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Outline | Rachel Cusk
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I've been meaning to get to this, so #anypartofatrilogy #booked2023 was a perfect opportunity. Wonderful writing in which a writer travels to Greece + spends the novel simply listening to other people's life stories. These are tales of the frustration of family life and are woven like a spiders web, so that you are hypnotised by the tales as is the narrator. I definitely plan to read more of this series@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @alisiakae

SamAnne Loved this one and want to read more Cusk. 1y
Cathythoughts Great review. I really enjoyed this one too 1y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Our narrator is flying to Athens to teach a writing course. A very insightful and interesting read. We know people by their ‘ outline‘ , she sees herself and her characters looking at other peoples lives in cameo … e.g. a family with children in a neighbouring boat when she is out sailing with a man she met on the plane to Athens … and how this image stirs deep longing in her. Beautifully done. Full of treasures. Thanks Helen for this one.

batsy Beautiful review and photo! 💙 2y
Cathythoughts @batsy Thanks X I‘m looking forward to the next two books in this series 👍🏻♥️ 2y
CarolynM 😍 2y
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MaureenMc Sounds good! 👍 2y
sarahbarnes Great review. I loved this one, too, and want to read the other two. 2y
squirrelbrain Sorry I missed this Cathy! Fab review and lovely photo! 2y
Cathythoughts @MaureenMc it was very good. It‘s a trilogy so more to look forward to 😁 2y
Cathythoughts @sarahbarnes Thanks, yes I must get the other 2 now 👍🏻 2y
Cathythoughts @squirrelbrain Thanks Helen ! Great gift you gave me ❤️ 2y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Continue on with The Lark. Loving the little bit I‘ve read so far 🥰

Second Place by Cusk was not my favourite book of last year, but it‘s the one I remember most. Images from that book are fixed in my mind. So I‘m drawn to Cusk and Outline, a present from @squirrelbrain 🙏 . I did read the first chapter this morning and I‘m hooked 👍🏻♥️

Have a good reading week everyone 📚.
Hi Cindy 👋🏻 hoping all is well with you X

rockpools Lovely. I remember being very surprised that I enjoyed Outline - I fully expected to be annoyed by it. And one day I have to read The Lark. I had no idea that E Nesbit wrote for adults. Happy Sunday Cathy. 2y
TrishB Have a great week Cathy. 2y
squirrelbrain It‘s funnyCathy, I feel the same way as you do about Second Place. In fact, I didn‘t much like it when I read it, but couldn‘t stop thinking about it afterwards. 2y
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Tamra Cozy pic Cathy! 🤗 2y
Cinfhen I‘ve always meant to try Cusk!!! Love the photo 🥰 2y
LeahBergen Enjoy your week, Cathy! 😘😘 2y
CarolynM I liked Outline but I haven‘t felt motivated to read the next in the trilogy yet. Hope you have a good week💕 2y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I loved learning about the main character through her conversations and interactions with the many characters around her. Beautiful writing and I found myself noting passages throughout the book. I will read more Cusk. And loved finishing it on a deck overlooking the Salmon river in Stanley Idaho. Now on to some hiking and fishing!

merelybookish Sounds like a great day! Loved this series. Definitely worth reading on! 3y
Tamra Lucky you! 3y
Reggie What a really nice pic! 3y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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A strange little book that I really enjoyed and it‘s very hard to explain why. Apparently it‘s a novel - I felt like it was essays/observations. It starts with a writer flying to Athens to teach a short writing course and each chapter describes conversations with the people she meets. It seems to me to be observation as an art form, the narrator seems to remove herself from the world in order to completely focus on the “other” who is speaking.⬇️

Centique Somehow every conversation is either obviously, or underlyingly, about each person‘s life philosophy or way of approaching relationships. We hear their words but also see them through the narrators eyes, with little physical cues as to any inconsistencies between their words and actions. It is mesmerising and also quite hard to be sure I took it all in. A book to reread and think about some more! ⬇️ (edited) 3y
Centique There are also little insights into the narrator but these are so few and sparse, I feel I need to go back and ferret them out like a detective. What can I know of her based almost solely on how she has observed others? 3y
TrishB Great review 👍🏻♥️ 3y
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CarolynM Perfect review. I found this book fascinating. I keep meaning to read the other two in the trilogy but I haven't got there yet. 3y
Cathythoughts You have my interest … stacking 3y
Centique @TrishB @Cathythoughts thank you guys! 😘 3y
Centique @CarolynM you‘re so kind - I am reading another book and when I look it up I see you have liked it! I‘m on a run of books Youve liked 😂 It‘s an oldie 3y
CarolynM That's a blast from the past! Enjoy! 3y
Reggie If I hadn‘t stacked this already, I‘d stack it now. Great review, Paula. 3y
Centique @Reggie thanks my friend. It‘s so different from anything else I‘ve read. I‘ll be excited when you get to it to hear your thoughts 😍 3y
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Outline | Rachel Cusk
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Like, this is the level of outlining I can handle. Plotters, @ me.
It‘s the third outline, updating as I draft, if that helps??

#pantser #amwriting #histfic #process #1stgildedage #a4effort #chitown #nyc #labormovements #populism #settlementhouse #story #arcofhistory

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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A British woman travels to Athens to teach a writing class. Described here are her interactions with others during that trip and those relationships later, though not in a linear fashion. Oddly, we learn very little about the narrator herself and more about those around her. The writing is terrific, though I haven‘t entirely decided if it worked for me as a novel with its lack of plot. 🤔

#ReadingEurope2020 #Greece

BarbaraBB I often feel unsure after finishing a Cusk book 😉 4y
Cinfhen This is sitting unread on my Kindle.... 4y
Hooked_on_books @Cinfhen I‘ll be interested to see what you think of it. Especially since I‘m really not completely sure of what I think of it. 😆 4y
Cinfhen Hahahahaha...maybe I‘ll finally pick it up 🤪 4y
Lindy This was the first Rachel Cusk I read (I‘ve since gone on to two more) and I remember how unusual I found her writing right from the start. Also, lots of dry humour. I‘m a fan. 4y
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Outline | Rachel Cusk
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If you like "plotty" novels you'll likely hate this. The MC goes to Athens to teach a writing course but the story itself doesn't "go" anywhere much. She finds herself on the receiving end of several monologues delivered by people she meets. It put me in mind of that drawing exercise that asks you to reveal an object by drawing the negative space rather than focusing on the thing itself. I enjoyed it very much!

batsy Your description of this brings to mind something I read recently and loved 5y
CarolynM I liked this one a lot too. Still haven't got around to Transit, though😬 5y
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Outline | Rachel Cusk
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Enjoying this book a lot but damn if American book design isn‘t 10-15 years behind. it makes me sad to see good writing get the personality-less airy-but-r e s p e c t a b l e treatment, with that noughties-feeling paper gradient. Topped off with the NYT seal of approval. It‘s so depressingly conformist and lifeless, the type of design that keeps me from getting interested at all. the cover on the right (British cover I think) is so much better.

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I reread this, because I‘m about to get into the whole trilogy, and I wanted this one fresh in my mind.

It‘s still really good, but so much bleaker than I remembered, with its view of life in general. Why didn‘t I remember it being this bleak?

(That new cover redesign though!)

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk

I was suddenly filled with the most extraordinary sense of existence as a secret pain, an inner torment it was impossible to share with others, who asked you to attend to them while remaining oblivious to what was inside you

Outline | Rachel Cusk
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CarolynM Great review, it made perfect sense to me. I liked the book too - I loved that you were finding out such a lot about the people the narrator met (in so far as what they said to her was true, and I had my doubts) but virtually nothing about the narrator. Cusk is a really interesting writer. I have to get around to the next one soon 5y
Wellreadhead Thanks and same here. I need to finish the trilogy. I also want to read some of her nonfiction, which I have heard is really great as well. 5y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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This book had peaked my curiosity last year, and I had the chance to read it this weekend. The book is a series of ordinary encounters and observations. Not much happens, but much is revealed of humanity, life, and relationships. And I loved the fluidity of Rachel Cusk's writing. Definitely plan to continue with the trilogy!

Outline | Rachel Cusk
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Starting the first in this trilogy. Happy mid-week, all! 🌷

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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I haven‘t read a book that felt so vivid and showed a true depiction of humanity in a long time. Outline was simple and beautifully written and is a new favorite! Someone had recommended it to me when I asked whether you‘d read a book that didn‘t contain a relationship—not love but any kind of relationship—but I disagree: This book was full of people telling their stories in an attempt at being understood by each other and themselves. Beautiful!

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I won a signed copy of the last book in this series so of course I had to go and buy the first two. (It drives me crazy that the second one is different!!)
The book is pretty much made up of different conversations. Although some parts were interesting, I found my mind wandering. 3 ⭐️ I‘m not rushing to read the other two.

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Books read in February 2019.
Five-star reads include House of Impossible Beauties, Outline, Fired Up, My Brother's Husband, and Double Awesome Chinese Food.

readordierachel Loved My Brother's Husband! 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Holy moly! Great job! 📖💖 5y
ReadingEnvy @readordierachel so good I read volumes 1&2 in February! 5y
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readordierachel Same! You actually put them on my radar, so thank you 😊 5y
TheLibrarian Holy books read!! 5y
ReadingEnvy @TheLibrarian I know, I had a slow month! 🙃 5y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Happy Galentine's Day to you, too, @Caroline2 , and thank you! I'm curious about the marmite nature of this one (I've not read her before) and wonder what I will make of it.
How lovely is that card, too? Here's an idea for the wonderful #jbuk Littens: the first person to guess correctly how many of the books depicted I've read wins a prize! Comment below if you want to play. One guess each! 😉
(#jbuk members only, because of postage costs)

Birdsong28 I guess 12 😘📚📖 5y
squirrelbrain What a lovely idea! I‘m going for 18..... 5y
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TrishB I‘m going for 19. Great idea 👍🏻 5y
TrishB @kaysworld1 pictured 👍🏻 5y
diaryofdifference 9 ❤️ 5y
Lel2403 8 ❤️📖 5y
jhod 5! Happy Galentines!! 5y
Caroline2 Glad you like it! And what a fun game! I‘m going with 20! 👍🏻 5y
rockpools Fun! 14 📚 5y
Oryx 16 5y
Christine11 Fun! I‘ll go 17 😊 5y
youneverarrived I‘ll say 7 😁 5y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I really enjoyed this novel where nothing much happens but much is revealed through the nuance of conversation and connection.

CarolynM Surprisingly lovely, isn't it? 5y
ReadingEnvy @CarolynM I really liked it 5y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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This is a hard one to review....it‘s brilliant, yet kinda boring! Profound and thought provoking yet superficial and irritating. I wanted to bail but I also wanted more. I loved it, I hated it. Maybe I need to sleep on this? 🤔

TrishB Ha ha 😂 love it! 5y
merelybookish That's how I feel about Knaussgaard's My Struggle 5y
Caroline2 @TrishB I‘m really not keen on these award winning books, with beautiful writing but no characters to connect with and no plot?! It feels kinda lazy and snobby! Like their writing is soooo brilliant they don‘t need trite things like a plot! 🙄 5y
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TrishB Agree totally!! 5y
Ruthiella I agree this is a tough book to categorize and while I admired it, I didn‘t enjoy it. 5y
Caroline2 @Ruthiella yes! That is spot on, I admired it but I didn‘t enjoy it! 👍🏻 5y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Ah, I was so seduced by the way Cusk‘s nearly unnamed main character acts as a vessel for her encounters. Though she isn't fleshed out in page space, the way she re-tells the reader what her friends & acquaintances have just told her provided enough of a voyeuristic lens for me to understand & enjoy Faye too. There IS a subtle thread of plot that leads from the first chapter to the last, this could also be read as a collection of short stories.

catebutler I just added this to my list the other day, so happy to see your review on here! 5y
mrozzz Cusk is such a cool writer. @catebutler I hope you like it! 5y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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This novel has no plot. It is nothing more than a series of encounters. A novelist travels to Athens to teach a writing course. She meets various people, some strangers, some friends, and they tell her stories from their lives. Along the way she shares a few telling details of her own. It may sound unpromising, but I found it fascinating.

rockpools This one really surprised me. Can‘t remember why I read it, because I expected to hate it, but I found it totally absorbing! And I‘ve never seen that cover 🐚 6y
LauraBeth Books without plots are my jam - I need to get to this trilogy 6y
saresmoore @LauraBeth I keep saying that to myself and then I remember the font. Uuuuugh. 6y
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LauraBeth @saresmoore I know - that font! I can‘t let sans serif get in the way of me missing out on what could be a great read. I just looked at a sample page for Kindle and it looks like that could solve our dilemma! Go look. 6y
saresmoore @LauraBeth Ooh, yes! You are so smart! 6y
saresmoore @laurabeth Yas! Thank you for telling me! 6y
CarolynM @LauraBeth @saresmoore Hope the ebook format overcomes your issues so you can enjoy the writing 🙂 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Has this on my shelf forever, going to take a chance and read it.

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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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October was the month of the epic and/or intense read for me. Although slow, it was full of excellent reads. Outline was definitely the stand out, and a top quality buddy read at that! The new Kingsolver and Zusak‘s were absolute treats. I was a fan of the two polarising Booker shortlisted novels I read. Our #indiebuddyread was perturbing but thought provoking. November is set to be the #readharder catch up month!

Redwritinghood Looks like you had a great month! 6y
ClairesReads @Redwritinghood thanks Jerrie- I was challenged and interested by everything I read this month. It was a rewarding reading spell 6y
BarbaraBB Sounds like a good month! 6y
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ClairesReads @BarbaraBB it was great! 6y
Redheadrambles You beat me to the wrapup ! What a good month for you 👍🏻 6y
ClairesReads @Redheadrambles it‘s the first time ever- normally yours remind me to do it! It has been a good month- not the highest read count, but I got something out of everything I read, which was awesome. Looking forward to hitting #readharder this month. 6y
Redheadrambles @ClairesReads looking over your books there is some high page count chunksters in there ! So impressive during term time 😀 6y
ClairesReads @Redheadrambles there was definitely a “chunky” phase there in the middle- although admittedly I tackled those in the recent break. 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Outline is essentially plotless. It‘s not a novel about events, or even particular characters. Even the narrator herself is barely seen, only in the reflection of those she interacts with.

Significantly, Cusk‘s novel, in being about no one, or no thing in particular, is really about all of us. In reading this, we are all outlines, waiting to be filled by the reflections of others, the things that we engage with, which allow us to see ourselves.

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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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That‘s it. Rachel Cusk is a genius.

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Unapologetic spam this book is magic. Chapter 8.

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Chapter 6. The observations in this are so astute.

ErikasMindfulShelf I really need to read it! 6y
ClairesReads @irre it‘s spectacular! 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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This book!

BarbaraBB What a quote ❤️. I have a copy of Kudos. I will bump that up my tbr, I‘ve heard you can read the series as stand-alones as well. Let‘s hope so. 6y
ClairesReads @BarbaraBB I think you can, I understand it‘s not a trilogy in the strict sense of the word. I hope you enjoy it. 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Too good Cusk!

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Lindy It‘s a brilliant book. 😁 6y
ClairesReads @Lindy it‘s just wonderful so far I‘m loving it! 😊 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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readordierachel Wow. Yes. 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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SilversReviews Love this photo. 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Kicking off a much anticipated buddy read with a friend

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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#backpackEurope travelogue *fictional*
Country 18: Greece is stunning. I loved seeing the Parthenon (LANDMARK) and the Acropolis in Athens (Greek mythology/history is fun!). I also toured the islands of Santorini and Mykonos and ate so much good food (pita and hummus, yogurt and honey and more)!
This book is also stunning. A woman goes to Greece and has conversations. Meditative, philosophical, thoughtful. Like a concise Karl Ove Knausgaard. 5/5

bookandcat @jenp @bookwormm landmark proof (Parthenon, Greece) submitted above - they walk through Athens and tour the Parthenon and Acropolis 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I want to read this but I‘m going to have to get over my resentment of sans serif fonts. Really - Arial? It‘s making me cast judgment before I‘ve read it...

DivineDiana Interesting observation. Do you work in the design field? 6y
LauraBeth @DivineDiana I spent my career in it and it has ruined me 😂 6y
Mamashep Too funny! 6y
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LeahBergen 😆😆 6y
saresmoore I kid you not, I had the same thought about this book! I ended up returning it unread and I think the font choice factored in to that outcome more than I‘m willing to admit. 😬 6y
BarbaraBB There‘s the advertising girl speaking 😂, I know exactly what you mean 😘 6y
aeeklund Bahahahaha. I love this! 6y
DGRachel 🤣🤣🤣 I love this post! 6y
AlaMich Looks like the designer couldn‘t be bothered.👎 6y
DivineDiana Maybe it just gave you a sharper eye! 👁 6y
LauraBeth @saresmoore 👯‍♀️ I have never finished a book that was published in sans sarif 😀 Or on bright, white paper... 6y
LauraBeth @AlaMich I would have been okay if just the cover was this font but the entire book is published in this font ☹️ 6y
LauraBeth @DGRachel who does this to a book?! 6y
LauraBeth @BarbaraBB 😂 You can take the girl out of advertising but... 6y
LauraBeth @Mamashep, @LeahBergen, @aeeklund I knew Littens would understand 😀 6y
Tonton Ex-ad agency here: fonts sensitive! (edited) 6y
LauraBeth @Tonton is there a support group for ex-agency folks? 😀 (edited) 6y
AlaMich @LauraBeth seriously? I am not a graphic designer but even I know that‘s a no-no! 6y
MeganAnn Magazine Art Director here and I‘m with you! 😀 It‘s a well known fact that sans serif fonts are more difficult to read in long blocks of text. I hate reading books in sans serif fonts and I routinely tell my boss this when he asks if we should design an article in sans serif - nope. 😂 I might be a little obsessed.... 🤔🤣 6y
rubyslippersreads Is the whole book in sans serif? I wouldn‘t even be able to get past the first page! 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk

Although this wasn‘t one of my favorite books, I did find many quotes that I felt were very relatable. Not so sure that I‘ll finish the other 2 books in this series.

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Cusk's novel in ten conversations, what Maureen Corrigan calls autobiographies in miniature, features an outline of a narrative. Meditations on perception & love (containing the best passages on marriage I've recently read), Cusk calls to mind Ali Smith in the way the domestic & intimate intersect with the cultural & political. The speakers are frequently disillusioned, yet none seem to feel hopeless. Rather they are speaking out of experience.

charl08 Loved this one. 6y
LeahBergen Nice review! 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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A quick nap detoured me from from #24in48 progress but I was glad to be refreshed enough to enjoy the stunning writing and philosophical observations in this exceptional novel. Rachel Cusk‘s insight and analysis of human suffering and frailty is spectacular. What a tour de force 5/5 @24in48 this one will be hard to top!

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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#24in48 hour 6 challenge. Best opening line “before the flight I was invited for lunch at a London club with a billionaire I‘d been promised he had liberal credentials” can‘t wait to start this one! @24in48 #24in48

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I‘ve got so many tedious errands to run this weekend that I‘m pretty sure I won‘t be able to hit 24, but I‘ll have fun trying. Here‘s the stack! @24in48 #24in48 I might have to throw a non fiction in there to mix it up, but this is the stack I‘m launching with!

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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It‘s not the ocean, but I‘ll take it. Gonna attempt to read this first before kudos has to go back to the library. Two books in five days? Sounds like a challenge for this slow reader.

BarbaraBB Looks so attractive 😍 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk

A good read! Will definitely carry on reading the other books in this series. A really intriguing and clever approach by Rachel Cusk.

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I cannot decide what why I think of this book. It feels like an emotionless intellectual exercise in which every character describes feelings and never feels anything at all. And yet. And yet. I find it a somehow compelling narrative just the same. In the end because of its brevity I‘m declaring it a pick.

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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I read this yesterday, and I hardly ever finish a book in one day. This novel is hard to summarize since it's about more than the story's outline. A female author travels to Athen to learn aspiring would-be authors to write. And while she's there she talks with people and the novel centers around these conversations and her thoughts during them. I'll definitely read the next novel in this trilogy.

Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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Day 6 of the #Riotgrams Challenge: duologies, trilogies, & more! Rachel Cusk‘s Outline trilogy is perfection and the final book came out yesterday, so it is complete. Read it and weep, babies. ❤️🕊🎶

LiterRohde Those are great covers! 6y
saresmoore I don‘t know anything about the series, but I had the first one stacked, so it must have caught my eye before! Your endorsement solidifies my resolve to read them. 6y
Thndrstd Beautiful books 6y
batsy Love this picture! 6y
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Outline: A Novel | Rachel Cusk
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I just received the Advanced Reader Copy of the third in this series, so it was time for me to finally pick this up. I have been holding this off for the “perfect” time to read it. I‘m only a few pages in and I love the tone so far.

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