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Ghost Wall
Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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While the second half was tense and atmospheric, the first half felt dull. It was difficult to grasp any real understanding of the inner lives of any of the characters. That said, the ending was quite eerie and ambiguous. #shortyseptember23

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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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This is the second or third time I‘ve tried to listen to this novel and it isn‘t sticking. The historical tidbits are interesting enough, but the characters and plot aren‘t getting any traction.

Moving on…….

Graywacke Maybe better in text form. It strikes some under the text/beyond the text notes that are sometimes hard to pickup on audio. Or maybe it just isn‘t your book 🙂 1y
Tamra @Graywacke If I see it second hand I will try it in print. You are right I may be missing subtleties in the audio - I tend to read print more slowly and intentionally. (edited) 1y
BarbaraBB I didn‘t feel this book either. 1y
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Tamra @BarbaraBB just sometimes goes like that. 😏 1y
Cathythoughts I found it very bare and upsetting, it wasn‘t for me … 1y
Tamra @Cathythoughts then I‘m glad to be setting it aside for now. 1y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Picked this one up after Litsy friends commented about the bog people featured in this on my review of Fen Bog Swamp. This was a short read, but haunting and bleak. A British nationalist is fixated on living off the land as early Britons did. He drags his wife and daughter to an expedition with a professor and group of students who are living in tents, and hunting and gathering. Less about the bog bodies than I expected, but impactful nonetheless.

Ruthiella I read a mystery once that featured bog people and archaeologists. Maybe you‘ll like it if you ever come across it 2y
sarahbarnes I‘m glad you liked it! 2y
jlhammar I loved this one, but man, the father was infuriating! Have you read this epistolary novel yet? Really heartwarming and the correspondence begins over a shared fascination with the Tollund Man 2y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Moss‘s writing is so tight, not a word is wasted in this short, tense novella.


Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes… it made me think of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson…short but so tense 2y
TheEllieMo @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘ve not read that one - added to the TBR list! 2y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheEllieMo It‘s an old one, that I had to read in high school back in the 80‘s…also very short, that takes a sharp unexpected turn 2y
SamAnne This book. I love a book without a wasted word. The only one I can think of that is in the same vein is Colson Whitehead‘s Nickel Boys. 2y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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A family joins an experiential anthropology class in reenacting Iron Age Britannia in this dark and suffocating work. The characters were one dimensional and the lack of quotation marks made for frustrating reading. Full review at http://booknaround.blogspot.com/2022/08/review-ghost-wall-by-sarah-moss.html

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Cor, she's a superb invoker of atmosphere...
Very good story.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Having heard her speak in Bath, I'm s here fan 😍😘🤩 and found this in the library.
I'm unable to buy books as our house is having building work and everything is in chaos!

SamAnne Loved this dark novel. 2y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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#AlphabetGame @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Letter G

Continuing with the theme of short, chilling novels full of dread and danger. I wrote in my GR review that it had the eerie vibes of both Schweblin's Fever Dream and the menacing mythological atmosphere of Alan Garner's The Owl Service. A book that made me want to run far away from what was taking place.

vivastory It seems like my fave reading experiences this yr have been largely comprised of whoppers like Moby Dick or novellas full of mystery & atmosphere like In the House in the Dark of the Woods, Blue Fox, Space Invaders etc. 2y
Graywacke Oh, I forgot how much I enjoyed this. Great choice. Noting those other titles. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
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batsy @vivastory That feels true about my reading experiences lately, too. I'm a bit lacking in the big ones this year after Don Quixote. Taking notes on the short books you've mentioned here 📝 2y
batsy @Graywacke 🙌🏾 2y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Wow ? this novella is brilliant ?part of my library ? haul , Sarah moss is a wonderful writer. Iv rejoined a local library partly because I have a huge TBR and now begrudge paying (d0 for a hardback and 8.99 or 9.99 for a paperback if I don‘t like it ; back to front I know but anything I do like from the library ? il then go out and buy it for my collection ?keep cool ? in the heatwave folks ?

BarbaraBB You‘ve got some more great books on show in that picture 😍 2y
jlhammar Ghost Wall is so good! Unsettled Ground is also fantastic. 2y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Wow ? this novella is brilliant ?part of my library ? haul , Sarah moss is a wonderful writer. Iv rejoined a local library partly because I have a huge TBR and now begrudge paying (d0 for a hardback and 8.99 or 9.99 for a paperback if I don‘t like it ; back to front I know but anything I do like from the library ? il then go out and buy it for my collection ?keep cool ? in the heatwave folks ?

SamAnne I now read everything of hers. This novel floored me. 2y
Bookbuyingaddict @SamAnne hi 👋🏻 it‘s amazing isn‘t it , I had to stop and tell my husband & say to him how lucky we were as kids not to have a bully and a brute for a father , silivie & her mother made excuses for him ! Brilliant book 2y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Moss drops us into the unexpected setting of an Iron Age re-enactment camp to tell a story of a young girl grappling with male chauvinism, disturbing family dynamics, and how to find her voice. Brilliant.

jlhammar Yes, totally agree! So good. 3y
TrishB Loved this 👍🏻 3y
batsy Brilliant indeed! ❤️ 3y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Well, what a story. All about a group of people reenacting life in an Iron Age settlement. Done for academic purposes along with the family of a over bearing bus driver. The tale is so compelling as Silvie guides us on this voyage around her father while dressed in a scratchy tunic.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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I‘m loving this, why be comfortable on holiday, stay in an Iron Age settlement instead!

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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I read this book in one day and it filled me with dread the whole time. My anxiety was through the roof! So much is packed into this short book. I did feel like it could have been fleshed out a bit more and the ending was a bit rushed. I will definitely read some more from this author.

quietlycuriouskate She's great! Though I thought her "Summerwater" had an abrupt ending, too. 3y
SamAnne I loved this one! I‘ve begun to appreciate writers who,pack a lot in a small book….over some of the overly long winded ones. 3y
Centique How are you doing Nerissa? Are you guys out of lockdown? I hope things are going okay for you there 💕💕 3y
Rissreads @Centique no lockdown for us! Most of Australia is in lockdown though. I‘m going ok. Busy with my parents living with us at the moment! Yes it‘s not as fun as it sounds! 🤣 How are you? X 3y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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This is another short book with a lot of layers. It's claustrophobic & menacing. It has a lot to say about domestic abuse, feminism, and nationalism while making a point that people don't seem to have changed all that much. There are certainly negatives: sometimes it feels too short but other times too long and it's a bit heavy-handed. I didn't like where it ended either. I REALLY wanted to see the consequences of several decisions.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Ghost Wall is an eerie book about a 17-year-old named Silvie, who is spending two weeks living like an Iron Age Briton in the wilderness of Northern England, accompanied by her history-obsessed and abusive father and her submissive mother, as well as the professor and students of an anthropology course. This book gave me some serious Midsommar vibes, but, thankfully, it wasn't nearly as uncomfortable to consume as that movie was. 4⭐️

candority A big thank you to @AmyG who sent this to me! 💕 4y
AmyG I enjoyed this. I am so happy you did, too. 4y
TrishB I enjoyed this one 👍🏻 4y
batsy I loved this one. Just really admired how Moss can create a very persistent eerie atmosphere. 4y
candority @AmyG @TrishB @batsy So good! This is my first by the author, but I‘ll definitely pick up some of her other books. 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Yesterday's #bookhaul from my local indie book store! Have you read any of these? I'm so excited to check them out. Been dying to read Ghost Wall and Go Tell It On the Mountain, the other two were whim purchases that were new to me (The Seed Keeper was so new it wasn't properly in the system yet!). #catsoflitsy #indiebooks #bookstore

rachelsbrittain I really enjoyed Ghost Wall! 4y
sarahbarnes Ghost Wall is on my list, too! 4y
SamAnne I loved Ghost Wall. 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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I recently read Summerwater and thought it was spectacular, so I thought I‘d give this one a try. It‘s enjoyable but not quite as good. I feel like it wasn‘t quite fleshed out as much as it could have been and ended rather abruptly. I will certainly be searching for more reads from Sarah Moss.

SamAnne Funny. I love Sarah Moss. Our reviews are flipped. I liked Ghost Wall more than Summerwater. Loved them both. But was more gripped with the Ghost Wall story. 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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@AmyG Thank you so much for this wonderful gift! 💖 I‘m looking forward to reading this book (it‘s going on my March TBR) and I really appreciate your thoughtfulness (and upside down and backwards card 😂)! The package arrived cut open, but I think everything was still in there? 🤔

AmyG It looks intact. I hope you enjoy this book. I did-it was a good, little book. I am happy it actually got to you!!! (edited) 4y
candority @AmyG Phew! I‘m sure I will enjoy it! Thanks again 💕 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss

"I looked up, saw Pete watching me watch her, and blushed, felt the sudden heat in my face like pee in pants."
Today in odd similes.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss

"I was starting to fight my breathing, could get air out but not in, as if my body was already full up, as if there was no space inside my ribs."

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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And another spooky suspense for October.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Currently reading 💚

LeahBergen Pretty! 💚 4y
Reviewsbylola Maybe I‘ll read this one too since you gifted me a copy! 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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This book puts me over the top for my #Goodreads reading goal!
Ghost Wall was not at all what I thought it was going to be. I expected a horror novel. This wasn‘t one; though the subject is horrible.
I‘m not sure how to rate it. It‘s just not for me. #unpopularopinion
The narration was really well done and was the reason I stayed with it.

LeslieO Congrats on crushing your goal! 4y
rubyslippersreads 📚🎉📚🎉📚🎉🎉🎉 4y
britt_brooke Yay! 🙌🏻 4y
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ulrichyumiodd I almost bought that book for one of the spooky swaps last year, then figured out that it might not be horror at all. Glad to know I was right to skip it! The title and cover can certainly be misleading. 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess Congratulations! 4y
wanderinglynn Congrats! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Birdsong28 Congratulations 🎊 🎉 📚 📖 4y
Cathythoughts It wasn‘t for me either. But I just read this one & it‘s really good 4y
Cathythoughts And congratulations 🥳 4y
fredamans Congratulations!!! 4y
Gissy Congratulations!! 📚📚📚👏👏👏👏 4y
Avanders Woot!! 🍾💃🏽🥳🥳 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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“They bring her out.”


Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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#Insomnia means starting a new audiobook.

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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Ghost Wall is a short sharp novella that packs a punch. I can‘t say I enjoyed it or some of it‘s characters but I appreciated the writing and story telling abilities of Sarah Moss. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Now I have gone back to the beginning to read one of Michael Connelly‘s first books, and I am gripped already.
I don‘t want to do anything else but read it..even talking to my hubby is a struggle😂😂😂

TrishB The Poet is great 👍🏻 I also loved Ghost Wall, but appreciate that not everyone does 😁 4y
Freespirit @TrishB I find it hard to read about domestic abuse.. it makes me so angry. The writing is lovely and I‘d like to read her new book 📚 4y
TrishB Me too. ☹️ Very difficult subject. 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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All the details about primitive living, the Iron Age were interesting and the surrounding nature, just in general descriptions were beautiful. Listening to this is were it's at, though some parts were hard to listen to and I was VERY angry.

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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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A short novel about an experiential archeology class reenacting life in Iron Age Northumberland and the girl who's overbearing, abusive father drags her along. But the sexism & xenophobia at the heart of his desires to return to ancient times may ultimately destroy the experiment. A quick, interesting read. I especially enjoyed the audiobook since the characters accents are commented upon at times & the narrator does an excellent job of it.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I liked this one, very creepy! 4y
SamAnne Loved. A Brexit novel. 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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An audiobook about a student reenactment of an iron age Northumbrian village

SamAnne Loved it. Definitely a Brexit novel. 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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A short but haunting novella. My first Sarah Moss and wow can she write. Really glad I decided to read this one. I found myself thinking a lot about -My sister, the serial killer- while I was reading it, because of the common topics they explore at their core.

SamAnne Loved Ghost Wall, will have to pick up My Sister the Serial Killer now! 4y
Cinfhen Awesome review \ this is wallowing on my TBR 4y
ephemeralwaltz @Cinfhen you'll get through it pretty quick! 4y
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Kalalalatja Oh, you‘ll like the rest of her books, I‘m (almost) certain! 4y
ephemeralwaltz @Kalalalatja do you recommend any one in particular to be my next?? 4y
Kalalalatja I‘m thinking this might be right up your alley 4y
ephemeralwaltz @Kalalalatja thank you so much! I'll definitely choose one of them next. 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss

Short, fantastic read. Eerie, dread-filled, and one of the few books I‘ve read lately that really got in my head.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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I ordered some books from some of my favorite indies. These came in today and I can‘t wait to read them! I also got sone hot sauce from Tijuana for Mother‘s Day!

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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Interesting #novella about a teenage girl who is taken on a trip to south England with her parents to live as prehistoric Britains lived. Took a little bit to get into but it picked up steam. Trigger warning for abuse. Read on #scribd

SamAnne One of my favorite reads in April. 4y
CindyE09 @SamAnne The writing was very good, I can see why so many people connected with it so strongly 4y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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I was gripped instantly and finished this in one sitting. Granted, it was a short novel, but powerful. For the brevity of pages, the impact is immense and will linger for some time.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Loving this story so far!

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Oh wow. Powerful and dark. A Brexit novel for sure. And a commentary on the violence that springs from male insecurity.

youneverarrived I love this book! 5y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Will take me awhile to recover from the opening few pages. A definite dive into a novel shaped by Brexit.

Gina That image is spectacular! I can see the skull in there 5y
batsy So disturbing and so good. 5y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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1. Tagged book. On my TBR list since it came out and my book club is reading it for April. 2. I don‘t plan my books out for months like some. I have my book club lists for the year, then aspirations, but will divert time read something compelling that comes to my attention, or if there is a good group read happening on Goodreads or Litsy. @TheSpineView

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Dark, powerful book.

This book may be short, but it packs a definite punch. There are so many underlining themes and messages in this story of a family whose father forces them to live as if they were in the Iron Age.

I'll be thinking and analyzing this one for a while.

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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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#lmpbc arrived safely today @Libby1

Thanks so much for the gift card too - but you really shouldn't have!

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Finally, finally, finally I have sent the #LMPBC books on, @jenniferw88 , which will eventually get to you, @jhod . You know from past clubs I‘m usually timely with sending things but anxiety has really gotten the better of me recently. ☹️

This is our new cat, Sir Maximus Longbottom - Max for short. He‘s the biggest cat you‘ve ever seen, weighing over 14 pounds. He‘s got super long legs, so we thought we‘d honour the lovely Neville Longbottom.

jhod Ah he's lovely and a great name!! I have also been tardy for which apologies. Hope you're feeling better soon , sending hugs xx 5y
jenniferw88 He's gorgeous! And don't worry about it being late - your health is more important! 5y
Lreads Hello Sir Maximus Longbottom! 😻💕 5y
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MemoirsForMe 😻😻😻 5y
Oryx Hi. Just wanted to say hello and I hope you and the family are keeping safe and well. ♥️ 5y
rockpools Just popping in to say hi 🌻 5y
Libby1 Hi, @RachelO ! How are you? I hope you‘re staying well and have loads of good things to read right now. Thanks so much for saying hello. 🌈 5y
Libby1 Hi, @Oryx ! How are you? Thanks so much for saying hello. That makes me smile. I hope you‘re well and that all your loved ones are well. 🌈 5y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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I‘m intrigued but wary. Starting this one now.

batsy This cover 😍 5y
Expandingbookshelf Loved this book! 5y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Enjoyable quick read.
A dark book, that highlights ignorance and cruelty and isolation...how those than can not (or are not allowed) to defend themselves fall victim to prejudice, violence and tyranny.
Links the past and the present and highlights youth raising up against oppression and enablement.

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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Disturbing, haunting & deeply powerful, Ghost Wall is the story of Silvie & her parents spending two weeks living like Iron Age Britons alongside a professor of “experiential archeology” & his students. What happens when a desire to experience authentically goes too far?

What really struck me about this novel was the criticism against idealizing the past. Given the state of the UK these days, more folks should read this.


Kalalalatja Great review! 5y
monalyisha Insightful! 5y
lauren.lerner @Kalalalatja @monalyisha thank you!! I really want to make 2020 the year of thoughtful reviews on my part — I‘m glad this one fits that bill. 💗 5y
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Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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4/5 ⭐ GHOST WALL was a quick, absorbing read. It was not quite what I expected and I was pleasantly surprised. It was dark and strange, and made me tense from the very beginning. Recommended! #libraryloot

Ghost Wall | Sarah Moss
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I really enjoyed this cautionary tale of taking who you are and where you are to extremes. I loved the voice of teenage, Sylvie. So wise and conditioned to her life. She and her family go on an anthropological reenactment trip with a university professor and students. Lets just say it gets a little carried away! Short but packed full!

rmaclean4 This is a favorite of mine! 5y
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