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Story of My Life
Story of My Life | Helen Keller
The Story of My Life, first published in 1903, is Helen Keller's autobiography detailing her early life, especially her experiences with Anne Sullivan. Portions of it were adapted by William Gibson for a 1957 Playhouse 90 production, a 1959 Broadway play, a 1962 Hollywood feature film, and the Indian film "Black," which was directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The book is dedicated to inventor Alexander Graham Bell. The dedication reads, "To ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL Who has taught the deaf to speak and enabled the listening ear to hear speech from the Atlantic to the Rockies, I dedicate this Story of My Life."
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Bklover Wow! 3y
BethM Lots of examples in romance- I‘m surprised some of those weren‘t on there. 3y
BethM Just read the Moyes article 🤔 3y
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love it ❤️ 3y
EadieB You're welcome! Thanks for participating! 3y
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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1. Tagged
2. Agatha Christie ☠️
3. Erich Fromm, Oliver Sacks, Alan Watts
Thanks for the tag @Mitch
Wanna play @CoffeeNBooks or @Mynameisacolour ?

Blueberry I see you are reading Arsenic and Adobo. How is it? 3y
catiewithac @Blueberry Too early to tell! 3y
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
1 as a child I read every biography the library had. This was one that always stayed with me. There have been so many good ones
2 Historical fiction- James Michener, Ken Follett, Sharon Kay Penman
3 Erick Larson
Want to play @AmyK1 @Mitch @EadieB @Arvena @LoydaElionora @Texreader @Megabooks @squirrelbrain @JaneyWaneyB

EadieB Thanks for the tag! I like your answers! 3y
Crazeedi @EadieB 🥰🥰🥰 3y
Arvena Thank you for the tag! 3y
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Deblovestoread 2 and 3 are some of my favorites, too! 3y
Eggs Thanks for playing my friend ❤️❤️ @Crazeedi 3y
squirrelbrain Thanks for the tag! 3y
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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I agree with Helen. For me the most beautiful in the world are my family. I feel this in my heart and I love them.👨‍👩‍👧🥰

Thank you for the tag @Butterfinger

I tag @Birdsong28 @UwannaPublishme @starlight97

#quoteoftheday #litsyquote #positivemind #happymind

Crazeedi One of my favorite quotes 💗 4y
maich @Crazeedi It is really beautiful❤ 4y
starlight97 thank you for the tag and the positive thoughts 💚 4y
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Cupcake12 ❤️💕 4y
maich @starlight97 ❤❤💕 4y
maich @Cupcake12 💕❤🥰 4y
Cupcake12 Such true words xx thank you for the tag x 4y
maich @Cupcake12 ❤🥰💕 4y
UwannaPublishme Thank you for the tag, my friend. 🤗❤️ This is one of my favorite quotes. 4y
maich @UwannaPublishme It is beautiful quote❤💕 4y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Now I want to go sledding! #christmasquotes #sledding #helenkeller

EadieB Nice quote! Sledding is fun! 4y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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I couldn‘t think of any fictional characters off the top of my head. What came to mind was what learning to read/communicate meant for Helen Keller. A whole world opened up for her that was always there but until then inaccessible.


Want to give it a go @Chrissyreadit and tag a book that fits the theme of the fortune cookie?

KVanRead What a wonderful choice! Thanks for playing 😊 4y
Crazeedi I read this in my youth if you want a good book! 4y
Ruthiella @Crazeedi Thanks! I read it as a kid. I also saw the play and much later on TV the movie with Patty Duke. Such an inspiring, true story. 😀 4y
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Chrissyreadit Wow! Sure- I haven‘t played but that fortune speaks to me. 4y
Ruthiella @Chrissyreadit Yup! I was thinking this might appeal to you especially given your more recent posts! 😀 4y
Crazeedi @Ruthiella saw the movie too!! 4y
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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This book is an amazing glimpse into the life of an ordinarily extraordinary lady. From her infantile ages until she passed college, Helen shares her sweet and unique experiences with us through a very simple and sometimes humorous language. Her struggles are different than the most of us, but it still feels like we have been a part of a similar hardship and go through her experiences like our own. It is brilliantly written. Give it a try.

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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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" One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." - Dictates my current condition flawlessly.

"One painful duty fulfilled makes the next plainer and easier."

This book radiates perseverance, love, light and wisdom wrapped up in enchanting words. ??

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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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I recommend this book to all teachers. The acquisition of language is the same for all children - through play and exploration. I admire the perseverance of both Miss Keller and her beloved teacher, Anne Sullivan. 1/4 of the book is Helen's autobiography, 1/4 is her correspondence to show her evolvement of language, and 1/2 is the analysis of Sullivan's case study.
#JoysofJune 2/8 books @Andrew65
#ReadWithMrBook disability @MrBook

Andrew65 Sounds great. Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

But all was not lost! After all, sight and hearing are but two of the beautiful blessings which God had given me. The most precious, the most wonderful of His gifts was still mine. My mind remained clear and active, "though fled fore'er the light."

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

Helen has had the best and purest models in language constantly presented to her, and her conversation and her writing are unconscious reproductions of what she has read. Reading, I think, should be kept independent of the regular school exercises. Children should be encouraged to read for the pure delight of it. 👏👏👏

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

Language should not be associated in his mind with endless hours in school, with puzzling questions in grammar, or with anything that is an enemy to joy.

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

I stood in the middle of the church, where the vibrations from the great organ were strongest, and I felt the mighty waves of sound beat against me, as the great billows beat against a little ship at sea. 🎶🎶

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

Some one is ever ready to scatter little acts of kindness along our pathway, making it smooth and pleasant.

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

He loves to climb much better than to spell, but that is because he does not know yet what a wonderful thing language is. He cannot imagine how very, very happy he will be when he can tell us his thoughts, and we can tell him how we have loved him so long. ❤️❤️❤️

Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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*•.¸♡ Happy Saturday ♡¸.•*⁣

I don't think I'll be reading much this weekend. I'm falling behind on my reviews, so I better get some done this weekend! ⁣

Any plans today? Have a wonderful weekend my book friends!

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

Any teacher can take a child to the classroom, but not every teacher can make him learn. #TeachersofLitsy

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

But I did not dream that that interview would be the door through which I should pass from darkness into light, from isolation to friendship, companionship, knowledge, love.

On meeting Dr. Alexander Graham Bell

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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What a fascinating read. I started this because there was a lot I didn‘t know about her and wanted to educate myself. I am glad I did!

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Hit hour 3 flipping between these two very different books. Might be wrapping up my reading for day 1. Hopefully can put in some serious reading time tomorrow when I don‘t have to spend half the day with my eyes dilated from the eye doctor.

21 points for 2 more readathon hours!

#WinterGames #MerryReaders #24B4Monday #24B42020

Andrew65 A good start. 😊 5y
Clwojick woohoo! 21 pt. 5y
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Story of My Life | Hellen Keller
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My God, Hellen Keller‘s autobiography is amazing. Listened to it in the car with wife and son. Just amazing. (Trivia: My French grandmother met her socially in Cambridge—she was 20 years her senior. I wish I had more details.)

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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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This classic memoir continues to move me every time I read it. I especially enjoyed the chapters Helen wrote about all the books she adored reading. It still amazes me how her beloved teacher Anne Sullivan attended college classes with Helen since many textbooks at the time weren‘t available in Braille. Oh, the tenacity of these empowering women! 💕 This video says it all: https://youtu.be/GzlriQv16gg

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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Story of My Life | Hellen Keller
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#friend #Quotsy #QuotsyFeb19 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

Note: This quote may not be from the tagged book.

Story of My Life | Hellen Keller
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

The BEST And Most BEAUTIFUL Things In The WORLD Cannot Be SEEN Or Even TOUCHED. They Must Be FELT With The HEART.

#My first book

DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! And check out @LitsyWelcomeWagon --there are links on the profile for tips on navigating Litsy. 6y
anna_20 @DebinHawaii Thank you so much. I've began my reading adventure and I hope you all will be great friends and motivators who'll accompany me in my journey. Looking forward to great reads.😃😃 6y
Lel2403 Welcome to Litsy 📖 6y
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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This short book is a glowing testament to the will and determination of human spirit, and to the enjoyment of life even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Helen Keller, blind and deaf, learns to read, write, speak, enrolls in college, enjoys swimming, bicycling and theater. Her language is rich and eloquent, she describes her sensations vividly, and her joy of life leaps off the pages - an inspiration to all of us.

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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller

Beautiful, inspirational and a literary delight to the senses! I just can‘t get over the fact of how much she accomplished given deafness and blindness. She lived stubbornly to pave her own path to joy. A lesson in gratitude and vulnerability and bravery to anyone who‘s game to listen. I wish she wrote more...do you know she loved to crochet and knit, too?!?

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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“Literature is my utopia.”

Just finished an audiobook of Helen Keller‘s autobiography with my kids and Helen Keller and I totally would have been friends. She speaks of book friends, tree friends, and overcoming adversity. She was a reader before she was even able to talk or write and loved the friendship of books...they never looked down at her or discriminated against her. How many lives we can live through literature!

noush I just was about to read this book! Wow! What a beautiful description. I would have been friends with Helen Keller too! :) 6y
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Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Story of My Life | Hellen Keller
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It has been ONE OF THOSE WEEKS. I know people cleverly call sassy three year olds “threenagers” ...but is there a word for hysterical 4 year olds‽‽ ?

CarolynM Hang in there😬 7y
MarriedtoMrT Ugh! My four year old is being SUPER four this week, too. I‘ve seen fournager bandied about. Still, it would be nice for the four struggle to have it‘s own name! 7y
vkois88 Functionally challenged fours?? 😂 7y
Jules7 Lol....try teaching fourteen 2.5-4 year olds, all with special needs. You wanna hear meltdowns?? My life 😂😂 7y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Really interesting until the tedious part about the books she read in college. I also wish this book covered her activist career.

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Story of My Life | Hellen Keller
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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#NoteworthyNovember DAY 4 : BOOKMARKS
I have a ton lot of bookmarks to show in a single picture and which bookworm doesn't?
Tag : @Jess7
Also this was yesterday's prompt. Forgot to post this yesterday. 🐙
P.S. I made this bookmark, yes.
#LitsyNovemberChallenge #challenge #LitsyPhotoChallenge

Jess7 Pretty!! 7y
VrushaliPathak @Jess7 Thank you!🌷 7y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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The quote that popped up as I loaded up Goodreads this morning..... it fit so nicely with something I read in my book last night (which I'll post next), I just had to share both. 😊

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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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I have read a few books about Helen Keller, I still have to read this.


Cinfhen I read this one...it's a little dry but Helen Keller is remarkable 7y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." - Helen Keller #MayBookFlowers #Sunshine (Images courtesy of Google)

Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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It me.

The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Read this with my daughter for school this week. Wow! I had no idea how many marvelous achievements this woman made. Deaf & blind from the age of 19 months old, yet later in life learned not only how to speak & read but to do so in 4+ languages! 😲I have no impairments & can barely manage picking up bits & pieces of a second language. LoL Highly recommend this inspirational & fast paced book. Keller's story is one worth reading for sure. 👍

britt_brooke This book blew me away. 7y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Story of my life!! I had to buy more storage totes from Costco to contain all my crafts!! #oops #myhusbandhatesme #loveyou #crafter #craftsarelife #crafts #crafty

Suzze My craft room is overflowing! I need to pull most of it out, resort and put it back. 7y
Laura317 My daughter and her slime. This is why there's an Elmer Glue shortage. 😂 7y
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The Story of My Life | Helen Keller
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Day 117: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." #shoes by #jcrew