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The River
The River | Peter Heller
137 posts | 134 read | 1 reading | 85 to read
YOU CAN TRY TO OUTRUN NATURE... BUT WILL YOU SURVIVE A MAN'S FURY? Wynn and Jack meet on a hiking trip during their Dartmouth College orientation week and become instant best friends. They both love hunting, fishing and books and thus it feels only natural that they'd take off a term from their lvy League college and spend it canoeing down the lakes and rivers on the border with Canada. BUT THERE IS DEATH IN THE AIR... A megafire is spreading quickly, the smell of smoke becoming more pungent by the day. The nights are getting colder and the river wilder with the approaching autumn. There are rapids to navigate, and miles of river to paddle through before making it to a safe harbour. And when a distraught man suddenly appears, asking for Wynn and Jack's help to find his missing wife, the race against time and the fight against nature's destructive power become entangled with a deadly game of cat and mouse.
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The River | Peter Heller
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Eggs Perfection ❤️🤍🩵 4mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awesome cover 🖤❤️ 4mo
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The River | Peter Heller
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Have had this one on my TBR forever & it did not disappoint! Ripped through it in two days. And put The Guide on hold.


#Booked2023 - set in a mountainous region

LeslieO I just finished The Last Ranger. Loved it! 13mo
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The River | Peter Heller
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This week, I‘ll be attending the first meeting of my office‘s brand new IRL book club and I‘m actually pretty excited about it! I‘m looking forward to meeting other people who work for the same company (a bank) that I do, who share a love for reading. It feels a little first-date adjacent, TBH. I‘m especially thrilled that this is our first book! A re-read for me, I was again entranced by the tension, sense of place, and the boys‘ bond.

The River | Peter Heller
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I was looking for a book featuring the great outdoors and found it with this nature-set thriller about two young men who find too much adventure in the wilderness.

Jack and Wynn bonded over a love of nature and novels. One summer, they head up to Canada in a canoe. After spotting a wildfire, they attempt to warn other trekkers and find a disheveled man wandering after getting to a spat with his wife. But something about his story doesn‘t add up.

Bookwormjillk I liked this book and the sequel a lot. 2y
Cinfhen This was ok for me but I have a feeling it was more ME than the book. 2y
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk I didn‘t know there was a sequel! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I can get that 👍🏻 2y
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The River | Peter Heller
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In this book the #river is definitely another character in the story. #savvysettings

Eggs Great photo 3y
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The River | Peter Heller
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@BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @carlthecattt @Kappadeemom Do any of these work for #lmpbc (mystery/thriller)? All books tagged in comments!

See All 9 Comments
carlthecattt I‘m reading The Golden Couple right now ☺️ 3y
BookBosomed1 @carlthecattt Ok! I won‘t choose that one. :) 3y
Kappadeemom I‘ve read all of these except The Drowning Kind :) 3y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks I have not read any of these, so I‘m up for any!! 3y
BookBosomed1 @Kappadeemom Awesome. We‘ll go with that one then. 3y
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The River | Peter Heller
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Loving this so far!

The River | Peter Heller
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Texreader Loving these posts! Thank you!! 3y
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The River | Peter Heller

Oh man. So good. Loved it. Loved the narrator. Can't wait for the next book by Peter heller. I just have to wait 8+weeks for it to come available at the library...

The River | Peter Heller
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Started this morning with bourbon iced coffee & a good book 📚

The River | Peter Heller
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Uggggh. I'm going to miss this so much when it's done....

readswellwithothers The good news is that his new one is the perfect follow-up! 3y
canbku @readswellwithothers already reserved! 3y
AutumnRLS So good! 3y
betsyhaddox What do you like the most about the book? Do you prefer audiobooks to other formats? 3y
canbku @betsyhaddox I like that it's an atmospheric thriller. Part of the tense feeling is psychological more than the very real danger they are(or appear to be) in. The narrator was great, too. I don't prefer audiobooks, but over been getting back in to them as I've started communing again 3y
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The River | Peter Heller

Wow, what a wild ride. This story had so much going for it. From a wildfire that threatens the main characters to other people along the river who do harm. Wild. Great story. The cadence of the story was hard to get into at the start but once you get into it. It's excellent. It's a Rush of a story

The River | Peter Heller

There are books with more elegant language. But. A beautiful friendship always gets me.

The River | Peter Heller
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This book! I haven‘t read anything that combined the lyrical, awful beauty of nature with a gripping story since James Dickey‘s Deliverance. I couldn‘t stop reading. Has anyone read other Heller titles?

bookandbedandtea I loved The River! I've read The Dog Stars too, which I liked, but it but it wasn't as good. I found out this week he has a sequel to The River coming out later this year! 3y
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The River | Peter Heller
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My book pairing with the #JonVoight movie Deliverance.

#MoviesinMay @Klou

Klou Good job!! 3y
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The River | Peter Heller
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Loved adventure and wilderness in this book. Felt as if I was transported into the story paddling with them, but couldn't care less for the mystery and suspense, that didn't work for me. Overall a good writer and book, but I would have enjoyed it more if there had not been the crime bit squeezed in. Wouldn't be surprised if they turn it into a movie...

Cathythoughts Lovely cover 💫 3y
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The River | Peter Heller
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This book was a strong 4 star for me until the end. The author so eloquently describes the Canadian wilderness, I felt like I was in the canoe along with the characters. The slow burn of the storyline ramped up the tension - until an ending which I felt was a major let down and wrapped up far to quickly. This dropped the book to a 3 star for me.

The River | Peter Heller
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Thank you @Tattooedteacher and @laurenashley - for your lovely letters. They are my first #litsylove mail!!

Tattooedteacher Glad it got there! Welcome. 3y
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The River | Peter Heller
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ • I liked this more than I thought I would. I found the nature descriptions and plot to be interesting, but my mind wandered during Jack and Wynn‘s backstories.

The River | Peter Heller
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This was kind of a strange book. Not my typical read, more of a thriller. It clipped along at a good pace and I was interested enough to finish. Overall though, the ending was pretty anticlimactic.

Reagan I agree. I enjoyed it but it was anticlimactic. 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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The book was ok. Events in the book were just very sad. On the plus side, bingo!! I used the free space as an opportunity to read something that sounded interesting.

The River | Peter Heller
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Just finished the River. It reminded me of a few movies I‘ve seen where relationships transform when confronted with Nature but this was a beautifully written literary version of those. There were some areas that got weighed down by description but it was well plotted and sad.

The River | Peter Heller
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2 college friends decide to go on a canoe trip in Canada. Along the way, they realize a forest fire is approaching. They overhear a man and woman arguing, but can‘t see where they are. The next day they meet a man in a large canoe alone. Where is the woman he was arguing with? Despite these interesting plot lines, Heller had a tendency to get overly descriptive at times. Overall, I enjoyed the story and think it would make a great movie.

LikelyLibrarian Yeah. I think you‘re right. It might even make a better movie than a book. 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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Loved this tale about 2 men on a canoe trip who end up in danger. Amazing descriptive writing. Man vs nature, man vs man and man vs himself.. covers it all. Lol. Beautifully tragic. A 5 star read for me.

The River | Peter Heller
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Klou Love the sound of this!!! And that cover 😍 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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The River is a story of two young men who embark on an adventure down the Maskwa River in Canada. Along the way they meet with a large wildfire and a domestic dispute. Both add some drama to a beautiful tale which begins as an ode to nature and adventure.
Heller explores many themes in this short novel including friendship, a love of literature, The wilderness, survival and the importance of listening to your intuition.

mcctrish This is a great book 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks The odds are in my favor that eventually, even picking randomly from my list, I have to get a Bingo soon. 😉

I really loved this one. The descriptions of the river and nature were beautifully written, mixed in with the creepy whodunit storyline, made for a perfect combination. I devoured this book in just a few hours because I just couldn't put it down.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
Hooked_on_books I liked this one, too. I haven‘t seen this version of the cover before. It‘s beautiful! 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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Thank you @Crazeedi for the tag. #ThoughtfulThursday is always fun to participate in. @MoonWitch94

🎒 I don't really have much in my closet, but I'd say my different colored laces for my variety of Converse colors is probably my favorite accessory.

🌵 I haven't traveled much, so no desert trips yet.

📚 I'm reading the tagged book and enjoying it so far.

If you haven't been tagged, I'd love to see your answers.

The River | Peter Heller
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Looking for recommendations. I feel like reading something set in the forest. Something along the lines of Evergreen, Hatchet, The River, ... but no Carl Hiaasen right now. Thanks.

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The River | Peter Heller
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OriginalCyn620 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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When I first started this one, I almost set it aside – I did not like the writing style at all. But there was something that kept me reading, and I‘m really glad I kept at it because this was a great story. Well thought and plotted, full of tension and suspense, at times I felt breathless. The writing style either grew on me or I stopped noticing it.

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The River | Peter Heller
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I just lived and breathed by this book for two days. The story is it‘s own river: a slow paddle, a white-knuckle rapid, deep and dark, cool and clear. Not knowing what was around the next turn was exhilarating and frightening. Arguably one of the best adult-male-friendship stories I‘ve read, to boot. Loved this, my first Peter Heller...am headed to The Dog Stars next.

The River | Peter Heller
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Beautiful morning for a #LitsyBitsy.

I don‘t really leave my neighborhood these days so I‘m just doing the 2 mile loop

Lynnsoprano It looks so peaceful! 4y
Cuilin @Mtroiano looks nice 👍 4y
MyNamesParadise That looks so lovely! 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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Final stats for #24b4monday

Andrew65 Fantastic, very impressive. Well done. 👏👏👏🙌🙌🍾🥂🥳 Thanks for playing along. 😊 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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2 mile #LitsyBitsy through the neighborhood.
It‘s overcast but the temperature is perfect 👌🏼

Cuilin @Mtroiano 2 miles 👍 I‘m heading out later today. Hopefully around a lake if the rain holds off. 🌧 4y
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The River | Peter Heller
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I'm finally posting my March wrap up. It's the third month on a row I read 21 books. Weird coincidence and still more than I typically read in a month.

16 female authors
5 male
1 nonfiction
6 with 4 or more stars

The River | Peter Heller
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I really don‘t know how Peter Heller manages to infuse his books with the peace and slower pace of nature while still making them page-turners, but he does! I‘ll be reading more by Heller, for sure!

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The River | Peter Heller
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I felt like I was right there with these boys: seeing the beauty and then the devastation, feeling their joy and then their fear. I've only read one other Peter Heller book and I HATED IT so I was extra pleased to enjoy this so much.

The River | Peter Heller
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Unusually for me, I have this in both hard cover and ebook. I'm making sure to read the physical version today as my grandbaby is in residence and I don't feel that he's exposed to nearly enough books.

The River | Peter Heller
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Starting this tonight #bookmap

Geenie Ooooh map 🗺 pretty 😍 that‘s lit 🔥. 5y
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The River | Peter Heller
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The River is an adventure tale. Two college aged boys set out on a canoe trip in a remote Canadian area. They meet both natural and human adversaries. I found it to be repetitive through most of the book, though I did love the descriptions from Heller. I felt real emotions right along with these characters. A pick for the excellent writing.

Finished with a delicious lunch of walnut beet salad, latte and vegan chocolate chip cookie. 🛶

MySharonaK Yummy! 5y
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The River | Peter Heller
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My mother in law delivered a tray of brownies and a mocha to me at work today. I was in a chocolate coma! I've been listening to this one as an #audiobook and I'm interested to see where it is headed! 🛶

Reviewsbylola You hit the MIL jackpot! 5y
LiteraryinPA That‘s such a nice treat! 5y
monalyisha Right? What a sweet momma (literally)! (edited) 5y
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The River | Peter Heller
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On the road again, with another highly anticipated book!

TEArificbooks I liked this book. 5y
jenreads7 That one‘s on my list! 5y
Hilary427 It was so good! The ending was a mild letdown, but I loved it overall! 5y
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The River | Peter Heller
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It turned out to be a great reading year! Here are my top ten favorites (in two posts), in no particular order: The Little House on the Prairie series, From Scratch, The River, North and South, and The Starless Sea.

What great books did you read this year? #2019 #toptenbooks

MrsMalaprop I just looked through my 2019 reads & don‘t think I can choose 10 faves - just too hard this year 😫. 5y
BarbaraBB @MrsMalaprop That‘s why I did #19in2019 😀 5y
AvidReader25 @BarbaraBB @MrsMalaprop That‘s such a good idea! 5y
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The River | Peter Heller
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I can see why this book has gotten so much attention. I loved the slow and maddening action, and couldn‘t wait to see what would happen. #elfies #wintergames #TBRRead

The River | Peter Heller
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I bought this for my dad and I'm super tempted to read it before I wrap it. However, I have so many books going- and still not as much reading time as I'd like- that I doubt I'd finish it before Christmas. Under the tree it will go and I'll borrow once he's read it. 😁

The River | Peter Heller

So intense. Really good.

The River | Peter Heller
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Good audiobook, fast paced story about 2 friends on a river trip who encounter some bad stuff. Thumbs up and good narration. Thank you @AnneBogel for the recommendation.

The River | Peter Heller
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You know the universe is on your side when you finish a book and think “what should I read next?” —and your email pings with a message from the library saying your holds are ready for pickup. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
(And yes. That is indeed a giant mug—the books are not miniature. My friend gave it to me as a joke because I drink so much tea. 🙂)

Zelma Did you just finish or pick up The River? I really liked that one! 5y
Amiable @Zelma Just picked it up last night! I'm going to read “The Mother-in-Law“ first because it has an earlier due date since it was an interlibrary loan, But I'm looking forward to “The River“ -- I've heard great things about it! 5y
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