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Carrow Haunt
Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
44 posts | 40 read | 44 to read
"The dead are restless here..." Remy is a tour guide for Carrow House, a notoriously haunted building. When she's asked to host seven guests for a week-long stay to research Carrow's phenomena, she hopes to finally experience some of the sightings that made the house famous. At first, it's everything they hoped for. Then a storm moves in, cutting off their contact with the outside world, and things quickly become twisted. Doors open on their own. Seances go disastrously wrong. Red liquid seeps from behind the wallpaper. Their spirit medium wanders through the house during the night, seemingly in a trance. Then one of the guests dies under strange circumstances, and Remy is forced to consider the possibility that the ghost of the house's original owner, a twisted serial killer, still walks the halls. But by then it's too late to escape.
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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OMG! This is so good! As the description states, “A storm moves in, cutting off their contact with the outside world, and things quickly take a sinister turn. Doors open on their own. Séances go disastrously wrong. One of the guests dies under strange circumstances that Remy is forced to consider the possibility that the ghost of the house's original owner―a twisted serial killer―still walks the halls.” The ending will have you saying “Wow!”

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Welcome to Carrow House. The dead are restless here. Remy is a tour guide for the notoriously haunted Carrow House. The old place is a haunt for the superstitious, but Remy hasn't seen any proof of the paranormal yet. So when she's asked to host guests for a week-long stay in order to research Carrow's phenomena, she hopes to finally experience some of the sightings that made the house famous.

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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Trying my hand at my first crocheted sweater.
🤞 Here's hoping it works out well!🤞

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
KateReadsYA I cannot wait to see your finished project. I'm too nervous to do a sweater but I want to 8mo
brittanyreads I hope it turns out!! I have tried two other sweaters this past month where the sizing turned out wonky and I had to stop making them when I got to the sleeve holes. Lol to be fair I was not using the correct hook or yarn size, thinking it would just be fine. It was not fine. 😅😅😅 I started this one using the correct hook and yarn for the pattern. So hoping for better results! So far...so good! @KateReadsYA 8mo
KateReadsYA @brittanyreads That's great! :) 8mo
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Welcome to the new year my fellow Littens! My #JumpStart2024 #readathon starts today. I‘ve been very ill the last few days so no bingo board sorry, thinking is too difficult right now, but the readathon itself is a go! I‘m kicking off my New Year reading with a local author, Darcy Coates lives on the Central Coast of NSW where I‘ve spent a LOT of time, her horror novels are highly readable. Good luck everyone!

CSeydel Happy new year - hope you feel better soon! 10mo
Ruthiella Sorry you‘re not feeling well. Happy New Year to you! 10mo
JessClark78 Hope you feel better soon. 10mo
Andrew65 Hope you‘re feeling better. 10mo
DieAReader Feel better soon❣️ 10mo
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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MY kind of haunted house book. Something similar to how I felt after reading Jennifer McMahon's The Invited, there were spooky and violent happenings, but the overall feel of the book, the message, and the protagonist was compassionate, caring. I will say certain plot elements of this 2018 book bear a striking resemblance to a 2012 Supernatural episode...🤔 There's also one very creepy typo near the end: have fun on that scavenger hunt!

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Grandpa is going above and beyond.

TheBookHippie GOALS! 12mo
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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I'm with Remy: not comforting.
Frightened of WHAT, Marjorie?! 🫣

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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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I have a jillion books with haunting in the title, but just one with #haunt #scarathlonphotochallenge #scarathlon #teamcryptkeepers

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Sorry for the weird picture, but I just saw all these horror novels by Darcy Coates; I even picked up The Carrow Haunt! Has anyone here read this author before? There‘s so many books and I‘m intrigued if they‘re really good or not!

RosePressedPages Her book is From Below is one of my favorite books of all time, and I ended up reading it twice in a row. She‘s great! (edited) 1y
Cailey_Mac @MadelineMcCrae ooo awesome! That‘s good to hear! I might work my way through her books then☺️ 1y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates

I really liked this book. I liked seeing the characters work together until the evil ghost push the main characters to the limit. There were many ghosts, and most had tragic stories. I was shocked by what happened to some of the characters and loved how they fought back in the end. I highly recommend this book, and look forward to gallows hill.

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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I enjoyed this ghost story. It used both haunted house and whodunit tropes, which kept things interesting. I couldn't decide if it was a ghost or a person causing all the chaos. Some creepy moments but not really scary (though my scare tolerance is really high). Perfect for the season.

BookishMadHatter This is one of my favorite Coates books 2y
ShyBookOwl @BookishMadHatter it was my first, but it won't be my last 2y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Y'all, it is 7:30 and I am sooo tired, so I'm climbing into bed with the last 50 pages of this book... slightly concerned I won't make it 😅 Things are amping up though. The plot has been pretty quick moving so far but the body count is piling up now with this haunted house/whodunit format.

Bookwormjillk Right there with you and it‘s only Monday! 2y
ShyBookOwl @Bookwormjillk Oi, hang in there!! 2y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Very creepy and original ghost story with a very satisfying ending. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Remy waited, shivering, on the wide stone porch as the van crunched along the gravel driveway.

#FirstLineFridays #Spooktober

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Finally opening my first Darcy Coates book after collecting them through kindle unlimited for over a year lol

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Heading out to my son‘s first in person field trip since fall 2019! His school used to do this huge one at an apple orchard/cider mill north of Lansing every fall but hasn‘t since the pandemic started so he‘s pretty excited that they brought it back this year. It‘s an online public school so this is the main chance to meet his teacher in person.

ShyBookOwl Exciting! Curious about that book too! I've been meaning to try out Coates since last fall but never follow through 2y
PathfinderNicole @ShyBookOwl I highly recommend Coates! This one I think ended up being my favorite of theirs so far! 2y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Kicking off the Halloween season 🎃 (a little late compared to others) with a light #paranormalhorror and a good #cuppa

#recommend some of your favourite horrors

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Book 11 for October themed reads. Although this has all the same horror tropes as most in this genre, haunted house, guest stay over night…ghosts…it‘s done in a way that snags your attention and keeps it. Creepy atmospheric read if there ever was one.

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Genre: Horror
Notes: Dark and twisted as well as creepy , the perfect book to read on a dark and stormy night , in or around October or just about any time you want a horror story.
Checks off the boxes
Characters stay the night in a haunted house
They get stuck there and can't leave
Serial killer
Murder both in the past and the present
To find out how all this comes together , you have to read the book

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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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This ghost hunting haunted house horror was so much fun. I‘m glad I gave Coates a second chance since I‘ve enjoyed the last few that I‘ve checked out so much.

AkashaVampie This cover looks awesome!!! 4y
Godpants @AkashaVampie so spooky! 4y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Continuing to make my way through Coates haunted house novels.

Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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If you're looking for a good ghost story I'd say this is it. The first part of the book is a great build up to the terrifying fast paced second half that kept me up reading late into the night. This is my first time reading one of Ms. Coates books but it definitely won't be the last.

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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“And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust!” 🎶
One more #BookSpinBingo square is completed this month.
I am a fan of Coates‘ ghost stories and this one did not disappoint. It was a much darker entry than the others I‘ve read by her. While the end stretched my suspension of disbelief to its very limits, all in all I enjoyed this book. A perfect read for a stormy October night.
#scarathlon2020 #TeamHarkness 16pts

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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#AudioCrocheting a gift during the #Readathon

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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All dressed up in #Ravenclaw for the #Readathon while I went out to Peet's. #ReadathonFashion

Leftcoastzen Yay Peet‘s!☕️ 4y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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“Remy waited, shivering, on the wide stone porch as the van crunched along the gravel Driveway.“

The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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I think I‘m going to like this.
“Lover of period dress and dusty books.”

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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Let's spend 2 weeks researching the ghost of a mass murderer in a deserted house, cut off from all civilization! What could go wrong? Lol, another excellent haunted house story by Coates about Carrow House, a haunted hotel, and its impeccable tour guide Remy. 8 people are invited to communicate with the spirits but not all of them want to just talk. My only issue was the medium calling everyone "dear boy" and "child".

IamIamIam @JoScho I totally agree with you. This was my favorite so far, replacing Craven Manor!!! 💜 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Cool cover pick! 👊🏻 4y
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IamIamIam @BarbaraTheBibliophage I just found this pic, lol. The other post I put up is the cover. 😁 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @IamIamIam Oh ... LOL. The real cover is cool too. 💜 4y
JoScho @IamIamIam yes!!! 4y
Cinfhen Fun 👻 4y
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The Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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A book about a tour guide of a haunted house being read by a tour guide of a not haunted house... LOL

Just starting this and I already needed to strap in for the ghostly roller coaster ahead!!! I freaking LOVE Darcy Coates!!!!

#quarantinereads #ghoststories #hauntedhouse

JoScho This is one of my faves from her! 🖤 4y
IamIamIam @JoScho I blew through about 60% today!!! I got my mom to buy all her books I've already read! She's fantastic!!! 👻💜 4y
JoScho One of my faves. I am ready for a new ghost story from her. 4y
IamIamIam @JoScho I'm seriously debating a Kindle Unlimited trial just because most of her stuff is available and they're such quick, fun reads!!! I had no idea most of her stuff had come out in only the last few years!! 4y
JoScho Oh yeah just do a free trial for a month and you will be able to crush them all. So worth it! 4y
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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Finally finished this! It was creepy enough that I could only read it during the day. Really enjoyed it and will read more by this author in the future. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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I managed 10 hours this go round of the #24b4monday #readathon . That‘s 2 hours more than last month! I‘m definitely happy with my time and will be shooting for 12 in December.

Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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This was a quick read. Not very scary, fairly typical haunted story. Still fun tho, especially the last 60 pages or so. Remy is a tour guide at a haunted house. She‘s asked to join a group attempting to stay at the house for 2 weeks; can it be done??

Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Snagged another Coates for 99 cents!
My collection is almost complete.

Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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This was another fun Darcy Coates read. I liked the set up for the story and there were a couple of good creepy moments. Fun characters and great atmosphere.

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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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So scary I couldn‘t read it when I was alone or at night. Seriously. I‘m a grown woman and I couldn‘t do it lol. Absolutely recommend it! Great story, interesting characters and it never slowed for a second.

Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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Evening plans: horror and girl scout cookies. Like my boss's eight year old, I may eat so many I puke. I make the best life decisions!

DarcysMom I am eating Samoas right now! 6y
annkuch13 @DarcysMom They're the best! 💜 6y
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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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"The dead are restless here..."

Set on an island with it's only access to the mainland is a stone bridge, Carrow House once an assylum then a hotel, has had many mysterious deaths and has been closed and abandoned for years except for the occasional tour guides. Until a group of eight people decided to stay for a two week paranormal research. Everyone seems to be excited and happy about the place until strange creepy things started happening.

Nute Wow, is that cover ever fitting? I‘m already creeped out!😱 6y
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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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A little late but here we go:
1. Playing with my cousins on the street to avoid being stuck in the house during family parties. This is one of my favorites because all my cousins moved out of state and I rarely see them anymore.
2. One older and one younger sister
3. April 2018 (I think)
4. Tagged
5. If you're reading this, tagged you're it!
@eggs #wondrouswednesday

Thanks for the tag @lahousewyfe 😍

Eggs Thanks for joining in ❣️❣️ 6y
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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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5⭐'s. I loved this book! It was spooky and the characters were likeable. A great book to take on my vacation.

JoScho Love me some Darcy Coates! 6y
hyperashley @JoScho me too!! 6y
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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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So I may be going down a Darcy Coates wormhole lately but I am totally fine with that. This was another haunting story with great characters and a plot that kept me reading and a bit of romance thrown in for good measuree. This one has some seriously spooky moments. One of my fave haunting books by her so far-very atmospheric 🖤

Headinherbooks_27 ❤Darcy Coates 6y
MaleficentBookDragon I love her books. I don't have this one yet. The one I plan to read next is 6y
JoScho @MaleficentBookDragon this one was really good. I haven‘t read ghost camera yet but I am reading 6y
JoScho @nu-bibliophile me too! 6y
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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates

This is all of my favorite parts of a haunted house story so far.

Also a door just slammed and I dropped my Kindle. I'm guessing this is working for me.

Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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@MinDea #HumpDayPost
1. Hid inside with my two favorite doggos while the rain came down down down.
2. Snuggled in bed, trying to convince myself to get up (been awake since 6:30, it‘s almost 7:30. I swear it‘s gonna happen soon!)
3. The Carrow Haunt by Darcy Coates. Ghostly good times! (Tap the tagged book to see my review.)
4. Matcha Latte 🍵😋
5. SUSHI 🍣🤤

DGRachel Such cuties! 😍😍 6y
Gaylagal2 Adorable!🐾 6y
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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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This haunting audiobook went chillingly well with the stormy weather we‘ve been having for the last week or so. Darcy Coates may be my newest author obsession! The cast of characters is well balanced and each is nicely fleshed out. Coates strikes just the right mix of fun, horror, and mystery, with a sprinkle of romance in this tale. If you‘re looking for spooky ghost story for the #Halloween season, this would be one of my top two suggestions!

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Carrow Haunt | Darcy Coates
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As a major horror fan, especially leaning towards historical horror and ghost tales involving massive estates, this was perfect for me. Very well written and paced with fun characters and an excellent backstory. A truly solid ghost story with some excellent tension and some creepy scenes! I am absolutely getting more books by this author!

JoScho I have only read one book by her so far but I thoroughly enjoyed it. 6y
sparrowssavvy @JoScho Which one did you read? I just started another one by her! 6y
JoScho @sparrowssavvy it was short but good! 6y
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JoScho I have a few more of hers on my kindle but haven‘t read them yet. I think they are free if you have kindle unlimited. I had it for a bit then canceled. I got this one last night for 99 cents! 6y
sparrowssavvy @JoScho oh! I saw that one! She has two short stories I believe. I literally added them all to my wish list haha 6y
sparrowssavvy @JoScho I don't have a kindle so I'm buying them with audible credits. I would prefer to be able to get them in actual book form but I can deal with audible since they don't seem available 6y
JoScho Good to know they are on audible! 6y
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