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Nikolai Gogol - Dead Souls
Nikolai Gogol - Dead Souls: The Longer and More Carefully We Look at a Funny Story, the Sadder It Becomes. | Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 31st March 1809 in present day Ukraine which was then the Russian Cossack village of Sorochyntsi. Nikolai's parents were relatively affluent; his mother's family were Polish landowners and his father, who wrote poetry in Ukrainian and Russian, was a descendant of Ukrainian Cossacks. Nikolai had a good education and started writing as a teenager whilst still at school although did consider becoming an actor due to his formidable talent at mimicry. On leaving school he went to St Petersburg but found it hard getting any work either in the civil service or as an actor. He self published a romantic poem but it was critically savaged to the extent that he swore never to write poetry again and also considered emigrating to the US. Fortunately, he persevered with his writing and produced a series of stories about his home in Ukraine in a colloquial and whimsical style that captured many literary admirers including the esteemed poet Pushkin. Nikolai was eventually able to abandon his work teaching and produced powerful books brilliantly and savagely satirising the inequities of the Russian system and its corrupt bureaucracy. His creative talents declined in later years and he became heavily influenced by a sadistic fanatical priest and died semi insane on 4th March 1852. He remains the father of Russian realism as evidenced here by his classic 'Dead Souls'
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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3⭐️ I like this new translation work; I cannot imagine reading this in verse 🙈 I wish that Gogol didn‘t burn some of the part 2. I‘m really curious what he had in mind for Chichikov‘s ending. What‘s the original plan? How would it end in part 3?

All that Gogol mentioned here about society is still relevant today. We have not changed after all, and this was written in 1840s.

Ruthiella That‘s both the benefit to reading classics and the downer: humans haven‘t changed much. 2mo
Suet624 @Ruthiella I keep waiting for the highly evolved part of being human shows up. 2mo
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Graywacke Lies and sorcery? I haven‘t heard of the title, but adore Morante. 2mo
sisilia @Graywacke It‘s a new one from NYRB 😃 I haven‘t read any Morante, so am looking forward to this. 2mo
Graywacke @sisilia interesting! 2mo
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I pushed through this book of caricatures of russian people and the class values that shaped society during serfdom. it was a struggle at times. and i pushed through because there had to be a point to it all.

and i was very sad to get to the point where gogol stopped writing, very angry to find that there was no end, and no great point of the whole journey.

Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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I wish it were finished and, ya know, Gogol hadn't burnt up the second volume 😂, BUT great themes and characters! I loved the “author breaking the 4th wall“ direct addresses, especially the conclusion to the first volume. The witty turns of phrase and writing style kept me smirking throughout. I read D.J. Hogarth's 1916 translation which reminded me of my fav 19th century authors and I'm not sure I would enjoy a newer translation as much. ⬇

Bits I bought my copy 16 years ago and it's been on my TBR ever since! I finally checked it off thanks to #bookspinbingo and @thearomaofbooks! And I'm glad I did! 4y
Lcsmcat I laughed out loud when I read this one. And I had the same frustration of wishing he had finished it. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great review!!! 4y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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I love this translator's note, but it makes me wish I could read the original Russian more than ever!

Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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The character saying it doesn't really mean it, but I do! 😃📚📖📚😃

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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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#ThankfulThoughts #souls I have an older translation of this book around here somewhere , but I fell in love with this NYRB classics cover.Still on #TBRMountain

Lcsmcat I was laughing out loud when I read this! 4y
Soubhiville This is a fun cover! 4y
The_Penniless_Author Love this book so much. Never saw that cover before! 4y
Eggs Gorgeous cover❣️ 4y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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To the door of an inn in the provincial town of N. there drew up a smart britchka—a light spring-carriage of the sort affected by bachelors, retired lieutenant-colonels, staff-captains, land-owners possessed of about a hundred souls, and, in short, all persons who rank as gentlemen of the intermediate category. 🐎 #FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Thank you Caroline for my lovely #litsymail. I can always do with a bit of Michelle wisdom 😁 and I have a confession- I‘ve never read any ‘Russian‘ classic lit!!
Looking forward to the review mag too 😘 I could seriously sell your comments.

rockpools Spooky! A character in my book was reading this, not half an hour ago. 4y
Caroline2 Oh good, I‘m glad you like them. I made a New Years resolution to read some Russian literature this year so let me know if you fancy a read long. 👍 I read his Christmas short story and it was seriously funny. 😁 4y
Cathythoughts Look forward to your thoughts on tagged Russian 👍🏻❤️ 4y
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LeahBergen That bookmark! 😮❤️❤️❤️ 4y
TrishB @RachelO book synchronicity 😁 4y
TrishB @Caroline2 I shall give you a shout! 4y
TrishB @Cathythoughts Russian lit has always scared me a bit 😮 4y
TrishB @LeahBergen it‘s awesome isn‘t it 😁 4y
batsy Lovely! I've yet to read Gogol! And gorgeous bookmark 😍 4y
TrishB @batsy I shall be attempting it at some point 🤞🏻 4y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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#BookReport 1/20

Four books this week, so a solid kicking-off 2020.

I was a bit disappointed by The Water Dancer, but enjoyed Saudade (both for #ToB2020).

Modern Lovers was an easy read and perfect for a hungover January 1st.

Dead Souls I had been reading and listening to for a few weeks. I often like my Russians but this one didn‘t live up to my expectations.

Cinfhen Great week, indeed!! I didn‘t love this one either / was hoping for MORE 5y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Indeed, I kept waiting for more but in the end it didn‘t deliver. 5y
emilyhaldi Oh no!! Sad to hear that Water Dancer was a letdown for you two @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen I loved it!!! Cindy- I thought for sure you would like this one, but you always keep me on my toes 😂😂 5y
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Cinfhen I think expectations were involved and it felt too similar but not as satisfying as Underground Railroad @emilyhaldi 5y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi @Cinfhen For me it was an okay read but I‘ve read a bit too much about slavery recently and turned a bit numb regarding the subject. I‘d probably liked it more if I‘d read it some other moment. 5y
Reviewsbylola I love Emma Straub. Great week! 5y
Suet624 @Cinfhen me too. 4y
Cinfhen Of course you felt the same way as I did, my lovely crab 🦀 @Suet624 ♥️ 4y
Suet624 @Cinfhen it always makes me chuckle when I see we have the same thoughts about a book. 4y
Cinfhen 👯‍♀️ @Suet624 😘 4y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Chichikov is a man, travelling #Russia to buy “dead souls" from landowners. He uses these souls as collateral in obtaining loans. He obviously is a fraudster but not much more than the people he encounters while travelling. The novel
is a satirical charge against Russia I suppose. Too bad Gogol died before finishing his story.

#ReadingEurope2020 ?? #1001books #classicschallenge2020

Tamra What a terrific premise though! 5y
ljuliel Beautiful view. 5y
Sace This is on my list for Russia as well. 5y
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BarbaraBB @Tamra Yes It is and everyone loves this book so it‘s probably me. I have to admit I listened to it on audio partly and my English might be not good enough to fully comprehend what was happening or understanding the satirical meaning. 5y
BarbaraBB @Sace I am looking forward to what you think. You will probably like it better than I did. 5y
Suet624 It looks gray and cold where you are. Is it? 5y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 It is. This is the North Sea. It is rainy and windy here. But it‘s nice for a walk, to clear your head! (edited) 5y
Reviewsbylola Kudos to you for reading this one. The plot sounds intriguing but not enough for me to read this one. 5y
BarbaraBB @Reviewsbylola I completely understand! 5y
Librarybelle Interesting...it does sound like a good premise! 5y
Billypar I didn't realize it was unfinished when I started: I really enjoyed what was there, but my edition (Wordsworth, Hapgood translation) actually included an attempt by another author in 1857 to finish the novel. And Hapgood translated it from a French translation since the Russian was unavailable, and one she believes wasn't very good to begin with! I shouldn't have read it, but I did and it left a bad taste. 5y
BarbaraBB @Billypar An attempt by another author to finish Gogol‘s most famous novel? That sounds very unbelievable these days, I think you may have read a special edition that would be priceless these days 😀 5y
Billypar @BarbaraBB It was very strange: never heard of it happening with a classic work! Based on the translator's note, it didn't sound she was very happy about including it - might have been something the publisher was pushing. 5y
BarbaraBB @Billypar I‘ve never heard of something like that either regarding a classic! Weird! 5y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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#WeeklyForecast 50/19

I started Dead Souls on both audio and print. It will take a while to finish it, I think.
I am also reading Mr Nishino, which I will finish today.

Next will be Kindred for both #Booked2019 and #ReadingUSA2019.
I hope to finish the USA challenge this week by reading Sharp Objects.
If there is time left, I‘ll start In Hazard.

Cathythoughts I hear Kindred in great 👍🏻❤️ 5y
Kalalalatja That Gogol cover is great! 5y
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Cinfhen Oohhh, you‘re getting so close to completing all your reading challenges 🙌🏻❣️😁 5y
batsy What a great array of books! 5y
TrishB Lovely pic ♥️ 5y
JennyM Echoing @batsy. Great, diverse selection! 5y
Billypar I really liked Dead Souls, but I didn't know it was unfinished when I started. I have the Hapgood English translation and it includes a conclusion written in 1857 by an author Zakharchenko that is translated into English from a French translation that Hapgood believed wasn't very good to begin with. Isn't that odd? I wish I didn't read it because it left a bad taste. 5y
BarbaraBB That is very odd indeed @Billypar! I am about halfway and enjoying it very much. I didn‘t know it was unfinished either! 5y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Starting this on a reading challenge from Facebook. I‘ve been on a real Russian literature kick this year so this fits right in and it has been a fantastic journey.

Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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The main character uses #tricks to game the system in this laugh out loud funny Russian novel. #fallisbooked @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🖤 5y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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1) My sister visited at the weekend and we had a brilliant time time walking all around Edinburgh
2) So many... LotR, Discworld,The Count of Monte Cristo, The Master and Margarita, The Dark is Rising to name a few
4) Dead Souls by Gogol introduced me to Russian satire and absurdism and I love it

Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Hope you've all been enjoying this #Halloween season as much as I have!
And if you don't like scary books, you could always pick up a Russian comedy-satire with a misleadingly scary cover that inspires Halloween costumes 🙄🎃
#OctoberXFiles @Robothugs @Cinfhen

LeahBergen 😆😆 6y
Leftcoastzen Love it! 6y
LauraJ Such a great book! Nice hoodie 😈 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm 😁 👍 Is that you in a hoodie? 6y
batsy Ahahaha! (That's you in there, right? 😱) 6y
Cinfhen Hilarious photo!!!! Getting excited for #NoFemmber or perhaps #YoFemmber❤️ 6y
Chrissyreadit That‘s awesome! 👏🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️ 6y
Billypar @erzascarletbookgasm Yeah- it's actually a monk costume, but I opted for something darker 😈 6y
Billypar @batsy Ha- I should have considered the Scooby Doo villain possibilities- if there was a Shaggy in our group that would have been perfect 😂 6y
Billypar @Cinfhen Yes- I'm getting pumped! Ha- #Yofemmeber - I like that one too 😃 6y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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2018-I thought it was a short visit to the Russian wilderness in The Bear and the Nightingale. But Crime and Punishment urged me to overstay. I loved it so much that I'm currently travelling extensively with The Romanov Sisters. I would love to visit again with the Gentleman in Moscow.
#Russia never disappoints.
The tagged book is another favourite.😊
#Augustisatrip @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

MayJasper I love your blurb ❣️ 6y
vkois88 I need to read all these titles! 6y
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batsy Love your blurb too! I need to read Dead Souls! 6y
BiblioLitten @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks it's on my TBR. Have heard a lot of good things about it. 6y
BiblioLitten @MayJasper Thank you 🤗 @batsy You'd love it if you dig Russian humour. ☺ 6y
BiblioLitten @vkois88 I think it covers various genres, classics to popular fiction. 😊 6y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol

Dark and confusing and delicious.

Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol

I think I'm one of those weird souls who liked this book. The Namesake made me curious about the writer. Pick it if you are into Russian humour.

batsy I definitely want to read this :) 6y
BiblioLitten @batsy I think you'll like it. 😊 6y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol

I love this book. Always have. Filled with nuance, wit, and historical significance. It is and always has been a jewel in the Russian canon.

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Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol
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This prompt makes me think of Russian writers first. You wouldn't think it from the cover, but this one is pretty funny, though Gogol died before finishing it. And I don't know if this is weird but besides the book, this photo shows actual apartment decor, not staged. ☠💀☠💀 #death #junebookbugs @RealLifeReading

batsy I love that it made you think of Russian writers. It's so true though. I love them for their gloom 🌧️ 7y
Billypar @batsy Me too- Crime and Punishment was a first literary love in high school and I've gone to them for some good gloom ever since. 7y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol
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That keep calling me
They keep calling me
Keep on calling me
They keep calling me...
Joy Division or NIN...whichever version you prefer
#maybookflowers #musicaltitles

azulaco Can't I have both? 😉 7y
LauraJ @azulaco Absolutely! 7y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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#rockinmay #Backintheussr Don't know how lucky you are, boy. @Cinfhen

Cinfhen TRUTH 🙌🏻 7y
Cinfhen Gorgeous graphics 7y
Seshat Thanks, @Cinfhen it is from the "cover" of my Kindle version of the book. 7y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol
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What did I think of Dead Souls? Come and read my fantastic book review blog. You absolutely should. I'm hilarious and incisive. Promise.... http://wp.me/p6hg3F-n4

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Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol
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I'm finding this increasingly hard going. The hero has had to run away from the village he was fleecing and the author has subsequently and literally lost the plot. I find that the more I look at the percentage read thing on on kindle or the view from the bus (cherry blossom) the less likely I am to finish the book- this one's prognosis is not looking good!


Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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I feel like gogol is the sort of guy I would like to stand beside at a society ball, whispering arch sides into my ear as I twittered behind my fan. He's a brilliant observer of the weaknesses of human nature, not so much women, and this has got to be one of the first instances of breaking the third wall.


Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol
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Finally started on my February #russianauthors challenge read; decided to read Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol and I am absolutely loving it.

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Dead Souls | Nikolai Vasil'evich Gogol
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These books are at the top of my list of 'Classics I haven't read but will totally get around to one day. Probably.'

#aclassicyouhaventread #seasonsreadings2016

Foxyfictionista The Count of Monte Cristo is great! 8y
Marchpane @Foxyfictionista I've heard it's terrific but it's sooo long! That is why I've always put it off 😩 8y
mhillis I've only read Ana Karenina! It's one of my favorite classics😊 8y
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ampersunder Don Quixote is a crazy book but definitely worthwhile. The Mill on the Floss is wonderful -- George Eliot is one of my favourites! 8y
Cinfhen Ummmm, I'm guilty of not reading these as well🙈 8y
KarenUK Just Anna Karenina for me too! 8y
Godmotherx5 I can say I think you'll enjoy Don Quixote, Crime & Punishment and Anna K. I thought Crime & Punishment was way ahead of its time. My favorite out of those three. 8y
charl08 Gogol. One day I will read... 8y
CocoReads I've read none of these. I tried Anna K once and couldn't get past the first 5 pages (I think-I know I didn't get far) 8y
jpmcwisemorgan I'm going to listen to Anna Karenina one day. 8y
Foxyfictionista @Marchpane Yes it's definitely an investment of time. It's been years since I've read it. I might have to pick it up again sometime. Might be a good read for the beginning of the year when I'm feeling mentally invigorated. 😊 8y
Marchpane @Foxyfictionista yes, post-Christmas is a good time to tackle a chunky book, extra mental bandwidth 😄 One year I read all the A Song of Ice and Fire books back-to-back! 8y
DeeLew I bought Dead Souls and Anna Kerenina mainly because of Rory on The Gilmore Girls. 💙😊 I definitely need to actually read them both! 8y
Reviewsbylola The only one I have read is Anna Karenina but I hope to read The Mill on the Floss someday! 8y
RealLifeReading The only one I've read is the Count and frankly I can't recall the story! 8y
Moray_Reads Ooh, I've read all of these! The Count is one of my all-time favourites. Didn't care for Anna or Don Quixote though 8y
Scerakor I've read CoMC, DQ, and C&P. Honestly after reading the count it instantly became one of my favorite books ever! DQ was amazing when you take into consideration we are talking about the birth of the novel as we know it and that it was written in the 17th century! 8y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol

It's a pick, saved by the first half. Hilarious at times and then it wasn't.

Dead Souls: An Epic Poem | Nikola? Vasilevich Gogol, Donald Rayfield

A classic satire

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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Tintenhain Ah, das habe ich gerade von einer meiner Kursleiterinnen empfohlen bekommen. Es hatte einen aktuellen Bezug, aber den habe ich inzwischen vergessen. 8y
Tommis_Schmoekerblog Wir lesen es gerade in einer Klassiker-LR bei lovelybooks, kannst' gerne noch mitlesen😉 8y
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Oh Nikolai, you funny bastard. If you were 170 years younger, and still alive, I'd have all of your babies.

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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Currently reading and loving this book!

Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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My book got too heavy ... Kindle time. Nikolai Gogol, you funny bastard.

Gezemice I have heard it was funny! Thinking of reading it although my tbr is mostly frozen atm 8y
MamaJody It's not going anywhere @Gezemice ☺️ Next year! It is very funny, but at the same time not very compelling. 8y
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