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La couleur des sentiments
La couleur des sentiments | Kathryn Stockett
Chez les Blancs de Jackson, Mississippi, ce sont les Noires qui font le mnage, la cuisine, et qui s'occupent des enfants. On est en 1962, les lois raciales font autorit. En quarante ans de service, Aibileen a appris tenir sa langue. L'insolente Minny, sa meilleure amie, vient tout juste de se faire renvoyer. Si les choses s'enveniment, elle devra chercher du travail dans une autre ville. Peut-tre mme s'exiler dans un autre Etat, comme Constantine, qu'on n'a plus revue ici depuis que, pour des raisons inavouables, les Phelan l'ont congdie. Mais Skeeter, la fille des Phelan, n'est pas comme les autres. De retour Jackson au terme de ses tudes, elle s'acharne dcouvrir pourquoi Constantine, qui l'a leve avec amour pendant vingt-deux ans, est partie sans mme lui laisser un mot. La jeune bourgeoise blanche et les deux bonnes noires, pousses par une sourde envie de changer les choses malgr la peur, vont unir leurs destins, et en grand secret crire une histoire bouleversante. Passionnant, drle, mouvant, La Couleur des sentiments a connu un succs considrable dans le monde entier, et a t adapt au cinma. En France, le roman a reu en 2011 le grand prix des lectrices de Elle.
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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My original book club kicked off with this one back in 2010, and my newer book club selected it for this April. It‘s been 14 years since I read this, & I still found it to be an emotionally captivating story. I listened to the truly excellent audio performances this time around & I found myself listening at every chance, even though I remembered the story quite well. Reception to this one has since shifted so I‘m looking forward to discussing it!

The Help | Kathryn Stockett

Absolutely wonderful

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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So good! Very hard to read at times, but so so good.

Book 1 - Done ✅

#readyourkindle #readyourebooks @CBee

CBee Awesome 😊 7mo
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Kinda laughed aloud at this. 😂

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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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1.) Just the usual... Work and then home. Maybe take myself to go see Argyle tomorrow night at the cinema.
2.) Um... Haha 🙄🤭 My style of organized is organized chaos. 🤪
3.) Jackson, Mississippi (tagged book)

@Cupcake12 #MotivationalMonday

Cupcake12 I want to go and see Argyll too 🍿 Thanks for joining in x 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks The Help is so good! 8mo
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Finally got my list together, in no particular order, for the #readyourkindle #readyourebooks challenge. In sitting down to do this I realized two things. 1.) I have an awful lot of absolute sh!t on my Kindle. Wtf was I thinking when I bought aka freebie downloaded half of what's on there?! 😬 2.) I have a lot of really good sounding books on there so why haven't I read them yet?! 🤭 Super excited for this challenge, @CBee! 😏

CBee I realized the same things 😀😂 8mo
monkeygirlsmama @CBee I really need to go back through and just delete a bunch because there are legit a ton I know I will NEVER read based on the titles/covers alone. I am not proud of it, but I am indeed a cover snob who will judge a book by its cover. (Thankfully not like that with people. LoL) And some of the covers on my Kindle shelf are so mediocre, cheap, and trashy looking that I just can't. 🙄😆 It's possible I miss out on good books this way, but... 8mo
CBee @monkeygirlsmama I get it! Still hard to hit that delete button though 😂 I deleted a few and felt so guilty 😂 8mo
monkeygirlsmama @CBee OMG I know it! I say I need to do it, but I can almost guarantee you I won't actually. LoL 8mo
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Really good book. Enjoyed the different perspectives and had me laughing in some parts.

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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A bit late in finishing for last months #tbrtarot. Absolutely brilliant on audio, all of the narrators did an amazing job. I can see why this is a bestseller as it‘s just really good storytelling in terms of plot and characters! It did drag on a tiny bit for me, I felt like it could have been shorter. Loved Celia! Lots of funny and touching moments. Not a must-read sort of book but a really enjoyable one.

CBee I loved this book! The movie is fantastic as well. 2y
Kloves2read Great story! Interestingly enough I read the back story. It's based on a true events. If i remember correctly, apparently they tried to sue and prevent the story from being printed. 2y
youneverarrived @CBee yeah I love the film! 2y
youneverarrived @Kloves2read oh wow that‘s interesting 2y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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I loved this inspiring, humorous and heartwarming story that also let me learn more about the civil rights movement in the US. I'm glad to have read it for #BlackHistoryMonth, which we also observe here in Canada.

Third book finished for #FabulousFebruary @Andrew65, and my #BookSpin choice for this month. #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Andrew65 I loved this book. Well done 👏👏👏 2y
RedCurly I loved it too!!! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2y
kwmg40 @Andrew65 @RedCurly @TheAromaofBooks Nice to see others feel the same way about the book. My husband and I watched the movie yesterday and loved it! 2y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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The audio production of this book was wonderful and probably the only reason why I finished this book and am considering it a light pick. Something about a white woman (who got sued for using a maid‘s likeness in the book) writing as Black women just felt off to me. This was very much a white centered story when it had true potential to not be.
Almost finished with my cross stitch gift for my grandma! #audiostitching #litsycrafters

sarahbellum ✅ January #doublespin finally complete @TheAromaofBooks 2y
tpixie My grandma‘s favorite flowers were pansies! Such happy faces! 2y
sarahbellum @tpixie They‘re my grandma‘s favorite too 😊 2y
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tpixie @sarahbellum 💙💙💙 2y
AmyG Lovely! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress, and I love your pansies!! 2y
Catsandbooks Lovely!! 2y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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I finished this Xmas present for my mom a few days ago. A colorful crab for a Cancer. Now on to a bouquet of pansies for my grandma. #litsycrafters #audiostitching

I‘ve been listening to The Help while stitching and packing. It was my #doublespin from way back in January, so hoping to finally finish it this month. It‘s very long, but the audio production is 👌

RowReads1 Very impressive! 2y
Catsandbooks So beautiful!! What a lovely gift! ❤️ 2y
AnnR Really lovely! I used to do cross-stitch years ago and know it can be a time consuming hobby but also relaxing. 2y
LiseWorks Nice! 2y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett

I fell in love with the maids and their stories in this book. Reading in dialect made it personal and I felt as if these women were real, not made up characters.

Beneath the despair, there is hope. Hope that not every person is a sheep and that there are brave people like Miss Skeeter, who paved the way for change, despite the consequences.

Touching, heartbreaking and thought provoking.

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks The Help 💔💔 2y
Jensol77 I loved The Help! 2y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this one 💛 2y
Eggs Loved this book 💛 2y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Eggs Great choice! 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks One of my favorites 💛 2y
melissajayne She ate the whole damn thing 1y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 📚👌🏻 2y
Eggs Perfection 👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett


The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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A spectacular read by Stockett! A book that sparks all the emotions! You hope, pray, and laugh alongside them as they themselves go through their own struggles and triumphs. A book you don‘t want to put down till you get to the end!

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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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This book was so great! It was funny in places and heartbreaking in others. The ending really pulled on my heart strings.
Not only was it a great book but also a heart wrenching reminder that racism is still a very real issue and I'm sad to say that I see it working in retail and it truly is terrible. Books like this put things into perspective and help inspire change.

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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And for book club number one we are onto The Help after finishing 1984! Can there ever be a more night and day book reading one after the other?😆 I had to make myself stop reading this one tonight to not get ahead of our section because IT IS SO GOOD!! So excited to get more into it!❤️

The Help | Kathryn Stockett

One of my favourite books

Caroline2 Me too. 👍 3y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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I just completely and absolutely loved this. Lovely characters, nailbiting story and a beautiful message. It was just great. And it dealt with its subject matter with appropriate sympathy and sensitivity. The Help is an emotional rollercoaster with a touching message and a strong undercurrent of hope.

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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The best #pie scene ever!! “2 slice Hilly”


Leftcoastzen 😁 3y
kplovesbooks Love this book. ...and the pie. 🥧🤣🤣 3y
Eggs My choice too 🥧😆🥧 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @kplovesbooks yes!!! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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There is a #pie in this story, A.K.A the “terrible awful”
#gratefulharvest @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Leftcoastzen 😄 3y
Eggs @Leftcoastzen 🥧🤎🥧 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I chose this one too!! 3y
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great minds…💕💕 3y
melissajayne She ate the whole damn thing. 1y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett

Loved this book. Seeing the film never puts me off because I know the book will have so much more. This maybe tops To Kill a Mockingbird for me.

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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett

I head down the steps to see if my mail-order copy of The Catcher in the Rye is in the box. I always order the banned books from a black market dealer in California, figuring if the State of Mississippi banned them, they must be good.

#currentlyreading #bookblurbs #bannedbooks #fiction #novels

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Klou Great choice! 3y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Read the tagged book about a decade ago but it's even better on audio!! Plus, Octavia Spencer narrates; can't wait to get to her part! Seen the movie several times and really want to watch it again soon.

#currentlyreading #rereading #fiction #novels #SouthernLife #booktofilm #paperbacks #booksiown #audionerd

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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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PICK A MILLION TIMES! I dont remember the last time I binged a thick book like this! I had seen the movie of course and loved it but never got around to the book. I really enjoyed that it was written in the maid's vernacular and alternated btw Aibileen, Minny & Skeeter. I could just go on and on about this book!

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Some pre dinner fitness & my book

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Loving this one so much!!

AmyK1 One of my favorites! 3y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Book 67

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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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I loved the movie and I really enjoyed the book.
Gives a climpse into the eyes of the help.
Hats off to the ladies

The Help | Kathryn Stockett

I loved it. I laughed. I cried. And I bought the movie.

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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This is my 2nd fave book of all time after GWTW. I haven‘t read it with my eyeballs in almost 10 years so a reread was long overdue. I got swept away in the story again. 450 pages felt like 200. The movie is awesome and I‘ve seen it so many times, but the book is so much better! I‘d highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys historical fiction. I cannot say enough good things about it. 5⭐️


TorieStorieS This was my in-person book club‘s very first read back in January of 2010! It was great! Led to fun discussion and it was easy to serve food that went along with it, too! 4y
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS that‘s awesome! I always wished they would make a cookbook full of Minny‘s recipes. 🤗 4y
TorieStorieS Oh same!! ☺️ 4y
Tamra It really is absorbing! 4y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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4/5 - such a great book and honestly, I teared up at the last few pages. I can‘t wait to watch the move adaptation!

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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I couldn't stop laughing with this book. I think I serious hurt my ribs actually. But it was so funny in between all the seriousness. I loved the characters and the writing style was very pleasant. It's very admirable to make such a heavy subject a bit lighter, without diminishing the hardships. Very well done.

Artwork by: https://www.deviantart.com/klarem

EdnaC I enjoyed this book a lot. Years ago I saw the movie and it was good. Then I decided to read the book and I was amazed by just how good it was. 4y
Xubst @EdnaC Yes, I love the movie as well, one of the best book-to-film adaptations there is in my opinion. 😊 4y
EdnaC @Xubst I agree. It was really well done. 4y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Nevermind that when I first heard of this book, I cleaned houses for a living at the time it came out and one of my clients thought I'd love this book since I do what I do. Smh lol. I still ended up going out and buying it and, I couldn't put it down. I read it in 3 days. I would've had it read in only one day of I hadn't had a job, husband and kids. :))

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Woke up feeling blah so laundry and reading day for me! Hope I can finish this one up and start A Man Called Ove!

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Book is so much more in depth than movie

#helpful #thankfulthoughts

MilesnMelodies Loved the book, and the movie. 4y
Freespirit I still haven‘t read this! 4y
Eggs @Freespirit it‘s never too late 4y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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💐No I have not received any book through mail till now 🤦🏻‍♀️😞. Anyhow I am expecting a book in my native language (Kannada) which is suppose to be a signed copy from the author😀.

💐 Yes. Tagged book as a gift from my husband. We have a festival in this weekend and there are many offers for online shopping. So planning to buy some e-books as well 😅

Thanks for the tag @Eggs and prompt @TheSpineView

The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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Met my boyfriend's dad for the first time on Saturday and his stepmom gave me a bunch of books

Crazeedi That's terrific📚 4y
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The Help | Kathryn Stockett
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A coworker just sent this because...yes. 💩 🥧

Eggs 😂😂 “the terrible-awful” 4y
Cinfhen Fabulous 🙌🏻💕 (edited) 4y
Deblovestoread Perfection! 4y
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