This book was more about the sisters‘ relationship with each other and their wedding planning business than it was about their relationships with the men in their lives. Not that I‘m complaining, it just makes me wonder if this book should really be classified as a romance.
1. Sister drama at co-owned business. (That was tough to do!)
2. Here‘s my secret: eyebrow powder. I fill my eyebrows in daily because it makes me feel so good! I‘d stop using all other makeup if I could just have my eyebrow powder! 😂
3. 1947
I bought myself a little something from The Ripped Bodice bookstore and just got it in the mail today - I‘m loving the description of my blind date (it‘s Vixen by Jane Feather - anyone read it?) And the solid perfume smells like the woods. If only I didn‘t have to go back to work and could just curl up with one of these... #romantsy #bookhaul
Delightful book about friends, family, sisterhood, and all the clashing in between!! I enjoyed it!
I'm hiding in the shade while my friend takes a dip in the hotel pool.
BTW, it's expected to be 117 today! 🔥 What are we even doing here?!? (The scenery is beautiful though. 😊)
Three sisters from a Filipino family take over their family wedding planning business. We do have their love lives involved, but the focus is on the sibling drama and how it relates to their business. Some of the sibling trauma felt unnecessary and it would have been nice to focus on the romance more. Most of the annoying sibling stuff rang true though.
Having the most excellent of Friday nights. #currentlyreading #booksandbooze
Curling up and finishing this wonderful read.
Enjoying this romance book club pick! It's more romance adjacent than straight romance, and I'm loving the sisters storyline, although I'm still glad I just have brothers.
Been a long time since I've been on Litsy. Going to try to use it more. These are a couple of the books I am reading. #currentlyreading #bookstagram #bookworm #constantreader #book #bibliophile #booklover #bookcommunity #bookaddict #bookaholic #read #booklove #reader #readbooks #bookjunkie #bookpic #igreads #bookaddiction #instaread #booknerdigans #bookobsessed #readmore #readmorebooks #ilovebooks #goodreads #goodreadschallenge2019 #goalof125
💚 .........💏
A lot has happened since the last time (~7 months ago) I posted- life got very exciting yet very hectic for me so I took a hiatus.
- We got engaged❣ 💚💍💚
- We had to move in w/my (future) brother in law for some time
- We bought a new home🏡❣
- A HUGE move.... again, 😖📦📦📦😓
- Had my condo on the market.. & went to settlement Friday!! 😅🤗
Finally feeling a bit more settled, lol. ☯️
Perhaps you'll be seeing more fr me.😏
A pretty light-hearted family drama about three sisters who own a wedding planning business and discover love around the same time. The two main characters are Marisol and Pearl, the oldest and younger sisters respectively. There‘s family conflict and a little bit of drama but overall it displays the closeness sisters share even when they‘re fighting.
#netgalley #arc
🍭🍭🍭🍭 review is up on my blog. Stop by and say hi. This is a great palate cleanser https://reecaspieces.com/2019/05/19/the-key-to-happily-ever-after-by-tif-marcelo... @GalleryBooks
Day number five of #BookFitnessChallenge. I have met my four mile goal every day on the craziest week ever. I have been struggling through this book. It‘s just falling a little short for me but I will keep going... Headed to bed early tonight since I have an early morning meeting with my new boss. I have nothing to report to him because I have only been training the last two days. Hoping it goes well.
Enjoying some quiet time! Yes I am going to walk today for the #bookfitnesschallenge but right now I am chilling. This weekend at work was H-E Doublehockeysticks!
Who is excited for The Key to Happily Ever After by Tif Marcelo? I love rom-coms and I love this whimsical cover so I am definitely adding it to my TBR! #tallpoppywriters #romcom #newrelease