginsWith #Pieces I haven't read this one yet, but I love Sally Field and I've heard it's great!
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs
April's TBR and Read planner bookshelves
I‘ve always admired Sally Field, but completely underestimated the things she‘s been through. A small insight into some of her best and worst times.
DNF after Burt Reynolds. I felt she was complaining or being fussy about things and just too much info.
Books I got this weekend
In Pieces, Sally Field
Fates and Furies, Lauren Groff
Hornet Flight, Ken Follett
Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls, David Sedaris
The Dry, Jane Harper
Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss
Flight Behavior, Barbara Kingsolver
The Education of Hariett Hatfield, May Sarton
I also made my best friend buy Where'd You Go, Bernadette and The Nightingale... as good friends do!
I have been on a biography kick, so I checked out Sally Fields‘ work. I expected to enjoy it, but I am blown away. Sally is amazingly open and humble. She has endured much and is quite brave to share her story of triumph!
My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:
Just came across this #deal on the Kindle Store. I wish I'd found this earlier in the day today, instead of waiting till now to tell you all about it. I heard such great things about this book. Can't wait to read it! It's $2.99 if you're curious.
I appreciate that Sally Field included this quote in her book.
I like the actor Sally Field. This memoir tarnished her shine a bit. It‘s possible that I‘m comparing this to Elton John‘s memoir, but I have to say that Field seems like a glass half empty person. She spent a great deal of time on what was disturbing or annoying in her life and provided very few details on pleasant and interesting experiences that I‘m sure she must have had.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ For some reason I‘ve always liked Sally Field and this book solidified it for me. She reflects back on her life with enough distance from most of the circumstances that she‘s not trapped in bitterness but her raw honesty still comes through. I feel like the book, which talks about her life from childhood to almost present day, is really a love letter to her mother. I‘m glad I listened to her read it on audio.
Incredible autobiography, I actually had no idea who Sally Field was at all before I started reading (I realise now she‘s very famous but I think I‘m too young/to british maybe?) but I got so into her life and her writing was so skilful. Her material on mental health and what she went through as a child, and then relating back to it at actors studio and playing Sybil, was heartbreaking but incredible. I need to watch her movies now
Overall a very compelling memoir that I could not put down. For the most part it was a deep dive into her life and work. However I felt she got to her later work and skimmed most of it. The work I would know more due to my age. I wanted more of that but it is her memoir and she gets to decide what it important, so I respect that. I also really connected with how she saw herself when she was young so I enjoyed that part.
When I think of an actress, I think of a woman like Sally. Fractured, In Pieces, & made whole by the craft. She was able to summon a strength as a character that she never seemed to have as a young woman.
But Sally, I wished you had let us see you grow. The book jumps from her successes as Norma Rae quickly, without stopping, through her late 30s, 40s, and 50s to arrive at the end of her mother‘s life in Sally‘s 60s. That was unsatisfying. 3.5⭐️
1) eclectic, constant, and lifelong
2) Either my bed or couch and ANY time
3) Best is tagged (with an honorable mention to Know My Name). Worst is a small press / self pub book: Material Value
4) a couple recent followers - hello! @KatieDid927 @typhlax @rsteve388
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
This was a wonderful book and hearing Sally tell her story in her own voice made it even more touching and heartfelt. Could use this for the #booked2020 #setinhollywood prompt, but I‘ve already filled that. Thinking about using it for #parentchildmemoir but there‘s another I want to use for it. What to do?!
ETA: Decided to use this for #bookclubworthy
I love seeing young Sally on the cover, but I also wanted to share the back cover. Ms. Field is a wise woman, whose effort to learn to act in her 20s led her to Oscars and Emmys. Now she‘s written a book about her life, balancing poignant family stories with Hollywood truths. She‘s put the same effort into writing that she did into acting. 5 big stars!
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#booked2020 #parentandchildmemoir
#setinhollywood #booked2020 #winter
This is a great choice for #SetinHollywood for #Booked2020. I have always liked Sally Field, although I wish the book had continued on into her more recent life. She‘s had a fascinating life, and she‘s quite honest about the tragedies and successes that have been part of it. The parts where she talks about acting are incredible- makes you appreciate how talented she is.
I loved listening to Sally tell her story! What a story it is too! I really had no idea about her life but I loved all the things she was in, even the stuff she hated being in
Frantically taking down Christmas so I can start building this ❤️
Started this one recently. I can tell I‘m going to put other books aside, since I have it in both audio and print. Glad I have the print copy—her writing is terrific and I want to note passages that especially move me. Double dipping my #readingchallenges too!
#parentandchildmemoir #booked2020
#celebrity #mandmchallenge2020
My rainy day haul.
This was such a powerful memoir. Sally shares so many pieces of herself, much more than I would have expected. My heart broke into pieces right along with Sally‘s. She shares intimate memories & experiences with raw intensity. I have so much respect for this Hollywood icon; a survivor and trailblazer. From Gidget to Mary Todd Lincoln to a Flying Nun Sally Field has had quite a colorful screen life while masking a dark childhood & beyond. **TW**
Final 2 hours. Sally is spilling the beans about Burt Reynolds 😮🤗VERY juicy #NonfictionNovember
When life gives you mushy bananas 🍌 you make sugar free banana muffins 🧁#AudioBaking I‘m in awe of Sally Field. If you‘re looking for a book for #Booked2020 #SetInHollywood I highly recommend this one, especially on audio 🙌🏻
Bravely honest and straight forward memoir. One really gets what it‘s like growing up an unconfident starlet.
Also the image I had of Bert Reynolds was completely shattered.
Oh God!!! This book is leaving ME In Pieces 😢😭😢TW: sexual abuse
Wow, Sally Field‘s can write so viscerally and passionately
I‘m sorry, Sally. You deserved better. I don‘t wish to judge your mother but she failed you. Weakness is not an excuse for a parent.
Up next 🎧let‘s see if I really like her 😉
I‘m 14 chapters in to this audiobook. Let me just say, If Sally Field wanted to read everything out loud to me for the rest of my life, it would totally not hurt my feelings one bit!! #LoveHer
Just started this on the way to work this morning! I love the sound of Sally Field‘s voice.