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Heart of Darkness & Tales of Unrest
Heart of Darkness & Tales of Unrest | Joseph Conrad
"Tales of Unrest is a collection of five compelling short stories in which Conrad explores the nature of the soul and man's psychological malaise."--p. [4] of cover.
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Feast for Crows
📕The Goblin Emperor
📙The Drowned World


Finished a novel and novella this week. I have 30% left on The Drowned World but my brain is fried for today so I will have to finish it on Monday, on top of other things. I feel pretty good about the upcoming week and hopefully jump back into TGE (I keep stalling with it and it's frustrating)

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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As a story it's convoluted, but there is plenty of nuance to it. The themes of colonialism and imperialism, exploitation of people and land, and deeply rooted racism are horrific.

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Heart of Darkness | Matt Kish
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One of the darkest books I've read.

CaitlinR “We live as we dream … alone.” 1y
dabbe @CaitlinR 🩵🤍🩵 1y
Bookwomble "And this, too, has been one of the dark places of the world." (Possibly an inexact quotation!) 1y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🖤🖤 1y
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect color. 🤗 1y
Eggs 🩶🖤🩶 1y
dabbe @Eggs 😍 1y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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3-5 Apr 23 (audiobook)
Branagh is wonderful and I loved this book when I read it for Postmodern Literature as an undergrad, but this audiobook did not succeed for me. I wonder whether the denseness of the writing needs to be read. I found it difficult to follow, although I thought I recalled the plot well. Maybe it was just too short and I did not have a chance to adjust to the style after having spent so many recent hours with Dickens.

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad

The unimaginably twisted mind of colonialism is laid bare in this eery novel.

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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This is the dark story of steam captain Marlowe following the Congo River to find Kurtz. Kurtz is among the most evil of characters in literary history, who is based on the author‘s experiences in Belgium Congo during the horrific genocide perpetrated on the native population to gather rubber (& in Kurtz‘s case, ivory). This book was a success for two reasons: 1) Branagh‘s narration made it very enjoyable despite the subject matter. 2) The ⬇️

Texreader famous line “The horror; the horror.” I took it to have multiple meanings and I liked that very much. This is definitely a story best told on the darkest of nights. It‘s clearly meant to be a horror story. Id like to read it rather than listen to it next time. I think I‘ll pick up more pieces I may have missed. #republicofcongo #drcongo #readingafrica2022 2y
KathyWheeler I used to teach this book in freshman English. They all hated it; I loved it. 2y
Texreader @KathyWheeler It‘s got pretty awful ratings everywhere I look. I‘m glad to hear I‘m not alone. If you haven‘t listened to Branagh‘s version then you are in store for a real treat if you ever want to give it a try. He turned a dark book into a sometimes amusing story just by how he told it! 2y
KathyWheeler @Texreader I think I will listen to it. It‘s been years. 2y
Librarybelle I should probably read this at some point…I‘ve not read many classics set in Africa, and I do need to remedy that! 2y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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I vowed to read this classic for #readingafrica2022–there are just so many references to it as I‘ve been reading through Africa. Fortunately there‘s an audiobook free for Audible subscribers. The narration as you‘d expect is superb. #Congo @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

CarolynM A book I‘ve known about forever but never read too. Ken narrating makes this very tempting! 2y
Librarybelle Oh! Narrated by Kenneth Branagh!! 2y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Eggs Well done! 2y
TheSpineView @Eggs 😊🌞📘 2y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Tagged book for #Congo for #readingafrica2022 @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Even though I have the Congo covered I figured I needed to read this classic sometime this year while doing the challenge

Sapphire Talk about Mood! Classic for a reason. 3y
BarbaraBB I‘ve read this one years ago. 3y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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Although it‘s not overly long this was still slow going. I kept coming back to “If I was on this boat I‘d tell Marlow to stop waffling.” I didn‘t really get the reverence for Kurtz and his going on about him was a bore. I did like reading a first hand account of part of the colonisation of Africa and I felt like his distaste for it was apparent. Glad I read it but not heaps fun.

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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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I recommend this book, even though this post is not a review. I just wanna say that I like it but quite not understand it on some parts, due to its old English. Give it a try, it's very short.

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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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- Yes; but it is like a running blaze on a plain, like a flash of lightning in the clouds. We live in the flicker

Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph

Is this just confusing or am I just stupid? It‘s hard to tell. I just know that when I finished this, I could not figure out wtf I just read. And now I have to write an essay on it 😕
Thank you Overdue Podcast, Sparknotes, and Schmoop for existing and making sense of this confusing mess.

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad



I have not read this since I was an undergrad and while Conrad‘s skill is still apparent , I am not sure how well this holds up.

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad

the danger, if any, i expounded, was from our proximity to a great human passion let loose. even extreme grief may ultimately vent itself in violence, but more generally takes the form of apathy

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad

“We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness. It was very quiet there.“

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad

“The mind of man is capable of anything - because everything is in it, all the past as well as the future.“

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad

“We were travelling in the night of first ages.“

Cathythoughts ❤️ 4y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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It has been on my list for a very, very long time...but it just didn‘t appeal to me. I didn‘t find any of the characters relatable or redeeming. Maybe it requires a reread in the future.

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"Civilization as a pretext for imperialist barbarism in Heart of Darkness," (Winter Bastos)

Dense book, full of layers and with many adjectives, a wonderful book. I recommend reading about the author's biography and historical overview before starting reading for a better appreciation of the work.

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Because it‘s one of the top 100 classics to read (and controversial), I picked this up. Closely based on Conrad‘s experiences, the story takes us into the depths of the Congo upriver. ‘The horror! The horror‘ -the famous line. What‘s horrific was the brutal and ugly truth of colonialism. 👇

#JennyIs30 #classics
#Booked2020 #finishinaday

erzascarletbookgasm (Continue) .. I believe Conrad‘s purpose is to depict the evils of greed and corruption during the European empire-building in Africa continent. I didn‘t enjoy the book, didn‘t feel comfortable with the depiction of the natives, but it‘s a powerful and important read. 5y
Lcsmcat Despite his of-his-time depiction of the Africans, I think Conrad was trying to show how wrong his time was in its behavior toward them. One of the things that blows me away about this book is that Conrad was Polish and didn‘t learn English until he was 21. And yet he could write like that. 5y
DrexEdit I read this again too last year. First time since high school. Didn‘t like any better than I did then, but I think I understood it better. After I finished the text, I discovered the graphic novel. I preferred that version I think because the African natives were portrayed a bit more sympathetically which brought Conrad‘s own racist and colonial undertones into better focus. (edited) 5y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage I remember how intense this one is! 5y
KathyWheeler When I taught English, this was one of the books my students and I read. They hated it while I loved it. 5y
batsy I need to read this but I'm afraid to! Because I think it'll bring a lot of complex feelings to the surface. Great review 👍🏽 5y
Cinfhen Great review, Jessie 💕 5y
Reviewsbylola I couldn‘t make it through the first time I had to read this in college. The second time it was assigned, I actually liked it a lot more. 5y
CarolynM One of those books I should have read but never felt brave enough to try. You've inspired me to pick it up - I'm pretty sure there is a copy on my husband's bookshelves.🙂 5y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad

Unquestionably powerful and unsettling as a historical document

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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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🎶You took a pretty picture
And you smashed it into bits
Sank me into blackness
And you sealed it with a kiss🎶

The author explores the unfathomable darkness in every human soul.




Cinfhen Another “classic” I‘ve never read 🤦🏼‍♀️how many times have I written that comment over the years??? Also, I wanted to say thank you for joining me on my “hosting” journey♥️I‘ve enjoyed all of your posts and comments over the YEARS❣️❣️❣️ 5y
Eggs My pleasure Cindy! @Cinfhen (edited) 5y
Scochrane26 I loathed this book in hs. I have considered reading it now to see if I like it but probably won‘t. 5y
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Eggs Reading should be inviting! No sense in forcing oneself, right? @Scochrane26 😊 5y
Scochrane26 @Eggs yes, I agree. I think the reason I thought of reading Heart of Darkness again is because it‘s short, but I have too many other books I actually want to read. 5y
Eggs Absolutely @Scochrane26 🤗 5y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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#AyUpAugust #AllOfMyHeart Heart of Darkness is the only one I can find. I love this cover , it‘s my sons book. ♥️🖤🖤

Tanisha_A That looks like a beautiful edition! 😍 Which publisher? 5y
Cathythoughts @Tanisha_A I took the pic in my sons house earlier in the week for this prompt... I‘ll be up there again next week & I‘ll have a look for you 👍🏻😘 5y
batsy Yup... Stunning edition 👍🏽 5y
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Cinfhen Wow!!! You‘re very prepared and what a lovely treat for us ❤️ 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Isn‘t that a Folio edition? 😃😍 5y
youneverarrived Cool cover! 5y
Tamra Awesomely frightening! 😬 5y
TrishB Lovely edition ♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts @batsy @Cinfhen @youneverarrived @Tamra thanks! Yes ! Great cover / edition @TrishB (edited) 5y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm not sure ! I‘ll check next week ( up in my sons house ) 👍🏻 5y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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(Day 1 - #CryMeARiver)

*I think Conrad‘s book was where I first gleaned the trope of river as life. To quote Conrad: “[T]he last pages of ‘Heart of Darkness‘ where the interview of the man and the girl locks in ... the whole 30000 words of narrative description into one suggestive view of a whole phase of life and makes of that story something quite on another plane than an anecdote of a man who went mad in the Centre of Africa.” ♥️

squirrelbrain Very clever! ❤️ 5y
gradcat @squirrelbrain Thank you very much, Helen...it‘s always nice to hear from you guys. ♥️ 5y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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I saw #appocalypsenow for the first time yesterday, since it was shown as 'final' directors cut for its 40th anniversary in conemas again. What a feat of cineastic and auditive storytelling! Now i really need to go back to the original since i never got further than the first few chapters. #reread #adaptation

Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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#GoodnightSaigon #WanderingJune
I have many humbling moments when it comes to literary stuff. This novella came to mind for today's prompt because of the film adaptation, and I needed Wikipedia to explain that the location was changed in the film...and that Conrad died about four decades before the Vietnam war 😳 (does this also mean the novel lacks a surfing aficionado U.S. army lieutenant who loves the smell of napalm in the morning? 😂).

BarbaraBB Isn‘t that Apocalypse Now? 5y
Billypar @BarbaraBB Yes- clearly more of an 'inspired by' adaptation. I didn't realize this before, but apparently there was also a 1993 adaptation with the same name and original setting starring Tim Roth and John Malkovich (!) 5y
Leftcoastzen Charlie Don‘t Surf !Love the Book and Apocalypse Now. 5y
Billypar @Leftcoastzen Robert Duvall is so gifted at playing the worst kind of American male characters- I'm thinking of both Kilgore and his role in Network as the arrogant and combative (putting it mildly) network executive, Frank Hackett. 5y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Thanks to @rohit-sawant for posting that #theend features in Apocalypse Now. This is the book the film is loosely based on. #maymoviemagic @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Cool #LiveAndLearn 🤓 5y
Martyn_J_Pass I quite enjoyed this 5y
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Heart of Darkness | Matt Kish

Self indulgent

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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I had to read this book twice during my college years. The first time I read it, I HATED it. I thought it was quite possibly the most boring book I‘d ever read. (Or if I‘m honest, ever attempted to read. I never finished it. 😆) The second time, obviously I dreaded it. And wouldn‘t you know, it was actually pretty good the second time around. #ownerofalonelyheart #anglophileapril

emilyhaldi I‘m not sure I even want to read this once 5y
bewareofwords Oh man, I hated it just as much the second time... 5y
Karisa I liked it too. It was the first book I'd read that made me feel the absolute need to highlight and make comments in the margins. 5y
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Cinfhen Yeah, that‘s a #HardPass 🙄 5y
BiblioLitten Really? I read it years back and had the same thoughts... boring. 5y
mspixieears I read it for uni and hated it (topic matter) but can‘t deny it‘s well-written. 5y
Mdargusch I read this in school and I do not have any fond memories. Or any memories. 😜 5y
LiterRohde Love it. 5y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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(Day 21 - #HungryHeart)

The title of Springsteen‘s album with the song “Hungry Heart” is “The River.” The lyrics of the song include a passage about a river flowing who knows where (anyway, the singer doesn‘t, or so he claims). All of this makes me think of the overused metaphor of the river as journey, or life. Naturally, Conrad‘s novel comes to mind, but also both Coppola‘s and Herzog‘s movies.

Cathythoughts Great choice ♥️👍🏻 6y
gradcat @Cathythoughts Thank you for saying that...sometimes I get kind of out there with these songs! 😂 6y
Cinfhen I love that Springsteen album 6y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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A roller-coaster into the depth of darkness.

Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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Oh how I hated this #audiobook. If I hadn‘t wanted to scratch it off my 100 Essential Novels poster, there is no way I would have finished. Lots of derogatory language aimed at African natives and a story that I just didn‘t find compelling.

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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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Trying out an audiobook for the first time. I find it difficult to concentrate on the story when listening, but I‘m determined to finish the book. Maybe it‘s just something I have to get used to?

starrdom I don‘t think it‘s you, I think it‘s the book. I listen to ALOT of audiobooks but I just finished this one and found it very difficult to follow. 6y
Monica.Acorn Ah, so it‘s not just me! Thank you, my frustration levels are going down a bit now. 6y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Happy Valentine‘s Day, Littens! This is what greeted me as I came down the stairs 🤓. May your day be filled with cards and books!

AmyG I miss the cards made by the kids. Happy Valentine‘s Day! ❤️ 6y
BookNAround So sweet! 6y
JackOBotts That‘s a great anatomical heart!! Talent! 6y
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RavenLovelyReads @AmyG homemade cards are the best! Happy Valentine‘s Day to you! ❤️ 6y
RavenLovelyReads @BookNAround Right?? Every now and then they surprise me. Happy Valentine‘s Day to you! ♥️ 6y
RavenLovelyReads @JackOBotts Thanks! The hubby did that 😄 At least he didn‘t buy me a “heart” pendant! Happy Valentine‘s Day to you! 💜 6y
CouronneDhiver That heart one is cool 😎 6y
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Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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Having a rotten day, so I went to my local #indie for some retail therapy. They messed up my preorder for the newest Orphan X (of course, because I canceled my Amazon order of it) but they had the #PenguinClassicsDeluxeEdition of Heart of Darkness that I‘ve been dying to get my hands on, plus a Nordic crime thriller that looks ah-may-zing. I‘m still sad, but now I have new books, so that‘s a plus, right? 🥰

Kayla.Adriena Sorry you're having a bad day! Books always help ! 6y
rockpools I hope your day gets better. But those are some great-looking books you have there 😍 6y
BookNAround Sorry about your day. Hope you can still get Orphan X. 6y
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DGRachel @BookNAround Thanks. I will either wait patiently for the hardcover to arrive (should be Thursday afternoon) or I will re-order on Kindle if I decide I just can‘t wait and have it in both formats. I haven‘t decided, yet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
LauraBeth I‘m glad you were able to get some book buying therapy in 💕 I have Unmarriageable on deck! 6y
DGRachel @LauraBeth The Sads are saying “read Heart of Darkness (again)”, but the inner therapist is saying “lighten up and read Unmarriageable” 😂😂 6y
LauraBeth Sometimes it‘s one of those sad ones that makes me feel better! 6y
TrishB Glad you got some books ❤️ 6y
Graciouswarriorprincess Feel better. I am seeing the author of unmarriageable in Savannah at the Book Festival in a couple of weeks. 6y
Smrloomis Sorry about the day being crap but hopefully these will make it a bit better! 6y
readordierachel Hope things are looking up 💕 6y
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I can't believe I wasn't forced to read this in school, it would have been incomprehensible to me, perfect learning material. Seriously though, this is some of the best writing I have ever seen, if you can handle the late Victorian era, industrial strength racism.

saresmoore Yeah, the racism was real bad, but I WAS forced to read this in school and got a lot out of it. I have weirdly ethereal memories of reading it. 6y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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#LitsyWalkers @kaye

No walking outside today. It's raining Great Danes and Tigers. But, I managed to be outside twice, thanks to appointments. Also, I cleaned out and sorted stuff in my storage cellar/basement room. So, I'm going to count this as a win.

Found this ancient bookmark between my Penguin Classics. The bookmark is likely 23 years old, as are some of my 🐧📚.

rockpools 💦💦Great Danes & Tigers 🐶 🐯 😂😂! Love it. Hope tomorrow‘s dryer! 6y
Hestapleton I love that Litsy mug! Where on earth did you get it? 6y
julesG @RachelO Cats and dogs would be a gross understatement. 6y
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julesG @Hestapleton I won it. Library Thing had the Santa Thing going and the first 10(?) people to connect their Litsy and LT accounts won a mug. You can buy it off LT's online shop, too. 6y
Kaye Jules you get a golden star because you did go out and have been working hard inside. 🌟 Hoping tomorrow‘s weather improves for you. 6y
DarcysMom It is crazy raining at my house too. 6y
julesG @DarcysMom Better outside than inside. (we have had a leaking window for 14 ephing years, our landlord is deaf on that ear) 6y
julesG @kaye Thanks! I feel so proud of myself for just getting the storage room halfway sorted. Will ask for help with the heavy stuff. 6y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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A few birthday books, can't believe I've never read heart of darkness, especially as it describes me so well. Happy New year!

Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad
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I love these covers

julesG Penguin press is not fair. I want to have all the editions. 6y
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Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph
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⭐️: This book was straight trash. A self absorbed man‘s monologue about his voyage down the Congo. Filled with racist themes and mansplaining. #ThankUNext