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La grande truffa
La grande truffa | John Grisham
Gli studenti Mark, Todd e Zola si sono iscritti alla scuola di legge di Washington con le migliori intenzioni e il sogno di cambiare il mondo una volta ottenuta la sospirata laurea. Dopo essersi coperti di debiti per poter pagare le rette salatissime di una mediocre scuola privata, i tre amici si rendono conto di essere oggetto di una grande truffa. Il loro istituto, infatti, insieme a molti altri, nelle mani di un potente e losco investitore newyorchese, che anche socio di una banca specializzata nella concessione di prestiti agli studenti. Dopo anni di sacrifici e false promesse di un lavoro sicuro, Mark, Todd e Zola capiscono che con ogni probabilit non riusciranno mai a passare l'esame di avvocato. Ma forse c' una via d'uscita: l'obiettivo farla franca con i grossi debiti accumulati e vendicarsi del torto subito. E per fare tutto ci i tre devono lasciare subito gli studi, fingere di avere i titoli per praticare la professione di avvocato, eleggendo il Rooster Bar, dove si incontrano abitualmente, a loro quartier generale. un'idea completamente folle, o no? John Grisham, con piglio brillante ed efficace, affronta un argomento di grande attualit non solo in America, mettendo a nudo gli interessi e i profitti che vengono maturati nel grande business delle scuole private.
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I‘ve been a fan of Grisham forever, so I was disappointed to not have liked this one as much as I hoped. Especially since I attended Grisham‘s author event in 2017 for the release of this book and purchased a signed copy. While I have a few issues with this book, it was still an okay read. The story kept my interest enough that I finished it and didn‘t feel compelled to bail.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com/blog/the-rooster-bar

Ruthiella I had a similar experience with the last John Irving book. You can‘t win them all, I guess. But it is still disappointing when a favorite author fails to deliver. 2w
IuliaC Beautiful photo! 2w
AnnCrystal 😍💝. 2w
NatalieR @Ruthiella Yeah, not every book is going to be a win for all fans. Oh well, I‘ll still keep reading. 🤓 1w
NatalieR @IuliaC Thank you! 😊 1w
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Rooster Bar | John Grisham

I have been meaning to read more John Grisham. This is a great will they get away with it read. My only #roll100 finished. @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Typical Grisham⭐️⭐️⭐️

KathyWheeler I really didn‘t care for this book and thought it was worse than most Grisham. I disliked all the characters and felt he was trying to cram too many social issues into one book when he should‘ve just addressed the one issue of predatory student loans. (edited) 2y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Once one suspends belief and allows the book to flow, this is a good story. I enjoyed the audio version.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I liked this book. I think the story might be a little far fetched but l did want to continue reading it to see how it ended. I think it was a very real topic regarding high student debt but it‘s a little hard to believe that students would drop out in their last semester and pull off the scam that these characters did.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham


The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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3 students enrol in the Foggy Bottom Law School, eyeing a lucrative career in Law. But they soon learn that they have actually enrolled in a vicious scam, where they will never be free of the burden of debt.
Soon they undertake a mission to upend the scam and make loads of money for themselves and escape their mountain of debt.
Please read my review from here

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#theroosterbar #johngrisham #legalthriller

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Fun read

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Very compelling one day read. Everyone knows what Grisham does and has on offer, so you‘ll already know if this is for you or not. Suffice to say I find the legal angle into crime interesting. This one really foregrounds how messed up the college loan system is in the US and that‘s disturbing/interesting in equal measure. A solid way to spend a Saturday.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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3.5⭐️ I wanted to like this more. It‘s a pick only because it was compelling enough to get me to finish it. Didn‘t really like the characters. The plot was probably more plausible than the TV show Suits, but Suits did a better job of making me like the characters and find them sympathetic.

3 law school students, deep in debt, skip their last semester and try to practice law in Washington DC. They fail spectacularly and end up on the run.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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“The end of the year brought the usual holiday festivities, though around the Frazier house there was little to cheer.”

Students at a for-profit law school, facing overwhelming debt load, learn that their school is fishy. Haven‘t read a Grisham novel in ages!


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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

I liked the book but at times it was a little far fetched! As someone with student loans I did understand the characters despair and frustrating feelings.

Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I hit a wall with audiobooks, not able to concentrate. I needed a very light read and something to just carry me along for the ride, and this did it for me.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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In the past year I‘ve thrifted 28 John Grisham hardbacks. I‘d yet to read any because where to start? So I thought I‘d use October mystery month to eenie meanie miney mo my way through my mounting stack.

My TBR‘s have nothing on the mounting student loan debt of the main characters in this one. But boy did they make stupid choices. Nevertheless, I was intrigued by the story.

Prairiegirl_reading He is popular for a reason for sure! I haven‘t read all of them but I always enjoy Grisham. 5y
marleed @Prairiegirl_reading It‘s a bit of a mystery (pun kind of intended) that I liked the book even when I thought the main characters were irritating. 5y
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Rooster Bar | John Grisham

Love all his books. Great perspective on college debt, mass tort lawsuits, and the lie of some American dreams.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Enjoyed listening to this one!

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

not his best. but his standard formula

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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All the main characters in this book lack any sense of morality, and the things they do are idiotic, so it‘s hard to sympathize with them. One character, Zola, seems to exist merely to hook the immigration story on and to add diversity (black, female, and Muslim — I‘m surprised Grisham didn‘t also make her gay). The immigration parts seem like a separate book and make no sense in this one. There are Grisham books worth reading; this is not one.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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The main characters in this book just did something so colossally stupid that I‘m having trouble feeling any sympathy for them. AND they are arrogant about it!

#bookfitnesschallenge #bfcr2 results
Walking = 2.15 miles
Eating = good on veggies and protein

@wanderinglynn @Emilymdxn @cewilf @cobwebmoth @Megabooks @RachelO @TheEllieMo @Trashcanman #goteam

Megabooks Fantastic!! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
cobwebmoth Nice job on your walking and eating!☺ 5y
wanderinglynn Way to go! 🙌🏻 5y
Emilymdxn Well you‘ve made much better decisions than the book people that‘s for sure! 5y
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Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Not loving this book so far. Grisham takes on two huge issues — fraud in school loans and immigration. That‘s making the book lose focus.

#bookfitnesschallenge #bfcr2
Walking = 3.31 miles in 3 walks
Eating = good on veggies but had pie and hush puppies.

@wanderinglynn @Emilymdxn @cewilf @cobwebmoth @Megabooks @RachelO @TheEllieMo @Trashcanman

Jennick2004 Yikes that sounds loaded 5y
KathyWheeler @Jennick2004 Yeah — he probably should‘ve chosen just one issue. 5y
ChasingOm Looks like some beautiful scenery during your walks! 5y
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wanderinglynn Great day! 🙌🏻 5y
KathyWheeler @ChasingOm We live maybe an hour from the Gulf. These are the marshes across the road from the beach. (edited) 5y
Megabooks Awesome job!! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
BookwormAHN Great job 🌼 5y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Picked up the fantasy at Half Priced Books yesterday and got The Rooster Bar for $1.99 at goodwill. Not a big thriller person but for that price I thought I would give the genre another try!

#bookhaul #halfpricedbooks #fantasy #thriller #mpls #twincities

The_Heeler_Booklife A Winter‘s Promise is so good. 5y
Schnoebs @allthingskayla I‘ve heard some concerns over the writing in general (even in the French editions) but I‘m still excited to get into it 5y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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#BarAssociation is probably my favorite Ferengi episode. For those non-Trekkies, Ferengi are a species driven by profit and greed.

The employees at the local Ferengi bar on DS9, go to form a union 😱 to get Quark to treat them better, but things go awry for Quark when his nemesis liquidator Brunt shows up. I love Jeffery Combs as Brunt. Great episode!!

This is a book that I‘ve been meaning to read with Bar in the title. #StarTrekSummerJune👇🏻

Megabooks Retrospectively, I wish I had chosen more Ferengi episodes for this challenge because I really do enjoy them!! 5y
Ruthiella Deep Space 9 is my absolute FAVORITE of the TV shows! I‘ll have a Romulan ale please and what ever my buddy Morn wants.😄 5y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Excellent read!

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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This will be my next read. Not a re-read either! My parents picked this up for me at a library sale a few months ago.

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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

Definitely a unique plot but not as thrilling or interesting as the standard Grisham story.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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What do you do when you realize that your law school is going to leave you with poor job prospects and hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt? Drop out in your last semester and commit some felonies. What do you do after that? Commit more felonies. It wouldn‘t have been so bad if the main characters were actually likeable. 2 out of 5 stars.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

Good enough story but a little too complicated by the end for an abrupt end not very realistic. #2018

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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I am "booked" this weekend ?

Slajaunie I‘m trying to be in a reading bubble. My husband and son are loud and the dog keeps wanting attention. 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz @Slajaunie totally understand what you're doing thru! I'm in a pretty much similar situation too 😔 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Mine are baby, toddler, hubby, TV 😭😭 I love them to bits but sometimes one just needs their quiet reading time 😑 6y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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It‘s been a long time since I read a Grisham book and I wonder if perhaps I‘ve outgrown his work. The story overall was ok, not especially good but not terribly bad. I didn‘t find it to be thrilling, suspenseful or even believable. while I didn‘t agree with the choices the 3 characters made, I found myself rooting for the fools the majority of the time. I wouldn‘t consider this a legal thriller, more so a caper, like watching a train wreck.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I liked this more than Camino Island but idk...somehow I haven't found any of his books yet that I've enjoyed. #53

Andrew65 I enjoyed his early work pre 2000. Since then not so much. My favourites would be The Testament, A Time to Kill and A Painted House. 6y
BarbaraBB I completely agree with @Andrew65! His first few books were so good and then he became a bit predictable and meh 6y
Sace I've only read A Time to Kill. It was fabulous. I didn't want to spoil that experience so I never read another Grisham 😂 6y
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kricheal @Andrew65 @BarbaraBB @RestlessFickleBookHoarder Now I'm curious... I've read these two Grishams just because it was convenient on the overdrive app. I'm pretty sure I have a copy of A Time to Kill on my shelves that is unread. I have a TBR jar that I rely on for my next unread shelved book... I might have to bypass my system for this one. 6y
Andrew65 @kricheal 😂 Every system was made to be broken. A Time to Kill is a great classic and also an excellent film of it starring Matthew Mcconaughey, Sandra Bullock and the great Samuel L Jackson! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117913/ 6y
erank58 I would reccomend The Firm, The Pelican Brief, and The Client-- not sure if yove read any of those, but those are my personal favorites!! 6y
BarbaraBB @erank58 Yes, those are great, along with the above mentioned A Time to Kill, my favorite! 6y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Starting this next

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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Driving home from a weekend visiting my friend in Oregon back to California. Reading this while my son drives. Lots of smokey skies and air.

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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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This book got better as it went on, it really draws you in. I didn‘t see the ending coming at all. Well written, slick and fast paced.

Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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First #24in48 COMPLETE! @24in48

24in48 🎉👏🎉👏 6y
Rachbb3 Great job! 👍🏼 6y
GypsyKat Congratulations!!!🍾🎉 📚⏱ 6y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

Whelp.....I‘m bailing. I hate to do this, but with so many books piled up around me that I want to read, I just don‘t think I‘m going to drag out the second half of this book any longer. It‘s not bad — but it just hasn‘t pulled me in and I‘m more than halfway through. 😕

tracey38 Life's too short to finish a book you aren't enjoying! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm I haven‘t read this one but my hubby did and he slogged his way through it and didn‘t enjoy it. We both enjoyed Camino Island tho- which is the one he released before rooster bar! 6y
LMJenkins @TheFunkyBookworm I liked Camino Island too! 6y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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1. I‘m sitting in my sunroom with a pile of books, my iPad and a glass of Chardonnay.
2. Reading The Rooster Bar and Mooncop.
3. I wander my shelves, piles, ebook library and borrowed library stack until I find the one that feels just right.

SilversReviews Love where you are. 😋 Thanks for playing. 6y
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

Grisham‘s book, “Rooster Bar” left me unfulfilled. I finished it and two things came to mind, glad I got it from the library (free) and with so many books to read, maybe I didn‘t need to have read this after all.
I did not like the characters and there was no good versus evil theme, this time everyone is bad. Read my full review at thejwordpress.wordpress.com

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Grisham is quite a storyteller. Loved it as it was set in DC, and reminded me of all the old haunts. What a story! I wonder if he has sold the movie 🎥 rights. #greatstory

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Enjoying this one. Takes me back to DC.

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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I am enjoying this book!

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

Listened to the first CD, but just couldn‘t get in to it.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham

Meh. My least favorite book of his that I've ever read. I felt the plot was all over the place. Too many things going on. And I didn't really care about the characters. It was disappointing.

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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Typical John Grisham. He is pretty dependable for a decent, enjoyable read. It's no A Time to Kill but it is comparable to his recent works. 3.5🌟

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The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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This was my first experience of John Grisham & I wasn't disappointed..

Very interesting read about three Law Students struggling with student debt & other things..

I will definitely be reading more by Grisham.. 😃

The Rooster Bar | John Grisham
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I've almost finished #theroosterbar by #johngrisham.. 👍

So got me some more.. Excited!!

#lovebooks.. #reading.. #kindle.. #goodreads.. #litsy.. #jamespatterson.. #linwoodbarclay..
