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Magic for Beginners
Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
Link's engaging and funny second collection -- call it kitchen-sink magical realism -- riffs on haunted convenience stores, husbands and wives, rabbits, zombies, weekly apocalyptic poker parties, witches, superheroes, marriage, and cannons -- and includes several new stories.
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link

Many of the stories didn‘t make much sense, and I had a tough time concentrating

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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I‘m generally a fan of Link‘s work & really liked Pretty Monsters, another short story collection, so I had high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, it proved to be more of a miss than a hit for me. I loved the first story, The Faery Handbag, & liked a couple others but there were several others I found myself skimming. Even though I didn‘t love this one, I‘ll read more by Link. She‘s an excellent writer & I‘ve loved much of her other work.

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Back to short stories while I‘m out and about…

#OutAndAbout #ReadingOnTheTrain #ShortStories

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Short story collection tonight!

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Somehow I got it in my head that I really wanted to read Melville‘s Bartleby so off to the bookstore I went…and while there I found Kelly Link on sale…and how could I resist? Obviously, I couldn‘t! 😬


Billypar I prefer not to... miss out on mind-expanding contemporary fantasy stories for cheap! 13mo
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Day 148.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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It's not just the stuff in Kelly Link's stories -- the mysterious pajamas, the cat skin suits, the storytelling phone sex line, or the characters named Soap, Gordon Strangle Mars, and 'The Witch's Revenge'. Any story can have zombies, ghosts, or "an enchanted ___" but Link has a genius for nesting stories within stories, without losing the forward motion of the main narrative. She does all this playfully, without any boring parts sneaking in ?

Billypar ...but not too playfully either. Most of these stories are very funny but there are aways darker undercurrents (one story in particular has an unusually dark but memorable ending). The best way I can describe them is like fairy tales set in modern times with someone like Kafka or Borges calling the shots. This was the second collection of hers I've tried and I'm already pretty comfortable calling her my favorite short story author. 4y
vivastory Fantastic review!! I've read Link's stories in anthologies but never a collection. Will definitely be remedying this. Favorite short story author is high praise from someone who also loves Oyeyemi 4y
Billypar @vivastory Thanks! 'Get in Trouble' was the other one I read - I liked both about equally. I actually thought of Oyeyemi reading Link in terms of how innovative both authors' work is. 4y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Kelly Link succinctly and poetically summarizing my anxieties about someday becoming a parent.

KVanRead All that being said, they‘ve got nothing on teenagers 🤣 4y
Reggie @KVanRead Jeanine Garafalo has this stand up special and she jokes about not wanting kids. How she loves babies, how a cute fat baby‘s foot will go in her mouth but she can‘t have kids because those babies will grow up become teenagers become addicted to meth, and you find yourself coming home to have Mariska Hargitay in your living room telling you they killed someone. It‘s hilarious the way she tells it. Nice quote, Vinny. (edited) 4y
KVanRead @reggie I kind of wish I had seen that 19 years ago! 😂🤣😭 I often tell people oh sure, have kids, just don‘t have teenagers 😬 4y
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Chrissyreadit @KVanRead yup teens are not for the weak of heart- I think the most time and effort from a parent are teen years. @Reggie that‘s funny! I would not trade my teens though ❤️ 4y
CarolynM As if babies weren't bad enough, then they turn into toddlers😖😂 I'm convinced the reason they're so unbelievably cute 80% of the time is so you don't murder them the other 20%😂 Teenagers, on the other hand, are mostly delightful. 4y
Suet624 Well yes, the quote is completely accurate but of course there's always another side to it all. :) I just happen to love babies. I love the way they smell and the way they develop. I hated one child's teenage years but had a blast when the other three kids were teens. And now I'm so darn fortunate to have four adult children, two of whom share their kids with me. It's all a grand adventure. 4y
Billypar @KVanRead @Reggie @Chrissyreadit @CarolynM @Suet624 Very good points: there do seem to be different kinds of pleasures and anxieties to raising babies/toddlers vs teens. For the time being I'm enjoying being an uncle to a 1 and 3-year old: I just get all the easy/cute interactions 🙂 4y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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These are from two book orders I made during the covid crisis. One was delayed and took two months to arrive after I placed the order, which was frustrating, until I realized that these books will likely sit on my TBR shelf at least three times as long 😅
It's my first time reading Schweblin - looking forward to it based on the reactions. I love the other three authors, so my expectations are pretty high for all of these.

callielafleur Kelly Link is wonderful 4y
Billypar @Megabooks I never heard of that one- good to know. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy her work based on the descriptions. 4y
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Billypar @callielafleur I've only read Get in Trouble so far, but it is one of my favorite story collections, so I intend to read all of hers. 4y
BarbaraBB Great haul!! 4y
Liz_M Nice! 4y
Tamra Inland is terrific! 4y
batsy Nice haul! I loved Fever Dream; hope you enjoy! 4y
batsy (Though maybe enjoy isn't the best word 😬) 4y
Billypar @Tamra Glad to hear! The Tiger's Wife is a tough act to follow, but Inland seems to have gotten a positive response for the most part. 4y
Billypar @batsy Ha- yeah, I'm guessing it's not going to be a great beach read 😅 4y
Beachesnbooks LOVED magic for beginners & fever dream!! 4y
Billypar @Beachesnbooks I'm really excited for both! 4y
readordierachel Ooh, this is a good haul! 4y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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First episode of Magic for Humans season 2 is a Christmas episode. Win!

#HolidayEpisode #TeamNutcracker #WinterGames
@Clwojick @StayCurious

6 points

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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This was a re-read for book club and it hasn‘t lost any of its magic. Kelly Link somehow manages to create vivid, unexpected worlds yet still leave much to the reader‘s own imagination. I love her so much.

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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#7days7covers Day 4

Posting covers I love for 7 days with no explanation. @danimgill if you haven‘t been tagged already do you want to join in?

danimgill Ooh I have not been tagged, how fun! I‘ll have to think of some good covers 😊 5y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Kelly Link is not only a gifted short story writer, she is great at putting together collections. There was only one story I didn't really enjoy, and that's probably because it was the closest to fairy tales (not my favorite genre). The rest of the stories were fab, with relatable characters who experienced crazy things (zombies and aliens and all sorts of other sci-fi craziness abounds, but in a very easy-to-swallow way).

#24in48 #MountTBR2019

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link

Jeremy prays to all the dark gods that he never receives the gift of knowing what people are thinking. Its a dark road and it ends up with you trapped on late night television in front of an invisible audience of depressed insomniacs wearing hats made out tinfoil and they all want to pay you nine-ninety-nine per minute to hear you describe in minute, terrible detail what their deceased cat is thinking about, right now. What kind of future is that?

callielafleur I know I missed the apostrophe in it's, but I was one character short of being able to include the ending question mark, which I thought was more important to include. Oh, the sacrifices we make. 5y
CareBear 🤣🤣🤣 5y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link

Jeremy's mother is an orphan. Jeremy's father claims that she was raised by feral silent-film stars, and it's true, she looks like a heroine out of a Harold Lloyd movie. She has an appealingly disheveled look to her, as if someone has either just tied or untied her from a set of train tracks.

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Took my book for a walk around the garden. I needed the outside time, but it is Too Hot and Too Humid to be out there for very long. My favorite thing is reading outside.

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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My next read for #24in48 and some 24in48 swag. It's going to hit almost 100 today, and I'm super glad this Airbnb has air conditioning! How is everyone else doing so far?

Macker11 Love this shirt ! 5y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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So excited to visit this bookstore on a recent stop in Brooklyn! I had the very special chance to hear this author speak and knew I had to track down one of her books. She was so funny and engaging in person!

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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#Easy #MayMovieMagic
'Get in Trouble' was my favorite story collection that I read last year. I felt like Link's approach was fresh and imaginative: she could create whole worlds in just a few pages without sacrificing characters or story. I've heard a lot of good things about this collection, and I love the title 🎩🐇
@rohit-sawant @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I tried reading a different book by Kelly Link.... and I just couldn‘t get through it 5y
Billypar @Cinfhen I suspect she's another love or hate author, given that how unique her style is. 5y
Cinfhen Yup!! I appreciate when authors have a unique or identifiable “voice” 5y
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RohitSawant Yes! 🙌🏼 Love Kelly Link. Get in Trouble was terrific. I've yet to post a review 🙈 5y
Billypar @rohit-sawant Yeah, I was pretty impressed. I can't wait to try her other collections. 5y
readordierachel I love Kelly Link so much. Her brain is amazing. 5y
Billypar @readordierachel Agreed- her brain is on full display in her stories, in all its creative glory. 5y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Not bad, per se... but it was the single weirdest book I‘ve ever read, and I‘m counting William Burroughs‘ Naked Lunch in that. To me it felt like the stories were slices of longer tales, like you were only reading the middle. How to make sense of a story when you missed the beginning and the end?

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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@Christine You may know that Pittsburgh is having a rough time right now. I cannot tell you how blown away and moved I am by your thoughtfulness & generosity just when I need it most. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything. And I now own the best pen ever made!! @monalyisha #WitchPleaseSwap is better than XMAS. Thank you!

Christine Awwww! ❤️ I have been thinking of you all week and feeling so much sadness for Pittsburgh - can‘t imagine what it must be like for all of you who live there. So I‘m even more thrilled to know that this brought some joy to you today! Continuing to send much love and light your way. ❤️ 6y
Christine And OMG, I‘m glad you like the pen!! I was thinking “I hope she doesn‘t think I‘m crazy sending her a punching witch pen...” but I loved it so much and am glad you also appreciate its brilliance!! 😂 6y
monalyisha @Christine & @pgh.femme I sent that pen in my package, too! I had a hard time giving it up but there was only one left at the shop. 😅 It‘s so great! I hope you both had a happy #WitchPleaseSwap! 🖤🔮 I‘m glad it could shed some light & warmth for you. 6y
Christine @monalyisha Haha - great witch minds think alike! 🧙‍♀️👊 6y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Woo! Congrats to Kelly Link on a well deserved MacArthur Fellowship!

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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#IPutaSpellonYou #OctoberXFiles
Kelly Link put a spell on me, and now this is high on my list of story collections to read.
Oh, and I put a spell on Screamin Jay Hawkins as you can see here.
@Robothugs @Cinfhen

Robothugs 🤣🤣 6y
Leftcoastzen Nice!😂 6y
Cinfhen Well done 👍🏻 6y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Some water park reading! I‘m enjoying it quite a bit so far. The first story reminded me a lot of Clive Barker‘s Weaveworld where an entire world is contained in an ordinary object.

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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@Craftylikefox you nailed this #makerswap!!! #hufflepuff themed cowl and mug warmer which will be perfect for cold weather and coffee! 💛🖤 A marauder‘s map book sleeve (which my son is already trying to steal), chocolate, a book I‘ve been wanting since I saw another litten post about it, and yarn with knitting instructions. I tried knitting a few years back and made myself a cowl, but haven‘t gotten back to it since so this is perfect! ⬇️

MeganAnn @Craftylikefox I can‘t wait to try the head wrap which will also be great for winters here! Thank you so so so very much!! Also, fellow #HufflepuffPride and I agree, crafting is definitely its own kind of magic 😉✨💖 6y
Craftylikefox Yay!!! I am so glad you like everything! #hufflepuffpride ☺️ 6y
MeganAnn @Craftylikefox you are awesome!! @LibrarianRyan thanks so much for organizing! I‘d love to do it again sometime when things calm down a bit! 6y
LibrarianRyan Yeahhh. That is awesome. I'm going to do another maker swap in the fall but have have something else planned for mid-late summer. I promise. Great box @Craftylikefox 6y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Broke my rule & signed up for another swap. I blame you guys. You were supposed to be watching me! 👀😅

I couldn‘t resist a #shortstoryswap. See @CSeydel ‘s post or visit the following link for more information:


Registration open through June 7th.

Great idea, @CSeydel 🙌🏻!

CSeydel Yay! Thanks for signing up and for sharing. I‘m truly pleased to see all the love for short stories out there! 6y
kaysworld1 Just signed up I'm so excited 6y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Went to a branch library that I rarely visit to borrow a *very important* and specific Pirates of the Caribbean book for my son‘s obsession of the moment; left with that plus a bonus stack of treasures from the $1 shelf. 😁

readordierachel Wow, great finds! Kelly Link is amazing. 7y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Kelly Link is surprisingly creative. Short stories are fun because you do not have to read them in order and you can come back to the book when it suits you. I recommend "The Faery Handbag" and "The Great Divorce". #Itsmagic #it‘smagic
#NewYearReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @bookloo

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Waiting on my Wing Stop order to be ready... #alwayshaveabookhandy

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Books on Tap Bookclub tonight! 📖🍺#didntfinishthebook

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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I have bookclub on Wednesday and I'm only 1.5 stories into this book. Oops! ☕️📖🤷🏻‍♀️

Eyelit I've been there! Good luck 😃 7y
argeorge 😂😂😂 7y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Just looking back over one of my favorite short stories.

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Heading home, enjoying one of my new purchases 📚😊

Beachesnbooks Loooove this book! 7y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Pleased to discover that most of my owned short story collections are by women! I've read stories in each of these but haven't read any cover to cover yet. My favorite so far is Magic for Beginners. I love everything I've read by Kelly Link. #readingwomenmonth #shortstorycollections


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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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I read Magic for Beginners in a magical realism class in college (one of the best classes ever obviously!) & through the same class was able to meet Kelly Link, who was funny & witty in a quiet sort of way, the kind of person you could watch a Buffy marathon with & have an interesting discussion about "strong women", fandom, & representations of magic mirroring real life dilemmas. #readathonstories @Liberty

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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The fucking queen, as usual. Stories so packed with weirdness and wisdom and unease that they make me dance a little.

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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So I have learned that Kelly Link is emphatically not for me. This book is a collection of short stories. The first story - The Faery Handbag - was the strongest, but it ended on an unsatisfactory note. The following stories were just torture for me to get through. They felt absurd, lacking in discernible meaning, and often cruel and disturbing. That combination was too much for me and I gave up at about 53%, right after Catskin.

margaux.andrea That's too bad. The stories in this collection were a hit/miss for me but I absolutely loved "Stone Animals", the title story, and "Lull". I still often think about this book and I read it in July last year. (edited) 8y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Love them!!! @mklong you did such a great job!! I've been wanting WSABF for so long and Kelly Link is new to me and sounds right up my alley! The Terror Squad completely agree. The grumpy one even came out from one of his caves to join in all the excitement! Thank you so much for thinking of me, and thank you @BookishMarginalia so much for organizing this!

mklong So glad you like them!! 8y
Varshitha Aww such cuties😍🐶 8y
Litlady Great bookish gifts and sweet fur babies, too! 🎅🏻🐶🎅🏻📚🐾 8y
LeahBergen 💗💗💗 8y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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I'm reading this slowly and really enjoying it. My favorite so far is "The Faery Handbag."

Divsy Mine too! I love Kelly Link and that story is the most magic of all... 8y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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My holiday to-read pile. We'll if I can escape the relatives long enough...

WordWaller What a great stack! And 😂😂😂 I feel the same way 8y
LeahBergen 👍🏼👍🏼 8y
Christine Wishing you ample escape time! 😂 8y
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kdwinchester I'm reading HILLBILLY ELEGY right now! It's great! I am having the worst time planning my Thanksgiving TBR. I want to add ALL the books. 😹 8y
Megabooks I'd really like to read Magic for Beginners. This one is fantastic and a quick read! 8y
LyndseyReads @kdwinchester Glad to hear it! Yes, traveling has made me actually narrow my choices. 😜 8y
LyndseyReads @ebooksandcooks ooh! Glad to hear good things on the Solnit. I'll report back on the Kelly Link. :) 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage So many great options there - enjoy! 8y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link

"She looked like someone had just set her favorite city on fire."

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link

"Kissing Jake is like kissing Natalie or Natasha, except that it isn't just for fun. It feels like something there isn't a word for in Scrabble."

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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I bought this after being underwhelmed by her latest collection, Get in Trouble. I wanted to give her a second chance. I think this was stronger but not by much. Maybe I've just read too much Neil Gaiman, but these stories are way derivative and kinda dull. Shame.

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link

I checked Kelly Link out of the library after a #shortstories challenge hosted by Books on the Nightstand. I loved this book & have been reading short stories ever since. A whopping 3 years. #somethingforsept @RealLifeReading

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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Stepped off the T today at my stop and was handed this 💎. One of my favorite stories about my favorite city. #boston #bostonbookfestival #thefaeryhandbag #onecityonestory

Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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In pursuit of the perfect #bookrainbow - I think my paperbacks got me the right range of colors finally

#somethingforsept #septemberphotochallenge #shelvingbycolorisfun

BookFreakOut You nailed it! 👍 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Ooh this is lovely!🌈 8y
Divsy Beautiful! I love it! 8y
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Magic for Beginners | Kelly Link
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Kelly Link blows my mind in the best possible ways...