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Lovely Bones (Deluxe)
Lovely Bones (Deluxe) | Alice Sebold
This deluxe trade paperback edition of Alice Sebold's modern classic features French flaps and rough-cut pages. Once in a generation a novel comes along that taps a vein of universal human experience, resonating with readers of all ages. "The Lovely Bones" is such a book - a phenomenal #1 bestseller celebrated at once for its narrative artistry, its luminous clarity of emotion, and its astoniishing power to lay claim to the hearts of millions of readers around the world. ""My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973."" So begins the story of Susie Salmon, who is adjusting to her new home in heaven, a place that is not at all what she expected, even as she is watching life on eath continue without her - her friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her killer trying to cover his tracks, her grief-stricken family unraveling. Out of unspeakable traged and loss, "The Lovely Bones" succeeds, miraculously, in building a tale filled with hope, humor, suspense, even joy "A stunning achievement." -"The New Yorker" "Deeply affecting. . . . A keenly observed portrait of familial love and how it endures and changes over time." -"New York Times" "A triumphant novel. . . . It's a knockout." -"Time" "Destined to become a classic in the vein of "To Kill a Mockingbird." . . . I loved it." -Anna Quindlen "A novel that is painfully fine and accomplished." -"Los Angeles Times" ""The Lovely Bones" seems to be saying there are more important things in life on earth than retribution. Like forgiveness, like love." -"Chicago Tribune""
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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🦴Tagged - movie filming was in our area

@TheSpineView #two4tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 5mo
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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lazydaizee I read The Lovely Bones some time ago and I really enjoyed it. 6mo
SarahBookInterrupted @lazydaizee I wonder if the movie is any good. It does have some big names in it. 6mo
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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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This book was Amazing! I remember the film too bc Stanley Tucci was in it. Aside from that, it was good but the book is better.




Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Loved this one 💔 12mo
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Yes heartbreaking 💔 12mo
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Bookwomble Thank you for posting this. 1y
CSeydel 😮 1y
DivineDiana I had no idea! Very sad. 1y
IndoorDame Thank you for sharing! 1y
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Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Eggs Perfect 💙💙 2y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Sad book🥲 2y
Eggs Oh good choice 👍🏼 2y
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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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Book one down for #Scarathlon2022
I was really disappointed by this book. It was so boring but felt like it was leading up to something and then it never came.
#TeamMonsterMash #Scarathlon2022

The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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The first book that came to mind for #Victim narrated by a murdered girl.

#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash

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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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My first book I'm picking up for the #Scarathlon2022 also my #scarathlondailyprompts day 3 Killer. #TeamMonsterMash @StayCurious

The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice

read: july 31-august 24, 2022

i wanted to love this book. i really did. however beautiful the beginning and end were, what filled the middle section of the novel moved at such an odd pace i found myself often bored and uninterested. alice sebold is able to connect heaven and earth in such a unique fashion, which is fun to read about. however, i wasn‘t a fan of sebold‘s vernacular and use of run-on sentences, as they left me often confused.

The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice

“These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections… that happened after I was gone.”

- Chapter 23, Page 320

The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice

“Because horror on Earth is real and it is every day. It is like a flower or like the sun; it cannot be contained.”

- Chapter 14

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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Lovely bones - a psychedelic film with a heartbreaking ending.
Lady killer's - Absolutely loved the history of woman killer's.
Last night at the viper room - drugs, celebrities and lies

melissajayne The Lovely Bones is a beautiful, yeat heartbreaking book. 2y
kaysworld1 @melissajayne Did you know they made a film? It's really great. 2y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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I opened this book to find out the main character was murdered on my birthday, so that was fun! This book reminded me of Ask Again, Yes and The Last Romantics - it was a story about people living their lives. This book was about Susie‘s family and how they dealt with her murder as she watches them from above. I thought it would be a bit more of a thriller/mystery, but I still liked reading it.

5feet.of.fury Agree, when I read it I was ready for a mystery… instead it was therapy 😅 2y
BriannaT @5feet.of.fury Glad it wasn‘t just me sitting and wondering when they were going to catch the guy! Lol 2y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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A moving novel about growing up, loss, justice, and not giving up.

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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold


The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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In this book, fourteen year old Susie Salmon is raped and murdered. She spends majority of the book ‘living‘ in heaven and she is adjusting to life up there. Meanwhile, her family and friends are dealing with loss and tragedy down on earth. Susie watches her family, friends, and even murderer, continue their lives on earth, after that terrible day, as they learn to grieve and move on.

mackenzie.palmarchuk I would recommend this book to a mature young adult audience, due to some parts being graphic and containing sexual content. Also, to anyone who enjoys story‘s that address what life may be like after death and those who don‘t mind a graphic story with come disturbing content. 3y
mackenzie.palmarchuk The point of view used in this book is first person, told through Susie Salmons(the girl who is killed) eyes. However, she is in heaven and can see and know things about all of the characters on earth, so she is an omniscient character. We read and get to hear her thoughts and feelings, as well as those of all she views down on earth. 3y
MissYaremcio Nicely done Mackenzie! I loved this book! 6/6 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Last book of #wintergames2021 was a full out therapy session. The first chapters start of as graphic as any K Slaughter novel, then moves in to a wonderful agnostic view of the afterlife and a case study on how people deal with grief and loss. It‘s a lot, and you‘re always wanting more for everyone. Frustrating. Realistic. Haunting. A perspective on serial killers tales, even almost 20 yrs since it‘s publish, that‘s quite unique.

OriginalCyn620 I read this a few months ago and felt the same exact way. Great book! 3y
HollyBolly I think I would have liked this book if not for one scene where the protagonist takes over a girl's body and has sex with someone while in it. I couldn't help but see this as a form of rape. Please let me know if I interpreted it wrong, but that just made me feel gross. 3y
5feet.of.fury @hollybolly Do you feel that Ruth would be the victim as the inhabited or Ray? Susie told Ray it was her. Susie and Ruth had a unique bond (even at the beginning of the book Ruth kisses ray and tell him to pretend it‘s Susie), I did have a moment of similar thinking to yours -especially, but not exclusively- due to Ruth is a lesbian (?)Ruth consented to the swap from the way it is written which doesn‘t mean she consented to sex. But I feel shes ok 3y
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HollyBolly More Ruth. I think that if the author included a brief conversation between Susie and Ruth, it would have been easier for me to swallow. It was so long ago that I read it though that I just remember feeling gross and seeing it as inappropriate for Ruth's body. I don't remember if Ruth and Susie ever talked at all. 3y
5feet.of.fury @HollyBolly understandable. Yeah idk if Ruth would have known what Susie would do with her body and it‘s not addressed if she had feelings about it. They actual only had one conversation, they barely knew each other in life. 3y
HollyBolly @5feet.of.fury Yeah. I feel like I would have enjoyed it otherwise especially if I read it now. Do you know if the movie was any better? 3y
5feet.of.fury @HollyBolly I haven‘t seen it unfortunately. The reviews seemed as mixed as the reviews for the book. 3y
HollyBolly @5feet.of.fury Yeah. It seems to be one that those that you either love or hate. 3y
tokorowilliamwallace I started this, but wasn't sure if my weak constitution would be able to handle it, so I donated it to a free little street library. Maybe someday. 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold

Thank god that‘s over! It‘s times like these I wish I was the type of person who could bail on books. It started off good for maybe the first 10 pages, then it turned into an utter snooze fest with added cringe. So glad to be done

marleed I don‘t quit books either :(. I read this book years ago and it gave me all sorts of bad vibes. I feel those vibes anytime I walk past a copy in a thrift store. I have collections of books I‘ve loved or have had significant impact on my feelings, but I just can‘t have this one on my shelves. So weird, because I have Lolita on my shelves. 3y
noseinabookagain Totally agree about the bad vibes! Something about it just didn‘t sit easy with me. Usually, the kinds of books that have a significant impact on my feelings are my favourite. Plus, the glowing critic reviews led me to believe it was going to be an amazing read 🤷‍♀️ 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Very sad because of the subject matter, but I also found it thought-provoking and beautiful. Been on my shelf forever - glad I finally read it.


BookDadGirlDad This was recommended to me years ago....and I still haven't read it. Sitting on my shelf looking pretty....
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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1. Tagged. I just started it today.
2. I‘m not very far into it (and I haven‘t seen the movie) but so far I like the author‘s take on Heaven.

If you want to play, consider yourself tagged! 🤗

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 👍📖 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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hey guys !
i've just created a new instagram ( bookstagram ), I don't have many friends who enjoy reading as much as I do. So, I decided to make an account for other book lovers like me. go follow my new account or comment yours below !
it's @ justtwomorechapters

marleed Following! 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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#Movie2BookRecs #susansarandon 31. I made it! Finished the whole challenge. I really didn‘t like this book, so I never watched the movie. I can‘t think of a book that is similar that I could recommend 🤷🏻‍♀️

Klou That's great!! Well done! Thank you for playing this month! 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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I finally finished The Lovely Bones after a few months of reading. It‘s beautifully written, but because of the subject matter, I had to take lots of breaks. I was thinking as I read that I knew someone who read this book in school in about 8th grade. As an educator, it seems a little heavy to teach for 8th grade. Anyone else read it in middle/high school? I‘m curious to know! Maybe I‘m just overly sensitive.

LapReader I read it in my 20s. It was hard going due to the subject matter. 3y
Katie.happens @LapReader I had the same experience! I think if I‘d have read it as a teenager it would have messed with my head, just because it‘s so heavy. 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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Very touching story...I wonder if thats how Heaven really is like?

Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Have you ever had a book sit, you pick it up and then you ask yourself why you waited so long to take this journey? Well, that happened with my #bookspin book my first month of BINGO 🤯🥰 Told in an atmospheric way from the perspective of the victim, this poignant and transformational psychological journey is the retelling of grief, loss, hope and moving on. I do wish the killer suffered more because he made me 😡. #recentlyread @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold

A very sad and thought provoking tale. Loved the little insights into heaven. Just wish the culprit had been arrested, convicted and had a horrible time of it in prison. He seemed to get away too lightly.

The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Just about to start this. It‘s my book group‘s choice.

BookwormM Loved this book 📖 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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I feel like this book had a great build up and fizzled out at the end. Like I understand what the author was trying to do, but it was just anticlimactic for me. #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice
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Oh so that‘s the reason 🤐

ChaoticMissAdventures Gotta get different clothes! 😂 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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I kind of like this theology of heaven 😅

Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Day 10 #oppositeday Prompt: Soft. Let me explain my response for this prompt. Before this book, I was a hard core reader of violence. I could nearly handle anything. Then this book came along about 22 years ago... at the same time I was pregnant with my first. I remember sitting in the living room with the legs tucked under me leaning on a pillow. ⬇️

Tattooedteacher I noticed myself having an incredibly hard time getting through the book. I figured I was responding to the nature of the crime as a mother rather than a non-mom. 3y
MoonWitch94 I‘ve stopped & started this book so many times over the years but it‘s just too hard. Beautiful but hard. Good choice! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Such a sad book 😢😢😢 3y
TheKidUpstairs This was one of those that I read in the middle of so much hype i kind of went 'meh'. 3y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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“My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie.”

STORYBOOK-CAFE #LairoftheLion The wind was shrieking through the narrow pass, bitter and cold, piercing right through her well worn cape. 4y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Reread one of my all time favorites! 💔

SRWCF So sad, but oh so good! 3y
BooksNBowls @SRWCF yesss!! 😢🥺 3y
SRWCF @BooksNBowls I thought the movie was well done. 3y
BooksNBowls @SRWCF yes it was perfectly creepy- they picked great actors for it! I loved it 3y
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Lovely Bones | Sebold Alice
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Here is my first #bookspin list for the year 2021. I have had a bit of a hiatus when it comes to reading, so I really want to pick it back up this year. Hope everyone has a great start to their year! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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Lovely Bones | Sebold Alice
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The tagged book had me crying. Like a baby. I cannot think of another book that has made me so emotional.

Thanks @Megabooks for the tag.
Want to play? @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @iread2much


Cuilin Yes that made me shed some tears too. 🥲 Thanks for playing. 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Oh dear... I‘m a sap, so I get easily attached to characters and cry at the drop of a hat. 😅 I‘ll have to give a think on which ones impacted me most... 🤔 Thank you so much for the tag! ❤️ 4y
Megabooks Hope you had a good thanksgiving!! 💙 4y
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iread2much I confess, I actually really disliked the Lovely Bones. It totally did not make me cry. But I did tear up a bit when I read Recipe for Persuasion, and I cried with laughter at one point when reading People I want to punch in the throat. 4y
Moonprismpower @iread2much ha! Well we can‘t all have the same taste otherwise there‘s be no variety. 😂 4y
Moonprismpower @Megabooks it was great! Good food and the best family. How was yours? 4y
BookDragonNotWorm This one made me ugly cry. 4y
Megabooks @Moonprismpower good. We stuck to small and my mom and her siblings met over zoom. I‘m gf and couldn‘t have the turkey and dressing but I enjoyed the yams, mashed potatoes and the broccoli casserole we made gf. 4y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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this book has been on my TBR for a while, part of a huge thriftbooks haul circa 💸 stimulus check 💸

plenty of reading time in store since i‘m waking up at 3am every morning trying (and failing) to kennel train my canine friend 🥱😴
#thelovelybones #latenightreads #puppy

britt_brooke So cute! The pupper life is hard ... much harder than I remembered. Our pup is now 6 months old, but those those first few weeks were extra challenging. 4y
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Lovely Bones | Sebold Alice
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Okay, I‘m copying @wanderinglynn (hope you don‘t mind...)

The top #3books made me cry
The bottom #3books made me laugh

wanderinglynn I don‘t mind at all! 👍🏻 And Lamb was so funny! Good choice! 4y
Mollyanna @wanderinglynn Thanks 😊 4y
OriginalCyn620 Good choices! 4y
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Lovely Bones | Sebold Alice

Pretty, sad, sweet, and endearing

Lovely Bones | Sebold Alice
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As a mother, this was difficult to read. For every time it made me hurt though, it made me smile. Alice found a way to do that. I loved imagining Susie in her special heaven. I think I may forever forward imagine heaven in this sense: your own special brand; where things change as you desire. Lovely. My heart bled for her parents, and in the next beat it recovered with Susie‘s peace. Alice, what a gift to the grieving you have made. ❤️

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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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Lovely Bones | Sebold Alice
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What a neat way to think. I 💕 this

The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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This hit me so hard, right smack in the heart. It was so tragic, but beautiful as well. It will stay with me for a long time.

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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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MayJasper That is interesting. But as a child would you comprehend that your mother is also Abigail (for example)? I am not sure. 4y
Messiejessie Maybe only if you happened to glimpse an unguarded moment 4y
marleed This book haunted me years ago. I see it when browsing bookshops or thrift shops but can‘t add it to my own bookshelves for fear of daily haunts! 4y
Messiejessie I can understand that. I‘ve only just started and it‘s already breaking my heart 4y
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The Lovely Bones | Alice Sebold
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This one had a lot of mixed reviews but had always caught my eye and been on my reading list for a while. First few chapters were great, then it kind of trailed off. The last chapter of the book I enjoyed and the last line is very powerful. What got me most was the Afterword; the author‘s link to the main character and her reasons for writing the book.