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Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany
Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany | Norman Ohler
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All about the rampant use of drugs during ww2; this was something which really surprised me.


Fascinating dive into drug use in the third reich. The general public, the army, and the fuhrer himself were all under considerable chemical influence for much of wwii. Will note this definitely reads at points as if it's been translated (which it has), with a bit less snap and forward motion than I suspect the original german version has. Still very worthwhile!

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I‘m just placing this right here.

Bookwomble "You're too sensitive" = "Yeah, that thing you told me I do that upsets you? I'm gonna keep on doing that." Gaslighting indeed! 10mo
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I‘ve always been so curious what drug use was like before people realized drugs are very bad for you and no, cocaine should not be used to treat sinus issues... Ohler answered all my questions by examining drug usage in the third reich and it was just as wild and dark as you would expect. It was well researched, written, and I learned a lot. The background is a poster advertising meth. Apparently meth chocolates were a thing…💊🍫

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I first saw a documentary on this subject on YouTube that was fascinating. The author of this book contributed a lot to the discussion, so decided to try out his book. It was good! Not too long or information overload. It gave me a new perspective on baffling tactical decisions Hitler made. Link for the documentary listed below. #hoopla

⭐️⭐️⭐️ ½

Ruthiella I first heard about this in 2y
EvieBee @Ruthiella That sounds very interesting! I‘ll have to check it out. (edited) 2y
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This is one of the most interesting books I‘ve read in a while. It really gives you a different perspective on the Second World War. #history #drugs

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I've been wanting to read this for years, so I was excited when I recently came across it for $1 at a thrift store. I started reading it, and my bullshit detector immediately started going off. So I did some research, and sure enough, the claims in this book are wildly exaggerated. I will not be finishing it.

Leftcoastzen It was on my radar too.Thanks for the heads up! 2y
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Fascinating dive into drug use in the third reich. The general public, the army, and the fuhrer himself were all under considerable chemical influence for much of wwii. Will note this definitely reads at points as if it's been translated (which it has), with a bit less snap and forward motion than I suspect the original german version has. Still very worthwhile!

keithmalek Unfortunately, there have been several articles written about it's lack of historical accuracy. Here's one of them: https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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Blitzed (“Tossici” in the Italian version) has been one of the best historic book I‘ve ever read.
I love to discover what really happened during the first half of the 1900, and to get close to the truth we must be open to new news and conclusions.
This book don‘t want to be the only one to tell us the truth but it offers us only one other very interesting key to the reading of that time.
Love it and I recommended it

keithmalek Unfortunately, it lacks historical accuracy. Here is just one of many articles which says so: https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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I decided to try a new book while in bed the other morning and the cat was curious. This book is about drug use in the Nazi regime and the effects it had on their (bad) decision making and final outcome of the war.

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I made it about half way through but I just couldn‘t do anymore. The writing was very sensationalist and I‘m not sure all his conclusions were well-supported. Hitler did appear to have done a lot of drugs though, that‘s for sure.

keithmalek You're correct about his conclusions not being well-supported. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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It's an interesting read. The review I read said it was exceptionally well written, and it's not. It reads like a history book, which is fine. I like history books. Not transcendent though.

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Fascinating. It shifts the lens and allows the readers to see the behind the scenes of the Fuhrer aka Patient A and basically the men behind Adolf Hitler. This was such a wonderful and *stimulating* read, I was addicted. I will probably get a second dose of this in the future. Currently now shelved as a favorite. Books after all are my drug.

keithmalek I hate to ruin it for you, but it's mostly nonsense. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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This book is fantastic! A page turner!

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This is probably still to this day one of my favorite reads. I picked it up at a bookstore based on this compelling cover. The description immediately fascinated me - how drugs contributed to the downfall of Nazi Germany. Like a lot of other people, I‘m fascinated by WWII, yet I had NEVER heard any of this. This is good research disguised like you‘re reading a novel. 10/10 highly recommend.

Freespirit Sounds very interesting. 5y
Lauraandherbooks Sounds very interesting 5y
keithmalek You never heard any of this because it's nonsense. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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After browsing through the archives and talking to surviving soldiers, the author was able to open up a whole new perspective on military history and completely dispels the myth of a WWII German soldier whose main fuel was nationalist ideology ... well, as documented in this book, their main fuel was whole range of stimulant drugs - from opioids to the opiates. #TIL about well researched/documented magnitude of drug use in Nazi Germany. #nFnov👇

Simona .... and I wonder about this relation, drugs/soldiers, in today's modern military. 5y
Anna40 There is another book about Hitler's drug use based on his physician's records but I forgot the names of author and title. SS used alcohol to numb themselves before committing atrocities (see Eugen Kogon: Der SS Staat). Definitely an interesting topic but I'm afraid it might be used as an excuse for what people decided to become a part of. https://archive.org/details/EugenKogonTheTheoryAndPracticeOfHell/page/n2. 5y
Simona @Anna40 Thank you for the link🙏 That is what I like about this book. Heavy drugs usage isn‘t presented as excuse, but as the part of the history which is overlooked/ignored by the historians. 5y
Clwojick 9 pt 5y
keithmalek Historically inaccurate. In the preface to the German edition, the author, who is a novelist, even admitted that he blurs the line between fiction and history. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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My library holds has come in and I need to adjust my #WeeklyForecast to the current situation. Red one is tagged book (I‘m very excited about it) for #NfNov For that challenge I also have three-volume autobiographical graphic novel by artist Jung Henin. Title is Skin Color: Honey, but I can‘t find anything about it in English, except his animated documentary based on these books. 👇

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So interesting! I got lost a little bit when the author would go into military strategy but he always brought it back to the drugs and pulled me right back in.

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Well that was interesting. #audio

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Oh gosh. This explains a lot. The history of meth and opioid use by Hitler and the German military.

keithmalek Not exactly. This is one of many articles that sheds light on the historical inaccuracy of this book. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Methamphetamine was given to German soldiers to boost performance & reduce fear. But, did Hitler rely on drugs to sustain his physical health & charisma? Based on research & speculation, Ohler thinks that with Dr Theodor Morell‘s help, it began with vitamins but rapidly progressed to opiates. Late in the war, Hitler had visible body tremors. Were his shakes due Parkinson‘s or withdrawal? I don‘t know, but it‘s a thought-provoking theory.

Geeklet Oh this sounds amazing! 5y
kspenmoll I have heRd of this theory but not read this book. Sounds intriguing! 5y
britt_brooke @Geeklet It‘s really an interesting read! 5y
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britt_brooke @kspenmoll It‘s a good read. Short, and to the point. 5y
Megabooks First, I read this book awhile ago and enjoyed it too. Second, I‘m just now thinking Hitler and Jim Jones had kinda similar reactions to meth. Charismatic megalomaniac. Hmmmm. (edited) 5y
Megabooks PS I guess I need to add that I do believe Hitler was an addict. 5y
britt_brooke @Megabooks Ooh, great observation! 5y
Reviewsbylola My family members really enjoyed this one but I found it boring and I bailed. 5y
britt_brooke @Reviewsbylola Oh no! 😆 It was a bit repetitive. 5y
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I read a lot of historical novels and historical nonfiction. And I have read an awful lot from this period in history. I am stunned at how much of this was new to me. Brilliantly researched and such a unique look at this period and the chemicals that helped influence it. Eye opener.

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What a frightening book. The only thing more horrible than nazis would be coked up nazi junkies. I'm glad the author didn't use the drug addiction of Hitler and his staff as an excuse for the evil they did. 4 💥💥💥💥 out of 5.

Crazeedi I had read before many did all kinds of drug, evil on evil 6y
RamsFan1963 @Crazeedi Hitler's personal physician created a chemical cocktail that was truly horrific, mixture of various hormones, animal glands, methamphetamine, and other "herbs". Not to mention the cocaine and morphine he was doing on the side. It's so ironic, Hitler preached against smoking and drinking, was a vegetarian, but was a total drug addict whose drugs came from the processing of animal livers and glands. 6y
Megabooks I listened to this on audio as well! Fascinating book. 6y
Crazeedi @RamsFan1963 that's truly horrific, he was pure evil in all its manifestations 6y
keithmalek This is one of several articles that points out the various historical inaccuracies of this book, which was written by a novelist. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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1. Teleport, I don't care what other people are thinking.
2. Tagged
3. Yes, to take my weight loss serious. I need to drop 20-30 pounds.
4. Nothing on Nerflix, but I have been catching up on Teen Titans.
5. Consider it done 👍👍

#friyayintro @howjessreads

Jee_HookedOnBookz I love how you answered no. 1!! I think it should be my mantra from now onwards! 6y
Kaye I‘m with you on the exercise one. I went to the gym EVERY DAY for a year and a half. After my illness last summer, it threw off my gym time. I walk every day, but need to get back to the gym. It used to be a part of my daily routine. I need to do that again. 6y
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#Zombie #OctoberXFiles
I imagine the Cranberries song is referencing the hollow stare of someone reliving a war in their head, but 'zombie' is a good metaphor for the Nazi soldiers operating in a drug-fueled malaise in Ohler's revealing historical account. The scale of the usage was crazy, and right on through the generals and Hitler himself. Some descriptions of the addictions were a bit melodramatic in spots, but this was fascinating overall.

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I finished my other so now I am learning about how drugs played into Nazi Germany.

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The writing was great, but the topic was hard to chug through. Rampant drugs and experiments hooked both the German population and the troops on various forms of speed. Hitler‘s personal physician hooked him on a toxic mix of hormones and untested drugs. Drugs enhanced the crazy violent mix of war. I would recommend it if you are into that type of historical non-fiction but prob not bedside material for the average reader.

keithmalek There have been several articles that have pointed out the historical inaccuracies of this book. Here is one of them. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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Very interesting look at drug use within the Third Reich-from Germany‘s burgeoning pharmaceutical industry following WWI to the use of meth to keep soldiers awake and energized during WWII campaigns. The book also follows Hitler‘s drug use via his personal physician, who was quite creative with hormone and vitamin injections. Eventually, he became so dependent on cocaine and oxy that he was in pretty bad physical shape by the end of the war. 3⭐️

Megabooks I enjoyed this book too 6y
JazzFeathers Didn't read the book, but my boss (who's very much into anything WWII) told me about it, and it does sound interedting. These are things l have never heard before 6y
Neale Great review Jerrie. I know that meth was widely used at Stalingrad, but I had no idea about Hitler‘s drug use. This book seems extremely interesting. @Redwritinghood 6y
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britt_brooke I bought this ebook deal recently. Sounds fascinating. 6y
Redwritinghood @britt_brooke It was. I found the audiobook on Hoopla. 6y
keithmalek Wildly exaggerated and historically inaccurate. https://www.ft.com/content/3989c0b2-9132-11e6-a72e-b428cb934b78 2y
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1. Black
2. Currently in the middle of binging The Staircase. Also did a Bob‘s Burgers binge when I was down with strep throat recently. (I may look like a Tina, but my soul is all Louise!)
3. Blitzed - a lot of the claims seemed like hyperbole.
4. I like my burgers 🍔 the same way Obama does. (Gosh, I miss him 😿)
5. My first vacation in over a year. I‘ll hunker down in my cave and read and eat ‘til my heart‘s content!

AshleyHoss820 #2! I‘m literally doing the same thing! 😄😂 6y
Drnkpnkprincess Bob‘s burgers brings me joy that no other cartoon tv show has in a looong time... 6y
LauraJ @AshleyHoss820 I hope we enjoy it! 6y
LauraJ @Drnkpnkprincess The writing is consistently brilliant. 6y
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While Hitler's political ambitions were already well underway, one cannot wonder how much Dr Morell's drug cocktails may have influenced the outcome of WW2. Furthermore, the power that Morell gains during the war, as Hitler's personal physician, combined with the horror stories of methamphetamine use during combat make this book a fascinating read.

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I‘m sure this book must fit the prompt for #bodakyellow some way? I‘m too old to actually listen to the song but I do know hitler was as effed up as the lyrics and the song. 👵🏻unite! #aprella

Cinfhen You tell em, grandma👵🏻💪🏼💕 although I admire Cardi B‘s confidence 💛 6y
BarbaraBB Great post! 6y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️ 6y
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Mdargusch Thanks @BarbaraBB 😁 6y
Reviewsbylola Um don‘t talk that way about Cardi B mom. 6y
emilyhaldi Mom, Cardi B is a revolutionary!! She started in the strip club and look at her now 💪🏻 it's ok though, you don't have to listen to her 😂 6y
Kalalalatja It might be me being Danish or it might be my inner grandma, but I haven‘t listened to her either @Reviewsbylola @emilyhaldi 😂😂 6y
Meredith3 Bodakyellow is my jam 💕 6y
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I bought this at the LA festival of books. It is one of many from my massive book haul this weekend.

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This history puts a new spin on Nazi Germany. I had no idea the extent to which narcotics and stimulants were used during the war. At times I even felt sorry for Hitler who was subject to bizarre injections manufactured by his personal physician. But then I remembered he was Hitler, who we can all agree was a terrible person. Bonus: the narrator has a deeply resonant voice that helped put me to sleep 😴

Mdargusch I loved this book! I had no idea this went on and I agree with everything you said. The narcotic cocktails shot into his veins was incredible! I was also shocked that the whole country seemed to be on drugs. 6y
Mdargusch If you haven‘t read this book I highly recommend it 6y
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Blitzed was a shocking look at drug use in Germany before and during WWII - Hitler had to be #highforthis #aprella

Reviewsbylola I wish I had liked this one. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 6y
Reviewsbylola It‘s definitely a great pick for non fic lovers though. 6y
emilyhaldi Lol, perfect pick!! Apparently Hitler was pretty damn high... Along with the rest of Germany! 🤯 6y
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BarbaraBB That font on the cover makes me wonder if I am accidently high 🤩 6y
Mdargusch I keep blinking to refocus @BarbaraBB 😁 6y
Cinfhen Great choice 6y
Brahan He looks totally out of it on the UK Penguin cover. 6y
Mdargusch I need to check it out @Brahan - it seems he was totally out of it during most of the war. 6y
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I listened to this as a library audiobook, so I‘m not able to check Ohler‘s sources. It‘s possible that everything happened as he said, but parts of the book seem sensationalistic. Still, an interesting listen.
(My cat - blitzed on catnip)

SandyW My cat loves to eat catnip, but there are no notable effects. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Love the cat pic! I‘m curious about the book too. 6y
readordierachel Fantastic pic. I wish I was that happy! 6y
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emilyhaldi Kittieeee!!! My black cat has little fangs that stick out too 💗 the cutest!! 😆 6y
CouronneDhiver Hahah! Funny kitty 6y
LauraJ @BarbaraTheBibliophage It‘s worth checking out. My instincts are telling me that there‘s some exaggeration going on. And Cecil says thanks 😺 6y
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My #yellow books. 💛💛💛 #readingresolutions

mabell I read Enslaved by Ducks shortly after it came out. Quite a story! 7y
emilyhaldi Huh! Never seen that Duck book before. Curious 🤔 7y
Reviewsbylola That‘s quite an eccentric collection! 7y
Mdargusch @mabell I have this in my TBR to read for pop18 challenge. Did you like it? 7y
mabell @Mdargusch I believe so. It was quite a few years ago, so I don't remember many of the details. Just A LOT of animals 😂 7y
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Finished this audiobook on my commute home today. I knew about drug use in Nazi Germany as a result of other readings I've done, but this is eye opening how widespread it really was. It literally fed into every aspect of the Nazi war effort. Incredible and disturbing all at the same time.

Cinfhen Great review💗I‘ve heard from others it‘s a little bit of a textbook read, very dry...is that how you felt reading it? 7y
MoMogrl @Cinfhen It didn't feel that way to me, but that could be because I was listening and not sitting down reading it. There were times I found myself not paying full attention to it, but got enough out of it to still give the book a pick. 7y
Cinfhen Good to know!! I‘m fascinated by the story...it honestly makes sense in a very disturbing way 7y
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Start this on audio today. Not far in, and it already has me shaking my head. Amazed at how big a part of German culture drug use was, never mind within the Nazi party.

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I highly recommend this look at the role of methamphetamines in fueling the Nazi invasion of France and the war beyond. The book also focuses on how Hitler‘s drug addiction was fed by his personal physician, and the effect his delusions had on the Nazi war machine. There‘s also some coverage of experimentation on prisoners in a Berlin concentration camp that opened in 1936 (yes, the same year as Germany hosted the Olympics).

LauraJ Tried to talk my book club yesterday not this one. Gotta try again. 7y
emilyhaldi This was fascinating!! 7y
Anna40 Heard an interview with the author! Sounds like an interesting book! 7y
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MadCatRamble It was such an interesting read. Awesome book. 7y
buecherwurm Until now I assumed that those stories of Hitler taking drugs were merely based on the idea that there must be a reason for someone being that crazy and nothing more than rumours. Seems to be an interesting read! 7y
flip58 Have this nook onmy tbr pile. Must start 7y
kspenmoll Looks fascinating. 7y
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Finally my first for #nonfictionNovember!

I‘m not generally one to read books about Hitler, but it‘s a very interesting look at how the treatments of his personal physician changed the outcome of the war. He was being injected with everything from OxyContin to methamphetamine to rendered organ meats of animals. He got so many injections that he must‘ve had junkie veins.

Of course, it is hard to feel sympathy for Hitler for any reason. 4/5⭐️

Shadowfat This was such an interesting read, I had never heard about this side of Hitler or the drugs used in the war until I read this book! 7y
JazzFeathers I haven't read the book, but my boss is very much into WWII history and she told me about these facts. I had never heard on any of that before 7y
Megabooks @Shadowfat Same here. I had never thought of medicine changing the outcome of a war. 7y
Megabooks @JazzFeathers Yes! I knew about the medication to the soldiers, but I knew nothing about hitler‘s physician. 7y
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On my November reading list.

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#comfortablynumb #rocktober
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB
We have a kindle edition and a printed copy and I've still yet to read!
October has been fun 👍

BarbaraBB What kind of book is this?! 7y
emilyhaldi Perfect choice for today‘s prompt!!! @BarbaraBB this book is a nonfiction account of all of the drugs taken by German soldiers during WW2 & the heavy drug addiction of Hitler himself. It reads a little dry but is so fascinating!! I was shocked I didn‘t know more about this before reading the book. 7y
Cinfhen Such a great choice 🏆it was on my list until @emilyhaldi said it read like a text book 😳I'm curious to hear your thoughts @TrishB 7y
BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi How interesting. Must check it out! (edited) 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @emilyhaldi think I'm more intrigued now! 👍 7y
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This book was so interesting. I always go to the suggestion section in our library & every single book has been a hit. My town seems to know what's up....

emilyhaldi Fascinating!! I loved this one 7y
Reviewsbylola I‘m glad you enjoyed this! It wasn‘t for me but I‘m picky about nf. 7y
bio_chem06 @Reviewsbylola I enjoyed it way more than I thought I was going to. It took me a little while to get into it, but I found it so fascinating. 7y
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When you just can't sit close enough to the fire....
#fall #cracklepop

Reviewsbylola Looks cozy! 7y
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#Orange stack for today's @bookriot prompt. So festive and actually look forward to a bunch of these as I've only read Sing, Unburied Sing & Hot Little Hands 📚🙃🤓

emilyhaldi Fun!!! I loved blitzed- it‘s very dry but fascinating! 7y
BarbaraBB Very attractive pic! 7y
Reviewsbylola 🦊🦑🍁☄️🍊 7y
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mrozzz @emilyhaldi it is! I picked it up from London because it was much cheaper than the hardcover American edition ? my fiancé is a history buff so I had him in mind. So he's been reading it out loud to me. 7y
mrozzz @BarbaraBB Thanks!! What's not to love about a big stack of unread books?! 😉 7y
mrozzz @Reviewsbylola ahhh you found more orange!!! 😁 7y
emilyhaldi GREAT book for a history buff! I was shocked by how much of the drug use I had never even heard about! 7y
mrozzz @emilyhaldi right??? I randomly saw an interview with the author discussing the Nazi drug use and I was floored and kept it high on my to-buy list for awhile. 7y
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9 books
3 audiobooks - Z, True Story, Under The Harrow
Bailed on At The Edge of The Orchard
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️favorite - Blitzed
🥈The Windfall
3️⃣ Z
#autumnreads #bestseptemberread #awesomeautumnbooks #favoritesoffall #bestofseptember #fallintobooks

Reviewsbylola You read so many good books! Also pretty sure you beat me. 7y
Mdargusch It's a good stack @Reviewsbylola and I finished 3 books this week thanks to my staycation. 😃 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great stack!!! 📚 7y
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Ms_T 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Andrew65 Well done 👏 7y
Mdargusch Thank you @Ms_T and @Andrew65 😁 7y
BibliophileMomma 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 7y
emilyhaldi Wow great stack for September!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 love that Windfall made it to 🥈 7y
Cinfhen Love your graphics!!! 7y
Mdargusch Thanks @Cinfhen 😊and @emilyhaldi (edited) 7y
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@emilyhaldi made sure I was all set with snacks and a good book for my train ride. Although the Coke she gave me was a bit less potent.

Reviewsbylola Too bad you weren't drinking that shit 100 years ago. 7y
emilyhaldi LOL @Reviewsbylola 😂🤣😂🤣 7y
Mdargusch Loved this book! 7y
Meredith3 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 7y
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From covering drug use by soldiers, testing drugs on prisoners, to Hitler's personal doctor and the myriad of drugs he took to keep the illusion going, this book was fascinating. The author never cited the drugs as an excuse to the brutality but illustrates how the drugs were used to make a 4 day offensive and the Fuhrer's life possible. Audiobook was fantastic!